
Hiccup's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my dad yelling at me to wake up and to get ready for school. I groaned as I rolled over throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. I went to my bathroom to get ready for the day, I went to my closet and picked out blue jeans, a green t-shirt, brown leather jacket, and a pair of black vans. I went downstairs to see dad sitting at the dining room table looking at paperwork. "Good morning dad." I greeted him with a smile. He just nodded his head as his good morning to me. I sighed as I sat down with a frown on my face. "You could at least say a good morning back, you know." I thought as the maids brought out our breakfast so we could eat. My dad then suddenly got up from his chair and stomped over to me with a furious look. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!?" he yelled looking like he was ready to slap me on the face, and he did just that.

"Oh, Thor!" I exclaimed as I just realized that I said it out loud. I suddenly felt my head snap to the side feeling a sting on my cheek. I brought my hand up to my now bright red cheek. Then he punched me in the gut hard, I fell out of my chair landing on the hard marble floor. I tried to back up as much as I could before my back hit the wall, then he picked me up by my hair. It felt like my hair was being ripped from its scalp, "You will talk to me with respect boy, or you'll get worse than a red cheek and a punch in the gut." He threatened me still pulling me by my hair. "Do you understand!?" He shouted. I nodded quickly, showing him that I understood, he shoved me to the wall hard before returning to the table. "Sit down and have your breakfast, and you better not be late for school or you'll get a punishment." I got up from the ground and sat back down and started to eat my breakfast.

I finished my breakfast and went upstairs to grab my backpack. I looked at my watch to check the time, it was 7:30 and school start at 8:00!!! I'm going to be late for school!! I quickly got into my GMC and started to drive to school.

Astrid's P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring, I felt around for the snooze button to turn the alarm clock off. I finally found snooze and slammed my fist down onto the button. I looked at the time to see that it was 7:00. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I started to get out of bed to get ready for the day. I went to my bathroom to do my makeup, I went to my closet and picked out a white tank top, green cardigan, jeans, and white flats. I went to the kitchen to see that my uncle left me breakfast, I sighed as I went up to the counter and started to eat my breakfast alone, again. I checked the time to see that it was 7:30, I immediately got up from my seat grabbed my backpack and ran out of the house, running to the school.

Third Person P.O.V

Hiccup had 10 minutes left before he would be late for school, he was driving past a crossing road area. He saw a girl running across, he immediately slammed on his breaks stopped just in time before he could hit her. He rolled down his window and stuck his head out of it. "Are you ok?" Hiccup asked worriedly. "I'm fine, why are you in such a rush?" Astrid asked. "The reason I'm in a hurry is that I'm going to be late for school." Astrid laughed "ha, me too. Could you give me a ride to school?" Sure!" Hiccup said as he gestured for her to climb into the passenger seat. Astrid quickly climbed into the passenger seat and put her seat belt on. Hiccup slammed his foot on the accelerator and drove towards the school.

Astrid's P.O.V

The boy and I ran into the school rushing to our first period, turns out we both have the same class. "Is there a reason that you're late Miss. Hofferson and Mister. Haddock?" Mr. Jorgenson asked. "Yes, he and I were running late and we ran into each other on the way, I didn't have a vehicle so he offered me a ride." I tried to explain. "Well, since you guys disrupted my class you'll both have detention after school today." Mr. Jorgenson said. The boy and I nodded our heads and went to sit down in the remaining two chairs. Our history teacher continued to talk about Berk's history, I took notes during his "great speech". The bell finally ranged and I rushed out of class and went to my locker. I put my books away and headed towards the gymnasium, I went into the locker room to get changed. I took my tank top and cardigan off and slipped on a plain blue t-shirt and slipped on black shorts. I went to the gym and waited for everyone else to show up.

Hiccup's P.O.V

I went into the locker room and changed into a white t-shirt and gray knee-high shorts. I went into the gym and saw the girl that I drove here, waiting in the gym. I went up to her so we could have a proper introduction. "Hi, I'm Hiccup. What's your name?" She turned around to me. "My name is Astrid." She said. We still had 5 minutes before Physical Education starts, we told each other more about ourselves. People started to come to the gym, we all lined up on the line and waited for our teacher to tell us what we're doing today. "Ok, today we will try to do fencing for the next week. I will pair everyone up with a partner. But first I would like for everyone to say their names and what they like to do for fun." Mr. Grimborn said. The person to the very right started.

"My name is Dagur and I like to play basketball."

"My name is Heather and I like to do skateboarding."

"My name is Snotlout and I like to play football."

"My name is Fishlegs and I like to do math." Everyone looked at Fishlegs like he was a crazy person. Now it's my turn, "My name is Hiccup and I like to invent new things." Astrid turn was next since she was beside me. "My name is Astrid and I like to play volleyball.

" My name is Tuffnut and her name is Ruffnut and we like to prank people."

"My name is Mala and I like to play volleyball like Astrid."

"Ok, now that we all know a few things about each other, let's get started." Mr. Grimborn said as he started to number us...

After Gym...

I and my friends are heading to the cafeteria to get lunch. I spotted Astrid walking to the cafeteria by herself, so I decided to walk with her. "Hey guys, I forgot to get my phone from my locker. I'll be right back." I lied as I walked in the direction to my locker to make it look like I actually was. Once they were out of sight I started to walk towards Astrid, "Hey Astrid, how is your day going so far?" Astrid looked at me, "I'm doing good, how about you?" "Good, so what are your, last four classes?" I asked curious to know what she has. "Well let's see, I have Art, Algebra, Science, and Home Ed." She said as she used her fingers to count off on which classes she has. "What about you?" "I have Art, Science, Algebra, and Shop class," I said. "Cool! We have Art together, that'll be fun!" She exclaimed.

We made it to the cafeteria minutes ago while we were still talking about our classes, I only grabbed a salad while Astrid grabbed a plain hamburger. Astrid looked at my tray with a surprised look, "Is that seriously all your going to eat?" She asked. "Yep! I don't really have a big appetite." I said rubbing the back of my neck with a nervous laugh. I noticed my friends sitting at our usual table, but today I decided that I will sit with Astrid. We started to eat our lunch, but then I got an idea. "Hey, Astrid?" I said. She looked up with her hamburger stuffed in her mouth, "Yeah?" I tried not to laugh, "What about we go outside and eat, we have an hour before art starts." She nodded her head and sat up taking her tray with her, I quickly followed her. We sat down on the grass and started to chat. "Ok, so what about we play 20 questions?" I asked. Astrid nodded her head and gulped down her food, "Ok, I'll start. What are your parent's names?" I slowly lowered my fork from my mouth and gulped down my salad. "Um, my dad's name is Stoick and my mom's name is Valka, but she died when I was nine," I said as I was trying not to let tears fall.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Hiccup," Astrid said with sympathy in her eyes. "I know that this won't make you feel better, but I lost my parents when I was two. So I know how you feel." She said sadly. I gave her a look of sympathy, "I'm sorry as well Astrid, but what about we return to the game. Do you like to draw?" "Yep, I love drawing! I think it's fun drawing and showing your artistic skills." Astrid exclaimed. I chuckled a little. Astrid was about to ask the next question but the bell rang. We quickly got up and went to the cafeteria to throw our food away and ran to our art class.

After school...

Astrid's P.O.V

The school day is finally over, but unfortunately, I had to go to detention. Hiccup and I are now heading over to the principles office as we entered the office I saw Dagur from gym. He immediately sat up and walked over to Hiccup and ruffled his hair, "Brother! I didn't expect you to be the type to get into trouble." Dagur exclaimed. I gave him a weird look, "Ok. One, I am not your brother. Two, I wasn't planning on getting detention." Hiccup said annoyed by Dagur ruffling his hair. "Well, I was just saying because you're the mayor's son," Dagur said. My eyes widen, "Wait, you're the mayor's son!? How come you never told me?!" I exclaimed, looking at Hiccup for an exclamation. Hiccup laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Well... You see... I-I was planning on telling you, but I didn't want you to treat me differently just because I'm the mayor's son." He said with a nervous smile. "Hiccup, I wouldn't treat you differently just because you're the mayor's son. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I said as I hugged him. Hiccup and I sat down in the detention room.

After detention...

Hiccup's P.O.V

Detention was finally over and I was able to head home, I saw Astrid walking out of the school and started to walk towards her house. "Hey, Astrid would you like me to drive you home?" I asked. "No thank you, I'm good. But thanks for the offer." Astrid said as she waved goodbye to me. I waved back and hopped into my truck, I only live 25 minutes from the school so it didn't take me to long to get back to the house. I arrived and parked my truck in the garage. I walked into the house and the first thing that I was met with was a fist to the face. I fell down to the floor dropping my backpack and started rubbing my cheek to try to ease the pain. I look up to see my dad towering over me with an angry look, "Why did I get a message from your history teacher that you were late and got a detention!!" He exclaimed furiously. "D-dad, I-I can explain." I stuttered. "Well it better be a good one, you have 5 minutes to give me a good explanation!" He shouted in my face.

"We-well, you see. I-I was driving and almost ran into someone, they were running late and I offered a ride since they go to the same school as me." I said as I shielded my face ready for the impact of my dad's fist. I was suddenly grabbed by my shirt, lifted up in the air. He started to drag me towards an empty room that he uses to lock me up in. I started to panic trying to get out of his grip, "No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I won't be late again, i promise!" I exclaimed. "It's to late Hiccup. You were late and now you get your punishment." He said calmly like this was a daily routine. He opened the door and threw me into the room, I tried to run out but he slammed and locked the door before I could. I banged my fists to the door pleading for him to unlock the door, I turned my back to the door sliding down and started to sob.

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