Ages :-
Y/N : 3 yrs
Jungkook : 19 yrs
Jimin : 22 yrs
Taehyung : 22 yrs
Namjoon : 23 yrs
Hoseok : 23 yrs
Yoongi : 24 yrs
SeokJin : 25 yrs
(I'm sorry about the ages, but we needed mature people here.)
Y/N is paternal half sister of Jimin and Jungkook, which means that they have the same father but different mother. The boys' mother and their father had a mutual separation after which the man found and married another woman who gave birth to Y/N.
Both the the brothers love their sister dearly. She lives with them since she was 20 months old, as their Dad and her mom died in a plane crash.
Jimin exhaled deeply and sat on the bed, staring at the little girl. After half an hour of struggle of what Y/N wants to wear today, he was finally successfully in getting her dressed. The toddler was throwing tantrums and kept whining putting her dresses away. Jimin had had a hard time convincing the kid that she can't go out only wearing her underwear.
"Oppa" Y/N said shaking his hand, as she stood between his legs. Jimin nodded and hummed in response. "Peepee." She said trying to pull her skirt.
Jimin closed his eyes and sighed deeply, "Come" he said, remembering how he asked Y/N at least a dozen times if she wants to use the toilet before getting ready. But she didn't took any interest in it that time. He unbuttoned her skirt and took her to the bathroom.
Once Y/N was done with her business, she looked up at Jimin and gave him a thumbs up, "Done" making him laugh.
"That's good." He said and made her wear her clothes again, before heading out.
Y/N held her brother's hand and walked down the stairs towards the living room where the rest of the boys were waiting. Letting a happy laugh, Y/N ran towards the couch letting Jimin take his time and come slowly.
Jungkook grinned widely and instantly leaned forward, lifting Y/N up and making her sit on his lap. The boys internally squealed on seeing how cute she looked.
"Wow, my princess looks so pretty." Jungkook said and pinched her cheeks.
"Pwincess" she smiled happily and clapped her hands.
"Of course, Y/N is the Princess." He said, "and you know what Princesses do?"
Y/N nodded and and said, "Kissy" before quickly going in to peck Jungkook's lips. The boy closed his eyes and his head lowered while he tried not to laugh. The other guys chuckled seeing the baby sister staring happily at her brother.
"Alright, let's go now shall we?" Namjoon asked. The boys nodded headed out of the house.
They seated themselves in the black seven seater SUV and drove off towards their destination which was a zoo. Y/N sat quietly with Jimin, occasionally looking here and there. She turned around, standing on her knees with Jimin's support while facing him. Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok were at the back. She looked at them and leaned forward on Jimin, who adjusted her position and supported her weight by keeping his hand on her back.
"What happened?" Taehyung asked, "You wanna come here?"
Y/N shook her head and hid her face in Jimin's neck before sneakily taking a peak at Taehyung. On noticing that he was looking at her, she giggled and hurriedly hid her face again, earning chuckles from the back.
Taehyung extended his hand out for her, making her laugh even more and wiggle in her place.
"Hey what us happening?" Jimin said turning back to see what was so interesting for Y/N.
"She's playing with Tae" Hoseok said snickering and glanced at Taehyung who only grinned.
"You wanna go to Tae?" Jimin said. Y/N giggled and nodded her head. "Go" He straightened her skirt and placed her down on her feet. Y/N walked to the back Taehyung quickly reached out his hands to hold her so she won't fall as the car was still moving. Jungkook just smiled looking at his sister while he was busy with his phone.
"Do you know where we are going?" Taehyung asked to the little girl sitting on his lap while looking outside the window with him and pointing at different things.
"Zoo ?" Y/N said, looking up at him.
"Yes, what do we get to see in a zoo?"
"Babies" She chirped, earning a laugh from Taehyung.
"No Y/Nie, there are animals in the Zoo." He said, "Uhm like there are Lions, Tigers, Giraffes, Monkeys and many other animals. And there's also an aquarium where we'll see lots of fishes."
"Fish?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, have you a seen a fish before?"
The little girl nodded said, "Oppa eat fish."
"Oh she's has seen a fish while eating it." Yoongi said and laughed.
"Uh okay, you know Baby shark is also a fish?"
The eight of them were having fun spending half of their day in the zoo. They fed Lamas, goats and giraffes. The boys got a lot of pictures of Y/N with different animals most of them were happy but one had the little girl crying out of fear. It was with a zebra, when Jungkook tried feed the animal one of their species caught Y/N's skirt in its mouth. Even though Jungkook and Namjoon were quick to get her free and console her that she was okay and the zebra was just trying to get food from Jungkook's hand, it didn't convince the three year old. She cried her eyes out and didn't let Namjoon put her down.
But now seemed to be an emergency, "Princess, please I'll come back real quick okay? Stay here with Kookie and TaeTae."
"No Joonie!" She whined and held onto him tighter.
"Please honey," he said, "Joonie will come quickly and carry Y/N again then we'll go and see more animals together." He said and placed her down on her feet, before turning to the two younger boys who were busy taking pictures of each other with the Gorilla behind the thick glass.
"Look after her, I have to go to the bathroom." Namjoon said. Jungkook faintly nodded at him while telling Taehyung a better angle to take the picture. Namjoon sighed and left the spot in search for the toilet.
Y/N looked around and sat down on a small raised platform-kind-of-structure near the glass wall. She stared at the baby Gorilla and then at the big Gorilla. Her palm pressed against the glass watching the baby gorilla amusedly as it ate the banana. Y/N stood up, walking near Jungkook and Taehyung to tell them that she wants to eat something as well.
"Koo" she called tugging on his pants.
"Yeah, just a second. Go and sit their." He said pointing at a bench across the corridor full of people.
"I'm hungry" The little girl said tugging on Taehyung's hand this time. But he didn't seem to be affected. Y/N huffed and turned around ready to go and search for Jimin, he'll give her food.
Her tiny feet walked along the length of the long corridor which had glass walls either side with big animals inside, like lions, tigers, Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Leopards etc. After a while of walking Y/N finally felt her surroundings change. There were less people here, her big eyes scanned through the area trying to spot her Oppas, but failed.
Which is when she realized that maybe, just maybe, she was in trouble. Her eyes filled with tears as she hastily turned around hoping Jungkook and Taehyung were still there but there was no one. A sob escaped her lips as stood in the middle of nowhere alone and scared.
"Oh hyung you're back, let's go now. Jimin called us, we have to meet at the food court near the entrance. He said Y/N must be hungry." Taehyung said, "You won't believe we got so many cool pict-"
"Where's Y/N?" Namjoon asked, his eyes moved around the area looking for the little girl.
"What? She was with you... Don't tell me you lost her!" Jungkook freaked out, earning a glare from Namjoon.
"I told you both to look after her."
"Uh you did ?" Taehyung asked hesitantly avoiding eye contact.
"Fuck!" Namjoon cursed, "Where is she?!"
"Oh no" Jungkook whispered to himself, realizing he just lost his baby sister who doesn't even speak complete sentences and stumbles upon words as she's too young. A cold shiver ran down his spine as his mind imagined Jimin and Yoongi's reaction. "No no no! We have to find her! Hyung, you go that side, I'll go this side and Tae hyung you call Jimin hyung and keep him busy with something. Don't tell him about this!" Jungkook blurted and sprinted towards the right side without even waiting for a response.
"Excuse me" He said stopping near a couple, "Have you a seen a little girl around here? She's three and she was wearing a.... a blue, yeah a blue skirt and-"
"Hey relax" the guy said, "and I don't think we saw any child here. We're sorry. "
"Oh uhm okay. Thank you." He said and jogged further ahead looking around. He asked a few more people and only got 'no' or 'sorry, we didn't pay attention' as answers which annoyed him.
"Y/N!" He called for the n'th time as he walked out of the place and into a much emptier area.
"Y/N-ah, where are you? Look Kookie's here, let's go back." He said, tired of running around for the last fifteen minutes. He cursed under his breath and fished out his phone from his pocket. For a moment he stared at the caller id, gathering enough courage from all corners of his body and finally pressed the green button popping up.
"I'm sorry hyung! I'm really sorry, I didn't mean t-"
"Shut up! Don't you dare utter any nonsense to me. Just tell me where are you?" Jimin asked.
"Uhm near the Vivarium" he said.
"Stay there." Jimin said, "We're coming."
"Hey little one, why are you crying?" The toddler looked up, rubbing her eyes and saw a lady standing there which made her cry even more.
"Hey hey, shhh" The lady crouched in front of Y/N and patted her head, "Are you alone here?" She asked.
"O-Oppa..." Y/N whimpered.
"You came with your Oppa?" She asked, earning a small nod from the girl, "Where's he?"
"...dunno" Y/N said in a low voice as she sobbed, "Oppa lost there- there..."
"Oh I'm so sorry for you kiddo" She said gently rubbing her back, "We'll find your Oppa okay? Stop crying now."
Y/N looked at her and the lady nodded, "I'm Yeonha, what's your name?"
"Me is Y/N..." She said in a tiny bit hoarse voice.
Yeonha chuckled and said, "What's your Oppa's name?"
"Oppa" Y/N said, now the lady realized that it was indeed a big problem.
"No, what do people call your Oppa?" She asked trying to explain the question in a better and easy way.
"...oppa" Y/N said again, this time she was close to crying.
"Uh okay, let's go from here." She said and stood up and told Y/N to come with her. The three year old kept looking around and didn't notice when a stone appeared on her way, making her stumble and fall down. Yeonha quickly leaned forward and picked her up, checking if she was hurt and noticed a small scratch on the girl's knee.
"Its okay, its okay don't cry. It'll be fine." She said to Y/N, who started crying looking at her knee. Yeonha carried her in her arms and started in walking away while patting her back and telling various things to distract the child from the pain.
"Hey Yeonha wh- Who's this?" A guy asked as soon as Yeonha walked in the room with a toddler sobbing in her arms.
"She's Y/N, and she's lost." She answered and sat Y/N on the couch, "Get me a first aid kit."
The guy nodded and quickly showed up with a white box in his hands. Y/N stopped crying once Yeonha secured her wound with a gauge that pink in color with a little butterfly made on it and gave her a box of orange juice to drink.
"Y/N can you tell me your Daddy's name?" The guy —who'se name happened to be Leo— asked.
"Daddy..." Y/N mumbled, "He not here." She said shaking her head.
"He's not here?" Leo asked wanting to confirm as he wasn't an expert with baby talk. Y/N shook her head and he sighed, "Where's he? Or your Mommy?"
"They are up- up," Y/N said struggling with her vocabulary, "in angel and- an' star."
Leo glanced at Yeonha who was also listening. The two couldn't really understand what the kid was saying.
"I don't know how you do it, I just want my sister back all well." Jimin said to the manager of the place.
"Yes sir, don't worry we've announced in all the areas. They're looking for her."
"They better be, or I'll make sure you all suffer." Jimin spat angrily as he glared at Jungkook and Taehyung afterwards, making the two shudder.
Soon enough they heard a pair footsteps running towards them with a transceiver in his hand, "Sir, Leo informed about a lost girl. She's in the room 14, near the third security chamber." He said.
"I think it's her, Mr Jeon." The manager said. Jimin nodded and marched to the said location with the staff and the six boys worried sick about the little girl.
A staff member pushed the door open letting Jimin and the manager enter first. They saw a girl and a boy who abruptly stood up and bowed on seeing the manager and then to Jimin.
"Where's the kid?" The manager spoke.
"Uh follow me please." Yeonha said and took them inside, where they saw the three year old sleeping peacefully on the couch. Jimin sighed in relief and sprung towards her, picking her up quickly and kissing her face several times.
"Thank you so much" Jimin said to Yeonha and Leo, "you don't know how much you're help means to us. Really, thank you very much."
"No problem Mr Jeon." Yeonha said with a smile, "I'm glad we found her, she was crying a lot."
"Where did you find her? We were looking everywhere." Namjoon said.
"Outer side of the vivarium, she was alone there." Yeonha replied. The boys gave Jungkook a sharp look making him cower his head down.
"Uh anyway, thanks a lot." Yoongi said and they headed out with Y/N in Jimin's arms. He felt her moving and adjusted her position.
"Oppa" Y/N gasped and wrapped her arms around her brother's neck quickly. Her eyes filled with tears again as she nuzzled her face in his neck.
"Yes love, don't cry. Oppa's here." He said softly stroking her head.
"Me- me scared... Don't leave Y/Nie- Y/Nie alone." She whimpered.
"Of course baby, We'll never leave our princess alone. And look, Oppa found Y/Nie right? Everything is okay."
The girl nodded and looked at Jungkook who had tears forming in his eyes, "Koo" she said reaching for him.
Words felt stuck in his throat, he just held Y/N in his arms and hugged her tightly, mentally promising himself that he will never ever let go of his sister's hand and look after her. Even though Y/N was lost for a few hours, Jungkook couldn't stop blaming himself for what happened. After a few seconds, he only managed to whisper hundreds of sorries.
"Let's get in the car, we'll stop by a restaurant. I'm sure everyone is hungry? Its been a long day." Jin said.
"Yeah" the boys nodded and sat themselves in the car.
"Oppa" Y/N called, gaining attention from almost all of them. She pointed at her knee and said, "Ouch"
"My baby, did you fall down?" Jimin asked, caressing her knee gently before leaning down and kissing it better. Y/N giggled when Jimin kissed it and and pointed at her lips. The brother smiled and brought her in a sitting position in his lap, leaving a soft peck on her lips. The toddler cackled happily and clapped her hands.
Jimin glanced at the younger brother who was spacing out next to him. Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's hand bringing him back to reality.
"Koo" Y/N voiced climbing on his lap.
"Huh yes?" Jungkook responded.
"Koo sad?" She said tilting her head a little.
"Uhm no baby, I'm just tired." He said. Y/N nodded confidently as if she understood everything he meant to say, which made the boy chuckle. "You must be tired as well, let's sleep for a while hmm?"
Y/N nodded and pecked his lips making him break into one of the biggest smiles in the universe, "Wuv you!" She chirped.
"Love you more baby" he said and closed his eyes, as Y/N rested her head against his chest ready to sleep. "And sorry, I've been a bad brother." He whispered.
"Jungkook," Jimin said, "What you did today was very careless of you. And trust me I was mad, but I'm also happy that you realize your mistake. I know you love Y/N and you didn't mean anything bad for her. So, I guess its okay, forget whatever happened and move on; But remember that you're the brother of a very young girl, you're supposed to be there for Y/N, protect her and keep her safe. And I have no complain with all that, you're an awesome brother. Things happen, but we don't stick to them and remain upset, we learn and rise above them."
Jungkook nodded subtly and said, "Thank you hyung, and sorry. I promise I'll never let this happen again." He said. Jimin smiled and patted his head.
"What Jimin said, is meant for you too Taehyung-ssi." Yoongi reminded, "You're responsible as well."
Taehyung gulped and nodded quickly, "I'm sorry, I'll be careful and take care of Y/N and Jungkookie. I'm older after all." He said, making the others laugh. A small, hitch pitched voice echoed along with the other voices. The boys looked at Y/N who just laughed because everyone around her was laughing. Jungkook smiled and kissed her forehead.
A/N- Aahhh! Finally this is done. You all wanted a toddler imagine, here you go~
Well it took quite long, I was actually studying. (My exams are going on, I had Physics today. And it wasn't great tbh, but I won't fail that's for sure... *Sigh* Pls don't judge me for being a bad student/kid/child. I really tried, but Idk it just didn't go the way I wanted... And trust me, I'm the only one to have done the test badly. Almost everyone was suffering 😢)
Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter. (Although I personally don't really feel like its one of my favourite chapters.) 😔
And ofc I don't own the picture or the gif 😂
—3227 words—
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