Chaper 2: Black Fog

FYI, Susie is the girl with the pink hair in the picture in the first chapter. But, don't worry, you'll be getting a better picture of her soon.

(Y/n) Pov.

After the little "interaction" between me and Susie's friends, I do as I said and stand by the front door, greeting guests as they go into the party. While I was standing at the door, a number of guests stopped by to say hello and ask for a picture or autograph, however, there was only one that stayed at the entrance to have a conversation with me.

"So, how have you been man?" Jeff Johansen asks me, catching me off guard. I quickly regain my composure to answer his question, "Oh, I've been pretty good. Especially now that I'm back home." I say taking a sip out of the cheap plastic cup in my hand. He nods as he looks around, now noticing that everyone else was partying off there asses while I was mostly sitting off to the side, "You sure? Because it seems like the black sheep at your own party." He says with a laugh. I chuckle as I realize that he was right. At the moment I was practically avoiding everyone and yet I still stand here, waiting for a girl I only know as the girl who showed me her tits. I wonder why I feel so compelled to sit here and wait?

As I pull myself out of my thoughts, I notice that Jeff has gone inside to most likely let out his inner party animal leaving me to wait alone. Luckily, it seems like I don't need to wait long as I spot Susie wandering through the crowd of people. As I go to call her, I see a guy step in her way, startling her as he doesn't let her pass. I sigh as I start walking towards the two, expecting things to go south when she doesn't accept his advances. It doesn't take long to get close enough to hear what he was saying, and when I did, it was obvious this dude wouldn't leave her alone unless I stepped in. So, that's exactly what I did.

"Alright buddy, I don't think she wants to go anywhere with you so just move along." I say calmly, setting a hand on his shoulder. He turns around looking like he's ready to kill someone but before he could spit anything out, he freezes as he seems to realize just who I am, "S-sorry, I d-didn't know she was with you..." he says quietly, scurrying off to someplace else. When I look back to Susie, she blushes and looks downwards while holding her arms in front of her chest, "Thank you, he was being a creep." She said looking back at me. I nod with a small smile and motion for her to follow me, "C'mon, let's go get some drinks." I said, walking through the large door and to the kitchen.

When walking through the house, there were a number of speakers blasting music requested by people at the party, most of them being my songs. As we walk through the crowded halls, Susie stumbles, and grabs my arm to steady herself. I look down at her and smile as she kept close to me as to not lose me with all the people around, blushing as she did so, "Sorry for this, there's just so many people..." She says, looking around at the many people surrounding us with a faint blush. I smile back and guide her to the kitchen where an assortment of drinks, consisting of soft drinks and just a little bit of alcohol, can be found on the table.

"Wow, you really went all out didn't you?" She asked as she held up a bottle of my favorite bourbon. I chuckled and lightly took the bottle away from her to pour myself a drink. I also motion towards an empty cup next to mine, "You want some Susie?" I ask her with a small smile. She hesitated for a moment before nodding her head, still staring at the bottle in my hand. I pour her drink and hand it to her, taking a swig of mine after I do so. I watch as Susie slowly takes a drink and has a mixed reaction. Eventually, she settles on giving me a smile and unzipped her sweatshirt just enough to show off her breasts, causing me to chuckle from her odd behavior once again tonight.

However, our fun is interrupted by my phone going off in my pocket. I take it out and sigh as I notice the caller ID, it was my manager Sky, who I had tasked to watch Mr.Whiskers during the party. I answer the call, only to hear Sky's frantic yelling from the other end, "I fucking lost him, I FUCKING LOST HIM!!!" Sky screams into the phone, "Hey, hey, calm down. Who did you lose?" I ask him confused as Susie watches me concerned. I hear Sky take a deep breath before returning to give me coherent sentences, "Mr.Whiskers snuck out..." He says quietly, probably knowing what my reaction would be...

"HOW THE FUCK DID YOU LOSE MY CAT?!" I asked him, now scared for the well being of Mr.Whiskers. I literally hear Sky flinch as I scream in a hushed tone into the phone, but, he's able to keep himself together to tell me what had happened, "Well, you see... I may or may not have left the door open, and he slipped through before anyone could notice." He said, most likely hanging his head down in shame that he had failed to do the one thing I asked him to do tonight.

I let out a deep sigh as I hang up the phone and massage the bridge of my nose in anger. Until Susie speaks up that is, "I can help you find him." She says, downing the rest of her drink and zipping up her sweatshirt and covering her bust. I nod and put my drink on the counter as I spin around to go searching for my beloved cat. However, I come face to face with Jeff from earlier, "Hey, I could help too!" He exclaims enthusiastically as he smiles ear to ear, "Think of it as a thank you for hosting a killer party." He said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, man. After this, I'm gonna owe you guys one." I said as I lead them outside, texting Sky to ask for a possible search location. It doesn't take long for him to respond with nothing more than "forest". I sigh once again as I lead the two towards the forest close to where Sky's trailer was down the street, "Remember, Mr.Whiskers is a pure black cat with bright amber eyes, you should also be able to find him by the gold charm on his collar." I said as we reach the edge of the forest and pull out flashlights I had brought with us. But, we stop as Jeff let's out a laugh, "Really? You have a cat named Mr.Whiskers?" He asked, trying his hardest to stop laughing at my strange choice in name. But, ultimately failing in the end.

I ignore his laughter as I lead our search team into the woods, hoping to find Mr.Whiskers before anything bad happens... Unfortunately, it seems like we aren't the only people in these woods.

As we walk through the dark woods, a strange fog rolls in, making it just that much harder to see in the already dark forest. But, I can hear the many footsteps of somebody running through the woods, surrounding our trio with their own group, "Does anyone else feel like their being watched... o-or is it just me?" Jeff asked, fear present in his voice. Susie nods while her eyes dart around the trees, "Y-yeah, I'm getting p-pretty creeped out." She says as she moves closer to me and grabs my arm, still looking around in the dark. However, I continue to keep calm and show that whoever was out there would need to try a hell of a lot harder than that to get to me.

It seems like they get the message as they start running around more often, clearly not attempting to conceal their movements when they do. This scares Susie and Jeff even more as they both start looking towards each and every noise our pursuers make, "W-what's going on man?!" Jeff asked, stopping in his tracks and now frantically searching for the people surrounding us. But, as soon as he does this, they stop running. I look at where I had last heard the footsteps, and sure enough, there stood three shadowy figures in the newly accumulated fog.

We all had a staredown for a few minutes, not noticing that the fog is becoming thicker. I only notice when the fog becomes an unearthly black color and the temperature drops drastically. Susie is the next to notice the sudden change as she tightens her grip on my arm, "(Y/n), what's happening?!" She asked me scared, "I don't know, just keep a hold of my arm." I told her as I continue to stare down the strangers. However, when I look back to them, they've disappeared, along with the forest surrounding us.

My eyes dart around the fog, looking for the figures but find nothing. But, as I start turning fully around, I notice that both Susie and Jeff have also disappeared into the strange fog. I search the darkened fog, hoping to see anything within it, panic setting in as I can't find anyone or anything.

Then, I hear it, the faint strum of guitar strings accompanied by the familiar meowing of a certain black cat. I quickly start making my way through the fog, stumbling over rocks, and fallen tree branches until the fog starts to clear, revealing a clearing in the woods and a campfire surrounded by people, one of which, was playing the guitar I heard through the fog. I stand there for a moment, incredibly confused as to what the fuck was happening to me. That is, until the girl playing guitar stopped and looked behind her, and directly at me.

She was wearing a very... revealing outfit consisting of some jean booty shorts and an American flag t-shirt tied to make a bra, "Uh... Guys?" She said, getting the attention of the other people around the campfire, who then also notice me standing not too far away. One of the guys stands up and makes his way to me with a wide grin, "Well look 'ere, new blood! Name's David." He said, sticking out his hand. I take it, still confused. Luckily, the guitar girl notices how confused I looked and got up to greet me as well, still holding her guitar.

"Hi, my name is Kate, Kate Denson. What's your name?" Shea asked me as she lightly pulled me away from the campfire, "(Y/n) (L/n), but most people call me 'Kings'." I answer her as we walk past the tree line and follow a small dirt trail. She looks at me confused with a small grin, "Why'd they call you that?" She asked me with a slight giggle, "Well, it's my music name. You know, the name I use to make music." I told her, trying not to stare at her giant chest or amazing thighs. Her smile grows as she lets out an excited gasp, "You make music too?" She asked me, grabbing my hand and dragging me down to a seat on a log I didn't notice we had reached.

Now that I look around though, we seem to be in a completely different part of the forest, even though we walked at a slow pace no longer than 30 seconds, "Wait, what the fuck..." I said under my breath as I looked around confused. Kate just sighs as she taps me on the shoulder to get my attention back, "We've got a lot to talk about. Let's start with the trials..."

(Well, here's chapter two, and unfortunately, you're still meeting the characters. So, no sexy times for a little while.)

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