
In the darkness, between the stars

The weak, and the faithless, find no deliverance

We are raised to believe that the God Emperor watches over us all

And so we are charged to cleanse the mutant, the heretic, the alien

We must not falter

We are His Sword

We are His Wrath

Even in the face of death, we shall not submit

Suffering, is our prayer

Faith, is our armor

In battle, He offers us redemption

And for those who proved worthy, the emperor send forth his Angels

Our Imperium is besieged.

Across a thousand worlds we fight for our survival

Those that would tear Humanity down are legion

Our forces are few, our enemies many

There is no respite

There is no mercy

And in our darkest hour, a spiteful Universe awakens forgotten evils to break us

The galaxy burns

Yet still, we stand, the last bulwark against the terror

And while we draw breathe we will fight

For in this new, dark age...

There is only war

Your POV 

I opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my own room. A ceiling that I have seen for so many times. I sat up with a smile on my face, and I stretched my body. I stood up from my bed, opened my windows and let the sunlight come inside my room. I looked out side to see... Canterlot. My home. I smiled, as I then realized what day this is. It's my birthday, and we're going on a trip to Phoenix, Arizona for the entire week.

I went to my bathroom and I washed my face, brushed my teeth and took an early bath, as this was going to be a good day.
After I finished preparing for the day, I ran downstairs and met up with mom and dad, who was all set for the trip to Arizona.

M/N: Morning, sweetie! Did you get a good night's sleep?

Y/N: Sure did! I'm already excited that we'll leave right now. 

F/N: Yep. Just waiting for you to get ready. Did you already tell your friends that you're leaving?

Y/N: Nah, still haven't. I'm heading to the school now to tell Principal Celestia I'm leaving. Just to give her a heads up. 

F/N: Okay then. Come here, let's eat. 

Y/N: I'll do it on the road, I gotta go. 

F/N: Hey, slow down, kid. Celestia's ass can wait. 

Y/N: What the?! DAD!!! Knock it off! 

F/N: Seriously, come on. Just a bite. 

Y/N: No thanks, I really have to go-

M/N: Y/N L/N, you will not leave this house until you eat. 

I groaned as I then saw a piece of bread with some butter on top of one side, I took it and I put it in my mouth and I ran towards the front door, but before I got out of the front doo, I managed to grab the keys of my car, and I went through the door and I went to our garage, leaving mom and dad to themselves. 

F/N: Just like me?

M/N: Just like you. Stubborn

F/N: And yet, you married me. 

M/N: That wasn't a complaint. 

I finally opened up the garage door to see my vehicle that my parents have bought for me. A Dodge Challenger Hellcat. 

I got inside the car and I turned the ignition key started up the engine and I heard it's beautiful engine roar. I let out a muffled sigh because of the bread and I shifted into first gear and drove to school. 


I pulled over to the parking lot, and I killed the engine of the car. I got outside of the car and I locked it tight. I then went inside the school and I started making way towards the principal's office, I went up the stairs and at the distance I saw the Vice Principal, Luna.

Y/N: Morning, Luna.

Luna: That's Vice Principal Luna to you, Mr. Evidarius.

Y/N: Jesus Christ, it was a joke. Do you ever smile? 

Luna: Very funny. Why are you even doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?

Y/N: Uh, that's the thing. Me and my parents are leaving town for an entire week. Heading to Phoenix, Arizona.

Luna: Why seems to be the occasion?

Y/N: It's my birthday tomorrow, plus, Dad's got some business book Arizona to take care of.

Luna: Oh, well happy birthday. Let me guess, you're going to tell my sister you're leaving and you'll ask her to give you all the activities that we will be discussing for the next week?

Y/N: You read my mind. But, thank you.

Luna: No problem, head right in, she's not busy at the moment.

She nodded as she gestured me to head inside the office. I entered and I saw Celestia turn her head towards me, she smiled and she got closer to me and she smiled even more.

Celestia: Good morning, Y/N! Happy Birthday!

Y/N: Aww, shucks. My birthday's still tomorrow, but thanks anyway.

Celestia: Now that you're here, I'm giving you all the activities that you will have to do for this week, is that alright?

Y/N: Oh, it's okay, really. I can self study too.

Celestia: Just don't cheat~

Y/N: *nervous chuckle* You do know I don't do that, right?

Celestia: Oh I know, I was just teasing you, that's all. Well, here are the activities!

Celestia then walked to her desk and she pulled out a bag filled with paper and books inside. She walked back towards me and handed me the bag, and I gently took it from her hand. I hung the bag on my back, and I made sure it was in place so that it doesn't fall off.

Celestia: Well, that's all for now. Have fun in your vacation, Y/N! Don't forget to bring us some souvenirs!

Y/N: *chuckles* I won't! Bye!

I then walked outside the office and I ran down to the lower floors, I gotta look for my friends to tell them I'm leaving.

Luna: Celestia? You looked...a bit worried back there...something happened?

Celestia: No, no. I just...I feel like something bad is about to happen. I KNOW something is going to happen.

I walked to the cafeteria and I was about to run inside, when I saw the door open and I saw Applejack walk through.

Applejack: Oh! Howdy, Y/N!

Y/N: Morning, Applejack. 

Applejack: can I interest you with some apples? They're fresh~

Y/n: You know I love apples. 

She smiled and she handed me a single apple, I looked at it and I swear that thing shines bright like a diamond reflecting light. I took it from her hand and immediately took a bite out of it. 

Applejack: Consider it as a gift for your birthday this weekend. 

Y/N: Huh, I was just about to say that. You actually remembered. 

Applejack: of course I would! You're my best friend! 

Y/N: I'll also be gone for an entire week, me and my parents will be in Phoenix. Now don't worry, I'll be doing some schoolwork too. 

Applejack: It's okay, just bring me some apples! I've heard the apples back there are good! 

Y/N: *smiles* I will. Later, Jackie.

Applejack: Later! 

I then started walking away from Applejack and I waved her goodbye. I then started walking down the hallway, I then took another bite from the apple given to me, and I let out a sigh due to how delicious it is. Suddenly, I was then pulled into the room that happened to be the Dressmaking Class. A familiar pale hand pulled me into the room, and it left the apple in mid air, I grabbed it before it even hit the floor, and put the apple in my hand. It was Rarity who pulled me into the room. 

Rarity: Goodness me, Y/N! you're leaving town and that's what you wear?! No no no no no no no no! I will NOT accept this! you have to make an impression!

She then proceeded to run towards one of the jacket she sewn just for me, and a scarf that she made not too long ago. She then put her hand on her chin, thinking what to give me to wear, she then grabbed a Crimson Red Jacket, and she gave me the jet Black Scarf that she made. 

She forced me to put the jacket on, and after it was finally on me, I looked at myself in the mirror, it ain't that bad. I was about to say something to her but she suddenly wrapped the scarf around me, and I just melted into how comfy it was. 

Rarity: There! Now you're all set! 

Y/N: Rarity, I know you-

She then put her finger on my lips and she shushed me. 

Rarity: No more talking, sweetheart. 

She then gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks and I just widened my eyes. I was then pushed out to the hallway, and she slammed the door in front of my face. I just shrugged my hands, as I then took another bite out of my apple and started walking to the Culinary Arts room, where Pinkie Pie was. 


 Rarity mentally slapped herself for what she just did. 

Rarity: Goodness gracious, that was stupid of me. Kissing his stupid face?! *groan* I already promised myself to tell him next when he comes back, but this just had to slip! 

Back to you

I finally reached the Kitchen where Pinkie Pie was, and I knocked on the door, there was no answer, I opened the door and I peeked my head in the room, and saw a cheery Pink blur grab me by the scarf, and pulled me into the room. It was Pinkie, still in her cooking uniform. 

Pinkie: Heya, N/N! (Nickname) advanced Happy Birthday! 

Y/N: Thanks, Pinkie. Just came by to say I'll be gone for a week, I'll be in Phoenix.

Pinkie: Yeah yeah yeah! Wanna see the cake I made you?! 

Y/N: You made me a cake again? Come on, we can always buy one at the mall. 

Pinkie: If I make you a cake, it means our friendship is genuine! I mean, you made and gave me some awesome things! This is just payback! Here! Have a taste! 

She then presented to me her creation, the cake. I gently smiled and I grabbed a nearby fork and I took a small piece of the cake. My eyes widened and I felt the flavors of the cake explode in my mouth, and the icing melting on my tongue. 


Pinkie: Do you like it?

Y/N: I love it! Holy Hell, this had got to be one of  the best cakes you made! 

Pinkie: Aww, thanks N/N! I'm saving this for later! You better head out now, you don't wanna get late!

Y/N: Later. 

I then left the kitchen and I started walking down the hallway, and headed towards the door where it leads to the open field at the back of the school. But before I reached the door, I saw a familiar shy girl holding up posters for Canterlot Animal Shelter. It was Fluttershy. She was at her last poster and she hanged the last on near one of the lockers in the distance. I smiled as I then decided to make my way towards her and I put my hand on her shoulder, which was a bad idea, and she jumped because of it. 

Fluttershy: EEP!

Y/N: Ah, sorry about that. 

Fluttershy: O-oh! H-hey, Y/N. 

Fluttershy finally recomposed herself and she blushed and I just smiled at how cute she in when she becomes jumpy. She put both of her hands at the side of her face, as if she's flustered by something. 

Y/N: Still trying to post up one of those posters for the Animal Shelter?

Fluttershy: Y-yeah, of course! Animals needs some caring too, all of them! I-I know that I'm not allowed to bring animals in schoolgrounds, but...

She then opened her backpack, and I saw a puppy in the bag, a kitten, a bird, and even a damn plastic of goldfishes in the damn bag. A a bag....BAGCEPTION!!!

Y/N: *sigh* It's only a matter of time before you get caught doing this, but I'm no snitch, so I'm gonna let this slide. 

Fluttershy: I always knew you had a soft side for animals, N/N! Thank you so much! You won't regret it!

Y/N: If it's you? I know I won't. Also, want me to bring you home a gift? I'm heading to Phoenix for the entire week. 

Fluttershy: O-oh, what I want? U-uhh...can me a swimsuit?

Y/N: *stares motherfuckerly* Where did that come from?

Fluttershy: W-well...since you did so much for me, I-I'm gonna do what you've been teaching me to do! Be social! 

Y/N: You know, you can be social WITHOUT the swimsuit...but hey, if that's what you want? I'll do it for you. I'm glad you're finally coming out of your shell. I'm proud of you. 

Fluttershy: *blushes* Thanks! 

Y/N: Well, I'm heading out now. Bye, Fluttershy. 

Fluttershy: Bye, Y/N!

I smiled and I started walking back towards  the doors, I opened the doors, and I saw multiple athletes run around the field, and there were kids playing at the soccer field. I took in a deep breathe, until I heard a whistle at the distance. 

???: Yo! Y/N! Over here, dude!

I looked to my side and saw Rainbow Dash, eating a box of Pocky.

Rainbow Dash: Come here!

Y/N: Hey, Dash. What's up?

Rainbow Dash: Eh, same old crap. Playing soccer, taking the team to victory and championship.

Y/N: Okay.

Rainbow Dash: Listen, while I've got you here, I wanna tell you something.

Y/N: Yeah?

Rainbow Dash: Since it's your birthday, and you're heading to Phoenix this entire week, can you get me a game?

Y/N: You already owe me large piles of moola, Dash. What is it now?

Rainbow Dash: Oh, no reason, just...can you buy me a copy of Final Fantasy 7?

Y/N: *sigh* Welp...there goes my savings...again. I'm already buying Fluttershy a... nevermind.

Rainbow Dash: Also, here!

She then handed me a small, not bigger than my palms, a gift wrapped box, presumably a gift from her.

Rainbow Dash: Don't open it until it's your birthday. Trust me, it's a good one.

I just smiled as I put the gift on my jacket's pockets. I then stood up and I recomposed myself.

Y/N: Well, I'm heading off now. Goodbye, Dash. I'll see you next week

Rainbow Dash: Bye, dude! Safe trip!

Y/N: Can I get a hug?

Rainbow Dash: Hell no!

Y/N: Come on! We've known each other since we were kids, Dash! At least a hug would do! Don't make me tell you both of us took a-

Rainbow Dash: Okay, shut up! I'll hug you! Geez! 

I let out a chuckle as she then wrapped her arms around me, still flustered. 

Rainbow Dash: If you ever tell anyone we took a bath when we were kids, I'm gonna kick your ass. 

Y/N: Come on, it was a joke. 

Rainbow Dash:...I'm gonna miss you...

Y/N: Yeah right. 

Rainbow Dash: I'm serious. 

I smiled as I then broke the hug and I recomposed myself. 

Y/N: Well, I'm heading off now. I'll see you soon. Goodbye, Dash. 

Rainbow Dash: See ya. 

I then started walking away from her and entered back in the school. I went down the hallway and I made my way back to the parking lot where my car was. I got inside my car, started the engine and I drove back to my house, finally ready to leave town for an entire week. Goodbye, Canterlot. I'll see you in a week. Phoenix, Arizona here I come!

Hours Later

We finally reached the state of Arizona after a long drive. Dad already booked us a house that we'll live in for the week. The place looks nice, it's welcoming enough for us to stay in without any problems. I pulled up my car in the driveway, and mom and dad's car pulled up after me.

I killed the engine of the car and I got out of the car. I stretched my body, making a satisfying popping sound and I let out a sigh as I was tired from all the driving. I saw mom and dad got out of their car and they stood beside me.

F/N: Welp. We're here. Home away from home.

M/N: Let's get inside. It's cold out. Y/N? You coming?

I let out a sigh and I started following them. I made sure the cars were locked, and I looked around my surroundings. This neighborhood looks quiet, and it's near a forest. Might take a walk there later. For now? It's already dark out. I'm gonna get some shut eye.

I entered the house. And I went up the stairs and into the room that was meant for me. I went to the bathroom, took another bath, washed my face and brushed my teeth. I took off my clothing and I was left in my underwear. I then climbed on the bed, and put the blanket over my body. I let out a satisfied sigh, as I then looked up to the ceiling, letting out another exhale of breathe, and I thought to myself...this week couldn't get any better.
How wrong I was....

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