You're What Now?
Tyler gave me a lot of attention as we drove through Utah. He asked multiple times if I was okay but I just stayed quiet or gave vague answers. I gripped his hand and closed my eyes. It was getting very dark and I was getting very tired.
I leaned on Tyler and started to cry. I wanted Ava. I wanted my babygirl to lay between us and play "Pokesies."
Pokesies was a game she made up and loved to play. She would poke one of either me or Tyler and then point to the other, blaming it on them. Tyler and I would act like we didn't know it was her and start poking each other. She would then yell "Pokesies!" and we would gasp and start poking her. She played it with B.R.I.A.N. a lot. She doesn't even call him B.R.I.A.N.. He's "bubby" to her.
I sobbed more and looked at Tyler, "Our gorgeous baby."
"Y/n, please don't do this," He said, starting to cry as well, "Not right now."
"But our-"
"I know, Y/n," He suddenly got mad, "I know damn well who she is. She's our princess, our angel, our little piggy...our baby..." tears started streaming down his face. He was finally letting it get to him.
They had just given me Ava, wrapped in a little pink blanket. She was crying loudly but she was gorgeous. I remember how her little face was all scrunched up. She looked like Tyler when he was angry and it just made me smile wider.
I looked up at Tyler who looked at her like she was a dream. He seemed dazed by her beauty. I lightly lifted her up for him and he looked at me, scared. "Hold her like this," I said and showed him. He admitted to never holding a baby before and was terrified of dropping or hurting our daughter, but he slowly took her in his hands and it came to him naturally.
He stood up straight and looked at the baby, Lightly bouncing, making her stop crying. A tear rolled down his cheek as he smiled at her. "Hi baby," He whispered. She moved her head slightly and he looked at me like he just won an award. He cried more happy tears as he bent down to my level. "She's perfect," He sobbed as he put his forehead to mine. I help hold her between the two of us as Tyler kissed me sweetly, still crying.
These tears weren't happy tears, though. Tyler was letting out tears of a broken man, and everyone heard it. I sat up and he hugged me tight as he cried. He started screaming into my shoulder and I wiped my tears away, wanting to be the stronger one for the sake of both of us. It was terrible that everyone was hearing this, but I wanted Tyler to let it out. I wanted him to realize that it's okay to cry.
I suddenly heard more crying. It got louder and louder. I couldn't look since I was cuddling my husband, but I believe it was Scotty. Slowly but surely, the whole bus started crying, B.R.I.A.N. was getting so upset, he was swerving all over the road.
"B.R.I.A.N., pull over to a hotel," I said, "it's been a long day."
"No," He said, his voice shaky, "we won't stop till my battery is low."
I sighed, knowing he wouldn't listen to me. I rubbed Tyler's back and pulled his face up to mine, kissing it softly. I couldn't help but cry when I looked at him; I've never seen him so sad.
"I tried to grab her," He cried, "I...I..."
He couldn't finish his sentence. He started to calm down a little and put me on his lap to hug me. I knew he was getting tired so I played with him hair and whispered, "We'll her her back. It'll be okay, honey. She'll be with us in no time." I kissed his cheek right before he fell asleep, laid on his shoulder, soon letting sleep take over me as well.
"Ava," I said, "Where are you, baby?"
"Mommy?" I heard her behind me. I turned around and ran to her, sliding on my knees to hug her. I gripped her and started crying.
"Hey baby," I sniffed as I pulled away to look at her. She looked confused and scared. I knotted my eyebrows, "What's wrong?" She raised her hand up and pointed pass my head. I turned around and saw Tyler, crying. "Hon, what's wrong?" I asked.
He didn't say anything and cried harder. He slowly and shakily raised his hand to revel a gun. He pointed it at me. "I love you, Y/n,"-he was shaking and I slowly stood up to see the gun follow me-"but I can't live without my baby."
I started crying. Why was he picking over us? I was crying because I was scared, but I wasn't mad. I want Ava to live and I'll happily die for her, but by my own husband?
I put my hand on my stomach, feeling a whole nine-month baby bump and sobbed, "Take care of them."
He cried harder and pointed the gun at my face. "I love you," I said and he pulled the trigger.
I gasped for air and jolted forward, scaring the piss out of Tyler who was asleep. "What's wrong?" He asked instantly, waking up for his sleep.
I gripped him and felt something on my face. I touched it to see tears. "I had a really bad dream," I said, grateful that it wasn't real.
"What was it, baby?" He asked in his sexy morning voice, holding me closer.
"I don't want to think about it, hon. It was awful," I whispered.
He rubbed his eyes and blinked, looking around at everyone but B.R.I.A.N. sleeping. The sun looking like it was about to come up. "Why don't you-"
I suddenly shot out of his lap and ran to the front of the bus. I tapped B.R.I.A.N.'s shoulder in a hurry.
I couldn't hold it, I grabbed the tiny trashcan beside him and threw up. I started coughing and it lead me to puke more. I heard someone come up next to me and I looked at Tyler once it was all out.
"We need to take you to a doctor," he said.
"I'm fine-"
"That's a fucking lie," B.R.I.A.N. joined in, "You've thrown up so muc-"
"I'm worried about Ava, okay?" I said, hoping they'd drop it.
"Y/n, the last time you threw up this much, you were..." B.R.I.A.N. stopped his sentence, grabbed me and slammed on the breaks. I heard everyone fall out of their seats or smack against the one in front of them.
Tyler nearly fell but caught himself on a bar, "What the hell, B.R.I.A.N.?"
B.R.I.A.N. stood up and looked down at me, angry as hell. "Are you fucking crazy?" He hissed.
I acted like nothing was wrong and everyone on the bus was now awake and standing, looking at the three of us.
"Whoa whoa whoa," Lui yawned, "What's going on?"
"Next town we're in, Y/n's going home," B.R.I.A.N. said, not looking away from me.
That's when I got mad. "No I'm fucking not," I growled.
"You don't have a choice," He said and sat in the seat again, about to start the bus once more.
"B.R.I.A.N. wait," Tyler stopped him, "What's going on?"
B.R.I.A.N. got even more furious and stood up, pointing to Tyler. "He doesn't know?" He yelled in my face.
"You need to calm down," Evan said.
"Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down when she's pregnant?" He screamed.
The bus fell silent and I felt all eyes go to me and my stomach. I slowly turned to Tyler and he just looked at me, disappointed.
"Where's the nearest taxi service?" Tyler asked, not breaking eye contact with me.
"Five miles," B.R.I.A.N. said and sat back in his seat, satisfied with the situation.
"Perfect," was all he said before walking back to our seat. I looked at everyone else and they looked mad as well. I did the walk of shame to my husband and quietly sat next to him as the bus started again.
I just wanted to help my baby but I guess I gotta help this one too. I felt Tyler's hand on my thigh and I pushed it away as I silently cried and held my stomach. I felt terrible. Not only was I so inconsiderate to the baby in me, but I didn't tell anyone and now I have to deal with everyone looking at me like I was a terrible parent-as if I already didn't feel that way.
"Don't," I whispered before he could say anything. I looked at the puke bucket I still had and sighed, "I'm sorry."
He didn't say anything and I heard him turn to the window. The sun was rising now. Everyone looked and admired if but I heard something. Beeping maybe. At first it was very slow, like every ten seconds, but it got faster and faster.
I stood up and yelled, "B.R.I.A.N. stop the bus!"
After scaring everyone half to death, he hit the breaks and turned around, "What?"
The bus fell silent and soon everyone heard the beeping. We all exchanged glances and Tyler stood up and screamed, "Get the fuck off the bus!"
Everyone blotted to the door and B.R.I.A.N. held it open for us. He waved at all of us to get out before he did since he could survive it.
Once everyone was off, B.R.I.A.N. yelled, "Run!" He all did so and ran down the road.
"What the fuck was that?" Anthony shouted as he ran beside me.
"A bomb. Probably with a timer," Ryan answered. He was so much faster than the rest of us. He got pretty far then stopped and turned around. We caught up to him and did the same.
B.R.I.A.N. lifted his arm up to read the time on his built in watch. "5:59," He said out loud. After a few quiet seconds, the bus exploded. It was loud and honestly a lot worst than the other, but we were far enough away from it.
Brock bent over, put his hands on his knees and heaved, "I'm getting to old for this."
I held my stomach and felt like I was going to throw up but I held it back. Where the fuck did I even put that bucket?
I looked at everyone and Jon said, "Start walking. We'll find a town soon."
We all listened and began to walk. The weather wasn't terrible, but the clouds rolled together in the sky and a thick fog formed around us. I sniffed and wiped my face of tears from before.
No cars passed us as me walked. It was a vacant road that was obviously not used often so it would be a while before anyone found the bus.
"How far along are you, Y/n?" Marcel asked.
I didn't answer. I didn't want to talk about it.
"Y/n," Tyler said, thinking I didn't hear him.
"I'm not talking about it so fucking drop it," I said, ready to cry again.
"Why not?" He asked.
"Probably because you all made her feel like shit on the bus," David said, "Yelling at her because she wanted to save her daughter. You and B.R.I.A.N. should be ashamed."
Tyler just shook his head, "I knew you should've stayed home." He put his head in his hands and rubbed his face.
I shook my head and turned around, walking the other way. "Y/n-"
"No, fuck you!" I yelled and walked faster.
"Y/n, you're making us waste time!" B.R.I.A.N. said.
"I know that's why I'm going home!" I yelled back.
"Don't do this!" Tyler warned. I kept walking, ignoring him completely. "Y/n!" Still didn't turn around. I felt myself crying again. None of this was good for me. My emotions were out of control. I heard footsteps behind me like someone was running so I did the same. "Really?" Tyler's voice echoed.
I ran faster. I was more angry at him than anyone else. I cried as I tried to outrun but but he was soon behind me. I stopped and turned. "Leave me alone!" I whimpered.
"Can we talk about this, please?" He asked and stopped in front of me.
I cried harder and shook my head, "There's nothing to talk about! You don't want me here so I'm going home!"
He came closer and I backed away. "Y/n," he whined.
I stopped and he came closer. He leaned down and kissed me passionately. I couldn't resist kissing him back, but I was still angry at him. We separated and I looked up at him. "Are you at least happy?" I said, my lip quivering.
"Of course I am, sweetheart," He said, "I's crazy right now honey."
"I know, I know. But I need to go with you guys," I said, "I want my baby."
"What about this one?" He asked, putting his hand to my belly.
"And what about this one?" I asked and cupped his cheek, "Let me help. I can't loose any of you."
He hesitated but kissed my forehead, "No fighting." I nodded in agreement. He gave me a small smile and said, "Let's catch up with the others. I told them to walk ahead."
We locked arms and started walking that way.
We got to a town and it was tiny, but it had public transportation. However, the buses were small and only seated a few. Everyone was hungry so we went to a diner.
It wasn't as crowded as the last one but they obviously didn't except so many people to walk in at once. They had to put chairs together for all of us. I sat by B.R.I.A.N. and Craig and Tyler sat across from me. We all ordered then Marcel turned to me, as if waiting for something.
"What?" I asked.
"Want to talk about it or not, I do," He said.
"Yeah," Craig admitted, "I do too."
"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, "You already know the process to make one."
"Are far are you?" Marcel repeated.
"Two months," I simply said.
"When did you find out?" Tyler asked.
"About two weeks ago," I said and looked at him, "When I did that drug test."
"That long?" He widened his eyes.
"Bitch, I waited a month to tell you last time." I said. The table chuckled and Ryan spoke up.
"How did you guys meet?" He asked, "I mean, you three were a"-he glanced around-"group before then." He pointed to Marcel, Craig, and Tyler.
"Actually," B.R.I.A.N. said, "I don't even know how you guys met."
I laughed and looked at them and they started laughing too. "I robbed them and a year later they came to my house to kill me and it was either I died or joined." I shrugged.
"You're lucky Tyler liked you," Craig laughed and took a drink.
"Yeah," he sighed happily and looked off into the distance, "Man, I used to be a stud."
"Yeah," I sighed, fake sad. He looked at me like he was offended and I smiled.
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that you robbed them?" Scotty laughed, "Like the villains of Los Santos." He whispered.
"Well I didn't know till afterwards," I explained.
"How much did you take?" Jon asked.
I looked at the boys, " million? Right?"
"Give or take." Marcel nodded.
"What the-why did you need that much money?" Evan nearly choked on his water.
"We didn't," Craig said, "We just wanted it."
"Just wanted it?" Brock asked.
"Well," David stepped in, "thieves have a mindset of, 'if you want something, take it.' At least that's how I was raised."
"Well, sometimes but most of the time it's a matter of survival and turns into way more," Ryan said.
"Or the, 'the world owes me' phase," Anthony added.
"No," Tyler shook his head, "We were just money hungry and driven by the wrong things."
I nodded and mumbled, "I regret it."
Marcel and Craig did the same. I looked at Tyler and waited for him to nod. "I hate what I did to people, yes, but I don't regret it because I wouldn't have met my wife, I wouldn't have you guys as friends, and I wouldn't have realized that I was the world's largest asshole."
"You still are," Nearly everyone at the table said, laughing.
He put his hands up, "Well fuck."
We all laughed and our food came soon after. The lady let us be and we talking about changing the route a little and getting one of the smaller buses. I ate and glanced to see Scotty and Brock not saying anything. I was going to ask what was wrong, but I knew what was wrong. I sat back and thought about how I was lucky to have Tyler with me through this. They didn't have that.
We finished eating and left to go to get a bus. There was one that had an exact number of seats for us so we boarded it and drove it out-after no one was looking of course. Then something crossed my mind.
"Are you guys just okay with us taking buses?" I asked the heroes.
"I am," Brock said first and crossed his arms.
"It's for a good cause," Evan explained.
I nodded and sat on the floor, laying down. I put my hands over my stomach and closed my eyes as B.R.I.A.N. began to drive.
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