5: Hurt
The past few chapter have been peaceful
Not anymore >:)
You'll see
Also, this chapter is also almost 2000 words
Fitz's POV
I wake up to find...Dex in my arms, head still on my shoulder, arms wrapped around me, our legs tangled together.
He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping. Not stressed about school projects or something...
Oh shit! We didn't do the project!
Oh well. We have all year anyways.
He unconsciously snuggles closer to me, burying his head in my chest.
"Hey Fitz..." he murmurs.
"I think I like you."
"I think I like you too."
I could feel rather than see his smile.
"Do we have to get up?" He complains.
"Yes, we need breakfast."
"Can I just stay here? Bring me food."
"Dex, come on."
"Babe. Come on."
Dex paused. "Okay."
I smiled gently at him. Of course pet names would loosen his resolve.
"But that means you have to get up too," Dex points out, reminding the readers that we're currently tangled up in my bed.
"Well then maybe we can stay here."
Dex sighs playfully.
We stay there for five more minutes before realizing that we're hungry.
Also, we smelled pancakes.
We wanted pancakes.
So went downstairs to get pancakes.
Dex's POV
"Mmmmm," I sigh in delight as I stuff an entire pancake in my mouth. "These are so good!"
But my mouth is full, so it comes out more like, "Eese are o uh!"
Della and Fitz laugh. Biana is still sleeping, somehow. Alden is doing something work-related in his office.
I grin as I swallow the pancake.
"You got a little something," Fitz said. "...right there." He brushed his fingers over my lips. I blush madly. He smiles warmly.
"You two need to get a room," Biana yawned from the bottom of the staircase. "Also, I don't remember Dex coming here."
"Yeah, well, he's here now," Fitz said. "And this is coming from the one who probably stayed up until one a.m. to talk with Sophie."
Biana winked. "Actually, it was three." She looked at the table. "Ooooh, pancakes."
Della laughed and handed her a plate of pancakes.
We talked, all of us, about, you know, stuff. The school project. Base quest. Pancakes.
"Oh, who are you?" Came a voice from the doorway. A young man, he couldn't be older than twenty, was leaning against the door. "Oooh, wait did. Biana get engaged? Biana, is this your boyfriend?"
Biana shoved him. "No, he's not. He's working with Fitz on a school project."
"I see. Oooh, are those pancakes?"
"Yes, but you need to introduce yourself to our guest before you eat," Della scolded.
"Oh, sorry." He turns to me. "I'm Alvar, Biana and Fitz's older brother."
"Hi," I said. "I'm Dex Dizznee."
"Ohh, you're the one Fitz hates."
"Yes," Fitz butted in, glaring at me. "But we're being forced to work together, so we've had to get over our differences."
"Well he's a pretty little boy, I'll give him that."
"Uhh," was all I had to say. I cleared my throat. "I didn't know Fitz and Biana had another sibling."
He rolled his eyes. "I got kicked out because I'm gay."
We all freeze.
"I...didn't know that was why," Biana said slowly.
"I never told you, on purpose."
We sat in silence. Della handed Alvar his pancakes.
I stood up after a while. "I have to...um...get my stuff." I said the last part quietly so Biana couldn't hear me.
I dashed upstairs and ran into Alden.
"Hello Dex," he said warmly.
"Hi," I replied. "I didn't know you had another son." I know it wasn't the best response, but I was panicking.
He frowned. "Alvar is back?"
"Yep. Can I go upstairs?"
He stepped aside. "Of course."
I ran up the stairs and quickly gathered my stuff.
I heard the door opening behind me.
"Hi Fi—" I stop myself when I see that it's Alvar, not Fitz.
"Hey Dex," he says. He eyes me up and down, like a doctor examining a patient.
"W-what are you doing?" I ask worriedly when he steps really close and cups my face with one hand, his other hand on my thigh.
"Nothing," he replies.
I wait until his face is really close. Then I sprint out from under his arm and run out of the door and downstairs.
"Oh, you think you can run?" He shouts. He chases.
I run outside, where apparently the rest of the family was. I hide behind Fitz, my hands on his shoulder, my face right next to his.
"Oh Deeexxx," Alvar calls from inside the house.
Fitz turns around and takes my hands. "What did he do? What's wrong? If he did something to hurt you—"
"I'm fine," I shudder.
"There you are!" Alvar exclaims as he runs outside. I let out a worried sound that's somewhere between a whimper and a squeak.
Fitz faces Alvar defiantly, putting his arms up to protect me. "What do you want?"
"Move aside Fitz," he growls.
"Move, Fitz." Alvar's voice is getting more threatening.
"Fuck off Alvar!"
Fitz puts his arms down and marches up to Alvar and looks him dead in the eyes. "You are going to go away and leave us alone."
"No, I'm not!" He tries to lunge past Fitz, but Biana blocks him.
Biana walks up to Alvar, putting a finger to his chest and glaring at him. He backs up one step for every step forward she takes.
"Leave. Dex. Alone. Nobody asked for you to be here, and now nobody wants you here. I don't know what you did for Dex to come here trembling and looking ready to cry, and I don't really care. But you need to fuck off and leave us alone. Just because you're touching deprived doesn't mean you can go around assaulting people. And I'm assuming that's what you did to Dex?" She raises an eyebrow. Alvar doesn't respond. "That's what I thought. So go. Because I don't want you here, Dex doesn't want you here, Fitz doesn't want you here, Mom and Dad don't want you here. So what's the reason for you being here? There's none. So leave."
Biana had backed up Alvar a good ten feet away. Fitz raced back to me and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder.
"Did he assault you? What did he do? I'm going to kill him if he hurt you," he whispers in my ear.
All I could do was muffle my sobs in his shirt. Fitz realized that I couldn't answer. He hugged my tighter.
"Shhh. It'll be okay. Alvar won't hurt you. Not on my watch. I'll make sure. Okay?" He titled my chin up, looking me in the eyes. I nodded.
I was out of tears. But I still shook in Fitz's arms. He rubbed my back, comforting me with soothing words.
"I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise."
"He won't even get within five feet of you. I swear."
"I'll always protect you. Forever."
It was about noon when I finally calmed down. We had moved inside, sitting at the kitchen. I couldn't move, so Fitz had to carry me bridal style into a chair, where I sat on his lap until I stopped shaking.
"He came into the room," I whispered. Everyone could hear me. We had been deathly quiet. "And he...touched me. He tried to kiss me and—" I started sobbing again. Fitz hugged me.
"Hey, it'll be okay. I'll make sure. He left. You won't have to worry about him."
I turned around and twisted my hands into his shirt as I cried. I was crying a lot today.
"I love you," I whispered, quietly enough that only he heard. It might be too early, but I couldn't care less. I knew it was true.
He was startled. But then he hugged me and whispered, "I love you too," in my ear.
I started tearing up again. But these were happy tears. Suddenly I sat up.
"I need to get home," I realized.
"I can go get your bags," Fitz offered. "I know that room..."
"Okay," I mumbled, upset to be separated from him. He lifted me off his lap. I stumbled into a seat as he made his way upstairs.
Alden cleared his throat, catching my attention. "I thought you hated each other."
I shrugged. "Working together brought us closer."
"I thought you were Biana's boyfriend."
I laughed. "No, definitely not."
Biana scooted away from my chair. "Yeah, no. Never."
Alden nodded in understanding. Well, of course he didn't understand the entire thing, but he understood that Biana and I were not dating.
Fitz came back down, carrying my stuff. Biana looked at him, confused.
"Oh, uh, I stayed here last night," I told her. She looked between us.
"Huh." Then here eyes went wide. "Wait, is that why Fitz was so panicked when I came in to ask him to play base quest?"
Fitz and I locked eyes, then looked away from each other. "Um, yeah," Fitz mumbled. He handed my stuff to me.
Biana laughed, knowing what that meant. Alden and Della were just confused.
Just then I remembered that I had to explain my bloodshot eyes and tearstained cheeks to my parents. That was going to be a disaster.
"Fitz," I mumbled. "Can you come home with me? I want to have someone to comfort me when I'm explaining all this to my parents."
He hugged me. I was getting a lot of hugs today. "Of course Dex." His voice dropped to a whisper that I nearly couldn't hear. "Anything for my boyfriend."
I felt my face grow hot. I wanted to kiss him so badly. But I couldn't. Not in front of Alden.
"I...uh...we better go to my house then," I stumble over my words.
We head out the driveway where we hail a taxi.
"Are you sure you want to tell your parents?" Fitz asks. "You don't have to if—"
I held up my hand to stop him. "I need to."
"You sure, darling?"
My heart melts just like it did this morning when he called me 'babe'. Except 'darling' was better.
I can't hold back anymore. I smash my lips against Fitz's. He immediately kisses back. He slips his tongue into my mouth.
We continue making out until the driver leans back and says, "Lovebirds, we're here." We pull apart and I blush like a stop sign. The driver chuckles.
"I'm gay myself, don't feel embarrassed," he tells us. He even gives us a slight discount on the fee. Nice dude.
I get my stuff out of the trunk and walk to the front door with Fitz.
Dw, Alvar will return
Don't miss him too badly
Oh also I might think Dex overreacted but that's how I would act if someone would try to sexually assault me so deal w it
One more thing, don't kill me bc this could've been worse
Like, Dex dying worse
So stop crying
Cya'll laters!
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