The storm lasts two whole days.
Two days of huddling in between two large slabs of rock with four other people. Luckily for her she'd somehow fallen asleep as trees whipped around nearly being ripped from there roots and rain coming down in buckets just outside the cave entrance. She also hadn't eaten anything in two days so every five minutes or so her stomach was kind enough to tell everyone in the cave. Katherine actually cried when she saw light breaking across the island again, she'd been so hungry and so sick of being claustrophobic that she just let her tears of joy fall down her face as she stepped out of the cave and stretched her back muscles.
"That was one nasty hurricane." David muttered he too grateful to get out of there. "Why don't you and Jack go find some food." He all but ordered her.
Katherine narrowed her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips.
"Why do I have to go with Jack?" She asked glancing back at him helping Crutchie up. "Why don't you come with me?" She asked hopefully.
"I have to stay and look after Clara." He said like it was obvious.
"You have to or want to?" She asked a fire in her chest she hadn't ever felt before. She suddenly regretted getting to know Clara in the cave the past two days.
"Well I got to do my job Katherine." David said oblivious to her tone. Katherine clenched her teeth and turned away from him. She glared at a mossy rock at her feet as she waited for Jack.
"Just wait here while me and Kathy go find something to eat, well come back once we see what happened to our little make shift camp site." Jack said to Crutchie and sat him on a rock.
"Thanks Jackie boy." Crutchie said gratefully.
Katherine smirked as, she heard Crutchie say those words. Jack followed her back into the juggle trail that was now littered with leaves and tree limbs.
"Jackie boy huh?" She asked turning to look at Jack. "That's a cute nick name, maybe I'll start calling you that." She said still walking backwards.
Jacks expression darkened "Only Crutchie can call me that." He said his voice dead serious. Katherine didn't care much about being polite to this guy, after all the things he had suggested to her these past few days she didn't really care any more.
"Well how come Jackie? You can't seem to call me by the right name so why should I bother?"
Katherine could really feel the way this island was getting to her, she was hungry and tired and just wanted to go home. Poor Jack was about to feel her wrath.
Actually she didn't even feel that bad about it.
"Ya just love being da boss of everything don't you?" Jack asked immediately mirroring her mood. "It's always about you isn't it? Kathy this... Kathy that! Every heard of selflessness before or does that word not exist in your world?" He asked picking up his pace so he could get closer to her.
Katherine felt her face flush with anger and she found herself ready to tackle him to the ground and punch him.
"Don't think that I don't care about anyone else because I do! Your just to arrogant to see it!" She spit back turning in her heel and stalking off faster towards the beach. Jack caught up to her quickly and she could tell he wasn't ever happy with her. His perfect jaw line was drawn as tight as a wire just ready to snap at any moment. They were drawing close to the edge of the jungle and Katherine was eager to get as far away from him as possible before he could insult her any more.
"Don't you dare say anything to me!" Katherine snapped at him noticing he was about to say something. "I am so done with putting up with you! All you ever do is-"
She was suddenly cut off by Jacks hand gripping her arm and his expression turning to surprise. She was about to question him when something caught her eye, just ahead of them they could see the beach. Floating in the water was something big and metallic. Through the trees Katherine could see it reflecting sunlight back into her eyes and her heart jumped into her throat. Was it a boat? Had her father finally found her? Her hopes flew to the sky as she tore away from Jack and raced out of the trees and on to the white hot sand of there little island. Her hopes suddenly hit rock bottom as she realized it wasn't her father or even a boat to come and save her. In fact, it was something that belonged in the air.
"Is that...?" Jack questioned coming up behind her. All there sourness from only seconds before seemed to of vanished as they stared at the mutilated plane in from of them.
"Yep." Katherine said sadly feeling her heart break in two. She felt like sobbing, all she wanted was to be back home with her family. This island had been a harsh reality for her and all she could think about was how badly she wished she could wash her hair, or shave her legs, or check her Facebook. Coming here to the island had been a real culture shock to her and she wasn't sure how much longer she could handle it.
"How the hell did it get here?" Jack muttered under his breath and stared waking to the bent metal of the plane. Katherine watched as he strode over to a little black bag floating in the water, her whole body was frozen with shock as she watched him pick it up and examine the contents inside. "Hey Kathy come see this." Jack called to her his expression growing excited as she dug around inside for something. She forced her feet to move in his direction and barely noticed when he held something to her face.
"What the-" she said taking the bottle from her face and looking closely on it. Some relief flooded into her as she read Tylenol on the label and shook it to revel the contents inside were still useable. That would be very helpful to Clara and David. Jack pulled other random nicknacks from the bag such as fingernail clippers and lipstick (all which were sopping wet. He found a lot of credit cards and and ruined gum which wasn't very helpful (in Katherine's mind) but Jack kept going on about how it will all be useful. To be honest Katherine couldn't see how mushy red lipstick would be helpful to them but she decided to keep her mouth closed.
"Why don't you go an see if youse can find any more bags around." Jack said looking up at her. Katherine's jaw tightened and she struggled to keep her temper under control.
"Why don't you go and see if you can find any?" She asked sounding like a five year old little kid. Jack narrowed his blue eyes at her.
"Fine." He snapped and shoved the black bag into her chest nearly knocking her into the surf.
She glared after him as he walked away his back ridged with tension. She resisted the urge to throw something at his head and plopped down on the beach instead. She hugged the back purse to her chest and felt a sob rising to her lips. She struggled to stop crying but she couldn't, she felt so home sick she feared she would throw up. Katherine was reminded of the time her father had lost her in a Walmart when she was younger.
She had only been four at the time when she had wandered away from her father as he argued with an employee about not having the right kind of ink. She'd gotten so bored of the constant bickering she wandered down a colorful isle that held necklaces and beads of every shape and size. It couldn't of been more than five minutes when she had realized she couldn't see her Daddy anymore. An unmistakeable panic had washed over her and she could clearly remember crawling up into a ball and crying until someone found her and took her back to her father.
The feeling in her chest as she fought back tears and looked out into the blue water was identical to the feeling of being lost in Walmart. She wanted to go home, she wanted to eat real food, she wanted to hug her mother, she wanted to get away from Jack.
"Katherine?" A woman's voice asked softly from behind. Katherine choked back another sob and looked behind her to see Clara limping her way over to Katherine supported by a skinny stick in her grasp.
"Oh, h-hey." She said furiously wiping away tears from her face.
"Are you okay?" She asked sitting down next to her her ripped yellow dress fanning out under her.
"I'm f-fine." Katherine all but snarled at her.
Clara huffed knowing she was lying and just stared at the half of the pane that had washed up. No doubt she was wondering just how it had gotten there.
"Your obviously not okay but I won't make you tell me if you don't want to. We could talk about something else if you'd like, I just ditched David and Crutchie to come find you so... I at least deserve some information." She said lightly and Katherine could hear the hint of a Southern accent in her words.
"I-I I'm just... I can't... I don't... I just want to go home." Katherine said holding the black purse closer to her chest. "I want to go home and see my mom, I want to go home and eat her homemade fried chicken."
Clara sighed no doubt imagining warm buttery fried chicken.
"I bet that's good." She mused stretching out her hurt foot in front of her.
"It is. I just want to be off this island. It-it terrifies me that we might be stuck here forever... I don't want to be here for forever! I want to go to school and get my degree, I want to get married and... have kids. I never planned on this!" She shouted feeling frustrated.
"None of us did." Clara said putting an arm around her for comfort. Despite Katherine hating Clara for taking all of Davids attention she was grateful for the company of another woman.
"So you know how I feel?" Katherine asked looking over at the blonde. Her hair was light and looked almost fluffy in the slight breeze and it shine softly in the morning light, it wasn't fair that she looked so good while Katherine looked like she was on drugs.
"Well... kind of. I never really wanted to have kids, or get married for that matter. Back in Mississippi every one in my family who was married ended up getting a divorce. My own parents split when I was fourteen and neither wanted to keep me so I went into foster care. Nobody really wanted me so when I was 18 I ended up getting a job and earning enough money for a plane ticket. Australia seemed like a good enough place to go, but I never really cared where I ended up. All I knew was I wanted to start over."
Katherine pondered her words and she tried to wrap her mind around not wanting to get married and having kids. Sure divorce was a sad and scary thing but surely that wouldn't make someone not want to have a family.
"I'm... sorry." Katherine said but it sounded weak. She didn't really know what to say.
"No I should be sorry, here you are all homesick while I tell you about how happy I am to be here on this island with you guys. To be honest I haven't had this much fun in... Well, ever. David is very kind and Crutchie is so sweet and Jack... well I don't know him very well but you and him seem-"
"He's a bastard." Katherine said sharply the words tasting like iron in her mouth.
"Oh... well, then at least your a good friend." Clara said holding her closer. Katherine closed her eyes and leaned against Clara feeling very great full for her. She suddenly didn't feel jealous of her anymore and her homesickness seemed to have died down the slightest bit.
Boy, was she glad to have her around.
AUTHORS NOTE: Sucky ending but I hope you all liked it! It will get more interesting soon I PROMISE! Hang in there with me please!! Tell me what you think!
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