About the group's name... Yes some of you suggested it, and I did some research as well but failed. So I asked one of my friends, and she suggested something. Its a one time thing, so I'm using that. If you have any better ideas please let me know at the end of the chapter.
Okay, go on and enjoy! 🥳
The day has finally come. Saturday. You were standing with your two friends in the backstage, waiting for your name to be called.
"Please give a big hand for our next team, Trine light!" The host said. (Sorry, pls don't laugh)
The three of you glanced at each other and nodded with 'lets do it!' look. You walked upto the stage, Jake positioned himself with the guitar and Clay near the piano while you took the place between them, standing in front of the mic. You took a deep breath and scanned through the crowd, looking for your oppas. The music started playing and you still weren't done finding the boys. You glanced at Clay and then at Jake, they smiled as you started the song.
Your eyes wandered all around, and finally landed on them. Sitting on the second row, in the right side of you. Jungkook and Taehyung smiled widely, the others too had proud expressions. You continued singing occasionally swaying with the beat.
"-saying the words that I want you to say
There's a pain in my heart and it won't go away~'
"-'Cuz I need you here with me, Everyday~"
You sang and glanced at Jake again, who was smiling and lip syncing with you. You fixed your eyes back at the audience who seemed to enjoy the performance.
"-Can I tell you something just between you and me?
When I hear your voice, I know I'm finally free
Every single word is perfect as it can be
'Cause I need you here with me~" you sang looking towards Jungkook, smiling softly. The song ended and you bowed to the audience before leaving.
The three of you did a tight group hug as soon as you left the stage. You squealed and jumped happily holding their hands
"Guys we did it!!!!!" You cheered.
"Yeah we did it!!!!" Clay said hugging you again. "You sang amazing Y/N" he said.
"Thanks, you did great too. Both of you did great. I wouldn't have participated ever if you two weren't by my side." You said.
"And guess what?" Jake said, "we aren't leaving your side even if you push us." He said laughing.
"Yeah thanks for that too" you said.
"I thought we deserved 1st place." you mumbled.
"I know right?" Jake mumbled back.
"Guys C'mon cheer up, 3rd isn't that bad either, specially when it was our first time!" Clay said.
"You're right but still..." You said, playing with the strings of Jake's guitar.
"We gave our best Y/N, you were sick before this and still we performed how we wanted to. Its great." Clay said, taking your hand in his. You nodded.
"I hope your brother likes it" Jake said, "when's his birthday anyway?"
"Tomorrow" you said and stood up. "I think you're right Clay, we gave our best, that's what's important. Let's go now." you pulled them up and headed out.
Jungkook and the others were already waiting for you to come. You gave them a smile and walked up to them after bidding goodbyes with your best friends.
"Hey Champ!" Jungkook said and hugged you tightly. You smiled and hugged him back.
"You sang beautiful Y/N-ah!!" Taehyung said and joined the hug. You giggled and pulled away.
"You all liked it?" You asked.
"We loved it!" Jimin said, "specially Jungkook" he pointed at Jungkook.
"Yep I did" he said.
"Thank god" you breathed out in relief.
"Jungkook, you might not know this, but this whole performance thing was done for you." Jin said.
"Waah Really?" Jungkook looked at you. You smiled and nodded.
"Your birthday is tomorrow, but I gave the gift today." you said. He wiped his fake tears and hugged you again.
"This was the best gift ever!" he said and kissed your head.
"I wish we came first so it would've been better." You said, getting inside the car with him.
"Its still the best, I'm glad you participated and did your best" he said smiling at you. You smiled back and nodded subtly.
"What do you wanna do tomorrow since its your 22nd birthday Mr. Jungkook?" You asked.
"Well I'd like to spend the day with my family Miss Y/N, and maybe an amusement park?" He said.
"Yess!" You said. "And we can lamb skewers!" You said.
"Yes, but Yoongi hyung will pay." Jungkook said.
"Yeah I know" Yoongi chuckled.
"Tomorrow will be fun!" You cheered. "We'll eat cookies because its Kookie's birthday" the boys laughed and nodded.
"Ugh! Why can't you just behave" you gritted looking at the zipper. It was stuck half way near your stomach. You had drained a lot of energy in finding your yellow puppy onesie and now this zipper was creating a problem. You groaned and fell backwards on your bed.
"Who's not behaving?" Jimin said and sat next to you.
You pointed at the zipper. He chuckled and told you stand up. You stood in front of him looking down at the zipper. He moved it a little bit and it was done. Easy. You gasped and looked at him.
"How did you do it?" You asked, "I was trying for the last fifteen minutes!"
He laughed and ruffled your hair, "Magic!" He said.
"Well, wow" you said, "anyway how do I look?" You turned around and faced him again, showing him your costume.
"Cute" he said, pinching your nose.
"You wear yours too!" You said and pulled him up. "So we can match"
"I'm too old to wear a onesie baby" he laughed.
"No you're not, you're not married so you're young." You said. Because you believe people get old once they get married.
(A/N believes that too 🥺 cuz she's just a baby. Comment your age, let's see if you're younger or older than Y/N. Because I am a little bit younger than her. I should know my audience right?)
"That's a unique logic" Jimin said and laughed a little. 24 years old is not that old, not when its Jimin.
(A/N- he'd turn 46 and still look 25😁)
"Yeah now let's go and find your onesie. What was it? A dinosaur?" You asked.
"Yeah" he nodded, "a green dinosaur."
You pulled him to his room and started finding through his closet, opening every drawer and checking every box. After all of this you couldn't find his onesie, but you got something else. It was Jungkook's bunny onesie.
"I'll go and give it to Kookie" you said and went to Jungkook's room.
"Hey brother!" You said and jumped on the bed besi- almost on him.
"Aish!" He adjusted himself and grabbed your arm so you won't fall down as you nearly slipped in the process. "What?"
"Wow thank you for saving me!" You said, making him laugh a bit, "Now look what I found!" You showed him the bunny costume. He smiled and took it, then payed attention to your outfit.
"Oh we're having a fancy dress?" he said, sitting up, with you on his lap.
"I just found it" you said, "yours and mine. Wear it quickly." You got off his lap and sat on the bed.
"Quickly? Okay" he stood up and wore the onesie over his t-shirt and half pants, which he was wearing initially.
"Good! Now let's go and show it to the others" you said standing up on his bed.
"Let's get it!" He said.
"Let's get it!" You repeated after him.
You and Jungkook ran downstairs, where the others were already there.
"Yah Kids! don't run inside th-" Jin stopped and stared at you two for a moment before smiling. He came near and pinched your cheeks.
"My kids, they look so cute!" he cooed. "Yoongi-ah!"
"Ah What?" Yoongi replied from the kitchen and peeked his head to look what was going on.
"What are you two doing?" Yoongi asked walking up to you and Jungkook.
"He's become a bunny and I've become a puppy." you said. Yoongi chuckled and shook his head. He stepped forward and kissed your forehead. Jungkook looked at his hyung and pointed at himself.
"You don't love me?" Jungkook asked.
"You want me to kiss you?" Yoongi gave him a weird look. "Go ask your brother." You laughed. Yoongi gave you a high five, making Jungkook pout. Jin shook his head and gave Jungkook a hug and patted his head.
"He's just teasing you." The eldest said.
"I know" the younger boy smiled back.
"No I'm not teasing you, I'm serious. Go and ask Jimin if he would kiss you." Yoongi said, hiding his laugh.
"Yeah right, I've never seen him kiss Kookie." You said. "Let's go right now." Jin and Yoongi laughed.
"What?" You said. They shook their heads saying nothing.
"He used to" Jungkook said, "when we were very young."
"Really? How come I never saw?" You said.
He chuckled and said, "you were even more young then."
"Still I wanna see" you said. Jungkook looked down. Jimin never kissed him in ages, it would feel weird...?
You pulled him with you to where Jimin was.
"Wait Y/N" he said, "its okay we don't have to do that."
"Why? He's your brother too. And you love him. Then what's wrong?" You said.
'This girl... She ain't gonna listen' Jungkook sighed.
"Jimin oppa" you said entering the room while dragging Jungkook with you. Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok and Namjoon looked at you two and smiled.
"You guys look so cute!!!!" Hoseok cooed.
"Yeah a puppy and a bunny" Namjoon chuckled.
"Wait! Just stay like that" Taehyung said quickly got his phone to take a picture. "Alright, you can move" he said once he was done.
"Why were you calling me?" Jimin asked.
"Because you have to kiss Kookie" you said. The boys choked on their saliva and stared at you and Jungkook.
"H-he has to do what?" Taehyung asked.
"Kiss Kookie" you said.
"And why is that?" Jimin asked glancing at you and then Jungkook.
"Uh because you love him?" You said, "what type of question is that? Do you ever ask why you have to kiss me? No right?"
"Uh yeah. I'm sorry" he said, blinking a few times. He looked at Jungkook as if asking what's the matter.
"She said she never saw you kissing me..." Jungkook said, earning a chuckle from the other boys.
"That's it?" Namjoon asked. You nodded.
Jimin stood up from his place and near his two siblings, one looking like a puppy and the other looking like a bunny. He pulled Jungkook a little to lean down and kissed the side of his head, the way he used to do when they were younger. Jungkook smiled looking down as a huge wave of nostalgia hit him.
"Are you crying?" You asked.
"Kook?" Jimin said, using his index finger to lift the boy's head. Jungkook looked at him and chuckled, shaking his head.
"Its nothing hyung" Jungkook said, "It- it felt like was 6 years old again...and it brought back a lot of memories so..." He explained smiling a little as he remembered their childhood.
Jimin smiled and nodded as he patted his younger brother's head.
"You're talking like grown ups" Jimin said chuckling.
"I am a grown up" Jungkook said.
"Oh you are?" Jimin asked amusedly, "I thought you're still the little Kookie Mom handed to me." Jungkook chuckled and nodded.
"They forgot me..." You whispered, moving near Taehyung.
"Its alright you have me." He said, winking at you. "Let them be, we don't need them"
"But me and Koo were matching..." You said, with a pout. Jungkook heard it and looked at you. He glanced Jimin and smiled. He winked at Jimin and decided to play a little.
"Thank you hyung, I knew I was your favorite sibling." Jungkook said aloud so you can hear. You looked at them, more at Jimin, with a small pout and confusion in your eyes.
"I know hyung, I love you too" Jungkook said, glancing at you to see if you're reacting or not. You looked at Taehyung who just smiled.
You hugged Taehyung and said, "Tae oppa please become my brother...and I already have an Appa. You're right, let them be." Taehyung chuckled and hugged you back.
Jimin laughed and gently pushed Jungkook towards you. He giggled and buck hugged you. You held onto Taehyung tighter, making him laugh. Your hands automatically left him and you found yourself in Jungkook's back hug.
"What? Go to your favourite sibling." You mumbled.
"Aw the baby is jealous?" Jungkook said, leaning down and rubbing his cheek against yours, still not leaving you from the back hug.
"No" you said and wiggled in his arms.
"C'mon puppies don't get angry." He said.
"I'm not angry" you said, sending glares towards Jimin, which didn't seem like glares because of your baby face and cute costume. Jimin chuckled and stood in front of you.
"Its okay Pup he's just playing with you." He said.
"Both of you don't play with me, play with your favorite sibling" you said and looked away.
"I don't have a favorite sibling" Jimin said, "I love both of you." You tilted your head and stared at him. "Yes really." He confirmed.
"C'mon hyung, its okay. Just tell her I'm more nice as I've lived with you 4 years more than her." Jungkook said, grinning widely. Jimin laughed and hitted his arm telling him not to play like that.
"...okay" you mumbled, "but that's Mom and Dad's fault." The boys laughed.
"Yeah right" Namjoon nodded. Hoseok kicked him from below without anyone noticing. "I mean yeah its not your fault that you were born later" Namjoon said.
"Yep" you nodded, "and that's why he loves me more." You said to Jungkook.
"Alright, not like I have a problem with that" Jungkook said. Jimin smiled.
"I told you I don't have a favourite and I love both of you equally." He said. You smiled and kissed his cheek then Jungkook's.
"Dinner's ready!!" Jin's voice came from the kitchen.
A/N- so much happiness and cuteness was after a long time right?
Pls tell me which one do you like? The sad and dark side or the happy and bright side? Because the dark one is basically over now.
Alright, the usual words — vote and comment if you like. 😅😉
Love y'all! 💜
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