Chapter 10

Everyone had been at Hogwarts for about two weeks now, and Harry had been getting increasingly frustrated. He spent a lot of his time escorting the younger Slytherins places because they would get jinxes and hexes thrown at them just because of the colors of their robes. The students didn't want to give up who had been attacking them, so they stayed quiet.

It was a few days after Draco had been attacked, when Harry decided enough was enough. After telling Draco to head to breakfast without him because he wanted to take a long shower, Harry set his plan into motion. The eighth years had taken to being the first ones at breakfast, just for some peace and quiet. This gave Harry time to act.

The first thing Harry did was put on his contacts. Then, he raided his boyfriend's closet. He finally used the Sleekeazy's hair potion that Hermione had given him as a gift. Harry looked like a different person, and really, that was the goal. Under the stealth of his cloak, he made his exit from the eighth year tower. He walked to the dungeons, waiting for a group of Slytherins to emerge.

He waited for about five minutes, and then tagged along behind a group of four Slytherins, cloak neatly tucked into his borrowed robe. It didn't take long until the group was ambushed in a dark corridor.

Harry's blood boiled at all of the vile things that were being spat at the Slytherins. This group of Slytherins had clearly experienced this before. They stood there, defiantly, but quietly. As soon as the first wand was drawn, Harry cast Petrificus Totalus. No more Slytherins would get hurt on his watch.

With a gasp, the younger years looked at him in shock. No other Slytherins had dared to fight back against their attackers, fearing the worst.

"Go to breakfast", he instructed.

They ran off, and Harry sent a patronus to McGonagall, away from the group of students on the floor so they wouldn't see him. She arrived almost instantly.

"Mr. P-"

"Shh. Do you have the vial?", he asked.

"I do."

Harry removed his memory and put it into the vial for her to view.

"Ganged up on a group of third years Headmistress. All they did was try to go to breakfast."

"No one has reported anything to me-"

"Because they're scared. I walk with them as much as I can. It's not enough."

"Very well. Thank you, I will deal with them appropriately."

With that, McGonagall went to deal with the students, and Harry went back to the tower to change into his appropriate robes, and attend breakfast.

This had become the norm for Harry. He would choose one meal time a day to disguise himself as a Slytherin to report the students to McGonagall so they could be dealt with appropriately. Slowly, things were improving. No one could retaliate on any of the Slytherins, especially when Harry didn't even belong to the house officially.

It was a Friday morning when things had really gotten out of hand. The night before at dinner, some death eaters who had not been captured had attacked a muggle town. Aurors were on the scene before anyone could be harmed, but it was enough to scare the other three houses once more.

When Harry had arrived at the Slytherin dungeons dressed in Draco's uniform, things were already starting to get out of hand. There was a lot of yelling and the air felt electric. He sent a patronus to McGonagall before doing anything.

No sooner had he emerged from hiding that someone attempted to hit him with a stinging hex. Harry Potter was no fool. He had cast a charm that would reverse the spell onto its caster. It took too long for those attacking the Slytherins to realize that though.

As McGonagall came running down the corridor, accompanied by Madame Pomfrey and the other heads of houses, the Slytherins stared at Harry in awe. They didn't know who he was, not for sure. All they knew was that he had been the one to save them.

"It's him Headmistress! He's the boy who's been protecting us!"

Harry smiled at the poor first year. They shouldn't have needed saving.

"That will be all for now", she told Harry sternly.

With a nod, he rushed back off to Gryffindor tower to get changed, and entered the Great Hall breathless.

"You okay Harry?", Draco asked.

"Fell back asleep."

"Of course you did", Draco replied with a snort, nudging Harry good naturedly.

"Don't touch him Malfoy!", a younger Gryffindor sneered.

"Sod off, we're friends!", Harry shot back.

"You're friends with a-"

"I dare you to finish that statement", Harry challenged, hatred flashing in his eyes.

The hall was silent as Headmistress McGonagall stood up.

"That is enough! I am extremely close to dissolving the house systems entirely and just having you dorm by year! It has worked well for the eighth years, and I'm sure it will work well for all of you. We will be having an assembly right before lunch. You will only be attending your first class of the day."

The volume in the Great Hall stayed low after that announcement.

"Eighth years, as you have your weekly meeting with me this morning, we will be staying here."

McGonagall had set up these meetings to keep tabs on all of the other houses and see how their behavior was. She didn't need to ask today.

"I don't know how to get through to them. I'm open to any and all ideas. I'm going to have to start hosting detention here at this rate, or actually start expelling students."

"Headmistress, how have you been assigning detentions if you don't mind my asking?", spoke Pansy.

"We have a Slytherin vigilante if you will. Someone who filled up all of the beds in the hospital wing by casting a very powerful spell reversal charm."

"With all due respect Headmistress, I don't think that was a Slytherin. We keep our heads down and out of other people's business, even if they do not extend the same courtesy back", chimed in Blaise.

"That is for me and said person to discuss at a later point in time. Now, any ideas?"

Slowly, Harry raised his hand.

"Mr. Potter?"

Harry handed his parchment to Draco to read. He was not in the mood this morning.

"The Yule Ball", Draco mused out loud. "Harry said that the last time he can remember everyone getting along alright was the Yule Ball. He thinks we should host another one."

"Would you care to elaborate Mr. Potter? I think that could work."

Using the spell Draco had taught him, he amplified his thoughts for everyone to hear.

"The day of, I think we ditch the uniforms. No one is allowed to wear house colors that day, or wear them to the ball. It doesn't have to be a formal ball per say, maybe just a normal dance? The students will have to start seeing each other as people, not colors. I'm getting sick and tired of how poorly the other houses are treating all of the Slytherins. They are not their parents, and they are not the evil house."

"Headmistress, I would like to help", Lavender volunteered. "I think that could be a lot of fun."

"Let's take a vote then. All in favor of throwing a party?"

It was a unanimous decision.

"Headmistress, what if we stopped wearing our uniforms at meals?", Draco ventured. "We could also get rid of the house tables. This way no one house can be singled out."

"We can definitely rearrange the tables. You'll keep yours of course. As for the uniforms, that sounds good in theory, but I'm worried a younger student may need help from someone in their house, and will be unable to recognize them."

"What if prefects still wore their uniforms? Or the younger students could approach us for help?", Hermione suggested.

"I will hold a meeting for the prefects later. I'd prefer for now that you didn't all get involved if you don't have to be. We'll move the tables for now, then I want to discuss your living arrangements as it has been two weeks."

The task was accomplished quickly, and everyone took a seat around one of the new round tables. Draco made sure he was next to Harry, who was not looking well. He pressed his hand against Harry's with the least amount of pressure possible.

"What's wrong my darling?"

"I'll tell you later, I promise sweetheart."

Squeezing Harry's hand for reassurance, Draco released it before focusing back on McGonagall.

"Now, room arrangements. I have only received two complaints. Weasley, Zabini. Are you two still not getting along?"

"Not very well Headmistress", Blaise confirmed.

"That's the understatement of the century", Ron muttered.

Under normal circumstances, Blaise would probably be offended, but oh no. He was purposely doing everything he could to get on Weasley's nerves. He was happy that it was working according to plan.

"Boys, would any of you like to switch rooms?"

After a beat of silence, Neville spoke up.

"I'll switch rooms with Ron, I don't mind."

Blaise turned to Neville with a smile, barely concealing the grin threatening to break out.

"That's okay with me, Headmistress. Theo, would you be fine rooming with Weasley?"

"Is he a neat freak?", Theo asked.

"Only when Zabini touches my stuff."

"Fine by me then."

"It's settled then, I'll allow the swap. You four can go up now and move your things. The rest of us will continue making plans. Please come back when you're done."

"I hope you like plants Blaise, Longbottom has tons."

"I have a very sunny windowsill that is just begging to be covered, Theo", Blaise replied, grinning at Neville.

It didn't take Neville long to put two and two together.

"I can't believe you did that Blaise", he whispered, bumping the other man with his shoulder.

"Oh it was dual purpose darling. It got me the roommate of my dreams, and believe me you've been in a lot of them, as well as some revenge for our dear Harry."

All Neville could do was shake his head and hide the smile that threatened to take over his face. Blaise could tell Neville was holding back a smile, so he grabbed Neville's hand and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. The view of a blushing Neville is most certainly something Blaise would look forward to seeing every day.

Meanwhile, Pansy had convinced McGonagall to allow her to get Ginny out of class to help with the planning. She had taken her aside and told her of the get together they had all had to meet each other officially, leaving out the fact that Harry and Draco had already been friends.

McGonagall was pleasantly surprised, and could see no issue in allowing Pansy to get the other girl. Anything for inter house unity. Ginny Weasley absolutely was a force to be reckoned with, and that was something McGonagall loved about her. She could help enforce the zero tolerance policy.

Harry and Draco were in a corner, speaking quietly to each other, and the sight warmed her heart. It was just as it should have been in the first place. She watched Harry laugh, shake his head, and playfully hit Draco. This was why she had required them to be partners in all of their courses. The effects of those two getting along were already trickling down, and resulting in positive actions from other students.

She didn't want to interrupt whatever conversation they were having, but she knew Harry needed to be a part of her assembly. The only issue is that she didn't know if Draco was aware that Harry was borrowing his things.

"Mr. Potter, a word?"

Harry got up, and already knew where the conversation was going.

"I'm telling him when we get back to our room."

"I was hoping you would wear your Slytherin alter ego to the assembly?"

"Of course."

"Go now, speak with Mr. Malfoy. I'm sensing this will be a long conversation."

"You have no idea", Harry muttered.

Harry helped Draco off the floor and told him they would be going up to their room.

"Is this what's had you so quiet?"

"Yes. Stay close."

Pulling out his cloak, Harry wrapped it around the both of them. With a sigh, he grabbed Draco's hand in his, just relishing in the feeling of being able to hold him again as they walked.

"Do you think one day we can do this without the cloak?"

"I hope so, my Prince. I still think it's too soon though."

They were almost back to the dorms when Draco spoke up again.

"You know, it was really hot when you told that guy to sod off in my honor."

"If McGonagall wasn't in, I would've given him a new use for his broomstick."

"Is that something we can try?"

Harry couldn't help but let a quiet laugh escape.

"Merlin I love you, you're such a prat", he said quietly, as they walked into the common room.

Draco kissed him softly before they removed the cloak.

"As long as I'm your prat, I don't care."

"Forever", Harry agreed, placing his hand over the ring on his necklace that was tucked into his shirt.

The promise of forever made Draco feel safe in a way that only Harry could provide. Intertwining his fingers with Harry's, he led his boyfriend back into their room.

"How mad am I going to be at whatever you've done?", Draco asked, allowing Harry to pull him into a hug.

"I don't think too mad?"

"Well, that's comforting", Draco replied with a snort.

Pulling out of the embrace, Harry kissed Draco on the nose.

"I've been borrowing one of your uniforms."

"Why am I not surprised? I knew my robes were starting to smell like you, I thought I was going crazy."

"You're not mad at me?", Harry asked.

"The only thing I'm mad about is the fact that you didn't let me see how hot you looked in Slytherin robes. You didn't tell me because you didn't want me putting myself in danger. It's that savior complex of yours."

"Of course I didn't want to put you in danger. You're too important to me to risk you getting hurt. Back to the robes though, you get a special treat today, because I'll be wearing them to the assembly."

"Sexy Slytherin spouses."

"Indeed we are", Harry agreed.

"So you're our Slytherin vigilante then?"

"If that's what we're calling it then yes."

"I admit I had my suspicions. It was either that or you were cheating on me with the way you would show up to meals breathless every day. I'm confident enough in you and our relationship that I know you would never do something like that, and the thought honestly never crossed my mind."

"Good, because I would never cheat on you."

"Like I said, I trust you. Besides, you love my arse too much", Draco teased, swaying his hips as he walked to the closet.

"I also love everything attached to it."

"As much as I could listen to you compliment me all day, I want to hear all about how you've landed almost a quarter of the school in detention."

"Come cuddle with me and I'll tell you."

Who was Draco to deny his beloved boyfriend cuddles? Laying back in Harry's arms, he listened as Harry recounted his tales of protecting the younger Slytherins.

"Do you think you could teach me how to cast a patronus?"

"Of course I can, my Prince. I'll teach you first of course, then maybe I can teach some of the older Slytherins. Pansy and Blaise, even Nott and Greengrass I suppose, are welcome to join our lessons, but something is telling me you'd rather have some... private instruction."

"Just in case I need to make some new powerful memories, I think that would be best", Draco agreed, nuzzling his face into Harry's neck.

"These are my favorite moments of the day, you know. Just existing with you by my side is enough for me."

"Just think, in two weeks time we'll be back at our summer home, and we can do anything that we want, with no one around."

"Like eat lots of pizza?", Harry asked innocently, running his hand through Draco's hair.

"I was thinking more along the lines of a grape slushie actually."

"Oh Merlin, that poor child."

"It will also be our two month anniversary", Draco said lightly, leaning into Harry's hand.

"Two months with my beautiful boy."

"When do you think we should tell people?", Draco asked, after a moment of silence.

"I really don't know. I'm fine with how things are right now, but if you want to let our close friends know, we can talk about telling them."

"Is it bad that I like keeping us private? At least around here anyway. I just miss not being able to hold your hand whenever I want to, or randomly kissing you because you're so cute, or pulling you in for a hug because I feel like it."

"I like that this is something that only we share too. It's nice being open around Luna though. That makes things a lot easier. People know we're friends now too, so that's a start at least. We'll be able to be more touchy in public soon enough."

"Speaking of Harry, Mother invited us over for tea on Sunday before we head back here. Are we still meeting up with the Weasley's on Saturday for dinner?"

"I'll write Molly right now and confirm. Then I'll get into your robes and we can send off Scarhead Jr with the letter before the assembly."

"Oh trust me Harry, you don't have to try very hard at all to get into my robes."

With a laugh, Harry playfully swatted at Draco before moving to his desk to write a quick letter to Molly. He really did love his Draco.

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