Loving and Fighting. . .

Italics words are thoughts
Bold words are flashbacks
Underlined words are songs
Bold/italic words are chat messages
Italics/underlined words are gravestone writing
Hiccup's P.O.V

I woke up to pain going through my left leg, well. . . what's left of it. I groaned in pain as another jolt went through my leg, I sat up and rested my back against the headboard of my bed. My eyes traveled down to my left leg, "gods, this is going to take a while to get used to." I thought as I ran my hand through my hair. Surprisingly dad didn't see my cuts, or he did and just didn't question it or he just doesn't care. I brought my legs over to the edge of the bed and sat there, I sighed then grabbed my crutches and went to the bathroom. I balanced on my right leg and grabbed my toothbrush then turned the faucet on, I finished brushing my teeth and put my toothbrush away. I grabbed my crutches and headed out of my bedroom and walked carefully down the stairs, I went towards the living room and sat down. I propped both my leg and stump on the couch, I went on my phone and decided to check Instagram. Once I entered the app there was something that caught my eye, there were several messages in my DMs. I tapped on the DM button and saw that I was put into a group chat, the people in the group chat was Snotlout, Dagur, Tuffnut, Fishlegs, Throk, Heather, Ruffnut, Astrid, and so on.

It was pretty much everyone in my grade. I saw that Tuff was typing, "Hey, guys. Did you hear about Hiccup?" Heather then began to write, "Who hasn't, I mean it was on the news about the crash." Snotlout began typing, "Ugh! I wish that dumb idiot died. I mean come on he's just a waste of space and air, who's with me?" All of a sudden everyone in the group chat agreed with Snotlout, even Astrid! For some reason, that stung, Astrid, agreeing that I shouldn't even be on this earth anymore wishing that I would've died in that crash. I wouldn't blame them, I wish I didn't survive as well. Maybe I should just do them a favor, I scanned through more messages and got angrier. I turned my phone off and threw it at the wall, "Why can't I just get through a day without being tortured." I grabbed my crutches then headed to the kitchen, I looked around to make sure that no one was there, I grabbed a knife then went to the bathroom. I made sure to lock it tight, I looked through the medicine cabinet and grabbed a bottle of pain killers. I sat on the toilet then opened the bottle of pain killers, I took five and put them all in my mouth at once and swallowed them down. Then I picked the knife I grabbed from the kitchen, I picked it up with my left hand and made a cut on my right wrist. I made sure that it was a deep cut, then I did the same to the other wrist. I dropped the knife and the bottle of painkillers fell over, I then got up from the toilet and sat on the ground. Laying down knowing that this will be the day that I can finally go see mom. I just laid there, then I had a memory of mom telling me,

Flashback. . .

Six-year-old Hiccup was sitting on his mother's lap as she finished reading him a bedtime story, "Well, that's all for tonight sweetie." Valka said with a yawn. "Awe, already?" Hiccup whined. Valka nodded, "Yes, and besides you have school tomorrow." Valka said as she tucked Hiccup into bed. "Hiccup?, " "Yes, mommy?" Valka sat back down on Hiccup's bed, "I want you to remember that mommy and daddy will not be around forever and I want you to never give up. I want you to have a happy life and with a family of your own someday. I want you to be strong for me and dad. Can you do that for me?" Valka asked. "Yes, mommy. I'll do it for you." Hiccup agreed then gave his mother a hug.

End of Flashback. . .

I started to get light headed and noticed that a pool of blood started to form on the ground, my shirt was stained so was my pants. "I don't want to die, I'm breaking mom's promise." I thought as I tried to sit up. I grabbed on to the edge of the sink trying to pull myself up. I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the gauze, I carefully sat back down and wrapped my wrists. I dragged myself to the toilet and stuck two fingers in my mouth and touched the back of my throat. I gagged then felt my stomach acid come up my throat, I vomited in the toilet. My throat burned a little from the stomach acid, but otherwise, I think I got all of the painkillers out of my system. I grabbed my crutches and opened the door, I walked back down to the corridor that goes to the kitchen. As I entered I see dad and Astrid already eating breakfast, I tried sneaking pass them but I was too late and dad saw me. "Where do you think you're going Hiccup? You haven't eaten breakfast yet." Stoick asked looking up towards his son.

"I already ate breakfast, so I'm going back to my room to rest my leg," I replied. He just nodded his head, "Ok, but you have to eat breakfast with us next time." Stoick stated firmly. I nodded my head then carefully went up the stairs, I made it to my room and sat down on my bed. "I'm such an idiot! Why did I almost give into Snotlout's wishes? I almost broke the promise I made with mom." I thought. I laid back down on my bed trying to think of something to do, a thought came to my head. I got up from my bed and then went to my closet to get dressed. . .

At the Cemetary. . .

I walked. . . well sorta walled to the cemetery since it was only five minutes away from my house. I stopped in front of the grave stone that said, "Valka Haddock-A loving mother, daughter, aunt, wife. . ." I sat down in the grass in front of her grave, "Hi, mom. I really miss you. I'm doing great in school, I have great friends, dad has been. . . different ever since you've left." I gave a shuddered sigh. "Why did you have to leave? Why didn't you just tell us that you had cancer? You could've told us instead of keeping it to yourself! Why?! Why did you have to leave me with him?!" I yelled out into the open, tears starting to run down my face. . .

Third Person P.O.V

Heather and Dagur were heading to the cemetery to visit their deceased mother, their mother had died when Heather was eleven and Dagur was thirteen. Before they had entered the grave site they heard a person yell, Dagur and Heather gave each other a worried look. Knowing that the voice belonged to their young half brother, Hiccup Haddock. They entered the grave site and saw Hiccup on his knees. . . well, knee, he had tears streaming down his face. "Do you think we should tell him, Dagur?" Heather asked her older brother. "I'm not sure, Heather, I mean, we were in that group chat and Hiccup saw what we wrote. He thinks that we don't want him on this earth." Dagur replied with a little uncertainty in his voice. "I think we should, he'll have another family besides his dumb cousin, Uncle, and his dad," Heather said trying to convince Dagur. Dagur nodded his head agreeing with his sister, they walked up to Hiccup. Dagur tapped on his shoulder to get his attention, "Hey, Hiccup." Hiccup turned his head towards the siblings, "What are you guys doing here?" Hiccup sniffled.

"Hey, we're sorry about what happened to you. But the reason we're here is that we came to visit our mom." Heather replied as she kneeled down next to Hiccup. "Wh-who's your mother?" Hiccup asked. "Well, this is kinda going to be hard to believe. But our mother is Valka." Replied Dagur. Hiccup had a shocked expression on his face, "W-wait, d-do you mean Val-valka Had-haddock." Hiccup questioned. They nodded their heads to answer his question. Hiccup began shaking his head side to side, "N-no that can't be. Mom and dad never mentioned other children, I grew up alone. Ho-how can she be your mother?" Hiccup stated trying to process as to what was happening. "It is true, Hiccup. I and Dagur are your half-siblings. Our father is Oswald and our mother is Valka." Heather said trying to convince Hiccup. Hiccup suddenly bursted out crying, Heather scooted over to Hiccup hugging him into a comforting embrace. Dagur kneeled down and hugged his two younger siblings, "We'll never try to hurt you again brother." Whispered Dagur. Hiccup's crying became sobs until it was just small whimpers, "Now, how about we go get something to eat for lunch. It'll be on me." Dagur said. They all agreed to go to a cafe in town.

At the Cafe. . .

Heather's P.O.V

I and Dagur ordered ham sandwiches, while Hiccup only ordered a drink. "Are you sure you don't want anything to eat?" I asked. Hiccup gave a nod, "Ok, if you say so. But if you want anything else just tell me or Dagur and we'll get it for you." I and Hiccup went to sit at the table while Dagur waited for our food. As Dagur came to the table with our food, I saw Snotlout enter the building. He looked around the crowd and spotted me, Hiccup, and Dagur, he gave a small smirk and headed towards us. "Well, hello Heather. How are you doing?" Snotlout asked while he tried to show off his muscles. I rolled my eyes at his attempt to try to "woo" me. "I'm great, Snotlout. How are you?" I asked sarcastically. "I'm doing great, hey would you like to go out sometime. Or like right now?" Snotlout asked.

I grossed out at that thought, "Sorry to tell you this Snotlout, but we can't date. That would just be incest." I stated, wondering if he would know what I meant. "What are you talking about? We're not related!" Said Snotlout. "Actually, we are. I'm Hiccup's half-sister, which makes me your half cousin." Snotlout gave a confused look, "Since when were you related to this bonehead?!" "Since he was born," I said with a bored look. "Ha, yeah right. I bet you're just saying that so I can't date you. I mean, come on who wouldn't want to date this?" Snotlout question while gesturing to himself. "Um. . . every single girl that you try to ask out." Hiccup replied bluntly. Snotlout gave Hiccup a glare, "No one asked you Useless!" Snotlout said as he went to push Hiccup. Before he could a strong grip stopped him, "And what do you think you're doing, Snothat?" Dagur asked with a hint of anger in his voice. "I was just going to put him in his place, and do you know where that place is? His mother." Snotlout replied smugly.

All of a sudden someone had pushed Snotlout to the ground, "Don't talk about our mother like that you butthole!" Hiccup exclaimed while giving Snotlout another punch in the face. Snotlout then rolled over and was straddling Hiccup, Snotlout then gave Hiccup a punch in the face. But harder than Hiccup did to him. Snotlout kept punching Hiccup in the face until he gave him a bloody nose, I was in shock when Hiccup had suddenly attacked Snotlout. I finally came out of my shock, "Get off of him!" I yelled trying to get him off of Hiccup. Dagur then grabbed onto Snotlout by his shirt and picked him up, "You stay away from us, or you'll get a personal beating from me." Dagur threatened. "Ok! I'll leave your dumb " half brother" alone. Now let me go!" Snotlout whined trying to get out of Dagur's grip. Dagur dropped Snotlout on the ground, I went to check on Hiccup as Dagur and Snotlout had there "chat". Hiccup started to stir as he lifted his arm to rub his head, but something had caught my eye. I saw thin red lines on his wrists, what was that? I asked myself. " He couldn't be self-harming, can he?" I thought to myself wondering if my hunch was correct.

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