Special gift *imagine*

Ages :
Y/N : 14 yrs
Jungkook : 23 yrs
Jimin : 25 yrs


"You should sleep now" Jungkook said.

"Not yet, I'll go once you're done." You said. He nodded defeatingly and continued doing some work on his laptop. You stared at him, then sighed deciding to get up.

"Where's your iPad?" You asked.

"I don't know, you had it last" he said, not taking his eyes off the bright screen that had hundreds of words written on it, and Jungkook adding more.

You groaned and slouched on the couch,fiddling with the hem of your hoodie and its string in your mouth. You had grown a habit of chewing on the string of any of your hoodies, which Jungkook was fed up of. He glanced at you sideways, and pulled the string out as he shook his head telling you not to chew on it. You frowned and put it back in your mouth.

"No, take that out" he said, in an authoritative tone. You shook your head and pushed his hand away. "Y/N, you don't chew on your clothes. Its dirty" he said.

"Its not. You washed it right?" You said.

"Still, you don't do like that" he said. You huffed and turned to the other side. "Fine, then you won't be allowed to wear hoodies anymore"

"What? Noo!" You quickly turned to him, with widened eyes.

"Then stop putting the string in your mouth" he said sternly. You pouted looking at him.

"I won't give you a hug" you mumbled.

"I don't want a hug"

"you so mean"

"I'm not mean, I'm just saying what's right"

Jungkook turned to look at you when he felt a heavy gaze on himself. It was you glaring at him. For a second he thought of giving up, but then he realized it was important to put that habit of yours to a halt. You were fourteen now, and this wasn't a good practice for you. He sighed and kept a straight face.

"Koo" you shook his arm to get his attention after waiting for five minutes, "Oppa?" He didn't respond. You exhaled deeply and laid your head on his lap ignoring the laptop there. Your brother sighed and looked at you.

"Go and sleep Y/N" he said. You smiled and looked at him.

"Lets go" you said, sitting up and taking his hand.

"You can go, I'll come in a bit." Jungkook said.

"No, come with me. You've been doing work since morning. You didn't even pay attention to me today. I won't listen to you, if you don't come with me" you declared which was true.

It was the time, where Jungkook has been extremely busy. Since Jimin's military enlistment, he had to take care of things. Your parents tried their best not to overburden him but there was still enough work for him. Its been like this for the last two years. You only had Jungkook with you, as everything. He cooks, cleans, works, drops you to school, picks you up from there, takes you out, makes sure you're doing your homework and all, attend your school functions and what not.

And at this point, you won't hesitate calling him SuperKook.

"Please...?" You pouted.

"Alright, let's go" he sighed and smiled at you. You cheered and hugged him quickly.

"you said you won't give me a hug?" He reminded while chuckling.

You gasped and stared at him, "I forgot about that" he ruffled your hair and stood up.

"Good" he said, "Don't remember such things."


Another morning in the Jeon household. It was five minutes after Jungkook woke up. He yawned and turned to look at the beautiful person sleeping next to him, a smile appeared on his lips on the sight of you sleeping like a baby while holding his arm.

"Y/N-ah" Jungkook shook you gently, "Baby, get up. You remember what day is today?"

"Mmm" you stirred in your place and hugged him tighter.

"Wake up big girl" he said.

"no" you mumbled.

"No? So you really forgot about today hmm?" He said.

"Fivemminutesmore" you slurred your words together. He chuckled and nodded, taking the five minutes for himself as well.


"Oppa?" You called, shaking Jungkook. He hummed sleepily. "You said we need to wake up"

"Mhmm" he responded. You giggled and sat up, searching for his phone. It was on the night stand, which was on Jungkook's side. You glanced at the sleeping Kook and leaned above him to grab the phone. Just when you thought you got it, Jungkook held you and pulled you to lay on top of him. You cackled playfully and wiggled in his arms. He rubbed his nose near your jaw and smiled.

"What are you doing?" he asked in his raspy morning voice.

"nothing." you said, "You are doing something" he chuckled.

"Is that so?" He asked, you nodded.

"You're holding me" you said, "I will sleep again like this. So lt's get up and make cookies" you suggested.

"Why do you want cookies? When you have this super cool Kookie?" He said.

"Because I can't eat this Kookie" you giggled. He hummed in response and released you from his bear hug. You sat in front of him and took his phone. He leaned forward to see what you were doing. You opened a picture and showed it to him.

"I want this type of cookie" you said.

"Isn't it a little hard?" He said, referring to the Tinkerbell shaped cookie with a fine detailing. You shook your head.

"You can make it for me" you said. He chuckled and kissed your forehead.

"We'll do that, first let's get ready. Then we have to do a lot of decoration work right?" He said, you nodded and stood quickly. Christmas has always been one of your favorite days. But only when everyone was there together. The last year, Jimin and your parents weren't there. And this year too, its just Jungkook and you.

Jungkook checked his phone, while you were roaming about the room finding one of your slippers. After getting tired and still not getting it you threw the other one too, and by this time Jungkook was already in the bathroom, letting you do the kid stuff.

You opened the door and peeked in, knowing that he must be shaving right now. You giggled and stood next to him. Jungkook glanced at you in the mirror and continued doing his business. You touched the foam on his face and grinned. Jungkook stopped for a moment, to look at you.

"Why do you even do this? There's no difference" you said. He chuckled and continued applying the foam.

"I do this everyday that's why there's no difference" he said. You nodded slowly and took the shaving foam from his hand. Jungkook shook his head, telling you not to waste it.

"There's a little less..." You said, and applied more on his cheek. He groaned and turned to you. Grabbing your hand, he brought you closer and leaned down to rub his cheek on yours. You laughed as he tickled you. In a few seconds he stopped and looked in the mirror,

"Y/N will shave with oppa today" he said.

"No" you giggled and took a little foam from your cheek on put it on the tip of your brother's nose. He huffed fake angrily and looked at you. "You're Jeon shaving-kook" you laughed.

"Shaving-kook huh?" He chuckled and brought his face closer to yours, touching your noses, so now there was foam on your nose as well. You giggled and stepped back,

"Now I look like mini shaving-kook" you said pointing at the mirror and laughing. Jungkook grinned sheepishly and nodded. Mini Shaving-Kook.


"No cookies first!" You stomped your foot on the floor while crossing your arms on your chest.

"We'll do that princess, but let's get the decorations and a nice Christmas tree first." Jungkook said, using the hairdryer on your hair. He kept it on its place once your hair were completely dried and you started brushing them nicely.

"No, pleeease! Lets make cookies first." You said, looking up at him. He sighed and nodded, knowing you won't shut up unless he listens to you and makes cookies first.

"Like this?" He asked referring to your hair, that he was doing into two buns.

"This one is smaller" you pointed at the one on left. He stared in the mirror observingly and nodded realizing that the left bun was actually smaller than the right one. He did it again, and smiled proudly this time.

"Perfect!" You cheered and gave him a high five.

"Now let's go make cookies for mini Kookie" Jungkook said.

You smiled and pointed at yourself, "Me!"

"Yes, now c'mon. We have lots of work for today." He said smiling at you. You stood up and went to kitchen with him.

Jungkook had already started preparing for the cookies, while you were busy getting the apron right. It had a lot of straps, which was confusing you. You looked at Jungkook's apron and tried to get an idea of how to wear it, but you were failing miserably.

"Y/N, get me the a cup of water" he said. When you didn't respond, he turned around to look at you and chuckled. "We need to get an easy-to-wear apron for Y/N, don't we?" He said, watching you struggle between the straps of the blue apron.

You looked at him and nodded, "I'm stuck" you said. Jungkook laughed and came near you. He helped you wear it correctly and then went back to working on cookies.

Jungkook rolled the dough in the desirable thickness, and then it was your chance to cut into different shapes. You had a few shapes and picked one, showing it to Jungkook. He nodded and told you do it quickly. Soon there were enough cookies for you both, stars, moon, Christmas tree and fish shaped. Jungkook was busy making a Tinkerbell shape for you. There was still a some dough left, so you decided to use it.

"What is that?" Jungkook came behind you, peeking at what you were doing. You smiled and looked up at him,

"Look" you said, "this is me and this one is you" you pointed at the two dough figures, one short and one tall. He smiled and hugged you from behind, placing a kiss on top of your head.

"I'm making Jimin oppa too" you said, "we'll take a picture and send it to him."

"Of course, he'll love it."


"Oppa wait, I wanna do it" you said, reaching out to take the star from his hand.

"Fine" he said and stepped back, "Come" you took the star and stood on the stool to place the star on the very top of the big and beautiful Christmas tree that you and Jungkook had decorated together.

"It looks so pretty!" You squealed, staring at the tree in front of you. Your eyes sparkled, imitating the bright lights on the tree. Jungkook quickly pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, smiling fondly at you.


*Bzz* *Bzz*

A bunch of pictures of you. One in which you were too focused while cutting cookies. One in which you were holding two stars in your hands in the mall. One with you playing with a santa hat. One of you eating the icing while decorating the cake. And one with you staring at the Christmas tree amusedly.

Jimin smiled and caressed the the screen with his thumb. He knew he had missed a lot in these two years. Although Jungkook made sure to contact him from time to time, and update him with stuff. But this had to end, and today was it. Finally.


"Is it good?" Jungkook asked. You nodded with full mouth.

"It is super good" You said after gulping down the food in your mouth and he smiled.

"Woah, thank you" he said and noticed that you weren't smiling like you did the whole day. "Is anything wrong princess?"

You sighed and looked down, while shaking your head. Jungkook shifted his chair near you and gently lifted your head to make you look at him. He frowned on noticing your glassy eyes.

"Hey what happened?" He asked worriedly.

"Oppa..." You said with a crack in your voice as you hugged him. He made you sit on his lap and patted your head. You had your arms wrapped around his neck and your face buried in the crook of his neck. You sniffed and wiped your tears on your sleeve.

"Why are you crying honey?" He asked softly, breaking the hug to look at you. He used to his index finger to make you look at him.

"Its not complete" you said, "Jimin oppa should be here a-and mommy and Daddy should be here... Its not c-complete Oppa"

Jungkook stared at you with a soft expression. He kissed your forehead and wiped your tears. Jungkook had tried his best to keep you busy and distracted most of the days, so you won't miss Jimin and cry.

"They'll be here soon, Y/N-ah. And also we can talk to everybody on the phone-"

"No, its different. Jiminie is in the military so its fine, but Daddy and mommy don't come back either. They're not in military right? Still they don't live with us. Everyone has their families with them, only I don't have my family. Why Oppa?"

"I'm sorry baby, but you know we can't really do anything in this. Mom and Dad have work, and Jiminie is serving our country. And both of the things are important. I understand you want us to be together, and trust me I want it too, but honey, this is how it is. Distance doesn't matter when we love someone. Its the same no matter where we are." Jungkook said.

"Do you think Jiminie will like it if he comes to know that you're crying and spoiling your favourite day?" He asked, you shook your head, "then stop crying and smile." He said and wiped the last tear that left your eye. But you still didn't smile, "C'mon show me the pretty smile of little Kookie"

"I don't feel like smiling" you mumbled with a pout. Jungkook hummed and pretended to think something,

"Let's see if it stays like that" he said and tickled your sides, which instantly made you giggle and squirm in his lap. "There, my favorite smile." He said and pecked the side of your lips.

"I love you Oppa" you whispered and hugged him, making him smile.

"I love you more princess" he said, patting your back. "Now let's finish our dinner, I'm hungry. Or else I'll eat Y/N." You giggled and shook your head.

"You don't eat people" you said.

"I can, if they're tasty; and my Y/N is very tasty." He said, playfully biting your cheek gently.

You pulled back and laughed, "Nooo!"

The whole dinner went with lots of playfulness, smiles and giggles. Jungkook cleared the table and you helped him in whatever you could. For example, you sat on the counter and talked to him while he washed the dishes and dried a few dishes, but your main goal was to keep blabbering and entertain him, which he loved more than anything.

When the kitchen was done, Jungkook got a few colored papers and markers, and placed them on the table. He sat in front of you,

"We'll write letters, one for santa and the rest for people that we love, okay?" He said.

"Writing for Santa is okay, but for the people I love, why do I have to write it? I can just talk to my Oppas" you said.

"Its more special when you write it baby, words on paper have a different and deeper meaning than words spoken." He said. You nodded slowly, grasping what your brother just said. He chuckled and handed you a marker and paper.

"How many did you write?" You asked, after being done with your letters.

"Three" Jungkook said.

"Oh I wrote four" you said.

"Hmm? For? " He asked.

"I'm not telling you" you shook your head.

"Okay fine"

-11:58 pm-

The door clicked open. Jungkook glanced at your almost asleep figure. He got up from the couch, where the two of you sat because you said you'll stay awake and see if its really Santa who puts the gifts under the tree or Jungkook. He walked to the front door with an excited smile.

"Hyung" he said and hugged Jimin tightly. The older smiled and hughed him back.

"How are you?" Jimin asked.

"Good. I can't tell you how happy I am right now" Jungkook said, Jimin chuckled and patted his head. The younger took the bags from Jimin and gestured him to come in. He kept the luggage away and came to living space.

"You two did a lot of work I see" Jimin said, looking around at the Christmas decoration. Jungkook smiled proudly and nodded. He placed a few gifts and took the letters you wrote from the paper bag.

"Hyung" he called in a low voice so you won't wake up. Jimin looked at him and sat next to him. "Read this" Jungkook handed him a yellow colored paper.

Dear Jimin Oppa,
Kookie said we have to write letters for the people we love. So I'm writing one for you. I miss you very very very much. But I know you have to stay away and its important. So its okay. Please keep smiling, I love your smile. And keep loving me. I'm waiting for you. I love you Oppa ❤️

Your princess

Jimin smiled and glanced at your sleeping face. Jungkook was reading the one you wrote for him,

Dear Koo,
You're my favourite superhero. I love you more than Thor and more than Iron man, because you're my Big Kookie. Thank you for taking care of me when Mon, Dad and Jimin oppa were away, and loving me, feeding me, doing my hair, letting me bother you while you worked and many more things. I love you Kookie Oppa ❤️

Your little Kookie

Jungkook chuckled reading your letter for him sat back properly. There was silence for a while, before Jimin decided to break it.

"I missed out on a lot of things right?"

"Well, to be honest yes you did." Jungkook nodded, "She was learning different languages, and almost cried during her taekwondo class a few months ago. She also learned ice skating." He said, chuckling as he remembered you whining because you weren't able to get it right. "But there's still a lot to do, she couldn't wear the apron correctly, doing her hair and she still didn't give up the habit of chewing the strings of her hoods. So there's more we have to work on."

Jimin nodded and chuckled looking at you, then turned to Jungkook.

"You managed everything nicely Kook. You really grew up." He said. Jungkook smiled, staring at his lap.

"Let's wake her up" Jungkook said and moved towards you. "She was crying today as she was missing you a lot." Jimin smiled knowingly.

"Hey Y/N" Jungkook spoke softly, "wake up, there are gifts, you wanted to see them right?"

"Tomorrow..." You mumbled and moved closer to him, hugging and sleeping in his arms now. He sighed and shook you.

"Aish! Wake up Y/Nie, look here's a special gift for you." He said.

"Speciagift?" You spoke mixing up the words. Jungkook nodded and pointed near the the tree. You rubbed your eyes and went near the beautiful wrapped boxes.

"I didn't wanted to sleep!" You whined, "why did you let me sleep??"

"I'm sorry princess" he said, "But anyways, find your gift." He gestured towards the boxes. You knelt down and searched for your name on the gifts.

"This is for you" you said and pointed at the one on your right, "and this one is for me. And- oh wait! There's one more for me!" You said happily.

"A skateboard!" You cheered on opening the first box and hurriedly opened the second one. "Oppa look, there's matching hoodies!"

"Really? That's cool." He said. "Now check your bag" You nodded and grabbed the paper bag. There was a small paper in it with 'Surprise' written on it.

"What does that mean?" You asked. Jungkook shrugged.

"Merry Christmas Princess" you gasped on hearing Jimin's voice and turned to look behind you. The very next moment you were sticking to your eldest brother like a koala. He chuckled and lifted you from the floor in his arms.

"Is this a dream?" You asked, looking at Jungkook. The boys chuckled and shook their heads as a no.

"It is real, I'm right here with you." Jimin said. You hugged him again.

"I missed you so much" you mumbled in his shirt.

"I missed you too honey" he said and planted a kiss on your head.

"Did you like your surprise?" Jungkook asked.

"I loved it!" You said and got on your tippy toes to kiss Jimin's cheek. "This gift is the best" Jimin chuckled and patted your head.

"You've become taller Y/N" He said. You smiled and nodded.

"And stronger too" you said, "I can beat Kookie in arm wrestling sometimes." Jimin gave an impressed look, and saw Jungkook playfully rilling his eyes.

Jimin sat on the couch and you next to him, telling him how you've been and what you've been doing while he was away. You talked non-stop until Jungkook came and interrupted you,

"Y/N you should sleep now, you've been up for long enough." He said. You shook your head and pouted,

"I have to talk to Oppa" you said.

"You can talk in the morning, he must be tired too."

"no" you mumbled and looked at Jimin.

"Its okay Kook, let her be" he said. You smiled and stuck your tongue out at Jungkook.

"But hyung you should take some rest a-"

"Relax Jungkook, I'm fine" Jimin laughed, "I'm going to eat something first. And Y/N can give some company?" You nodded happily and followed him to the kitchen.

"Oppa wait, I'll show you something" you said and pulled Jungkook to a side and asked him where the cookies were. He gave gave you your specially prepared cookie, that he didn't let you eat earlier. "Oppa, this is me, this is Koo and this is you" you showed them to Jimin who smiled fondly.

"These are beautiful" he praised, "are you sure we can eat it?" He asked. You looked at the cookies and thought for a moment.

"no" you shook your head, making your brothers laugh.

"But you wanted to eat them earlier" Jungkook said.

"I...did, Now I wanna keep them" you said, "So no one eat it"

It was after two years that you three were sitting together and having a sibling time. Jimin was more than thankful to have returned from the military and reunite with his precious brother and sister. Jungkook too felt eased, to have gotten back his elder brother. In these two years he realized the tremendous amount of responsibility Jimin had work with. And you, as the youngest, were just happy to have your brother back.

"Y/Nie's tired after a long day" Jungkook said. Jimin chuckled looking at you, who was dozing off with your head on the table.

"Take her to her room" Jimin said.

Jungkook nodded and carried you upstairs. He gently laid you on the bed and kissed your forehead.

"Hyung, you're not going to sleep?" Jungkook asked walking back to where Jimin was.

"I will, you can go first" Jimin said. The younger nodded headed to your room, as a habit of sleeping with you.

Jimin saw another paper, a purple colored paper and picked it up.

Dear hyung,
First off, I really missed you. I told Y/N not to cry, it was hard to keep her busy all the time. Kids, you used to say. I understand that now. You're really amazing that you can handle so many things at the same time. I admire you even more now. Please don't leave us again like this, we love you. I love you hyung.

Your (obedient) brother,

Jimin smiled, "Who should I thank for such loving siblings? Mom and Dad? Or God- No, yeah Mom and Dad." He nodded to himself, and decided to text them.

Thanks for making such amazing kids. Love you Mom Dad!

Out of nowhere? But anyways, you're welcome son. We love you too. Go and sleep now.


I missed y'all so much 😭

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