Usnavi's POV
Alex and John had just left my house, and Vanessa and I were cuddling on the couch watching TV when my phone rang. As I picked it up I recognized the caller ID as John. Why would he be calling? They just left. Nervous I answered.
John? What's wrong? You just left my house. Are you okay?
No, we're not okay. I was driving and some idiot crashed into the side of the car. Alex is unconscious and I'm really worried. Can you meet us at the Roosevelt Hospital in the city?
Of course. I'll be there soon.
John ended the call and I put my phone down and cried. I can't lose him. I just found him! Vanessa heard me crying and ran into the room.
"Navi, baby what's wrong?"
"A-alex...J-john...c-crash." I fell into her embrace and cried. Her shoulder was soaking wet but she didn't care.
"What hospital did they go to love?"
She was now rubbing circles on my back and I was just continued to cry. I CANNOT LOSE HIM!
"Navi, let's go to throw hospital. He'll be okay. I promise. He's strong and so are you. Be strong Navi and he'll be strong too."
Vanessa always made me smile even when I'm sad. Whenever she calls me Navi I just smile.
"I love you 'Nessa."
"I love you too Navi."
And with that note, we left for the hospital.
Peggy's POV
John and Alex had left about ten hours ago to do something. I don't know what it is because they never told anyone. Since the household was free of the gay love birds, we decided to play Confessions. All of a sudden everyone's phone went off. It was John.
Baby Turtle: Guys, I need you at the Roosevelt Hospital. Now!!!!
Lafy-Tafy: ^^^^^^
Angie: ^^^^^
Pegs: ^^^^
The only thing going through my head right now was John. He was like my brother and he meant everything. Hercules being the mom friend in the group, grabbed the car keys and no joke threw us out of the house. Thankfully I didn't get thrown.
"PEGGY MARGARITA SCHUYLER! GET YOUR ASS IN THE CAR!" He scared me so I ran to the car. Shaking I sat next to Laf.
"Mon amour, you scared Peggy. It's okay mon ami." Laf hugged me and I felt call.
"Sorry Pegs but our friends are hurt we have to see them."
Herc drove at lighting speed to the hospital. I was clutching onto the handle bar above my head. I remember what John had told me.
A couple weeks ago
"Laf my god slow the fuck down!!!!" John was screaming at Laf as he cussed in French.
"Merde!" Laf screamed as soon as he looked at the speedometer. He slowed down and John's hand was bright red from holding onto the bar above his head. He turned to me, "In South Carolina, we call this," He pointed to the bar, "We call this the 'OH SHIT!' bar."
God I cannot lose my brother.
We arrived at the hospital with the rest of the Squad and luckily they let all of us in at once after we mended to a crying John. He told us Alex has PTA and forgot who we were. I had pulled up a bunch of pictures of me and Alex and John and the Squad on my phone. Hopefully he remembers.
Alex's POV
Five people came into my room with tear stained faces and gifts in their hand. John approached me and sat on the edge of my bed. He placed his hand over mine.
"Alex, I'm sorry to say this but, you have PTA. We were in a car crash after visiting your cousin. All these people," He moved back a little so I could see everyone. "They're your friends. And Alex," He took my hands in his "I'm your boyfriend."
That made me smile. He was precious and he was mine. A young girl came up to to my bed side and I lost my train of thought.
"Hi Alex. I'm Peggy. I know you're having trouble remembering who we are so here!"
She gave me her phone and an album was pulled up labeled 'Alexander's Memories'. I looked through the photos and saw so many. I finally saw one of John and I kissing on a park bench. It seemed sweet, then it hit me. I started crying.
"Alex why are you crying?"
"John, I remember."
A big smile grew on his face. "You do?"
He grabbed my face and smashed his lips into mine. They were so soft. I didn't want to pull away but all my friends were standing there watching. One by one my friends reintroduced themselves to me. I thought I had gotten everyone when the door opened.
"John? Is he alright?!?!" The man seemed worried his face was stained with tears and his eyes were red and puffy. Who was he?
"Yes Usnavi, he's alright. Come say hi." Usnavi, that rings bell.
"H-hi." I was nervous I don't know why but I was.
"Alex you probably don't remember me but, I'm your cousin. We had just met again later today before you were in the accident. This is my fiancé Vanessa. I hope you feel better Little Lion."
Then he left. My cousin was alive? My cousin was alive! A nurse came into my room with a clipboard and medications.
"Alex you are being discharged tommorow. Here are your medicines. Take care and be safe."
Then she left too. My friends had left when Usnavi and Vanessa left. It was just me and John. He crawled into the bed next to me and played with my hair.
"I love you Lexi." With that being the last thing I heard I fell asleep in his arms.
What's this? Another chapter? Sorry it took me so long to write it. WRITERS BLOCK IS A BITCH! I still have writers block and I have no ideas for the next chapter. Hopefully they will come to me during school like always. Why do you guys read my shit? This book is so awful yet I have over 200 of you reading it. Some of you even added it to your library?!?!? Like what?!?! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I love you my beautiful turtles!!!❤❤❤🐢🐢
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