Al and His Not-So-Fake Boyfriend

It's Wednesday morning, when he woke up. The sun was shining outside the apartment and Alfred didn't have classes until 3:30 that afternoon. Basically, it was a damn good time to have a nice walk down the nice neighborhood, and texting his not-so-nice-once-he-starts-talking-about-his-boyfriend-coz-his-friends-are-concerned-for-his-mental-status-just-because-they-don't-believe-him-but-generally-awesome-friends-anyway.

He rolled his eyes at all the ridiculous remarks because they ARE being ridiculous. Geez, and they actually almost succeeded in setting him up to a blind date (which was the 5th time this month. F***)

He made sure Ivan never heard about the almost blind date part because he doesn't even wanna know what the Russian would do if he knew. Alfred shivered at the thought.

According to Mattie, Ivan is fruking scary when he gets jealous. He'll rip you out to pieces with his magic metal pipe of pain if you ever even think of touching his sunflower which yeah sure coz on the early days of their relationship, Ivan won't even let the other nations near him. It was seriously hard for everyone that time, especially Alfred, because let's get real here. He's a very extroverted person whenever he gets out the house, he'll sometimes hug you whenever possible and always talks to people whether they like it or not (Course they like it coz everybody loves America HAHAHA!!!)

Alfred considered waking Ivan up and dragging him along but he just looked so peaceful like the big teddy bear he is with all the blancket pulled up just over his head. He didn't have the heart to disturb him coz the guy practically handled his paperworks so that Alfred can go to school wide awake.

Anyway, he promised to have lunch with the human gang so when his phone buzzed, he smiled and pulled it up to his ear.

"Yo dude, Alfred here."

"Alfred! Oh thank goodness, are you alright? I called you for the 3rd time and you haven't answered me. I thought you ran off to wherever your imaginary boyfriend is again." Jessica said with a not so hidden sarcasm while sounds of the others boomed on the background.

Alfred rolled his eyes, but his smile never left his face, "Hello Jess. I'm doing fine, thanks for asking. I just woke up a few minutes ago cuddling with my very much alive and not imaginary boyfriend."

"Riiigggghhhttt." Alfred can almost hear her eyes roll, "Anyway you're almost late so I suggest you start running and use those well trained muscles of yours."

Alfred laughed, "Yeah ok. Be right there in a minute."

"You better." She chuckled. James' shouts of 'SAY HI TO ALFRED FOR ME THANK YOU' came out before the familiar beeping rang against his ear.

Alfred took off running towards the planned place to eat. By the time he cluttered through the door, jangling the bell several more times than necessary, the foods were already laid out on top of the wide table.

"Sorry, dudes." He sheepishly scratched the back of his neck when all eyes landed on him, "I overslept."

"Sure took your time, Jones." Jack smirked playfully behind his cellphone, probably texting with his own girlfriend. Jessica took his phone and he yelped, pleading futilely for his phone back.

James' eyes lit up, "I overlept too so don't worry about it!"

Alfred's smile widened a ton as he enthusiastically sat beside Alexandra.

"Oh, Alfred! You have no idea what I saw this morning!" Alex squealed hard, Jessica winced and glared at her. Alex ignored her as she pulled out her phone and scrolled down, tapping something and showing a picture of a pretty handsome guy with black hair. "I remember him from my childhood days and boii did he grow up so good ahhhh. Oh well too bad I already have a boyfriend. I hope he'll get someone too." She fluttered her eyes at him as if expecting some kind of reaction from him. Alfred already knew what was coming and sighed exasperately.

Her eyes softened at that and pouted. "Oh come on, Alfred. You know we're only looking out for you. I won't let you waste your precious life staying single!"

"But I'm not." He crossed his arms.

"Uh yeah you are." Jack pointed out as he stabbed his fried chicken with a fork. "This 'perfect dude' you kept on talking about is just in your fantasy, Jones."

James frowned, "We only wanted the best for you."

"I know dude but I'm completely committed with someone much better than anyone you can ever choose for me." Alfred smiled, trying to reassure them.

Jessica only sighed as she sipped a cup of coffee, staring worriedly at him.

The others passed gazes with each other before they all started eating the foods laid out in front of them.

An hour or so later, Alex looked up from a cup of (Alfred's) coffee she had been nursing. "Wow. Don't look now but someone really hot- Like legit H-O-T over the entrance staring hard right at us." She licked her lips nervously when James whipped his head towards the guy.

Jack narrowed his eyes at James, smacking his feet at James'.

Alfred laughed so hard but Alex' hand smacked hard at his lips, frantically shaking her head at him. "Dude, he totally looks like he wants to cut you into little pieces and make a fine souffle out of them." She hissed before removing her hand from him.

Alfred tilted his head slighlty and his eyes caught Ivan's narrowed ones. "Hmmm. Yah, that sounds reaaallly dangerous." He chuckled under his breath.

Ivan raised a brow at him.

"Hot though. Like hot damn."

Jessica scowled, "Alex. Seriously?" Alex just shrugged.

"He looks like a hot mafia boss. Terrifying but in a way that makes you feel hot and- oh. Ooohhh em gee, omg, he's walking towards us. Quick, talk about something!"

"Like wut?" Alfred tilted his head, frowning in confusion at her.

"Oh gosh you're completely hopeless!" She actually seemed nervous. He didn't think he'd ever see her genuinely nervous. Alfred glanced back at the approaching Ivan, wondering if she really was talking about him.

No. Ivan was the only one walking towards them. And.....well, Ivan wears that small smile most of the time plus he doesn't look that scary to him. His big tall figure did kind of scratch his pride whenever the big guy uses it to tease him in front of their fellow nations but it also has its own benefits in their relationship like making him reach out to some really high up books he can't seem to reach in the library or something. The pipe he just pulled out and the look in his eyes burning violet irises staring at them like he's going to do something scary which didn't help the nervous group. His smile widening as he came closer just made him look- oh.

Alfred came to the sudden and surprisingly conclusion that Ivan was scary looking. Hot scary sure. But scary looking. Alfred never felt scared of Ivan though, the only time he felt in their worst moments were sad, anger and determination. Never afraid. Plus all their cuddling, dates, fluffy moments and also his peaceful expression not too long ago helped him with that. But strangers like Alex saw some kind of terrifying smiley guy that was clearly muscled enough to throw you through a window without a second thought.

Alexandra's eyes bulged out when Ivan slid into the booth next to Alfred and kissed his temple.

Alfred chuckled and opened his mouth, "Hey Vany-oomph." Before he could get out the rest of Ivan's nickname, Ivan's lips were on his, hot and possessive. Alfred grabbed the sides of Ivan's coat, gripping tightly as the Russian pressed on. Alfred couldn't see but he knew that the others were openly gaping at them as Ivan smiled against his skin, one hand resting at the back of Alfred's neck while the other drifted to his back, pulling him closer. Only the need of air finally pulled them apart.

"Hi." Alfred grinned, brushing his nose against Ivan's.

"Hey," Ivan smiled, resting his forehead on his.

"No way." Alex breathed.

"No fu***** way!" Jack flipped.

Alfred laughed against Ivan's lips when the big guy tried to kiss him again. He turned towards his friends and winked, "Guys, this is Ivan. My very much alive and not imaginary boyfriend." He laughed again when they stared at them like they popped straight out of mythology.

Jessica gave him a look of a disapproving grandmother. "That isn't Ivan."

Ivan quirked an eyebrow, wrapping an arm around Alfred's shoulders before taking a sip of his coffee. "Yes I am."

Jessica narrowed her eyes as she sipped on her coffee. "No you're not. Alfred never stops talking about him, so I know that Ivan likes to cuddle, gives Alfred piggybacks, once got a stuffed animal for Valentine's day and genuinely like it and proposed while riding a boat in the sunset."

Ivan stared at Alfred, "What about the Empire State Building?"

Alfred smiled sheepishly, "I didn't actually have the time to talk about it coz of the school work and all that."

Alex smacked her head unto the wooden surface of the table. "Oh my Gosh, Alfred. In all the time I've know you-"

"What, a month and a half?" Jack smirked.

"In all the time I've known you." Alex ignored Jack, staring intently at Alfred. "You couldn't have just mentioned that he looks hot as hell?"

"Dude, why would I?" Alfred wormed himself deeper into Ivan's arms, nuzzling his neck on his chest. "It's his soul that's the really beautiful part."

Alex dramatically grabbed at her heart, "Omg that was so beautiful. I dont know if I should scream or just shove you two into a room somewhere."

James cooed in the background, Jack mockingly making vomit noises as Alex pleaded to capture a picture of them both which Alfred agreed to almost immediately and Ivan reluctantly.

Alfred checked Alexandra's blog that night, only finding out she had sneaked two more pictures of them. That sly fox. Alfred chuckled slowly, barely audible as Ivan slept beside him. There was the one where Ivan wrapped his arms possessively around his body as Alfred smiled widely at the camera with a peace sign. The other two where Ivan apparently brought out a sunflower underneath his long coat, giving it to Alfred while they walk behind the group (Since when did Alex get behind them both anyway?) And the last one showed Alfred leaning towards the window, sunflower in his hands, face overexposed with sunlight and Ivan watching him with a faint smile. The caption read in a cursive orange font: "Finally fams! All of my friends are TAKEN HAHA! I did it!"

Alfred chuckled, putting his phone aside before standing up and collapsing unto the bed, aiming so that he can bury his face against Ivan's arm.

Ivan stirred. "Mmm...sunflower is something wrong?"

"Nothing." He yawned sleepily, "I just really love you, commie."

Ivan smiled, eyes closing in content. "I love you too, sunflower."

"Yeah," Alfred smiled and closed his eyes, "I know."

And he wouldn't have it any other way.

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