Jungkook's Pov
We left Jimin alone in the van again, me and Suga went towards the entrance while RM and Jin went a separate way.
Hobi hyung was left at home.
As we made to the gate, I gave them my name and they let me enter together with Suga. They didn't check for our weapons or take them out which made me slightly uneasy.
We made our way to the main door through the huge garden. We were surrounded by many guard that we both didn't even bother to take our guns out. But I know we can have them out in the blink of an eye if needed.
At the door, there was another more stern looking guard.
"Who are they?" He asked in a gruff voice.
"Jeon Jungkook and Min Yoongi."
"Jeon Jungkook. Search him. Remove everything."
They pulled me to the side but before they grabbed any of my stuff, I quickly pulled out my gun.
"Jk. Let them." I heard RM's voice.
I put the gun down and nodded sighing as they stripped me bare of weapen.
I was wearing my black gear after every weapon was removed but I felt naked.
"Min yoongi you can't go in. Leave."
"Suga. It's best to just go. Don't stalls or grab their attention."
Suga looked at me and nodded once before turning around to go.
I sighed again as they made me enter in by pushing me forward from the tip of the gun.
I hissed in anger. But kept silence either way.
We entered into the living room with glass walls and a chandelier.
"Be safe J-Jk-.... k.... it- t... mig-ht..." I heard static sounds which was followed by silence.
Fuck! I lost connection.
"Hello Jungkookah! Welcome to my home!" He said as he stood up from the sofa after keeping his drink and coming to me.
I stepped away from him as I glared. "Where is Taehyung?"
He pouted. "Don't you even care about me? Don't you ever miss me?" He asked in a fake hurt voice.
I chuckled sarcastically. "What should I miss about you? Your fucking death threats or you killing my family?"
His pout disappeared. "Don't try to be smart. You are all alone here. Not even your precious hyungs can save you. Because inside the house, your in ear thingys don't work." He said coming closer. I can smell alcohol clearly on his breath.
I grit my teeth.
"Why did you set the trap?"
"Trap? Oh! The warehouse? That wasn't a trap. That was a test. I wanted to see how you would approach a place. But you were stupid enough to not even notice it's a trap."
He came closer to me. "We forced your precious hyung to write that message. We made him put the little note in his watch for you to get. We are really good aren't we?"
His smirk took up his entire face.
I grit my teeth in annoyance. He is better than we thought he would be.
"Are you worried for your hyung?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
"Nope. I trust my hyungs. I trust them more than I ever trusted you." I said directly.
I saw him grit his teeth in anger but then he quickly masked it with a laugh. "Ahhh where are my manners?"
He moved towards the two glasses set on the table and poured wine to both. He then brought them both and gave me a glass.
I took it while scanning his movements for anything suspicious.
"Cheers baby brother." He said clicking our glasses together.
He gulped down the whole glass in one sip and threw it at the wall in one swift motion. The sound of the glass shatter echoing through the house.
He glared at me then. As the glass pieces were still making sound, his eyes bore into mine. With so much hatred.
"If you had been alone, I would have taken you in. I would have treated you like a proper hyung. But you just had to go to your stupid hyungs all the fucking time! You never gave me a chance." He screamed.
"You didn't leave me a choice. You killed everyone I loved! You broke me!" I screamed back.
He grabbed my glass and gulped it down before sending it flying to the same wall.
"I was alone too! I was broken too! Knowing what it was like to lose the parents, I thought you would understand how I felt. But you moved on!"
"I never moved on! You fucking killed them yourself! You're the reason we became parentless. You are the reason I wasn't myself." I exclaimed.
I grabbed him by the collar to pull him closer to me. The guard all around us pointed their guns at me all at once. The sound of the recharge of the slot filled the space. But I didnt stop.
Staring at his now red eyes, I whispered. "You're the reason I'm in this life. Killing people to save those I love. And I fucking hate you for that."
He screamed. Loud and clear. The pain in his voice pulling my heart towards his agony but I held my ground.
Then he pushed me away. Making me stumble and fall to the ground.
I was quickly pulled up from the collar by a guard, making me kneel on the ground as Jungsoo stared at my eyes. His hot uneven breath hitting me face.
"I loved you till now. I was going to give you another chance. Give us another chance. But I give up."
I stared right back. "You lost the chance when you destroyed the peace in my family by kidnapping my brother."
I know it will anger him. I know it will hurt him. But I wanted him to know where he stand in my life.
He killed me parents. We can never make our connection normal again.
He let me go as he stood up straight and moved away to grab the bottle of wine.
I looked around to see that I was under the gun point of all the guard around us. As much as I can catch from my vision, it's nearly about 20.
Just then, I heard a gasp. A tiny gasp of hurt filled with many untold emotions. One of them being fear.
I wasn't the only one who heard it.
Many heads turn towards the direction making my heart beat faster. She is here. She will see what happens. If I fail my promise now, she will know.
I closed my eyes as I gathered my strength. I need to be strong.
Jungsoo turned around as he came towards me again while holding the bottle of wine that he gulped till now.
"You will sign the papers. You will give me the companies. Not because I'm forcing you. But because that's the least you can do to treat your one and only brother you gave up on." He said.
"Kook. I'm here." I heard her smooth voice near my ear. She must have held my cheek as I felt her heat.
I felt alone till now. I felt helpless. But hearing her soft voice right here with me, gave me the courage and strenght I needed.
It gave me hope.
I stared at Jungsoo. "You're wrong. I have 7 brothers. And I would never give anything I own to you."
He grit his teeth. We stared at each other for a long time. I felt Y/n's heat leave my cheek which made me worry but I didn't leave my gaze away from his red piercing eyes.
"I'm done with you." He said. He looked at the guards around him. "Don't shoot him. Just hurt him but don't kill him."
Guns were put down as men started to come towards me. I stood up quickly and started to hit anyone who came closer.
Hitting and punching them everywhere I can get ahold of as I moved from one to another. All my training I have ever done coming in handy to save my life.
I received a few punches here and their but I never gave up.
"Hit him you fucking assholes. What the hell are you doing?" Jungsoo screamed.
I didn't take their guns as they fell to the floor. I didn't want to kill anyone today. I never want to kill another person ever again.
I kept on fighting not caring about what broke or what happened. I don't want to be injured. I have to keep my promise.
Then the guards started to scream in pain too. Many started to fall down as well. Those around me who were advancing on me to hit stopped in their tracks as they stared at the ones holding their privates, groaning in pain.
"What's going on!!? What's happening?" Jungsoo screamed.
I smiled. Y/n. She got into action.
But is she hitting their junk?
I shook my head chuckling softly. "What are you doing?"
Another groaned and a guard fell down from my right side making all of us look at him.
"That's the best way to take a man down." She answered.
"W-what? Who is i-it?" Jungsoo asked.
"Oh me?" Y/n said with a fake surprised voice. "I'm your worst nightmare."
Another guard fell down making Jungsoo gulp.
I started to punch those who were close by as well.
Now we are left with only 8 standing men.
A guard came rushing from the outside and went straight to Jungsoo.
"Sir, they took him. The boy. They took him."
Jungsoo's head whipped to look at the guard. I stopped in my tracks listening to the coversation after I punched a guy.
"They took him. Sir." The person said as he looked down at the ground.
Jungsoo hissed. He grabbed at his hair annoyed but then he looked at me.
"Bring in more guard and seal all doors. We are going to torture him." He said.
Right as he said it, it's as if all hell broke loose.
Hundreds of guards rushed in and the doors were closed tightly making a closed space all around us.
"Fuck." I heard a hiss from close to me.
"Hold my hand baby. We might have to run." I whispered. I felt her heat as it grabbed my hand. I felt her squeeze.
"Now what are you going to do? Your hyungs are outside saving your other one while you are here dying in his expense." Jungsoo asked.
I felt her squeeze harder.
"I can save myself." I said.
I was scared. Honestly.
He smirked to that. "You really wanna die don't you?"
The guns were pulled up as they were going to shoot. I stood at the gun point of at least a 100.
"I hate seeing this Jungkook. The red dots all on you."
I looked down at my chest and it was nearly red with all the tiny dots.
People closed in on us. I heard their footsteps from all around me.
I was weaponless. I was bleeding from a few places that I got cut while fighting.
I was done for.
But I'm not dead yet.
And I'm not alone.
"Baby. Give me a min." Y/n whispered.
She let go of my hand. I watched until something happened. Anything.
Then a few guard from the place started to go crazy. Some screamed in pain while some just groaned. All around me.
Was she running while hurting the guard one by one?
I looked at my chest to see the red lights dancing.
I looked around. All the guard were distracted. I then noticed a door opposite of where we are. Maybe to a room?
I have to take the chances. But should I? Will it put me in risk?
Are all the doors actually sealed?
I can't just stand here.
Do something Jungkook!
Using the distraction to my advantage I started hitting guards to move myself to the other side of the room closer to the door.
"You can shoot him now idiot!" Jungsoo screamed.
Before anyone could follow his order, the main door burst open as a huge explosion sounded through. Then it was followed by silence as we all looked towards it.
"Missed us?" RM came in from the opposite side of the room holding a gun while everyone else filled through.
Y/n exclaimed with glee making those guards around her to squeal in fear.
"Hey girl!" Rm said. Making sure not to mention her name.
"Da fuck? You bombed my door?" Jungsoo asked.
"That's what you care about? Your door?" RM asked.
"Didn't think it was that important to you." Suga said smirking.
"Heyya bitches! I'm back!" Jimin said as he entered holding a gun leaning on his shoulder.
"But... What the hell happened to my guards!! Why didn't they kill you jerks?" Jungsoo screamed.
"The only thing that died so far is your fucking brain cell. And we'll make sure your entire body follows it soon." Suga hyung said.
Everyone stopped all conversation. Just like a switch was turned on suddenly the entire mood changed. It became serious.
"We don't want to kill anyone anymore. So let us go and leave us alone." Rm said.
Jungsoo chuckled sarcastically. "I don't care about killing. I've done it plenty. So guards, kill them all."
"You never learn, stupid asshole. You just never will." I said.
As soon as my words ended, gun shots started echoing all around us.
I ducked as fast as I can to hide behind the nearest pillar to protect myself from the bullets firing through.
"Bullets doesn't catch me. They go through me. I'll cover for you." Y/n said.
I gave a quick nod. I waited as she pulled the gun from the guy shooting my way after slapping him. He looked surprised and then quickly ran away. She held the gun up to me. I took it from her hand.
I guess I don't have to choice but to shoot. I know I shot people today at the ware house too but none of them were at serious places that would kill him.
"Stay close to me. It'll make it easier for us to run to the other side." I pointed out.
"Jungkook! Come on fast!" Suga hyung screamed as they shot down more people.
Just then Y/n went to another gaurd she took his gun right out of his hand and scared him making him run away.
"You don't have to do this baby." I whispered.
"But I want to help."
"You are helping by being with me." The guilt after killing someone is not easy to bare.
"Give me a min." She said.
"Okay so, I'm a medical student ready to shoot people. Here it goes." She whispered in a faint voice.
I saw as her gun was lifted as she positioned it in her hand making me smile.
"Do you know how to shoot?" I asked.
"Nope. But I'll try." She said. She quickly aimed at a vase and shot it. The vase shattered into pieces.
"Good. But be cafeful."
"Okay. I'm ready, I think? Let's go." She said.
I watched her gun move out of our hiding spot as she walked forward shooting everyone aiming at where she is.
I shot anyone who came closer to her from her behind as I began to run while hiding. I started to cover for hyungs as I got closer.
"There are more outside. We gotta hurry." Jin said while stabbing someone in the stomach.
"We have to finish what we have here." Jimin said.
"Yoongi! Get down!" RM screamed. We all quickly ducked down as a knife flew by right where suga was standing.
"This has to be finished." Suga said through gritten teeth.
We all gathered our gun again.
"Suga. Cover for me." I said as I started to make my way towards Jungsoo.
There weren't many guards around us now as most of them are shot and lying on the floor unconscious.
This whole time his men were being shot by our bullets, Jungsoo was hiding behind a glass cage.
"Stop the shooting." I screamed.
He smirked. "Why should I?"
"Because you are hiding behind a fucking glass cage not giving a damn about their lives when we shoot them to be saved from you!!!"
He smirked. "That's the fun about being a mafia boss."
"No. That's just you being a fucking coward." I said smirking.
He glared at me in anger as he pressed a button.
The glass cage moved down to the ground as he came out of it. He lifted up his hand to give a command to the gaurds to stop shooting.
"I'm not afraid of a bullet. In fact, I know pretty well on how to use one." He said as he pulled out a gun to aim at me.
A gun shot ran through followed by eerie silence.
I watched as his eyes widened. In surprise or pain I don't know. Blood oozed out from the wound. Right in his abdomen.
I looked at where the bullet came from to see a floating gun.
"W-who... a-" Jungsoo coughed up blood before he could finish what he wanted to ask.
I sighed. I watched as he laid down. His movement reducing to nothing as he fell unconscious.
Guard rushed in towards his body. "No one will touch him if you don't wanna die!" RM's stern voice ran through, halting their steps. No one dared to move after that.
I turned around to make my way to the door quickly to leave the scene as it won't be much long before the things escalated to yet another battle.
We started to pile out while the guards moved to surround their leader. No one moving closer.
What we didn't see was that that was also a plan.
"I will fucking kill you!!!"
I turned around to see Jungsoo holding a gun while still lying down. The gun aiming right at me.
Why did I stop when I should move out of the way?
So many people screamed. I couldn't figure out who or what they said.
The gun shot made me gasp. I couldn't understand what happened as pain started radiating off from my back.
But what caught my attention the most was when I felt the heat. The heat to say that she is here in front of me. She is here holding me.
I want to know whether she is okay.
Why can't I hold her to make sure that she is okay?
I hope she is okay. Please let her be okay.
Pain shot through me, making me fall down to the ground.
Darkness dotted my vision. But I heard a small voice whisper calmly right before I slipped into darkness.
"I'm right h-here baby."
Ahh I was so lost when I was writing this as I had no idea how I wanted to express their emotions. So I'm sorry if it's messy.
Although I gotta say I'm not satisfied with this chapter. It feels like something's missing and I can't find what it is.
Anyways who do you think got shot?
Hope you enjoyed it although it was slightly sad and all. Hehe.
Don't forget to vote and comment!
Love you guys!
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