C H A P T E R 2 3

*After V was Kidnapped*

Jimin's Pov

I didn't want to enter back into this life. I got out of it cause I didn't want in. That's why we all did.

I don't want to lose anyone else. Not my hyungs and not my Taehyungie or Jungkookie.

So I guess this leaves no choice. I gotta save Taehyung.

"Jimin are you okay?" Namjoon hyung asked as he came into the room.

I was fiddling with the computer trying to grab at my brain to remember how Taehyung does all the work so effortlessly.

"I'm not sure. I can't find how to do this properly hyung." I said almost with a whine in my voice.

"You'll catch on soon." He assured.

"But we don't have time to spare. I gotta find this. But how can when I can't remember how V does it normally."

"Jiminie. You don't have to do it the way V does it. Do it the way you would do it. Then you'll soon find the correct path." He said while patting my shoulder.

I gave a quick nod as I got back into the computer to search for the information V safely secured about the trackers he put into our accessories. 


"Jimin were you be able to track it?" Jin hyung asked.

"I'm trying but I'm not sure. I always watched as he assessed everything but never actually learnt." I said as I typed so many keys all at once trying to get it right.

"I guess I'm close to finding it." I muttered to no one in particular.

I found it soon. The folder which has all the information about our trackers in. It broke my heart to see only 6 dots in our house while 1 was missing.

I quickly brushed aside the uneasiness to focus on the task at hand and found the location of Taehyungie's tracker.

An abandonened warehouse. We quickly formed a plan and got ready with everything.

"Jiminie." I turned around to see Hobi hyung. "This is a device that we will give all the members when they go out. It will detect heat from any living thing within a radius of 10 meters."

I took the small rounded device and examined it.

"Connect it to your device. All 7. And then we will all wear it. Even if there's CCTV in the site, we can easily check for life through this as well."

I nodded as I gathered them in my hand to connect them to my device.

They were all set and ready as I handed them to each member not forgetting to keep one for me and save one for Taehyungie.

We quickly geared up as we headed to the location we found.

I was sitting next to Jungkook in the van as he got a call from Y/n.

I didn't want to pay attention as they talked on the phone. I can feel my heart aching to listen to his voice talking to me like how he is talking to her.

I didn't want this actually but it started with our first kiss. We were drunk as we kissed and then everytime I see him, my heart started to go crazy. I knew it was bad to grow feeling towards my own brother, my own friend but I couldn't stop myself.

I didn't choose to fall for him. But I did.

"I love you more." He whispered to the phone before ending the call.

My heart broke. I closed my eyes as I willed the pain to go away.

Listening to him talk with Y/n, seeing him be with her is hurting my heart.

When I saw him in the office after their make out session, it made me feel jeolous. I never knew I liked him this much that seeing him with someone else makes my heart break.

"Are we close Jimin?" Jin hyung asked as he drove.

I quickly focused on the screen putting every thought behind me. We are close.

"Yes hyung."


Soon everyone left, leaving me to backup for them.

As I the signal to start the mission, I couldn't help but panic.

This signify the exact moment we enter into this life again.

But we need this. We need to save Taehyungie. 

Bangtan bangtan bangbangtan.

Now I'm not the scared Jimin anymore. I'm stronger and more determined.

Quickly assessing through the guys to be safe I divided my whole attention between all 5 of them as I looked through the screen for anylife.

Soon men flowed into the building as I managed to warn the hyungs about it and soon they all killed the people. All the 20 lives that enter into the building now lie dead at the bullets thrown by us.

This is why we left. Because we don't want to kill anyone.

Soon the hyungs came in followed by Suga hyung who exited the building he was hiding at with his sniper.

I was focused on the screen to check for anymore encounters with anyone until I heard the door open.

My attention on the screen broke as I heard a painful groan.

Hobi hyung was hauled into the van in his blood soaked clothes as he held his arm.

"What happened?" I exclaimed.

"He got shot in the arm." Jin hyung answered quickly as he settled Hobi hyung carefully on the seat and positioned himself close to the injury. "Hobi, I'm going to check this now. I gotta see how deep it is."

Hobi hyung groaned as he kept his head on the seat, while breathing heavily.

Suga hyung got into the driving seat as I sat next to Hobi hyung holding his hand.

"It will be okay hyung." I mumbled reassuringly.

He smiled at me weakly.

I looked to the door as Namjoon hyung came carrying an unconscious Jungkook.

My vision turned white. I stumbled towards them as I helped Namjoon hyung by holding Jungkook from the waist and made him lie down the ground.

"W-what happened?" I asked as I scanned him for any injuries. I was looking for a gun shot wound.

Seeing as how his chest rose and fell with quick breaths, I heaved a small sign of relief.

"Someone smacked him on the head." Namjoon hyung said.

"Jimin take care of him. There was a camera installed in one of the walls. I saw as I was coning in. I'm gonna check it out." Namjoon hyung said as he went out again.

"Jimin. Check his head for injuries. You gotta treat it." Jin hyung said.

"How's Hobi?" Suga hyung asked while driving us away from the site.

"I gotta take the bullet out. The wound isn't deep but it still cut through a few muscles. He won't be able to use this hand for a while." He explained.

I scanned through Jungkook's hair looking for the wound that's still leaking blood.

Finding a huge cut, I quickly disinfected it and treated it as per Jin hyung's advices and instructions.

After treating the wound, I quickly sat next to Jungkook on the floor as I held his hand softly in mine.

I don't want to see this Jungkookah. You should have been safe. I'm sorry. It's my fault. I should have kept you safe. You and Hobi hyung both.

I'm sorry Y/n. Its my fault.

"Jiminie. It's not your fault." I heard Jin hyung's soft voice.

I looked down closing my eyes as I didn't want to cry.

I felt a hand on my shoulder making me look up to see Jin hyung.

I looked around to see that Suga hyung was in the front while Hobi hyung was passed out.

He bend down to sit next to me.

"I know something's wrong with you. I see pain when I look at your face. For the past few weeks, I noticed it in you." He explained.

I chuckled softly. "We can't keep a secret from you, can we?" I asked.

He smiled dearly at me and then at Jungkook's pale face. "I guess it's because I'm older than all of you. But for some reason, you all relied on me when all of you were going through a hard time. I know all of you like the back of my hand now. You guys are my life and I will do everything to make you all happy."

I smiled as tears filled my eyes. Deciding that I'm going to tell him what I have been hiding, I quickly wiped my tears.

"Hyung. I.... I like Jungkookie." I mumbled.

I heard his soft sigh as he pulled me forward for a hug.

"I know."

I sighed as I let tears fall softly.

"Seeing him like this hurts hyung." I managed through my tears. My voice muffled by his shoulder as I snuggled more into him.

Him warmth calmed me down.

"It does. And it also hurts seeing you cry so let's man up for now and save all our brothers. Okay?" He asked.

I pulled away from him after one last squeeze and wiped my tears, determined to save everyone.

Namjoon hyung then came in again. "It seems like this was a huge trap. They might have been watching us. So now they know how we are approaching them."

We all sighed. I can't believe we fell into his trap.

"Let's just get home." Suga hyung mumbled exasperatedly.

We quickly filled into our home as soon as we reached it. Suga hyung parked the van while I carried Jungkook and Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung helped Hobi hyung.

I placed Jungkook on the bed making his head lay the pillow with no force.

His pale lips, sweaty forehead and dried blood pulled a string in my heart. I held his hand again.

"I know I shouldn't tell you this but I love you Kookie. Not just like a brother but like a guy too. But I will let you go. Your hand is not mind to hold. It never was anyway." I whispered while smiling softly.

His hands fluttered indicating that he might be waking up but then his breathing changed to light snores.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I would have been doomed if he actually heard that.

"I... love you..." He whispered in a small voice.

My heart skipped a beat as I held onto his hand tighter. But then I let it go hearing him whisper a name. A different name.


I smiled again. "You deserve her love Kookie. Don't ever let her go."

I sighed as I made my way outside of his room. Calling Jin hyung to check Jungkook, I made my way to the computer room to check if we can find any more leads to V.

Soon Jungkook woke up and he cracked V's message and also got a message from his stupid brother.

Leaving Hobi hyung behind to recover, we again geared up without even a rest and made our way quickly to Jungsoo's house.


"Jiminie can you crack the CCTV?" Namjoon hyung asked as we got closer and parked the van.

I quickly assesses the computers to try to get in with the CCTVs. We were close enough that I was able to grab onto the connection of them but it's asking for a passcode.

Moving on from it I went through a different route but it got blocked in the middle too.

"Fuck! I can't access them. I don't know how to crack these." I said. Taehyungie is the one who is the specialized in hacking. Not me.

I only know a few things that Taehyungie taught me before. Hacking was something he didn't get to teach me yet.

"I'll try for some more. But till then I'll guide you through the heat trackers." I said.

They all nodded and after forming the plan they pilled out leaving me alone again.

I instructed Jin and RM about the guard at the wall they were going to climb over from.

Soon Suga hyung came into the van as Jungkook was the only one allowed to come in.

"Hyung will Jk be okay?" I asked concerned.

He adjusted his guns again as he was going to go out to join the other 2.

He looked at me and smile. "Yea. Cause he is JK."

We both heard as the static filled our ears followed by silence.

"Jungkook?" I called out. So did RM.

"Fuck! He lost connection." I check the screen to see that his in ear is disconnected.

Please be okay Kookie.

"He will be okay Jimin."

I smiled at Suga as he went out again.

"RM, to you right there's a guy patrolling. Take him out silently. There might be more closeby." I instructed.

They wiped through that side of the garden quickly and adjust the bodies behind trees and bushes to get rid of suspicion.

They didn't kill the guard but just made them unconscious for as long as we need to save Taehyung.

"Jimin. There's a door hidden just a few meters away. Can you check for that." RM asked.

I quickly checked the heater for RM and saw a guard standing close by.

"Yes. There's someone there too."

I watched as they moved closer.

"I'm opening the door." RM said. "Get into position."

I heard the burst opening of a door followed by a silent gun shot.

"Okay. Done." RM said.

I couldn't see any sensors working inside the said door.

"RM, I can't sense anything." I said as I tried hard to get my signal to work. I received no reply as I watched my screen.

My eyes widened when I saw the disconnected announcement ran through with all their in ears and sensors like what happened with Jungkook.

Fuck! Did I lose connection with them?

What am I gonna do? Should I go in? Will they be okay?

If I go jn, will I get in trouble and ruin the entire plan?


I locked my eyes with the screen waiting until at least one of them connect back to me.

15 minutes later their voice ran through. I didn't know I was this close to panicking as I listened to the silence cause hearing their voice right now feels better than sex even.


"Oh thank god! Is everyone okay? Is Taehyung there?" I asked rapidly. 3 dots connected, both in ears and sensors. Soon enough the 4th ones connected making me squeal in delight.

"Heyyo Jiminie." His sweet voice ran through.

"Hey buddy." I said.

"Good job handling the computers well!" He exclaimed.

I chuckled.

"How you feeling?" I asked.

"Good as new!"

He sounds to excited for someone who was kidnapped. Why does it make me feel weird?

We quickly got into the business of coming away from their garden back here.

But as soon as it was right away from the basement I heard a hiss from the other side.

"Shit! They know we are here." I heard Jin say.

The sound of gunshot echoed making me panic as I looked around.

The screen showed nothing at first. But then small dots started appearing all around them as more people started advancing.

"Okay! Run! Run while shooting." I exclaimed.

I quickly typed in the computer to follow their path to warn about them for any that might appear to their front.

Suga and Jin were taking down anyone from the back.

They hid as they wanted to lose the trail and have the van secured. After a short while, they filled into the van looking exhausted having succefully getting out from the guards grasp.

Our van was parked at a space that is not covered by CCTV so we should be fine for now. But not for long.

I went to Taehyung after handing the others water.

He had his lip cut in a few places with blood dripping from a few cuts in his face too. His clothes all ragged but he overall looked okay.

I quickly hugged him as I explained to him how I can't crack the CCTV. After listening to me calmly he pat my back. "Good job buddy. Now I'll take over." He said.

He sat down and started typing instantly.

Jin hyung was injured as he had a small cut wound on his thigh. He was bleeding a lot making us worry but he was energetic still as he put medicine on his own wound.

After a moment as I watched and discussed with V, he exclaimed. "Cracked their cameras." 

We gathered around to watch. Jungkook was on one the side of the room in the gun point of over 50 or more men.

"Shit. That's not good." Suga whispered.

"We gotta go in. Now that we have the cameras, we can go in now."

"Let's go from the front door and we can easily pull JK out to this side. I don't think we will be able to negotiate with Jungsoo so it will be a battle." RM said.

Everyone felt the depth of his words. If it's a battle, there's a high chance of injury to any one of us. High chance of death.

Without further words, we geared again as we prepared to go. Jin hyung bandaged his leg well to prevent any damage to it while we go out again. This time, I'm going with them.

Thank god the basement Taehyung was locked in was located at the back of the house.

"The guards are all still at the back where we disappeared from. So you will be okay from the front." V said.

We managed to kill the guard at the front door. There weren't as many as I thought their would be but still we killed all of them.

One was hiding behind a pillar that we missed as he jumped out from it and hit Suga on the leg. Suga stumbled and fell down but soon killed the guy putting a bullet right through his skull.

"V stay on guard. Tell me if anyone's coming." Suga said as he arranged the explosives on the door.

Soon we hid ourselves as Suga pressed the button bombing the door inside.

We quickly filled in one by one.

"What is Jungkook doing on the other side of the room?" I hissed watching Jungkook stand opposite of us.

"Damn it."

Soon battle began as Jungsoo hid behind a glass cage. I saw as Jungkook got help from a floating gun and figured the Y/n was also here. I might be jeolous of Y/n but seeing as how she is helping jungkook, I can't be more grateful to her.

Jungkook managed to come to us with the help of Y/n and after a quick discussion amidst the bullets, we decided that we want to end it once and for all.

Either by killing Jungsoo and negotiating.

This is fucking annoying.

While we covered, Jungkook made his way to the glass cage.

As soon as Jungsoo came out he pulled a gun to aim at Jungkook as we all aimed at him but Y/n pulled the trigger.

The bullet went through Jungsoo's stomach as he fell to the ground.

Jungkook came from there as RM instructed the guard to not move closer.

But they were circling around him as if they are hiding something.

"Hyung." I called out to suga. "That looks suspicious, isn't it?" I asked pointing towards the now gathered guard showing their backs to us.

He nodded.

Just then V exclaimed. "Guys look out!!"

I heard it. We all did. Except Jungkook. Which made his reaction a little too slow.

It was silent until we watched the bullet fall down on to the floor after spilling blood everywhere.

But the bullet fell from in front of Jungkook.

The guns went off again but I was more focused on Jungkook.

I watched as a figure appeared and dispparead from on top of his fallen body as if glitching.

Y/n's black hair fallen down across Jungkook's chest as she was lying on top of him. Both unconscious. Both bleeding.

I trudged closer.

The right side of her back smeared with blood with the hole where the bullet went through. 

Did she take the bullet for him?

I couldn't find a proper answer as she soon disappeared.

Then Jungkook was left. There weren't any blood on his chest but he remained unconscious.

That's when I notice a pool of blood forming on the floor behind him.

Where was Jungkook shot?

Who exactly got shot?



This is like a small break chapter after everything that happened. A little breath before shit gets rough again. Hehe.

I might update every 2 days or so from now on cause I want to catch upto the point I have written so far. Cause I am writing a whole new scene now so I can't seem to find my emotions I felt when I was writing this. So somehow this doesn't feel satisfying to me.

But I hope you enjoy it !

Thank you so much for your kind words in the comments and reassuring me that it was upto your liking. Honestly, you guys are the best!

I can't express how much I love you guys through mere words but I'm gonna try.  I love you guys so so sooo much🥺

Don't forget to vote and comment!


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