Chapter 1: Just Another Day
Your POV
I heard the alarm blare, and I opened my eyes, finally awake. I looked to my side and saw the alarm clock.
Y/N: 5 am...
I sat up, and I stretched my body and I let out a groan as I do so. I let out a sigh, and I stood from my bed and headed straight to my bathroom and turned on the tap water, letting the cold water run. I stripped myself of my clothes and I went in.
The cold water hitting the top of my head, running down my back and down to my legs, placing my hand against the bathroom wall, I thought to myself;
Y/N: It's been three years...why am I not doing anything for myself...damnit.
After I was finished in the shower, I headed straight for my closet and picked out my clothing. Nothing special, just a pair of pants, a shirt and a jacket.
I got done dressing myself, and I went downstairs to get myself something to eat for breakfast.
Y/N: Oh you know, I'm eating the usual, which is eggs ...What do you mean "I eat the same thing every morning"? ...I don't know how to cook anything else, it's not unhealthy ...Well, I always buy something when it's lunch and dinner ...I don't even wanna hear one of your proverbs right now, sorry, E.
I said as I grabbed two eggs from the fridge, and I cracked both of eggs and I started frying them on the pan. Eventually, I went and took them out as soon as I saw the edges of the eggs turn golden brown, and I placed them on a plate and started eating...
I looked to my side, and saw the same spot where mom and dad would usually hang around. I just let out a disappointed sigh, and I finished my food, and proceeded to grab my backpack and I started walking to Canterlot.
Y/N: I hate this so much.
I said to myself as I stood up from my seat and sat up.
Y/N: Damnit, my ass hurts.
I then heard footsteps coming to my direction, and I turned to the direction where it was coming from. I saw...huh, Pinkie.
Pinkie Pie: N/N...?
Y/N: What? Something wrong?
Pinkie Pie: No, it's you been?
Y/N: In all honesty, I still feel shit.
Pinkie Pie: You're...still in your anti-depressants, right? You've been taking them?
Y/N: ...Yeah.
Pinkie Pie: Oh, that's good to hear-
Y/N: ...No, I'm not lying, sir. I just took it this morning.
Pinkie Pie: I...but I didn't say anything. A-are you sure you've been taking them?
Y/N: Ah, apologies. I've been talking to myself.
Pinkie Pie: I'm really worried about you, Y/N. It's been three years since-
Y/N: Go ahead...say it. Make my day.
Pinkie Pie: S-sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up...please don't hate me.
Y/N: It's fine...I'm sorry, actually.
Pinkie Pie: Wanna eat lunch with me today?
Y/N: That'd be nice. I'm going to have to take my pills first, you go on ahead.
Pinkie Pie: Okay! Don't take too long!~
Y/N: ...
Pinkie Pie: R-right, sorry. I-I'm gonna go now.
Pinkie immediately left ad headed to the cafeteria, I sighed and I exit the room and I head to the restrooms. I entered the restrooms, and I set the backpack down on the sink, and I looked at myself in the mirror. I was about to reach for my bag, then I heard something in one of the stalls.
???: whispering Shut up, man! We're supposed to jump him!
???: whispering Then stop pushing against me!
Y/N: Show yourselves, rats.
???: whispering Great! Now he caught us!
Y/N: Now, you little shits!
They scramble, and banging can be heard. Then...these two motherfuckers walk out of the stall. Snips and Snails.
Y/N: So...two rats tried to play "Cat and Mouse" and you tried to attack the cat, hmm? What do you shitstains want?
Snips: Well...
Snails: We're here to kick your ass!
I stared at them in the mirror, and I fell silent, the tension in the air ca be felt. Then, I smiled, and I chuckled.
Y/N: How adorably quaint.
I turned around, with a smile on my face. I cracked my knuckles and I started walking closer to them, a dangerous aura surrounding me. Seeing this this caused both of them to panic and bolt.
Y/N: Come here, you little shits! I'll smash your fucking heads in!
Snails: I told you it was a bad idea, why did we even agree to this?!
Snips: Just run! RUUUUN!
I grabbed the nearby flower pot, and threw it at their direction. Before it could even manage to hit them, they got out of the restroom and ran to wherever the Hell God knows. I run to the door, and still see them running away.
Y/N: You try to jump me again, and I'll tear you a new asshole, you hear me?!
I shouted as I slam the door shut, and tried to walk back to the mirror to grab my stuff and leave. As soon as I turned around and face the mirrors, I saw....Sunset Shimmer.
Y/N: Ah, if it ain't Miss Crispy Bacon. What do you want? ...Actually, what the Hell are you doing here? This is the Men's Restroom.
Sunset: Still acting insane, it seems? That trip three years ago must have been really bad, huh?
Y/N: What do you know about it? Oh that's right, you don't cause you have the mental capacity of a toaster.
Sunset: I'm not here to argue, Y/N. Still haven't got an answer for my proposal?
Y/N: Remind me, what was it about, again?
Sunset: sigh Dumb motherfucker. I'm offering you, to be my Prince this Fall Formal.
Y/N: Why exactly are you picking a guy that's ridden with PTSD, and looking for every reason to smash someone's head in, hmm?
Sunet: Well, your face looks good enough, you're tall, you can provide for yourself, and you got a ride, and you're capable enough to beat someone up. You're perfect~
Y/N: Oh yeah? What do I get in return?
Sunset: It's simple, really. Me~
Sunset: Ugh! How dare you-
Y/N: Sorry sweetheart, I don't accept plastic. My God, I can believe I even forgot about this! Ha!
Sunset: You're going to agree, whether you like it, or not.
Y/N: What are you gonna do, beat me up? Try me, bitch.
Sunset: Being stubborn, are we? I'm gonna have to report this to Principal Celestia.
Y/N: You can tell her all you want, I don't give a shit of what she thinks about me.
Sunset: My my, you really got a foul mouth, don't you? I wonder how your mother would think-
Y/N: DON'T bring my mother into this, I tried to avoid saying how you're such a fatherless child, but I guess you wanna play with fire, huh?
Sunset: Aww~ Struck a nerve, did I?~
Y/N: Don't test my patience, woman. You wouldn't like what happens next if you do.
I said as I balled my hand into a fist, and I was about to give her a piece of my mind.
Y/N: ...Damnit, what now?
Sunset: Hmm?
Y/N: ...She's talking shit to me, what do you expect me to do? ...I see...I understand. Forgive me, sir.
Sunset: giggles "Sir"? My, you really are insane, talking to yourself from time to time.
Y/N: Uh-huh. If you have nothing else to say, I'm leaving.
Sunset: You forgot to take your pills, dumbass.
Y/N: What good is it when you're around?
I said as I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the restroom, and headed straight for the cafeteria and drink my pills there instead. Sunset, then left the restroom, wearing a smile on her face. Then, she pulls her phone out, and stops the recording.
Sunset: Like I said, Y/N, I have my ways to make you mine, and mine alone.
I'm currently sitting alone in a table waiting for Pinkie to show up. I'm currently on my phone, just browsing along some stuff online. I can feel a lot of...stares...are directed at me. I paid no mind into it and I just minded my own business.
Pinkie Pie: N/N!
I turn around from my seat and I saw Pinkie running to my direction, she gleefully wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, as if she hadn't see me in a while.
Y/N: You're hugging me a bit tight there, Pinkie. Is something wrong?
Pinkie Pie: Oh nothing, just love seeing you.
Y/N: should let go, lest this turns into an "issue" again.
Pinkie Pie: What's wrong with two good friends hugging?
Y/N: ...I forgot that you're too precious and pure for this world. Come, sit with me. What did you get, by the way ?
Pinkie Pie: I got a Yogurt, Sandwich, an Orange Flavored Capri Sun, and lastly, my favorite, Cookie Cat!
Y/N: Eh, I like Lion Lickers more.
Pinkie Pie: Noooo! That tastes nastyyyy! You should try Cookie Cat sometimes!
Y/N: Hmm...I may give it a try next time.
Pinkie Pie: What about you? What did you get?
Y/N: I got a salad with eggs on the sides, and a plain water bottle and...well, Lion Lickers.
Pinkie Pie: Blegh! That thing tastes bland, you might as well eat an ice cube.
Y/N: That's...the point. I like eating something cold, like a popsicle, but I don't wanna damage my teeth, thus, this thing.
Pinkie Pie: No, you're gonna try Cookie Cat! You look so...
Y/N: What?
Pinkie Pie: You look fit for a guy who's spent his time alone in his house all day, you been working out?
Y/N: I- Yes, I have. Glad you noticed.
Pinkie Pie: giggles Well then, let's eat!
She proceeded to make her way beside me, and she set her food down on the table. I put my phone back in my pocket and I grabbed the fork and started eating my salad.
Pinkie Pie: Here you go, N/N!
She hands me the Cookie Cat, and I gave it a second whether I should take it or not. I swallowed my own spit, and I gently took the thing from her. I opened the pack, and I took a small bite out of it.
Pinkie Pie: Sooooo? How is it?
Y/N: Hmm...definitely sweet. The ice cream melts the moment it gets into my mouth, the texture of the cookie is smooth, yet a tad bit dry, but the ice cream in the middle helpS that. I give it a 8/10.
Pinkie Pie: 8/10?! Absurd! It should be a Megazillion out of ten!
Y/N: ...That's not a number.
Pinkie Pie: It is to me! ...Can I still have that if you don't wanna eat it?
Y/N: Way ahead of you.
I said as I handed her the Cookie Cat. Her face brightens up with a smile, and she took a bite out of the Cookie Cat, and she giggles with her mouth filled with the cookie. I couldn't help but smile momentarily at how she reacted. She then looked at me, wide eyes, and she said, wth her mouth full.
Pinkie Pie: Difh Zhyou Ghuscht Shmilef?!
Y/N: Swallow, woman.
Pinkie Pie: swallows Did you just smile?!
Y/N: Eh?
Pinkie Pie: Oh my Gosh, you did!
Y/N: Don't get your hopes up, Pinkie. I'll probably go back to being a depressed slob in a moment or two.
Sunset: Yeah, "Pinkie". Maybe he'll just go back to being a mentally unstable loner after this.
My smile fades, and I tightened my grip around my fork to the point of almost snapping it. I turned my head to where the voice came from, and I was met with Sunset in front of my table.
Y/N: What do you want, Bacon Bimbo?
Sunset: Oh nothing much, still waiting for that answer~
I balled my hand into a fist, and I was about to give her a piece of my mind. But I stopped the moment I felt Pinkie tighten her hold in my arm. I didn't even notice she started holding me. I let out a sigh, and I calmed myself down, and I looked at Sunset.
Y/N: Make it quick, what do you want? For real this time.
Sunset: Hold your balls, psycho, I'm just here to eat with you.
Y/N: I'm not insane, woman. Leave me and Pinkie alone.
Sunset: about- No. I'm sitting here with you.
Pinkie Pie: Knock yourself out.
Y/N: Preferably, I would have done that myself- smack
Pinkie Pie: N/N! Stop saying that!
Sunset: Aww~ Scared your boyfriend goes feral?~
I tightened my grip on the fork again, and I snapped it completely. Pinkie, on the other hand, she tightened her hold on my arm again, and she tried hiding behind me, as if she was afraid of Sunset...what the Hell did you do to her, Sunset?
Pinkie Pie: No, but I am worried about him if he hurts you instead.
Y/N: Would you like me to?
Pinkie Pie: No, don't do that, please?
Y/N: ...Fine.
Sunset: Face it, you guys love me. I always speak my mind. I keep it real, and I'm honest about most things.
Y/N: Nah, you're actually just a bitch.
Sunset snapped her head to my direction, her eyes filled with anger. I just ignored her and took the Lion Lickers Pack, and I ate it. Pinkie giggles and she smiles. Everyone around us, gasped, and some even snickered.
Sunset: You're crossing the line, Y/N. Watch yourself.
Y/N: Or what, Crispy Bacon? You gonna pester me to death? Have at it, then.
She stood up, and she pointed her finger at me, and she took in a deep breathe and she was about to speak. Just then the speakers turned on, and Celestia spoke through the said speakers.
Celestia (v.o.): Good Morning Students, hope you're having a good lunch today. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong at this moment. Y/N L/N, please come to my office, I have something for you. Take your time, sweetie. I'll be waiting.
Y/N: Oh, come on. Fuck me.
Sunset: Ohhh~ Seems like Y/N here has a crush on Principal Celestia~
Y/N: Bitch, that is not what I meant. I swear, they don't have to keep doing this.
I then stood up, and Pinkie let go of my arm as I got up. I stretched my arms, and I let out a sigh.
Y/N: Right, Pinkie, do me a favor and ask Granny Smith to put this in like a Tupperware, I'm gonna have to eat this later.
Pinkie Pie: Sure thing! Later, N/N!
I smiled again, and she took my tray and made her way to Granny Smith. I then turned to Sunset, and can see her...huh...would you look at that. The bitch has pink tint all over her face.
Y/N: You good? You look like you're taking a massive shit with that blush.
Sunset: W-wha- Oh shut up, you!
Y/N: Shut up, you we're blushing when I smiled.
Sunset: Ugh! Whatever! This conversation is over!
Y/N: Fucking FINALLY!
Sunset stood up, and she stormed off to the other direction, covering her still reddened face. I paid no more mind into it, and I started making my way to the Principal's Office.
Scene Change
I got to the door of the office, and I let out a sigh. I knocked on the door three times, and I waited for someone to open the door. I then heard footsteps coming to the door, and I saw Vice Principal Luna, opening the door.
Luna: There you are. How are you?
Y/N: At this very moment? I'm fine, for now at least.
Luna: Come in, come in. My sister has something to give you.
Y/N: Yeah, that speaker in the cafeteria didn't tell me.
Luna: ...
Y/N: Sorry.
Luna rolled her eyes, and she led me to Celestia, where she can be seen sitting behind her desk. She seems to be doing some paperwork, and she seems a tad bit busy at this moment. She look up at me, and she smiles and she puts her pen down. She stood from her chair, and she made her way in front of me, and she sat on her table.
Celestia: Hey there, Y/N...
Y/N: Celestia...
Luna: That's Principal Celestia, Y/N.
Celestia: Now now, Luna. It's alright.
Luna: Hmph.
Y/N: Right. You wanted to give me something?
Celestia: Ah, yes. It's these.
Y/N: Fluoxetines? These...these are the ones commonly used for-
Luna: PTSD and Depression, yes. You're right. We have decided that we needed to get you a more effective medication've been having more outbursts and episodes for the last few weeks.
Y/N: I...I can't afford this.
Celestia: Oh, Heavens, no! You don't have to pay for anything, we're giving these to you for free!
Luna: Though, don't take too much of these. They may help lessen your episodes, but there's side-effects for that.
Y/N: Yeah, me not being able to sleep for three days wasn't a sign.
Luna: ...Stop being a smartass.
Y/N: chuckles Couldn't help it, sorry. And...thank you...both of you. Really, I appreciate it.
Celestia: giggles It's no big deal. After all, I was good friends with your parents.
Y/N: I know...
Luna: Celestia, you shouldn't have said that. You do remember why he' this, right?
Celestia: Oh, r-right. Sorry for bringing it up.
Y/N: It's...fine. It's been three years, and...I have been trying to get over them still. Is there anything else you want for me?
Celestia: I would like to ask you one thing.
Y/N: What is it?
She stood from the table, and she made her way towards me. Her hips swayed left and right, and I couldn't help but be mesmerized...what the fuck, knock if off, Y/N! But...damn. STOP!
Celestia placed her right hand on my shoulder, and her left hand on my cheek. I...I couldn't help but feel calm and...feel safe. I softened my jaw, released my shoulders, and I let out a sigh.
Celestia: There we are. Did that help?
Y/N: the fuck did you know this would help?
Y/N: Română, o vorbești?! (Romanian, do you speak it?!)
Luna: ...I forgot that you became Bi-lingual.
Y/N: Probably because my mom was Romanian?
Luna: Whatever, kid. Whatever. Like that's ever gonna help you.
Celestia: Silence, Luna. Leave him be, he's still young, and yet to reach his Prime.
Y/N: Yeah, I'm 19, if you forgot. In only, like 2 years I'll hit 21?
Celestia: Nevermind that, back to the matter at hand.
Celestia looked at me dead in the eyes, and she placed both her hands on my cheeks, she smiled and played with my hair by a bit. This is...weird...soothing, yet...weird. She's never this close to me, like ever.
Celestia: Come to me whenever you need help, okay? You're not alone in this battle, you never were. All you have to do is keep fighting, we're here for you. You're doing well, sweetie.
I then proceeded to grab both her hands, and I pried them off my face.
Y/N: Sure...but can you be a bit less...touchy? It's kind of...weird...
Celestia: Oh? But it helped you calm down, did it not?
Y/N: Yes were kinda getting...physical with me. It's weird.
Luna: I agree, I've never seen you act like this before. That's coming from your own sister, Celestia.
Celestia: I-I was?
Y/N: ...I'll be taking my leave now, byeeeeeee.
I said as I slowly backed away from the sisters, and I went to the door, and quietly left. After I got out, I quickly bolted downstairs, and headed for the open field. Since classes have finished, I decided to walk through the open field of the school to get some fresh air and some peace and quiet, before I head to back in for the P.E. Class.
After I got outside the field, I let out a sigh and started following the white lines dividing the soccer field and the 500 meter track. Just as things were already good and vision started turning dim, and before I even knew it, my vision went bye bye again.
Y/N: God fucking damnit, everything fucking time I wanna take a walk. sighs Guess I'm doing this blind, good thing I'm starting to memorize this entire place.
I started walking back to the path J have taken before, trying my best to remember which step I took and trying to familiarize where I am. At the distance, I heard a familiar voice.
Rainbow Dash: Y/N look out!
Before I could even realize where I was standing, I felt something sticking out of the ground beside me, I touched it and tried to make out what it was a Javelin. I then realize, I was standing right in the middle of the Javelin throwing sector.
I heard an errant Javelin Spear heading towards me, I can hear the damn thing cut through the wind like a bullet, I was about to panic and I didn't know where to go, but in the darkness of my vision, I saw...a light.
And the said light was heading right towards me, and when it was close enough for me to tell what it was, it was a Javelin, the same one heading right towards me. I then immediately caught the Javelin with one hand and it was mere centimeters away from hitting my face, as I stared down to the sharp pointy end of the spear. I heard running towards me, and I put down the Javelin to the ground.
Rainbow Dash: Dude! That was awesome! You just caught the spear out of nowhere with ONE hand! One hand! How cool is that? Girls, isn't that cool?!
Girls (In Unison): Soooo cool!
Y/N: Ah, Dash. There you are. I'm in need of assistance, I'm currently blind at the moment.
Rainbow Dash: Of course- wait, hold on! You're blind right now?!
Y/N: Not much of a surprise, really.
Rainbow Dash: It's not that fact that you're blind, it's the fact that you CAUGHT that Javelin with ONE hand while you were BLIND! How did you even do that?!
Y/N: I....I have no damned clue. It just felt, natural, that's all. Please Dash, I can't stay here for long and I really can't see a thing.
Rainbow Dash: Sure thing, bud. Come here. Also, you girls go on ahead and change, I'll be right with ya.
I then felt her hand hold mine and she started walking me through the field and into the building. I held her hand tightly, and she gripped my hand even tighter.
Girl 1: He was blind when he caught that javelin?! Awesome!
Girl 2: He HAS to be magic! There's no way he did that naturally!
Girl 3: Girls, as cool as it is, he's a handicapped, it's best not to bother him too much, whatever happened to him, it wasn't very pleasant, I mean, what in this damn world would make a man go blind and not blind from time to time?
Girl 4: Yeah, best to leave him alone. Plus...Captain wouldn't like it when we pester her best-friend.
Rainbow Dash's POV
Rainbow Dash: Man, how did you even catch that javelin while you're blind? Like, that's kinda badass and crap.
Y/N: I dunno, I just heard something come at me, and I caught it.
Rainbow Dash: Uh-huh, that kinda sounds cap, but alright.
Y/N: Whatever. My P.E. Class is my first period this afternoon, can you take me somewhere I can change my clothing?
Rainbow Dash: Sure! Where's your P.E. Clothes then?
Y/N: In my locker, you know where that is, so I don't need to tell you. Plus, you also know the code right?
Rainbow Dash: Yep! 6-9-4-2-0!
Y/N: Don't blurt it out, damn woman.
I giggled, as I then kept guiding him through the halls. I finally saw the Boy's Changing Room, and he sat still on the benches outside the room, and he looks at me, and I saw his empty, dull, grey eyes lock onto my own eyes.
Y/N: You go on ahead and grab my clothes in my locker, I'll be fine here.
Rainbow Dash: You sure?
Y/N: Of course, I'm tougher than you think, move along now.
I rolled my eyes, and I gently smiled at him. Then, despite not being able to see me, he smiles back. I paid no mind into it, and I exit the room, and I ran to the lockers.
I then saw Y/N's locker, and I made my way closer to it. I grabbed the lock and I started putting in the password.
Rainbow Dash: 69, 420, Got it! (Mind) Now that I think about it, why is Y/N's password like this? Man I should tell him what this actually means, hehe~
I then opened the locker, and I saw Y/N's locker, looking neatly and organized. I looked behind the books he has, and I saw his Athletics Shirt and Shorts, and I grabbed both of them.
I closed the locker and I locked it again, and I started running back to where Y/N was. I saw Y/N, still sitting on the bench outside the Boy's Changing Room, and I noticed that he was...staring off into the...corner.? Is he...looking at it?
Rainbow Dash: Yo, Y/N! I'm back, here's your clothing.
Y/N: Hm? Ah, there you are.
Rainbow Dash: By the way, why are you staring into that corner?
Y/N: Uhh...I don't know what you're talking about. I'm currently blind at the moment.
Rainbow Dash: But are you, really?
Y/N: ...You think I'm faking this shit?
Rainbow Dash: You know what? Nevermind. Just get changed, hopefully your eyesight gets back before P.E. starts.
Y/N: Fair enough, wait here.
I then handed him the rest of his clothing, and he made his way inside the Changing Room. As soon as he opened the door, I saw girls inside...huh?!
Rainbow Dash: What the heck?!
I covered my mouth, and Y/N turns to my direction, and the girls behind him looking right at the door.
Y/N: What? Something in front of me? You better say cause I still can't see shit, I'm walking blind here...literally.
Rainbow Dash: On second thought, I-I'll be in the room with you. (Mind) I forgot that the Girl's Changing Room and has a water leak, shit!
Y/N: ...Are you trying to check me out again?
Rainbow Dash: What? No, ew. I'll....I-I'll just make sure Sunset's lackeys don't try to jump you again. (Mind) Plus, to make sure these bitches don't touch you or something.
Y/N: You heard that?
Rainbow Dash: Heard it? EVERYONE heard you threaten the two rats, you were surprisingly loud too despite being quiet all the time.
Y/N: Whatever, just...try not to scream, okay?
Rainbow Dash: I'm not a pervert, Y/N.
Y/N: Not that, something else...
I raised an eyebrow at the statement, and I started entering the room with him. I saw the girls around us, staring at him, some in a rather...suggestive way.
I snapped my fingers at their direction, and they turned their heads to me, and I balled my hands into a fist, and raised my fist to my eye level, threatening her. They quietly swallows their own spit, and stops looking at Y/N.
I looked back to Y/N, as I saw him starting to remove his shoes, leaving his socks on. He then makes his way behind a row of lockers, so that he makes sure "I" don't see his boxers. I swear, I'm gonna get my ass beaten for not telling Y/N he's changing in front of girls.
He comes back out, wearing his shorts, and he started feeling his way through the lockers, and eventually he found the bench, and he sighs. He turns around, facing away from me, and he takes off his jacket, then his shirt. As he pull it up, I saw...what the heck?
Rainbow Dash: Holy shit, dude!
Y/N: I told you not to scream.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, but... Did you fight a bear or something? How did you get that? Better yet, why didn't you tell anyone about this?
Y/N: I'd...rather not say. I have my reasons as to why I didn't tell about of them, being this.
Rainbow Dash: O-oh...sorry.
I turned to everyone else in the room, and pointed to them.
Rainbow Dash: whispering This didn't happened, none of you saw anything, got it?
They all nodded their heads rapidly, and I let out a sigh. I'm sure they'd shut up about this, after all, I'm the School's Team Captain in...well, every sport here.
Y/N: Who are you talking to?
Rainbow Dash: No one, don't worry. But listen, if it's any consolation, I think the scar proves that you are tougher than I think...I understand that you won't tell me where you got it, and I can respect that.
Y/N: chuckles I guess, you do have a point. Just...try not to tell anyone about this, okay?
Rainbow Dash: Promise.
He puts on his Athletic shirt, and he lets out a sigh. Then, he turns to face me, his eyes still dull, grey and empty.
Y/N: Same goes with everyone else in this room.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah! ...Wait, what?! You knew there were other people here?!
Y/N: Yep. In fact, they asked me if they could change inside since the Girl's Changing Room has a water leak. I said yes, and I let them in. I kept "watch" just in case anyone else, especially if other guys, walk in.
Girl 1: Yeah, you didn't have to threaten us like that, Dash. We asked for his permission, ya know?
Y/N: chuckles Here I thought you're not gonna give a shit, but you proved me wrong, even go as far as threaten your own team. I'm glad you had my back, Dash.
Rainbow Dash: blushes Oh, Goddamnit.
Y/N: You're not the one who literally changed in front of girls, Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Are you sure you're still blind?! Cause I will, I swear to God, I'll make you blind myself, permanently!
Y/N: I still am, I didn't see anything, not like I can at the moment, so don't worry... Though, I guess I better leave now, cause I think I'm starting to see some light again.
I then slapped my hand onto his eyes the moment they started gaining an E/C color.
Y/N: Ow.
Rainbow Dash: Get your ass outta here before you see anything, now!
Y/N: Alright alright, damn. Pushing a blind man, how cruel.
Rainbow Dash: Shut your ass up, you just said you're starting to see again!
He chuckles again, and I was still red as a tomato, I pushed him out of the room while still covering his eyes, and I slammed the door shut in front of him.
Rainbow Dash: sigh Good riddance.
Girl 1: have a crush on him, don't you?
Rainbow Dash: H-huh? What makes you say that?
Girl 1: It's...kind of obvious.
Girl 2: Yeah, the way you look at him, how you always assure he's doing alright.
Rainbow Dash: H-he's just a good friend of mine, shut up.
Girl 1: Yeeeeaaah..."friend".
Girl 2: "Boy" friend, in this case.
Rainbow Dash: Shut up!
Timeskip: Your POV
Y/N: I have to do what?
Rainbow Dash: Pull ups. 50 of em'.
Y/N: Eh?! Why the fuck, Dash?!
Rainbow Dash: Cause I was left in charge by the P.E. Teacher, so you listen to what I have to say. Just do 50, and I won't give you a hundred suicides, deal?
Y/N: I'd rather commit it myself right now, honestly.
Rainbow Dash: Shut up, this is for embarrassing me earlier.
Y/N: It wasn't even that serious, come on.
I groaned, and I made my way to the pull up bar, and I grabbed onto the bar, my legs hanging off. I pulled myself up, until my waist was on the same level as the bar.
Rainbow Dash: Oh wow, I didn't know you're able to pull that off. But that's gonna take a lot outta you, careful.
Y/N: Jokes on you, this is how I always do my pull ups.
Rainbow Dash: Oh really?~ What if I try and pull you down to make stuff more challenging?~
Y/N: Don't. Lest I kick your ass.
Rainbow Dash: Okay, fine.
Y/N: I'm at 25, halfway there.
Rainbow Dash: Eh?! Already?!
Y/N: Nah, I was just fuckin with ya. chuckles Shoulda seen your face.
Rainbow Dash: Ugh! Showoff!
Y/N: Well, thanks~
A few minutes later, I finished the 50 pull-ups, and I dropped myself down to the ground and I stretched my body and wiped away the bit of sweat off my forehead. Dash made her way towards me, and she handed me a towel and a bottle of water.
Y/N: Thanks.
Rainbow Dash: Nu-uh, not yet. You and I are gonna race.
Y/N: ...Fuckin cunt.
Rainbow Dash: Aww~ Scared that I'd beat you?~
Y/N: Oh you're on, bitch. Better yet, how about 100 meters? With hurdles, all the fuckin way?
Rainbow Dash: Oh~ I like a challenge~ You're on!~
Girl 1: I-is that a good idea? L-like, you're racing against the captain, and no one has ever outrun her before.
Y/N: I failed to see how that's going to stop me.
Girl 2: You're either very brave, or very stupid.
Rainbow Dash: He's a bit of both. Isn't that right?
Y/N: Shut up, all of you.
Rainbow Dash: Alright alright. Girls, set up the hurdles please?
Girls (In Unison): Yes, ma'am.
A total of 8 girls went and grabbed the hurdles, and started setting them down along the running track.
Y/N: You really like ordering them around a lot, huh?
Rainbow Dash: Eh, more like they don't really have a choice. I mean, it's obviously very honorable for them to play with the Captain of every sport in Canterlot~
Y/N: ...Fair point, I guess?
Change Scene: Your POV
Rainbow Dash: You ready?
Y/N: Let's do this.
Rainbow Dash & Y/N: 3...2...1...GO!
Me and Dash took off, our speed matching each other, our legs moving at the same time. I saw the incoming hurdles, and I jumped over them, and Dash does the same. I jumped over the other one, and she does so as well.
Rainbow Dash: Gotta say, I'm impressed you didn't fall flat yet!
Y/N: Stop talking!
Dash chuckles, as she jumps over another hurdle. I then looked forward and saw that there was a big gap between the hurdle in front of me and the hurdle after it, I jumped over he said hurdle in front of me, and I sprinted my way across, leaving Dash behind.
Rainbow Dash: Woah! You're fast!
I paid no mind to what she said, and I jumped over another hurdle, and I kept on sprinting, leaving Dash behind. I can see the finish line in the end, and I can only see one hurdle left. I jumped over the said hurdle, and was about to keep sprinting...that is, until, my foot caught the hurdle, and I faceplanted on the ground, I heard Dash laugh, and jump over the hurdle.
Rainbow Dash: That's what you get, moron! HAHAHA!
Dash started slowing down, as she got closer to the finish line. She spreads her arms wide open, as if to welcome her sweet victory. But alas, all of that changed, when out of the corner of her eyes, she saw me speed right past her.
Everything slowed down in our perspective, and she looks to the side, my side, her eyes widen in shock, as she sees me pass by her in almost inhuman speeds. I crossed the finish line, and I stopped dead in my tracks, sliding a bit. I stood there, looking at Dash, her jaw dropped. She shook her head, and she started making her way closer to me.
Rainbow Dash: did you get up so fast? No- better yet, how are you so fast?!
Y/N: I have no clue what you're talking about. I merely stood back up and caught up with you, that is all.
Rainbow Dash: Y/N, dude, I was fucking seconds away from the finish line. I was a meter away until you passed by me, fucking going...I don't know what speed you were going, but you were CRAZY fast!
Y/N: Hmm...maybe because you...slowed down?
Rainbow Dash: That's cap, and you know it.
Y/N: Goddamnit, Dash, I don't have time to keep arguing with you, I won, and that's that. Now, I have English Class to attend to, farewell.
Rainbow Dash: No, listen to me! You- and he's gone, great.
I started walking away from dash, and headed for the locker rooms to change back to my normal clothes. Dash can only look at me walk away, her hands on her hips, and her team-mates started getting closer to her as well.
Rainbow Dash: Damnit...
Girl 1: Uhh...Captain? We can try to...well, explain what we saw, if that helps?
Rainbow Dash: sigh Well, might as well give it a try. I'm listening.
Gil 1: do I say this... Well, when he fell and hits the ground face first, and when you were getting closer to the finish line he...
Girl 2: It's like he was...a blur. It all happened so fast, and yet we saw it happened.
Rainbow Dash: You're not making any, at all.
Girl 1: I dunno Cap, but...I'm starting to think that's someone else and not...Y/N.
Rainbow Dash: ...Let's...not talk about this...for now at least.
Change Scene: Your POV
After a few minutes of walking around the school, I eventually found the classroom, and I entered the said classroom. The teacher doesn't seem to be here yet, so I'll probably take a quick shut-eye...until I heard footsteps heading right to my direction. I looked up, and saw Fluttershy, with a couple of textbooks at hand.
Fluttershy: Y-Y/N?
Y/N: Oh, Fluttershy. Well, are you in need of any assistance?
Fluttershy: Y-yes, I do. Do you still remember that group project that we were assigned with last week?
Y/N: Ah, that. Yes, indeed. You want me to keep reading the same story from last time, yes?
Fluttershy: Correct.
Y/N: Uhh... Forgive me, but why must I do this again?
Fluttershy: W-well, you need to keep reading that, until you memorized it, because the teacher wants us to act it out.
Y/N: I beg your pardon?
Fluttershy: I-I know, but luckily, you are up for it...r-right?
Y/N: sigh Well, I'm here now, so might as well keep last I'll get higher grades in this subject now that I'm going to have to do this.
Fluttershy: D-don't worry, I'll be your partner.
Y/N: Fluttershy, darling, you don't have to force yourself to make me feel better.
Fluttershy: I...sort of...signed up willingly?
Y/N: Really? Hmm. Well, good for you.
Applejack: Hey, pardner!
Me and Fluttershy looked to the direction to where the voice came from, and we saw Applejack, smiling and waving at me.
Y/N: Ah. Applejack, greetings.
Applejack: Sup! Oh...hey...Fluttershy...
Fluttershy: U-uhhh, I-I just remembered, I have some place else to be, goodbye, Y/N.
Fluttershy leaves with haste, as she runs to her seat, which is in the farthest side of the room. I looked at Fluttershy, worriedly, and then looked back at Applejack, who seems to be...scowling at Fluttershy. I let out a cough to bring her back to the real world, and it seemed to have worked.
Applejack: Anyway, how you holdin up so far?
Y/N: Well, I still haven't killed myself, so I guess there's that.
Applejack: Ehehehe...heh...y-you're kidding, right?
Y/N: ...Maybe.
Applejack: ...I'll chalk that up as a no. Anyway, you want an apple?
Y/N: Applejack, sweetheart, I can see right through you, and I can tell you want something from me. State it, and quickly, I have a short attention span...sometimes.
Applejack: Well...can I ask you to...well...can I ask you to help me with my math test?
Y/N: ...This is...English Class...
Applejack: I-I know, but can you help me with it after this? From what I know, this is your last period.
Y/N: Err- no. My last period is Science Class.
Applejack: Oh...okay. Thanks anyway...
Y/N: sigh But I can remain here after my final period, and assist you with your homework.
Applejack: REALLY?!
Y/N: better get to your seat now, the teacher will arrive any minute.
Applejack: Alright, alright. Thanks again!
Applejack walks away, smiling, and waving to me. I let out a sigh...and let a smile creep it's way onto my face. I saw the teacher come in, and I prepare to listen to them, as the lesson is about to begin.
Letting out a sigh, I opened the door to my home, and I entered. I turned on the lights, and threw my backpack on the couch. I sat on the said couch, and I let out a tired sigh, I then closed my eyes, and began breathing I try to detach myself from reality, and go deep inside my mind.
Everything fell silent. The singing birds, the rustling leaves, the blowing wind, all of it...until the only thing I hear, is my own breathing, and my heartbeat, that seems to become louder with every passing second.
I opened my eyes, and I find myself in a...familiar room. The interior seems to be entirely colored gold...Hell, maybe they ARE real gold. The pillars, the archways, the doors, the stairs, even Goddamned railings.
???: You have arrived at last.
I turned around, and I saw...Him. The God Emperor. But not in the state I was expecting. He was...attached to multiple tubes, of which are too many to count, a device, possibly to help Him see, is over His left eye...and from the looks of it, He looks like a skeleton...
Y/N: My Emperor...
Instinctively, I dropped to one knee, and I hung my head low, showing respect for the Almighty Emperor. I looked up a bit, and saw an aura move around Him. Then, I saw something coming from His abdomen, something ethereal. Then, it formed into what be what the Emperor used to look like, in His Prime State, but this, looked Ethereal, sitting over his current state.
The Ethereal Emperor stood from His Golden Throne, and started making his way slowly to me. And as the Ethereal Emperor walks closer, He has begun to gain color. His armor, what used to be ethereal and see-through, has gained a bright golden color. His long hair, gaining a jet black color, and His skin gaining a light brown skin, and yet His eyes...His eyes remain whitewashed, looking at me.
God Emperor: Rise, Choirmaster Evidarius.
I stood up, and I looked at Him, bowing my head a little bit.
Y/N: Thank you, My Emperor. I am at your servitude.
God Emperor: Might I ask, how your day went, young one?
Y/N: ...Same as...every other day, sire. I awake from my slumber, I head to my school, made sure to not kill myself, if that's worth mentioning.
God Emperor: I see. Well, if it's any better, I congratulate you, Choirmaster.
Y/N: Thank you, My Emperor. Also, I must apologize.
God Emperor: For what?
Y/N: Well...for being violent, with those two, at the stalls.
God Emperor: Ah, that. Do not worry, young one.
Y/N:'re usually uptight to me about me being violent.
God Emperor: Like I have said, do not worry, Y/N.
Y/N: ...You... Damn, okay. You...never call me, by my first name
God Emperor: Indeed, I do not.
Y/N: So something's up...what is it?
The Emperor sighs, and He started walking away, and towards the balcony that...I didn't even know was there. I followed behind Him, and stood beside Him as He looks down from the Imperial Palace.
God Emperor: I must warn you, Choirmaster. Something will arrive in your reality.
Y/N: ...Another Daemon Invasion? Then I must be discrete about repelling it this time-
God Emperor: No, not a Daemon Invasion.
Y/N: Orks that travelled through the Warp? It seems unlikely, but not impossible.
God Emperor: It is not Orks, Y/N. Not even Chaos. But something powerful, almost the same as you.
Y/N: As strong as a Choirmaster Astropath...? Odd, I say. Do you...know what it is?
God Emperor: Hard to tell...mainly, the reason being the reality it seemed to have originated from, is one that I myself, am not familiar with.
Y/N: Another reality? I thought there were only three? This, the 40th Millennium, and The mean to tell, the Multiverse, is real?
God Emperor: It always has, young one. Were you not listening when I told you about this?
Y/N: chuckles .... Heh...forgive me, sire.
God Emperor: It matters prepared, Y/N. For even I do not know what will arrive tomorrow...but know this, I will assist you, in case you have to fight this threat.
Y/N: Understood...thank you, My Emperor.
God Emperor: Good...I will make sure you will not have any hindrance for your rest for tonight. You need to be prepared. Good luck.
I bowed my head, and I gave him an assuring nod. I closed my eyes, and I felt myself return to the real world. I looked around and found myself in the same position on the couch where I left myself. I looked through my window, and I saw that it was already night-time.
Y/N: That was quite fast.
I stood up, and stretched my body, my back making a satisfying popping sound, making me let out a sigh. I then stood in silence for a moment, before opening my eyes, and holding my right hand up. A bluish hue forming in my hand, and in front of me, is a portal. I walked through the said portal, and I prepare for what's to it Daemons or Orks, or something else...I will not let it take this world from me...not again...
The Next Day
Y/N: It'
God Emperor: Correct...
Y/N: But...why here in particular?
I said, looking in front of the very same school I attend to. Canterlot High.
God Emperor: ...
Y/N: My Lord? You sound awfully quiet.
God Emperor: Just a moment, my son. There are two students looking at you as of this moment.
Y/N: Goddamnit, is it those two again? Snails and Snips?
I looked around, and saw two female students looking at me. The moment my eyes landed on them, they froze on the spot, and they from the looks f it, they look like they've been staring at me for quite a while.
God Emperor: They have been eavesdropping you from afar, for quite some time.
Y/N: (Damnit all...) Hey! I see you eyeing at me! What's up?!
The two girls let out a synchronized yelp, and both of them looked away and started walking the other direction. I let out a sigh, and examined the school in front of me.
Y/N: Forgive me for that sudden outburst, My Lord. I saw no other way to make them leave.
God Emperor: I understand, young one.
Y/N: I still have some classes to attend to, sire. So tell me when it arrives-
Suddenly, the base of the statue in front of the school began to glow brightly, and it seemed's looks like the base of the statue turned into a concealed portal. I got closer, and I touched hand passed through the damn thing. I pulled my hand back, and I begin to walk I feel something...coming through.
Y/N: It's here.
God Emperor: Create some distance, Evidarius! Do NOT let it find you!
I did what He has told me, and I tear open the fabric of reality itself, and created a portal of my own. I then found myself on the roof of the school, giving me a perfect vantage point and view of the statue. I got on one knee, and I looked at the statue intently, expecting a monstrous beast to emerge...
What came out was...different from what I anticipated...I thought I was hallucinating again, or this is another vision's's truly her...
Y/N: Wh-...What...?
God Emperor: Choirmaster, I would suggest you calm yourself.
Y/N: Calm down?! That's-! That's-! ....ARRGHH!
God Emperor: I am well aware that she resembles your spouse who has long since passed, but that isn't her. Breathe, not make the very mistake that killed your parents-
I widened my eyes in shock, and I covered my mouth as I do so.
Y/N: I...forgive me...I didn't mean to raise my voice on you...I have no excuses...'m sorry...
God Emperor: You are forgiven, my son. I understand, you were taken aback because of...her. But you must not let her roam free.
Y/N: So you want me to follow her around?
God Emperor: Indeed...don't let her know what you are...but I can sense something...powerful, within her.
Y/N: ...I can sense it too...
God Emperor: Then I ask of you...make sure she does not do anything...rash.
Y/N: Understood...
I looked around, and I saw that no one else was around. I jumped from the roof, and landed in the front door of the school, making no sound whatsoever when I landed. I started making my way towards this...this girl
Twilight: Hmm! My magic! It isn't working!
Spike: Bark!
Twilight: What?!
Y/N: Hey! If you're a student here, it's against the rules to bring pets here! And for goodness sake, shut up!
3rd Person POV
Twilight can be seen coming out of the side of the portal, and she fell on the ground hard, along with a small purple object, Twilight then stood up and she let out a groan
Twilight: groan
Spike: Uh, Twilight?
Twilight Sparkle: Huh? Spike! You're not supposed to– Spike? Are you a... dog?
Spike scanned himself and just as what Twilight said, he was a dog
Spike: I... think so. But I have no idea what you are!
Twilight: Huh? AAAAAHHHHHHH!
Twilight saw herself, and she realized she was different...WAY different. She begins to breathe heavily, but Spike tries to assist her.
Spike: Twilight, you have to get it together!
Twilight: What... does the rest of me look like?
Spike: Um, like you. Only not you. Your muzzle's really small.
Twilight Sparkle: My muzzle?! AAAAAHHHH!!!
Spike: Are you gonna scream again? Where are we?
Twilight : I don't know. But that must serve as the gateway back to Equestria. We need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there. I suggest we start searching the castle first.
Spike: Works for me. Yeah, I don't think that's how the new you is supposed to–
Outside Spike's head, he can only be heard barking and whimpering at Twilight, which kind of dragged a lot of attention.
Twilight: Whooaaa... Whoa! Ooh... laughs nervously C'mon, Spike. I do not wanna be like this for longer than I have to.
Spike: Well, look on the bright side. You don't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore.
Twilight: Hmm?! gasps My magic! It isn't working!
Spike: Makes sense. You don't exactly have your horn.
Twilight Sparkle: What?!
???: Hey! If you're a student here, it's against the rules to bring pets here! And for goodness sake, shut up!
Twilight then covered her mouth and she turned to where the voice came from, she saw a student, no taller than 6'8, walking towards her. She can tell that he was annoyed with all of the screaming that she's been doing.
???: It's only a matter of time before you get kicked out here. Either by security, or by me, got it?
The boy, or should she say, an adonis of a man, stood in front of her, and started examining her.
???: What ARE you doing here anyway...
Twilight: (Come on Twilight, say something, say something to convince him!) I-I'm new here! I..s-sorry if I was being a bit loud and all.
???: Not even a bit, were you holding back with your screaming. Wait....are you the transfer student that was supposed to arrive her in 2 months? You're early....perhaps too fucking early.
Spike: Ah great, this guy has a foul tongue.
The person them looked at Spike with confusion and shock in his eyes, Twilight saw that he had E/C colored eyes, but for a moment there? The eyes faded into a dull and empty grey before returning to its original color
???: But anyway, please, refrain the screaming, I know this place ain't the prettiest but people are trying to study here.. Come on then, I'll lead you to the principals office.
Twilight Sparkle: r-right. I-I didn't get your name, what is it?
???: Y/N. And you are?
Twilight: Twilight, nice to meet you. This is, Spike!
Y/N then knelt down to the same level as Spike and he tried hiding behind Twilight but he failed, but then Y/N held his hand out towards Spike, as if expecting the dog to give him his paw for a handshake.
Y/N: Hey there, little guy. Nice to meet you
And in response, Spike barked and he gave his paw to Y/N, earning a chuckle from him. Y/N then stood back up straight and recomposed himself
Y/N: Nice dog you have, he trained?
Twilight: Yeah! I've had him for a year or two now.
Y/N: That's cute. But next time? leave him at home, alright?
Before twilight was about to answer, Y/N already started walking, and she scrambled to follow him to the principal's office
Y/N: So what made you come to this place early? I heard Detroit has been increasing it's crime rates recently.
Twilight: probably because of the weather, I guess?
Y/N: This place just gets hot and cold just like Detroit, what are you talking about?
Twilight: I uhh...don't really like talking about it. Like you said, crime rates have increased. (Holy Crap! Nice save Twilight!)
Y/N: sigh Apologies, must be a hard topic for you. All that killings and crimes and all that.
Y/N then held his head and he let out a sigh
Y/N: No, I'm not being sarcastic, sir. I really do feel bad.
Twilight: Who're you talking to?
Y/N: Ah, apologies once again. I spaced out and started talking to myself.
Y/N, Twilight and Spike kept walking in silence and twilight couldn't help but wonder, why did Y/n's eyes just turn into a dull grey earlier? is it a common thing for humans? Maybe it is. They kept walking and walking until they saw Fluttershy being picked on by Sunset again.
Fluttershy: Oh, I'm really sorry. I-I just found it, and-and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it.
Sunset Shimmer: Well, I did! And I was about to get it before you swooped in and ruined everything! You shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you.
Fluttershy: hushed It... doesn't really belong to you, either.
Sunset Shimmer: Excuse me?!
Fluttershy: N-n-nothing...
Sunset Shimmer: That's what I thought. It's as good as mine, and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals.
Y/N: Hey! Knock it off, you red headed bimbo!
Twilight: How dare you speak to her that way!
Sunset: What did you say?
Twilight: I said, "How dare you speak to her that way!"
Sunset: You must be new here. I can speak to anyone any way I want.
Sunset was about to walk away and leave all of them alone, but she bumped into Y/N, who can be seen with arms crossed and wearing an un amused face.
Y/N: This is the last straw, Sunset. One more strike, and I will for sure hit you...and you will regret ever making the decision of pissing me off, ya dig?
Sunset snarled and she walked off. Y/N walked towards Fluttershy and helped her stand back up.
Fluttershy: I can't believe you did that!
Twilight : I couldn't just stand there.
Fluttershy: Well, it's just that nobody ever stands up to Sunset Shimmer. one except for Y/N.
Twilight: Sunset Shimmer!?
Y/N: You've heard of her?
Twilight: Sort of...
Fluttershy: I don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just transfer to Canterlot High from another school?
Twilight Sparkle: Um... yes! Another... heh, school! My name's Twilight.
Fluttershy: very quietly I'm... Fluttershy.
Twilight: Sorry, what was that?
Fluttershy: even quieter It's Fluttershy!
Y/N: Her name's Fluttershy, and just like what her name states, shes VERY shy...
Twilight: But how can that...?
Fluttershy: Oh, my goodness! Who's this sweet little guy?
Fluttershy kneeled down to Spike's leveland she gave him a treat
Twilight Sparkle: That's Spike! My, uh... dog!
Fluttershy: Oh, he's so cute! Go on, eat up, little pup!
She handed a Spike a treat from her bag, and Spike immediately eat it.
Spike: (Huh?)
Fluttershy: Oh, wouldn't ya just give anything to know what they're really thinking?
Twilight: He usually just tells me.
Y/N: (...I swear, I can fucking hear that dog talk...)
Fluttershy: Oh, w-what do you mean?
Spike: barks
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, uh, nothing! chuckles Never mind. Sunset Shimmer said you picked something up. Something that belonged to her. It wasn't a crown, was it?
Fluttershy: How did you know?
Twilight: Uh, lucky guess? Do you still have it?
Flutterhsy shakes her head no.
Fluttershy: Mm-mm.
Twilight Sparkle: But you know what happened to it.
Fluttershy: nods Mm-hmm. This morning, I was passing out flyers for the animal shelter like I do every Wednesday.
Fluttershy then pulled out a large pile of Flyers about the animal shelter here in Canterlot.
Fluttershy: Canterlot's animal shelter needs more volunteers. Won't you help an animal that can't help itself?
Y/N: That doesn't explain how you got the crown.
Fluttershy: I have no idea how it got there. But I didn't want anything to happen to it, so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.
Twilight: Principal Celestia? She's the ruler here?
Y/N: (Ruler? her reality in a different Time Period, perhaps?)
Fluttershy: You could say that. Technically, I guess she and Vice Principal Luna do make the rules.
Y/N: Speak of the Devil. we're heading to her right now.
Twilight: Thank you!
Fluttershy: Oh, wait! You're not really supposed to have pets on school grounds. Might wanna tuck him into your backpack. That's what I do.
Suddenly a meow and a chirp can be heard from her backpack, and Y/N immediately knew what it was.
Y/N: Fluttershy, we talked about this.
Fluttershy: Sorry, N/N. They just get so lonely when I'm in school all day.
Twilight: (N/N? Huh...kinda cute, I guess?) Oh, okay! Thank you!
The school bell rings, catching the attention of all three students, and a canine.
Fluttershy: Oh, no! I'm late for class!
Fluttershy then ran towards her class as Y/N and Twilight walked to the Principal's office
Few Minutes later
Y/N: Alright, this is it.
Y/n then knocked on the door of the office and he heard a familiar voice from the other side.
Celestia: Come in. How may I help you?
Y/N: Celestia, Luna?
Celestia: Oh, good morning, Y/N! How may we be of assistance?
Y/N: I have someone here with me, the transfer student from Detroit.
Luna: Oh? She's early..
Twilight: Um, uh... Whew. My name's Twilight Sparkle. I-I'm new here, and... Well, I understand that Fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you.
Principal Celestia: Yes. I've had Vice Principal Luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up in the front lawn. Were you interested in running for Princess of the Fall Formal this year?
Twilight : Uh, no. Not exactly. The truth is... Well, the truth is I... You see, the crown is actually... Princess of the Fall Formal?
Celestia: It's Canterlot High's big Fall dance.
Twilight: Like the Grand Galloping Gala.
Celestia: Uh, Grand Galloping Gala?
Twilight: Oh, uh, it was a big deal at my old school.
Celestia: And was there a princess?
Twilight: Yes, but she wasn't exactly a student.
Celestia: Here at Canterlot High, the students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives her crown at the Fall Formal.
Twilight: Hmm. You asked me if I was interested in running for Princess. Can anyone run?
Celestia: Yes. You just need to let the head of the Fall Formal planning committee know you'd like to be on the ballot. Was there anything else?
Twilight Sparkle: Um, nope! That was it!
Celestia: Well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open.
Y/N: Thank you, both of you.
Celestia: Of course! You're welcome, Y/N. Now get to class, you don't wanna be late.
Then Y/N and Twilight walked out of the Office, and Y/N was about to leave but was stopped by Twilight when she stood in front of him.
Twilight: Hey uhh...thanks for the help, really appreciate it.
Y/N: No problem. What class are you suppose to be in?
Twilight: Uh, the class with Fluttershy?
Y/N: No shit? That's my class too.
Twilight: Oh, really? Dang.
Y/N: Well then...wanna head there now?
Twilight: Sure!
Y/N then started walking back to class with Twilight. In Y/N's head, he spoke to himself.
Y/n: So it's true....the Multiverse is real....things will certainly be quite fun more than ever now...
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