
Due to traffic and countless bathroom breaks, our nearly two day task became almost three. I didn't like the idea of part of my family still being in the hands of these unknown men, but we had to make another stop.

"Battery is low," B.R.I.A.N. stated out of nowhere in a very robotic voice.

"Can we plug you in when we got to New York?" Marcel whined, "We're so close."

"Battery is low," he repeated.

"Pull over to the nearest hotel, B.R.I.A.N.," I said.

"Changing corse to Chicago, Illinois," He said.

"Chicago?" Everyone repeated.

I shot straight up and said, "B.R.I.A.N.." no response. "B.R.I.A.N.!"

"Is he usually like this when he is battery is low?" Ryan asked.

"Never," I said and got out of my seat, walking to him. We were on a highway, we did not need him malfunctioning right now. "B.R.I.A.N.," I said one last time before waved my hand in front of his face. I looked at his eyes as they fixated on the road. B.R.I.A.N.'s eyes are a very vibrate blue because the blue light helps him pull up results and read them. However, there was zero blue in his eyes; they were a emerald green. I gasped and said, "Someone take the wheel! Now!"

Brock got up and hurried to the wheel and I pulled B.R.I.A.N. off and Brock quickly took his place. I laid him on the ground and he started fighting.

"Fu-F-F-F-Fu-Fu-Fuck youuuuu," his voice came in and out, glitching and sounding running on and on. Static was behind it. He was being hacked. Oh god. I had to turn him off. I put my hand to one of his shoulder's and another at his hip and pushed as hard as I could. I had to hold it for eight seconds, but he wasn't moving. They didn't know I was shutting him off.

He lifted his arm up and it started switching. I widened my eyes as it went from a knife to a gun to a mace but then his robotic voice came back and he said, "Shutting off." He then when limp and his hand went back to normal.

He laid there, lifeless and I sighed and hugged him. I toned out the rest of the bus until now and they were freaking the fuck out. They were worried I just killed B.R.I.A.N. or ruined him and I sat up.

"He's fine. He's in a state where he's pretty much knocked out," I said. I then looked down as him again, "He's refreshing his systems right now."

"What happened?" Craig asked.

I hesitated for a moment, but looked up at everyone, "He was being hacked." I looked back at B.R.I.A.N. and sighed, "That's what I get for using something with google instead of making my own."

"Why didn't you make your own?" Craig asked.

"I didn't have time," I explained. I started tearing up while looking at him. It was like I knocked out my son. I guess technically he is my first child. After a few silent moments, I looked at Brock, "Um, find the closest exit and see if you can find a hotel."

He hummed in uncertainty and I looked back at the others. "Why Chicago?" Evan asked.

I shrugged, "I don't kno-"

"Wait," Ryan said, "Chicago?" He looked around and laughed nervously, "We cannot go to Chicago."

"We're not going to," David said.

"What's in Chicago?" Tyler asked, suspiciously.

"People you don't want to meet," He said vaguely.

"The fuck you talkin' about, Ryan?" Luke asked, "I thought you had friends there."

"Yeah," He looked at him, "had."

"What happened?" I asked.

He looked at us worried, "I know how I used to be-and I'm very sorry about it-but these guys are a lot worst."

"Do you think they have everyone?" David asked.

"I don't know," He scratched the back of his neck, "I don't mean to freak you out, but I'm not sure how'd they act towards your loved ones."

"What do you mean?" Marcel asked, suddenly listening.

He played with his thumbs, "Uhh..."

He was very hesitant. "Ryan," Luke said, sternly.

"It's not-" he stopped and thought for a second, "They may not physically hurt them-"

"Who's they?" Scotty interrupted. Ryan looked at him with a, you-know-who-they-is. He widened his eyes and put his fingers through his hair and bent forward, "Oh my god."

"What?" I asked, suddenly very worried.

"The fuck you mean they won't physically hurt them?" Scotty suddenly screamed.

"Who are they?" Brock panicked.

Anthony suddenly gasped and stood up. "You said you cut connection with them!" He yelled and pointed at Ryan.

"I did!" Ryan said and put his hands up, "I swear I did after..." their voices died and they turned to Luke. He didn't say anything. He just looked at Ryan.

"Someone explain what the fuck is going on," Lui stepped in.

"Okay, okay," Ryan said, "There's this gang that I used to be very close with. I met them right out of high school, before I even thought about making the Rejects." He was quiet for a moment, "They weren't so bad at first. Not to me at least-"

"You dated one," Luke said.

"Yeah," Ryan sighed. He didn't seem upset to admit that. Honestly, he looked like he thought about the person for a moment. But he soon shook his head and the thought was gone. "But that was a long time ago."

"Names," I said.

He looked at me, slightly scared, but not of me. He gulped, "There's-" Luke put his hand up to stop him.

"It's pointless," He said, "Why would they want your families?"

He had a point. We didn't even have evidence it was the same gang. I felt the bus turn and saw that we were leaving the highway.


Brock finally found a hotel and we pulled in. They only had two rooms that actually hooked together so we took them and unloaded.

Evan carried B.R.I.A.N. and we open the door that separated the rooms and I pulled him up. I had to sit him against the wall for now.

His port hole was hidden on his lower back. Only him and I knew where it was by heart because we were basically the only two that plugged him up.

"How long does it take for him to charge?" David asked.

"Eight hours," I sighed, "But he should turn on after the first one and be able to sit and talk to us."

"Have anyone else ever hacked into him before?" Jon asked.

I slowly glared at Ryan and he looked down, "I'm sorry." He stood in the doorway and soon disappeared into the other room. At least I know where he got the skill at now.

I yawned and looked up Tyler. "Okay, there's enough blankets for some of you guys to sleep on the floor with," He said and climbed into a bed.

"Whoa, hey," Brock stopped him, "Why do you get a bed?"

"Because I have a pregnant wife who's not sleeping on the floor," he said and turned in the bed. He patted the spot next to him and I shook my head.

"I think there's enough room for all of us to fit in all of the beds," I said and walked to the side of the bed.

"There's too many of us-"

"We can at least try," I said as I crawled up next to him.

"Well you're going to have to deal with our kisses," Tyler joked and wrapped his arms around me. I laughed and shook my head.

"Well you gotta worry about Marcel and I gettin' to frisky!" Craig said and jumped into the bed. Marcel followed and and jumped on top of Craig, making the two fake giggle and play fight.

We laughed and I shook my head. Sadness suddenly shot my heart as I thought about how we were laughing at a time like this. I shouldn't be having a good time; that's not why I'm here. I'm here for my babygirl. I'm here for my friends. I'm here for my family. I laughing came to a stop and I grabbed my husband, worried that I was going crazy. I was loosing sight of what was happening.

I closed my eyes, but I was scared to sleep. I didn't want nightmares. Not again. It hurt to think about what my mind could conjure up. I heard everyone talking around me, but I didn't understand a word they said. Why if they tried to hurt me? What if the guys who want us to go to Chicago come and hurt me?

I felt selfish thinking about myself but I was also thinking of my baby. This unnamed fetus within me scared me more than anything at this point. I cry thinking about my daughter getting hurt now, how the fuck would I deal with a miscarriage?

I opened my eyes once again to see the lights off. Everyone was laying down but no one was asleep except for the robot. You'd think after not being in a bed for so long, we'd all enjoy this, but it wasn't the same. I looked up at Tyler. This wasn't our bed. This wasn't our house. This wasn't even our state.

This was our hell and the last time I ever felt like this was in I was forced to stay at the Reject's house, knowing nothing.

Looking at how he aged reminded me that this was too much. Seeing his hair, now long and streaked with grey, mixed with his nearly full beard made him look older, but his eyes didn't. The gorgeous, deep blue eyes I fell in love with so many years ago were still there. They made him younger. They made him ageless. Oh how I wanted to kiss him. Tell him I loved him, even after our arguments.

But it felt wrong. It felt wrong giving him so much love when I couldn't provide it to my daughter as well. It felt wrong lying beside Marcel, who can't have the love I'm providing to my husband. It felt wrong being here, being the only one who wasn't taken away.

I started to silently sob. I must've cried myself to sleep because when I woke up, it was dark outside and the bed was trashed. It felt like old times, being tangled with my favorite boys. I sat up and carefully moved out of the cluster of men. I looked at the other bed, which was a lot neater than the one I just escaped from. I then tip-toed into the other room to see them also sleeping peacefully. I turned at the robot still on the ground and against the wall. I sat next to my metal son, examining him.

I slowly began to fix his circuits and programming, making it impossible for those guys to hack him again. However, I kept his route to Chicago. That had to have been a clue they purposely placed. If we get there and find nothing...then we've wasted even more time.

Every minute counts and I know this, so why am I just sitting here? Why are we sleeping? I stood up, ready to wake everyone up when a heard a car door slam. I wouldn't have though much of it until I heard the door handle in the other room jiggle. I slowly got up, creeping in there. I grabbed one of Luke's guns as the jiggling became more violent. I hid the pistol and waited for the knob to stop moving. I looked out the little peep hole to see two people, both with masks but neither of them looked familiar.

I didn't make my presence known. How did they find us? I looked at Tyler. He must've registered us in with his real name. I heard the men shuffling behind the door.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

I felt a hand on me and jumped, nearly screaming until I felt artificial skin press against my mouth. I looked at B.R.I.A.N.'s bright blue eyes as he fixated on the door and took the gun from me. He then looked at me and put a finger over his mouth.

"This is going to get messy," He whispered.

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