Y/n's Pov
I slowly opened my eyes as I regained consciousness.
Feeling pain shoot through as soon as I came into reality, I groaned involuntarily.
"Y/n? Are you okay?"
"Let me call the doctor."
Soon I was checked again and during that process I came fully back into senses. Soon, the doctor left leaving me alone with an angry Mark and a worried Mina.
"Hey guys." I said smiling sheepishly.
"Oh hi!" Mark said with mocking enthusiasm. "How are you?"
He was glaring at me at the end. I looked at Mina who shrugged not knowing what's up with Mark today.
"Uhh okay. So guys... uhh..." I had no idea what to say.
What do you say to your brother and best friend after you got shot in a dream?
"Y/n. It's time you explain." Mark said with a stern voice.
So I did. Mina knew a lot about eveything too as Mark has explained everything to her while I was lying on the bed.
"Jungkook... got shot too?" Mark asked at the end.
I nodded. "Same as me."
"So whatever happens to you, happens to him too?" Mina asked.
I shrugged not knowing if it's accurate.
"You should have been careful you brat!!!" Mark exclained out of nowhere all of a sudden. He charged closer to me while galring just to smack my head.
"Ow! Did you just smack me?" I asked as I rubbed where he hit.
"Yes! You fucking deserve it! God! That Jungkook is done when he comes! Imma rip him into pieces for hurting my sister like this." He said through gritted teeth.
"Aww that's so sweet. But hands on him you will have to go through me." I said sternly.
"I don't care. I'll rip you too. Two birds with one stone bitch." He said smirking making me glare at him.
"Uhh guys. You two sound like two maniacs." Mina said.
"We are!" Me and Mark exclaimed at the same time looking at Mina who shrugged in defense.
"Where's mom and dad?" I asked giving up on glaring as it's not getting us anywhere.
"They had to go to Aunt's house cause she got sick last night too. But they said that they were on their way." Mark explained.
I saw Mina looking here and there as if she wanted to ask something so I called her over.
"Mina, is something bothering you?"
"It's just.. uhh.... how's Taehyung? Do you know?" She asked shyly.
I smilled. So she does like Taehyung. "I'm not sure but I'll ask Jungkook about it. Don't worry I'm sure he is fine."
We chatted for sometime until my phone ran with a call from Jungkook.
"Ohhh your love is calling. Me will see myself out." Mark said as he went towards the door.
Mina came towards me. "Don't forget to ask about Taehyung. But if you do forget, Imma put another wound on your left side." She said in a scary deep voice making me chuckle.
"Nice. My bestfriend is threatening me now cause all of a sudden she is in love." I joked.
She smacked my shoulder playfully and started to go out not forgetting to give me a final glare.
I shook my head as I answered the call.
The fact that he isn't in a hospital and the way he is so reluctant to tell me what he is hiding is slightly making me have doubts.
Does he not trust me enough with a secret like that? Does he actually think that I would leave him?
Is it that big a secret that will make me want to leave him?
I changed the subject from the secret into something random but fun.
"Okay my baby bunny. I'm sorry. You're not a pig. You are my big muscle bunny Koo. How's that?"
"Who's bunny Koo?" I was startled as I looked at the door to see Mom coming in.
Why didn't I hear the door opening?
Shit! What else did she hear?
"Mom." I said in a small voice.
"Who's bunny Koo Y/n? I heard you say that though the call. Who are you on the call with?" Mom asked.
Dad and Mark all came in following her and now stood around my bed looking at me. Mark was having a hard time trying to hide his laugh.
Who am I gonna say?
If I tell my boyfriend, will they kill me?
"I'm on the call with uhh... E.. mm.. ah?" I said as Mark burst out into fits of giggles.
If I kill Mark, will my parents kill me?
"Emmah? Who's that?"
I quickly ended the call and kept the phone below my thigh before focusing on the mess I created.
"She is a friend. Yea. Friend from university." I said nodding.
"Uhh... okay. Is it a girl?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
Mark chuckled. "It's Emma mom. The name says that it's a girl."
I nodded agreeing with Mark.
Mom frowned and then her features soften. "Honey." She called me as she sat on the bed and took my hand. Her thumb slowly caressing my hand. "If you are a lesbian, don't be shy. You can just tell us."
Lesbian? Did I hear that right?
I looked at her confused.
"Why do you think I'm a lesbian mom?" I asked.
She smiled dearly. "I heard you call her "my baby bunny". So I figured that you liked a girl."
Mark burst out laughing earning a glare from dad.
Can I tell them about Jungkook? Will they accept him? If they were okay with me being a lesbian then they would also be okay with me dating a foreigner that I have never even met.
I have to take the chance.
"Mom. I'm sorry I lied. It's not Emma I was talking to. I-I... have a uhhh.... boyfriend."
I watched as mom's smile dropped and dad's head wipped to look at me, expressionless.
Then they broke out into the biggest smiles. "Oh thank god! You had me panic for a while there with Emma." Mom said.
Dad started talking for the first time since he came. "So who is this guy? Tell us more."
I took a deep breath. "He is a CEO of his own company. JJK perfumes. He is also the youngest from his 6 brothers. They live together. His name is Jungkook." I said briefly.
Their smiles were bright all until they heard the name.
Mom suddenly stood up from where she sat on the bed and Dad's eyes widened.
I frowned. "Mom? Dad?"
"Hm?" Mom asked. She signalled Dad to follow her and then looked at me again. "Y/n honey. We will be right out. We just have to talk about something." She said.
Dad didn't move from where he is as he looked at me. "Isn't he in South Korea?" He asked.
"Dad. How do you know?" Surprise took over me as I watched Mom panic and drag Dad out before he could answer my question.
Me and Mark was left as we both just stared at the door where our parents disappeared from.
"What just happened?" He asked.
I shrugged. I have no idea.
Mark started to talk about somethings but my mind kept on running to how my parents acted when hearing Jungkook's name.
Do they know him? But how is that even possible?
Did we know each other when we were young?
Is that what we saw in that dream kinda thing?
All the questions were running through my head making me have a headache.
Soon lunch was brough and I ate it in the company of Mark. Mina had left the hospital as she had an important meeting with one of her client that she has to accompany next 2 days.
"Oh shit." I exclaimed suddenly. "What happened to my exam?" I asked Mark who was enjoying a hamburger.
Here I was eating a yucky porridge while he gets a hamburger. Lucky bitch.
"You are asked to face the repeat exam which is in 2 months." He said.
That's a disadvantage. If I had failed the exam then I have to face the repeat exam. But if I fail the repeat exam. I will be moved to the junior batch. So I only get one chance to pass the exam now.
But it's okay. The worst that could happen is missing my batch. If I didn't jump in front of the bullet, I would have lost him.
This is better like this.
Mom and dad came in and started talking about various things. But they ignored the topics regarding my boyfriend. They acted like the talk earlier didn't even happen.
They wanted to know how the gunshot happened but there's no way I can explain that without telling everything.
"It's a long story." I said.
"Does it involve... Jungkook?" Dad asked.
I nodded.
"Then we don't want to know." Dad said sharply.
They don't want to know how their daughter got shot in her sleep?
I wonder what happened. Why are they reacting to Jungkook like this?
Why are the reactions extreme?
Soon after, they left for work, leaving me and Mark alone again.
"So anyways. Whatever happens to you happens to him now?" He asked me again.
"I don't know."
Mark came towards me and grabbed my hand in his. I was watching him as he suddenly pinched me. Hard.
"Ow!!! What the hell?" I exclaimed as I withdrew my hand and rubbed where he pinched me.
"Call Jungkook and see if he felt it." He said matter-of-factly.
I glared at him. From my left hand I smacked his head. Hard.
"You compare a pinch to a gunshot!?" I exclaimed as I smacked him again.
He started to move away from me as soon as I hit him making me hold on to his shirt. As he moved, my left shoulder dragged with him.
I might have over done it as pain shot through my right shoulder making me gasp.
I leaned back on the pillow and kept my head on the bed post as I willed the pain to go away quickly.
"Shit this isn't right."
I heard the door open and footsteps moving away.
Soon more footsteps came closer as I stayed there lifeless. The pain is more intense now.
"Change the pillow it's covered in blood. Get her to lay down and turn her over."
Everything happened and I was once again laid down.
The doctor started dressing the stretched wound but the pain was hard to bare that I started slipping into darkness.
"Y/n. Are you with me?"
A sharp pain went through me, making me scream out and I let darkness take me away.
I woke up a few hours later. It was still in the evening and Mark was sitting down by the chair scrolling through his phone.
"M-Mark?" I called out.
"Y/n? You okay now?" Ihe asked.
I nodded. He helped me to sit up on the bed. My hand is enclosed in a caskep to prevent it from moving and hurting the wound further.
"What happened earlier?" I asked.
"Your wound was stretched."
We talked for sometime until it was getting dark. Which means that Mark has to go home. This hospital doen't allow visitors to stay the night.
"Hey sis. Don't try anything funny and if you feel any sort of pain, scream and let the nurses know. Okay?" He instructed.
I chuckled. "Why would I try anything funny?"
"Because you're weird that way. Just take care fo your wound and don't anger it." He said while glaring at me making me shrug.
"Don't worry. I'll keep her safe." A voice ran out.
I saw as Mark stiffened hearing the random voice that came through while I exclaimed.
"Hey baby." He said making me grin. I looked at Mark to see him looking with narrowed eyes.
"Where are you Jungkook?" Mark asked.
He didn't make a sound but soon Mark took in a sharp intake of breath.
I was curious as to what happened. "Why? Why? What did you do?" I asked rapisly.
"I kissed him."
"WHAT?!" I exclaimed as Mark visibly paled.
"You... kissed me?" He asked in a small voice.
"Yea. Right on the lips." Jungkook answered.
I glared forward. "Jungkook! Why did you kiss my brother!?"
"He has cute lips." He answered calmly.
Mark touched his lips. "My f-first kiss."
"YOUR WHAT?" I exclaimed yet again.
"Oh shit." Jungkook mumbled.
Mark was still staring nowhere as if on a daze while I glared to where the stupid bunny's voice is coming from.
"You took my brother's first kiss. What have you got to say for yourself before I kill you?" I asked.
"I uhh... Oh. You can't kill me babygirl." He said with a hearable smirk.
I chuckled evily. "Dude in case you forgot, I see you in my dreams too. You wouldn't even know until you are screaming in pain." I said.
"Hey! Don't hurt him. He is my first kiss. I can't let anything happen to him now." Mark said suddenly earning a raised eyebrow from me.
"I'm sorry. What?" I exclaimed.
I heard a sign then. "Guys chill. I didn't kiss him. I just touched his lips." Jungkook said.
"You LIED?" Mark exclaimed.
"Yea. I wanted to mess with you guys." Jungkook said with a chuckle.
"That's so mean!" Mark said as he pouted.
"Mark. Did you like it?" I asked as Mark blushed hard.
"No! I didn't. I was just glad that the whole thing about my first kiss was finally over." He said while scratching his neck.
"Is it such a big deal?" I asked.
"It is." Jungkook said helping Mark. "I'm your first kiss Y/n. Don't you find anything special in that?"
I narrowed my eyes. "You're not my first kiss."
"I'm not? You kissed before?" He asked.
"What? Who? Imma kill that jerk." Jungkook said through gritted teeth.
I giggled. "If you wanna play it that way, I gotta kill half of Korea. You slept with so many."
"Oh shit." Jungkook mumbled again as I smirked.
"And it's my cue to leave. You're on your own Jungkook." Mark said as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. He was on the way to the door when he suddenly whispered. "She is vicious when she's mad."
He left closing the door leaving me alone with a scared bunny.
He chuckled nervously making me sigh.
"Past is past. Come here now. I missed you." I said as I shifted in my bed to make space for him.
I felt the dipping of the bed and then warmth as he put his hand around my shoulder pulling me to his body.
My injured shoulder now leaned against his chest.
"Does it hurt when you're here too?" I asked jungkook.
"Slightly. But not as in reality."
"Did you... Did the wound stretch today?" I asked cautiously.
"Yea. I was working and then it started aching. Jin hyung said that it was stretched. Why?" He explained.
"I was hitting Mark and it stretched the wound." I said in a small voice.
"So whatever happens to you, happens to me?" He asked.
I nodded in answer as I whispered. "That's somehow scary."
He pulled me more towards his body making sure not to hurt my wound. I turned slightly towards him. He caressed my face as I closed my eyes welcoming the sensation.
"Why is that scary?" His voice ran from near my ear making a shiver run down my spine.
"Because if something happens to me, it happens to you. I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Me neither. I don't want anything happeneing to either one of us. So let's use this to keep each other safe okay?" He asked.
I nodded quickly.
We stayed like that in silence as we enjoyed each other's presence. We are both injured, broken, so far from each other yet so close.
I want to see him. For real.
Like in that dream.
I want to hug him while he hug me.
I look down at my hand.
I wanna hold him and not let my hands just stay by my side when he is here holding me.
"What's wrong baby?" He whispered.
"Can we meet?" I asked.
He was silent for sometime. "I was actually thinking about this. I know where you are and V hyung has been here before. So I was thinking of coming here for a visit." He said.
"Are you really?" I asked with enthusiasm coating my voice.
He chuckled. "Yes. I wanna see you in real life too."
I closed my eyes as I let his warmth guide me to happiness with the thought that soon he will be here, by my side for real.
"When will you be able to come?" I asked.
"Hopefully soon. But I have to ask Jin hyung. If he says I can't go yet with the injury, I will have to wait." He explained.
He always mentioned Jin hyung when talking about his injury. Even with the others, he always said Jin said this or that.
"Is Jin hyung... a doctor?" I was reluctant to ask as it is related to what he is hiding.
"Y/n." He said in a warning tone making me sigh.
"Why can't you tell me?" I asked. I was actually curious about this.
I know I told him to take his time but why can't he tell me? Why doesn't he trust me?
Is it wrong of me to ask this?
"Don't ask that Y/n. I told you I'm not ready."
I didn't say anything as I just stared at the front wall. I heard his sigh.
"I just don't want to lose you." He mumbled.
Something about him saying that everytime we come to this topic angered me now.
"What makes you think that this will make me leave you?" I asked as I moved away from him.
"It's just..." He started yet stopped. I waited for him to tell more but it was silent for too long.
"Jungkook answer me. Why don't you trust me to stay even aftet this secret?"
"I'll tell you when I'm ready. Y/n why can't you be patient?" He asked with his voice was now also coated with anger.
I stood up from the bed and turned to look at the bed where I think he might be at.
"Do you know what you are asking of me? You are asking me to stay with you not knowing what you are hiding from me. This thing that you are afraid of saying has the capability to break us apart and yet you want me to stay with you. You want me to stay knowing that you don't trust me enough." I reduced my voice to a small whisper. "You want me to lose my trust over you when you're the person I trust the most in the world. Is that what you want?" I asked.
"I don't want that. But I don't want to say either." He said sternly.
"Why?" I exclaimed.
"No Y/n."
"Just tell me why!"
"No. Stop asking me!
"No Jungkook. Tell me why you can't tell me. Don't start with shit like you are afraid of losing me. Tell me why it would make me leave you." I said sternly.
"I'm warning you just once. Don't ask me about this." He said.
"Just tell me why you can't tell me."
"Shut up Y/n!"
"No! No I won't. Tell me wh-"
"Because you are going to save people when I kill them!" He exclaimed exasperatedly.
We both went silent after that.
I felt my heart beat rise with panic but I remained calm.
"You kill people?" I asked in a small voice.
He sighed. "You're afraid of me now aren't you?"
I gulped. "Answer the question Jungkook."
He sighed. "I- Yes."
"How many have you killed?" My voice was somewhat calm which was the exact opposite of what I felt on the inside.
"Y/n. Are you sure you want to know?" He asked.
I nodded. I'm not sure if I wanna know but I do want to know what I feel about it.
"Okay then. I might have killed over... at least 200 people." He whispered the last part.
Is he a killer? Is that what he is hiding?
Am I in danger being with him?
Are all his hyungs a part of this?
Is being a CEO all a cover for being a mafia or a killer?
Who is he?
My vision started to blur with tears as I stared at the ground. My mind in a haze.
I felt his presence in front of me but I didn't feel his warmth.
Is he still my Jungkook?
"This is why I didn't want to tell you. I know you are afraid of me now. If you want to break up then okay." He said.
I looked up. He might have had a reason. To kill those people. He might have. Right?
"Jungkook, can you tell me everything?" I asked.
"Everything?" He asked back with confusion.
"I only know the fact that you kill people. I don't know what made you do it. I don't want to judge anything before knowing everything. So can you tell me all?" I asked.
"Are you sure?" He asked. His voice tiny and hopeless.
I realized what my reaction has done. It made him think that I will break up with him just like how he suspected.
I don't want to break up with him though.
Whoever he is, he is my Jungkook.
I love him so much that I just can't imagine my life without him by my side now. I know we have only known each other less than a month. But why are you so special to me Jungkook?
Why are you making me lose all my promises I made to myself just to be with you?
I shot a gun for the first time in my life for you. I trusted you easily, giving myself completely to you without holding back. You made me take a bullet for you.
You made me break my own promise I made to never fall in love with a bad boy.
Now, I just have to adjust to you being whoever you are. Because I love you so damn much.
"Jungkook." I called out to grab his attention. I waited for him tiny "hmm" before I continued. "You killed people. But I know you would never have wanted that. I know you baby. You aren't the type to hurt people like that unless something made you do it."
"How are you so sure?" He asked.
"I'm not. I'm on doubts but I have a feeling I'm right. Nothing you say will make me hate you. Your past, your flaws, your mistakes are now all mine too. So whatever past you hold will also be mine to share. Just like how whatever future you experience, I will experience it being right besides you."
I felt him cup my cheeks as he pulled me forward. His forehead leaning against mine radiating heat onto me.
"How are you such a thoughful person?" He asked me.
"Because I love you so much."
"I thought you wouldn't say that cause I didn't keep my promise." He said with a hint of a smile.
"You kept it. I'm the one who got shot. So you earned it." I said smiling back.
We were silent until he broke it with,
"I don't want to lose you baby." He whispered.
"And you won't."
"Let's get back into bed." He suggested as we both got up and went to bed to our position we were before but this time we were lying down.
We stayed staring at the ceiling as we remained silent.
"Baby. Does it hurt?" Jungkook asked suddenly.
It did in fact hurt a little bit more than usual. "Yea sort of. A little more than before."
It hurts a lot more. I moaned as the pain increased.
"Fuck there's blood." He exclaimed as he got up, slowly made me lie down.
Please. Not again.
"Do you f-feel pain t-too?" I asked through tears.
"Yea slightly. But not much."
Just then it felt like I was stabbed in the wound as I screamed out in pain.
What's happening?
I then realized that it's actually Jungkook.
Whatever happens to me happens to him too.
"Jungkook. W-wake up. Y-ou have to wake u-up. There's s-something happening to y-you." I said through the pain.
He nodded with realization. "Will you be okay?" He asked.
"Yes. G-go!" I exclaimed as another pain shot through.
"I'll go baby. I love you." He whispered before I felt his light touch and soon emptiness.
I screamed hard as another pain shot through. This time darkness clouded my vision and I fell deep into that darkness yet again for the second time for today.
So I'm sorry I made them black out a few times already. It was only to show that whatever happens to one happen to the other. Like it goes both ways. Sorry if the blacking outs made the story a little dull.
I tried adding a few jokes here and there, hope it lighten the mood.
I know I have this fear that my story might be turning to boring but I enjoy writing it. So I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing.
Also... if there are any silent readers can you drop a small "Hi" in the comments? I would love to know who is enjoying with me.
That's it for today!! See you guys with the next chapter! Love you all!
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