C H A P T E R 2 4

Mark's Pov


My eyes snapped open as a painful scream ran through breaking the comfortable silence of the night. All my senses stood alert in a span of seconds, my mind tried to register where the scream came from.

The similar voice that I heard my whole life, screaming in pain in the room next to mine.

I don't know how I managed to go to her so quickly. I saw her writhing on her bed, moaning in pain as her eyes were focused on the ceiling. The veins on her neck prominent as she tried to hold her screams in.

"Y-Y/n?" I mumbled while running to her. I scanned her from head to toe but the darkness in the room didn't help me much.

"What's going on with her? Mark?" I heard Dad's voice followed by Mom's soft sobbing.

I shake my head as I don't know why this is happening.

"Y/n? Y/n. Come on. Wake up. Tell me what's wrong. Please." I begged as I lightly tapped her cheeks. I turned her head to me as I made her eyes to look at me.

Her breathing is uncontrollably heavy. I noticed as her eyes focused on me. Her brown orbs shaking as she is starting to lose consciousness.

I quickly put my hand across her back to hold her up but the wet feeling on her back made me stop my action. Slowly laying her back on the bed, I pulled my hand out.


Her head fell hard on the pillow as her body became weightless losing her consciousness.

"Mark... Is that blood?" Dad asked.

I heard a scream as Mom collapsed onto the floor hearing my short answer to Dad's question.

Dad started to quickly advice me. "Son. Take Y/n to the hospital. I called an ambulance. I'll be with Mom until she calms down and we will be right there."

I nodded as I waited for the ambulance while sitting next to her.

Her face paled with each second that ticked by. Her forehead glistening with sweat. My eyes focused more and more to the darkness making me be painfully aware of the pool of blood she is lying on. The stained dark patch getting bigger and bigger as we waited.

I softly lifted her up again to scan her back.

A bullet wound?

The bullet that pierced her skin has left an ugly wound on her smooth back.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as I laid her back down. The uneasiness I'm feeling, the fear and the possibility of losing her making me lose my mind. Gathering my strength, I went closer to her face as I stroked her head lightly, getting all the blood out of my vision as I focused my eyes on her face.

"You took a bullet for Jungkook, didn't you?" I chuckled softly. "Why are you so brave, my dear sister?"

I heard the ambulance through the silence. I left her to guide the nurse and staff to Y/n's room for them to do everything to make her stable.

Then they quickly pulled her into the ambulance. I got in soon and we headed to the hospital.

She was immedietely pulled into the surgical theater as I was asked to wait outside.

Sitting down on the chairs, I pulled out her phone and unlocked it. We always shared our passwords with each other thinking it will be useful one day. I'm glad we did that.

I quickly found Jungkook's number and dialled it.

"Hello? Y/n? Are you okay?" A voice answered.

"I'm Y/n's brother. What happened?" I asked.

"I- wait." He said. I waited as I then heard a different voice.

"Hello. My name is Namjoon. Are you Mark?" He asked. His voice stern but hoarse.

"Y-yes. Can I please know what happened to my sister and why I found her with a gun shot on her body?"

"Can you please let me know if she has the wound on her chest too? Like if the bullet went through her?" He asked in a calm voice.

But I was the opposite of calm. My patience on the edge of losing. I asked the questions first. Why is he asking something else back?

I calmed my nerves just enough to reply. "No. Nothing was on her chest. Can I please-"

"Was she conscious when she woke up from the dream or did she never woke up?" He asked again cutting me mid sentence.

That's the final stroke. My patience snapped as I felt my blood boil.

"Excuse me Mr. Namjoon. I found my sister in a pool of blood with a gun shot that happened while she was sleeping and the only people who knows what exactly happened are so damn arrogant to answer my one fucking question about what the fuck happened to her!?" I was screaming as I ended the rant.

"We are sorry Mark." He informed me making me scoff.

"Answer the damn question." I said through gritted teeth.

So he started explaining. Not all. But enough to make me have an idea.

After listening to the whole story, I calmed down.

"Mark? Are you still there?" Namjoon asked.

I quickly gave a small yes as I waited for him to say more things as I can't find anything else to say.

"Mark, I'm sorry this happened. Jungkook got shot too but... it's weird."

I frowned slightly. "What do you mean?"

"As you might already know, we can't see Y/n when she comes here. But as they got shot, we saw her. But only briefly. There was only 1 gun shot."

"So what's the problem?" I asked.

"Jungkook has a wound on his back. On the right side. Same as Y/n. But nothing on his chest."

How is that possible? How can they both get shot like that if the bullet came from behind Y/n while she was facing him?

This is confusing.

"How is that possible?" I asked.

I heard their sighs. "Nothing about them is possible. Let's see what happens when they wake up." Namjoon's voice ran through.

We all hmmed softly.

"How's Y/n?" I was asked.

I shurgged as I answered. "She was taken into theater just a few minutes ago. How's Jungkook?" I asked back.

"He is also in the room with our doctor. Can you let us know when you get to know about her's state?" He asked.

I answered with a yes as we ended the call.


I don't know how long I was sitting here, staring at the white wall in front of me. It could have been an hour or even 5. I lost track of time as I got lost in my thoughts.

Mom and dad came a few moments back and they were both hugging softly as they waited for the doctor to come out of the theater.

We waited for a few more time before a tired looking doctor came out. We hurried to him.

"Doctor, how is she?" I asked.

He sighed. "She is stable now. We took the bullet out without causing harm to any of her tissues. She lost a lot of blood and also some of her tissues were already damaged. But thankfully her lungs weren't in much damaged state so it wasn't much of a problem."

I nodded quickly. "Is she awake? When will she wake up?"

"She is not awake now. We tranfered her to the intensive care unit. Her vitals were weak so we have to monitor her closely. But I'm sure she will wake up in a few hours. Let's hope for the best." He said. I heaved a sigh of relief.

He patted my shoulder as he bowed to my parents before leaving us alone.

A nurse guided us to the ICU where Y/n was at. We were asked to look through the glass to see her.

Both Mom and Dad didn't want to see her like that which left me.

I slowly made my way to the said glass to look inside.

There she was. She looks peaceful. Her face looks calm and serene. It was as she was sleeping. But the machines that connected to her and her pale face gave away that she is indeed not sleeping but unconscious.

Please get better soon Y/n.


Jin's Pov

We carried Jungkook after quickly handling with the guards that protected their collapsed boss. No one else got hurt as we quickly made our way back and pulled Jungkook to the first aid room.

"Yoongi. Help me." I instructed as I made everyone else leave the room.

Yoongi stayed as we both turned Jungkook to lie on his stomach as we ripped his clothes apart to expose his wound.

"How is this here?" I asked Suga.

He shook his head. "His back was facing us."

We patched up everything we can to prevent blood loss and anything serious from affecting him. The bullet was taken out without damaging more tissues. The surgery took about 4 hours and finally after bandaging him completely and connecting all the necessary machines to record his recovery and state, me and Suga tiredly made our way back to the others.

Hobi was sitting on the sofa with his hand on a casket. He looked pale too but better than before. I checked him briefly before sitting down on the sofa.

I know the others were waiting for me review on Jungkook's state.

"Hyung... How is he?" Namjoon asked.

I sighed as I smiled slightly. "He is okay. His lungs weren't damaged much. He lost a little more blood and there are a few broken tissues but overall he is okay." I explained.

The heaved a sigh of relief.

They explained to me and Yoongi about how Mark said that Y/n had a similar wound exactly the same as Jungkook.

Is it that whatever happens to one would happen to the other?

We were discussing about it when Jungkook's phone which was on the table ran loudly.

Jimin picked up the call and put it on speaker phone.

"Namjoon?" A voice ran through.

"Yes Mark."

We discussed about the damages on their bodies to find that even they were the same.

How is anything that's happening to them possible?


Y/n's Pov

I woke up. Feeling dazed as I felt pain in my chest. Opening my eyes as the bright light hit me, I covered them with my hands.

I scanned the place around me.

Why am I standing at a shopping street?

It was crowded as people were scattered here and there.

I was moving forward scanning the surrounding. All the boards were written in Korean and people were happily chatting as they bought things.

I felt sticky on my back and as I touched it, my hands came away red. Blood.

I got shot.

Can people see me though? Why is no one paying attention to a girl soaked in blood? No one paid attention to me as they went on with their way. What's going on?

I looked around more as my eyes focused on a figure clad in black.

His back was facing me. But I recognized the clothes. I recorgnized his shape.

My heart started beating faster as I started to walk towards him.


Hearing me, he turned around. His surprised yet confused face took my breath away as I ran as fast as I could to hold him. To feel his touch.

Our bodies crashed hard. Pain shot through me but I don't care.

"Y/n? Y/n. baby. My y/n. My world." He kept on chanting as he tightened his hold more and more on me.

I couldn't form words as I responded to him by tightening my hold, burying my face deep into his neck, sobbing.

We hugged like our life depended on it. In a way it actually did. I didn't want to let him go. I never want to let him go.

The first time I have him in my arms where he has his hands around me. The first time I'm in his embrace as he hold me tight. The first time we both experience each other's hugs without one having to endure the pain of not holding the other.

He started to pull away after giving me a squeeze but I protested.

"No, let me hold you more." I demanded, my voice muffled by his chest as I burried beeper. 

He chuckled softly as he hugged me tighter. "Okay."

I couldn't get enough of him. His warmth as he held me close, the safety I felt in his firm yet possessive hold was enough to make me lose my sanity.

I missed this warmth. I miss this reassurance of feeling safe. I miss him.

"I love you Kook. I love you so much! I fucking love you." I said as I sobbed.

His chuckle vibrated through his chest making me have goosebumps. His lightly kissed my head making me melt with love.

"I love you more Y/n. But baby don't curse." He whispered.

I slightly pulled back and tilted my head in confusion. "Why?"

"Because it's sexy." He said smirking.

I giggled as I hit his chest softly. I pulled around from his as my hands came away with more blood.

"You got shot?" I asked.

"It seems so."

"But I jumped in front of you." I stated.

He then looked at his hands that were around me to see blood on them.

We quickly checked each other's wounds as worry fill our body.

"What? How is it on the same side as mine?" He asked.

I shrugged not knowing what to say.

We both heard someone clearing their throat. We turned to look at a guy looking directly at us.

He smiled through his crooked and browned teeth at both of us.

"Can you see us?" I asked.

He nodded before answering with. "This is where it all began." He stated.

"But it's not the end."

We both looked at each other confused over his statement before looking at the old man again.

He was wearing an orangish brown top and pants loosely hanging on his body with a white beard covering half his face.

He smiled again before turning around and leaving us without another word.

As soon as he left, as we watched him leave, our gaze fell on a young boy and a girl.

They were sitting on a bench holding halves of coconut on each of their hands.

"Do you want to drink this?" The boy asked. His featured looked similar althought I couldn't pin point who it is.

Even the girl looked similar.

Who are they?

"I don't know. That uncle said we should drink it if we want to see each other again." The little girl said, her voice tiny and hoarse.

"Have they been crying?" Jungkook asked as he scanned their features.

I saw tears on their cheeks as they were now beginning to dry. "It seems like it."

We moved closer to them, still holding our hands to take a closer look at the young couple.

"I wanna see you again." The boy said.

The girl looked up with tears filling her eyes. "I wanna see you too." Her small voice whispered.

A sob escaped from her which made the boy pull her to his embrace.

"Then let's drink this." He stated.

They both looked at each other.

The gaze the boy held is similar to what I'm now used to. It's filled with love and care. It has respect and adoration.

The gaze I know by heart.

"Jungkook. Is that you?" I asked in a small whisper.

"I was gonna ask the same. Those brown orbs are the ones I love the most. They are obviously yours. That's you." He said.

"And that's you." I said.

We watched as they drank the drink from the coconut shell.

Why can't I remember something like this from happening?

Did I know Jungkook before from my childhood?

Maybe that's what sealed our souls together. The drink that old person gave us.

"I'll see you soon Y/n." The boy whispered.

"I'll see you too Jungkook." She whispered.

They both collapsed as our breaths hitched. My eyes dotted with dark spots as darkness engulfed me.


Author's Pov

A day passed by with both Y/n and Jungkook spending on the bed being connected to machines.

Mark sat by Y/n's bed, holding her hand as Mina sat on the sofa.

Jin sat by Jungkook's bed, holding his hand as all the hyungs sat everywhere in the same room.

The hands that were held sqeezed occasionally making both Mark and Jin panic thinking that they are going to wake up. But they remained unmoved.

The heart beats showing on the maching echo through both the rooms breaking the silence with the soft rhythmic beat.

Minutes turned into hours as they remained the same. No movement except for their chests soft rising and falling.

Their occasionally squeezing hands gave hope to the others that they will wake up soon.

Which they did.

2 pairs of eyes opened. At the same time. Across the world. In 2 different countries. In 2 different time zones. Holding 2 different hands.

But sharing the same soul. The soul they connected the day they drank the mysterious drink.

The soul that belongs to them.



So I tried different povs for 2 chapters now. I hope it was okay. There won't be more Pov changes in the next chapters so it will be okay I guess. Also the story would get back into the track it originally was on but will have slight changes.

Hope you like it!!

Vote and comment.

Love you  guys a lot❤


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