41 Hours and 2,789 Miles?

We ran and it felt like old times when I would run out of a bank and make a get away. I forgot how exhilarating it was to have bullets fly pass my face. There weren't too many cops and none of them were prepared for us.

I shot three men in total. I shot two in the arms and one in the leg. There were only four police cars and two cops in each car.

Tyler and B.R.I.A.N. got the rest. I got to the bus first and pried open the door. I pointed my gun at the driver.

"Get out." I ordered.

He did so and once he was completely out, Tyler grabbed him. I walked onto the bus and saw around ten men look at me. The stench of sweat soon flooded over me like a wave. Most started to laugh, but Tyler hurried onto the bus and they shut up.

"Everyone but Ryan," Tyler said, "get the fuck off and never speak of this."

We got out of the way as the men ran off and onto the highway. I looked back and Ryan sat in the eleventh row, petrified. I looked back at the door to see Marcel, B.R.I.A.N., and Craig walk on.

The plan was to have the former villains create a distraction and shoot the cops that were around the bus. Tyler, B.R.I.A.N., and I were supposed to be the fist ones on the bus and get everyone but Ryan off. Marcel and Craig got to the fallen cops and took their weapons and body cameras. The rest were blocking traffic so no one would see and call other police cars.

B.R.I.A.N. got into the drivers seat while the rest of us walked to Ryan.

"Alright." Marcel said into the walkie-talkie, "Let them go. We're going to pull over to the abandon barn yard soon."

"Copy that." Anthony's voice glitched through the talkie, "We'll see you in a little."

The bus started moving and Ryan said, "P-Please don't hurt me."

"You're lucky I can't." Tyler muttered.

I glared at him as he walked away and sat in two seats away from Ryan. I looked back at Ryan and said, "We're not going to hurt you, but we need your help."

He nodded, "O-Okay, but with what?"

"We're going to pick up the others and that's when we'll explain everything to you." I said.

We soon turned into an abandon barn yard off the side of the highway and hid behind the barn. When we got there, the heroes were already waiting for us.

B.R.I.A.N. parked, they got on and Evan said, "Sorry to disobey orders, but we came here early because no one was heading from our direction."

"That's fine." Tyler said, "Did you get the paint and air brush?"

"There was no air brushes so we got this rollie thing." Brock said, holding it up along with the white paint.

"That'll work." He said and Evan and Brock got off the bus again.

They have to paint over the labels and anything that'll show that this is a prison bus. We even stole license plates to make sure no one looks for the ones already on it.

I looked at Ryan and sat in the seat in front of him, "Long time, no see. How are ya?"

He sighed, "Not the best. Someone kicked me in the gut last week, so I punched the guy back and I got in trouble."

"That's why you had to switch prisons." I nodded in realization.

"How'd you know?" He asked.

"A little birdie told me." I said, "Well, more like a Bryce told me."

"You called?" I heard Bryce say from the front of the bus. I turned and he poked in his head with had the dumbest smile plastered on his face.

"Bryce!" Ryan yelled and stood up.

"Ryan!" Bryce returned the yell as he ran to his friend and hugged him.

Ryan's hands were handcuffed in front of him, so he wrapped his arms around Bryce's neck while Bryce did the same around his waist. Bryce buried his face into the crease of Ryan's neck while Ryan just smiled and rested his head on his shoulder.

"Should we pull them away or just let them hug it out?" Jon whispered to me.

"Let them hug it out," I whispered back, "they haven't hugged each other since...well, you know when."

They eventually did pull away themselves as the rest of their former team and the two heroes climbed onto the bus. Bryce ran to stand behind Evan like everyone else except Tyler. Ryan looked at everyone as everyone stood there and stared at him.

"So..." Ryan started, "What so you need help with?"

"Our wives and kids were taken and we think they're going to New York." Evan explained, "Bryce informed us that you've had contact with gangs in New York before."

"Well, yeah," Ryan said, "but that was years ago."

Evan nodded, "Yes, but that means you can give us an idea where they're at."

Ryan stood there for a second, clearly not knowing what to say. "I-I don't know, guys. Stuff changes."

"You do understand that if you don't cooperate, there are and will be more bounties now you." Evan added.

"Exactly." Tyler said and rested his hands on Ryan's shoulders abruptly, "Dead or alive."

Ryan jumped at the sudden contact and slowly turned his face to Tyler. Tyler, of course, flashed him the freakiest smile known to man. Ryan gulped and turned back to everyone else.

"Fine," He said, "but I'm not promising that I'm going to be much help."

"I'm fine with that." Bryce said and walked back over to his friend, wrapping and arm around him, causing Tyler to take his hands away.

"Okay," I said, "we've got 2, 789 miles to cover. Let's get this show on the road!"

Everyone focused on me and shouted, "2, 789 miles?"

I nodded, "And that's without traffic, food stops, and bathroom breaks."

"41 hours," B.R.I.A.N. said as he got back in the drivers seat, "I don't know about you, but I'd find a way to entertain yourselves."

"Wait," Lui said, "doesn't B.R.I.A.N. need to be charged?"

I nodded and pulled out his charger from my pocket, "He takes eight hours to charge and lasts for three days. He's at 100% right now."

"Don't show them it!" B.R.I.A.N. whined.

I looked at him then walked to him, "Seriously, why are you so sensitive about it?"

"Because it's weird." He groaned.

"You're a robot!" I yelled and him, "You have to charge somehow!"

He turned in his seat and yelled, "Its still my cord!"

"You plug yourself into the living room!" I replied.

"Yeah, but no one can see it! Plus it's my house, I do what I want!"

I held the cord out, "Do you still want me to hold your cord or are you scared I'm gonna show it to more people?"

"Everyone's seen it now!"

"Because it's a common thing for electronic things to have!"

"But it's weird because it's my cord!" He argued, "That's like someone just having their tiny dick out and letting it flop around!"

I growled, "B.R.I.A.N."

"Y/N." He groaned back.

I put my hands up in defense and shoved the cord back on my pocket. "Look, I put it up."

"But everyone saw it!" He cried as he turned back to the wheel.

"Keep bringing it up and no ones going to forget about it." I commented and turned around to see everyone trying not to laugh at our conversation.

They were either snickering or holding their breath, trying not to laugh so B.R.I.A.N. wouldn't get madder than he already is.

The bus was bigger than I imagined. If we were all on one side it still wouldn't fill it up. I looked at B.R.I.A.N.

"You need to take the back way out." I said, "You'll have to drive through some grass."

"Yes because people aren't going to question a blue bus, driving around in a field." He sarcastically answered.

I widened my eyes, but soon got upset. I stood up straight and pointed to the door, "Get your ass off the bus."

He looked at me confused as he stood up. He kept looking over his shoulder as we exited the bus. I closed the door and turned to him.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I asked, "Are you seriously acting this way because I show them your cord?"

"No!" He whined as he put his hand over his eyes, "I-I...I just..." He was about to cry.

I put my arms out and he dropped his arm, shuffled his feet to me, and rested his head on my shoulder.

"You just what?" I asked as I wrapped him up in my arms.

He sighed, "I just want Ava back. You know I see her as my sister and I love her to death and...and..."

I pulled away, "I want her back too. That's why we're here B.R.I.A.N.. I want my baby back, and yes, I have no idea what condition she's in right now, and that scares me, but we won't know anything till we get there."

B.R.I.A.N. took forever to process what I said and finally nodded after like ten minutes of staring at nothing. "You're right."

"When am I not?" I said.

He laughed and took a deep breath, "Time to drive fifteen people to New York as fast as possible!"

I nodded, "Better get goin' then."

We got in the bus and B.R.I.A.N. got back in his seat. I looked at how everyone was spread out and who they were sitting with:

Luke sat with Jon.

Evan sat with David.

Marcel sat with Scotty.

Anthony sat with Craig.

Lui sat with Brock.

Bryce, of course, sat with Ryan.

And Tyler sat in a spot, waiting for me.

"Everyone ready?" I asked and they cheered.

"Wait!" Brock said, quickly getting up and walking off the bus.

I raised an eyebrow and looked back at the rest of the group and none of them looked like they knew what was going on. I watched as Brock got back on with a box in his hands.

He rested it in the middle of the bus, stood up straight, looked at everyone and said, "Merry Christmas."

Marcel was the first the dive into the box. He soon pulled out two very familiar objects.

"Brock," Marcel laughed, "where did you get these?"

In his hands, Marcel was holding the original Basically-Gorilla mask along with the Wildcat-Pig mask.

"Those are the originals too." I said, "Weren't they-"

"Yeah but I got friends." Brock said, reaching into the box and pulling out his own mask. He put in on, made a heroic stance and said, "Plus, no one can say no to Early Bird."

I turned my attention back to Marcel giving Tyler his mask. Tyler slipped it on and sighed happily, "Ah...old memories."

"Tyler," Scotty said, "where'd you put your mask? Oh wait, its on your face. I can kind of tell because you look a little better."

Tyler laughed and pointed at him, "Fuck you."

Marcel put his on and said, "After all these years, it still smells like shit."

"Probably because there's a piece of shit in it." David joked.

The bus was filled with laughter as we mad fun of them.

"I hate you, Nogla." Marcel laughed.

"Wait," Jon said, "how did you get our masks? They were burned."

Brock pulled out the owl, raccoon, and monkey masks and handed it to them. "I told you, I've got friends."

Evan took his first and put it on. He stood on the seat and put one leg on the back. "I am Bat Owl."

Lui jumped up and put on his, "And I'm Mega Monkey!"

Jon put on his and yelled, "And I am Batccoon!"

"And I am Early Bird." Brock added.

"Why are you always last?" Evan laughed.

Tyler was losing his shit and pointed at Jon. "I fucking hate your mask, Jon." He laughed.

Jon laughed, "Fuck you!"

"He's not wrong though," Luke added, "your mask looks dumb as shit."

He lightly punched him in the arm as he laughed it off. Brock got in the box again and pulled out a bag that had my bandana in it. I smiled and took the bag.

It said N/N and my serial number. I opened the bag and pulled it out. I wrapped it around my mouth and nose and tied it.

"Smells like the perfume I used to wear." I commented.

"The kind I liked or the kind you liked?" Tyler asked.

"The kind you liked." I answered.

I looked in the box myself and pulled out a panda hat.

Anthony gasped. He grabbed it from me and help it close to his chest, "Long time, no see old friend!"

He put it on his head and smiled. Brock grabbed the last thing out of the box and handed it to David before he threw the box to the very back.

"Yes!" He screamed and opened it the paper bag, poking two holes in it before putting it on, "Paper-bag Man is back."

I saw Ryan roll his eyes so I looked at him, "We saved so much money so you could buy an actually mask and you bought more paper bags."

David laughed, "They were the good kind too."

He laughed, "True."

"Alright!" Evan yelled, getting everyone's attention, "Time to get this show on the road. We've got...how many miles, Y/N?"

"2, 789, Sir." I reported.

"How many she said," He continued, "which means we must get there as fast as we can, so B.R.I.A.N.," B.R.I.A.N. sat up straight, "let's go!"

We all cheered as he nodded and turned back in his seat. We all sat down where we were before and I took my place next to my husband.

"I never thought I'd see the day I'd put this back on." He commented.

I nodded, "I'd never thought I'd ever see this again."

The bus moved forward and that's how I knew our quest started. None of us would know the out come nor the result, but we're all hoping for the best, even if we don't know what the worst is. I looked up at the man I loved and got lost in my thoughts when I looked into is gorgeous blue eyes. I put my hand over my stomach.

He can't know.

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