
John's POV
Today was a day where I didn't have classes. It was around 10:00 when my phone rang showing an unknown number. Being the stupid person I am, I answered it.


"Is this John Laurens?" I immediately recognized the voice. Sally.

"Yeah. Hey Sally. I heard you're dating my little sister. Anyways, can I help you?"

"Yeah actually. Umm see I work at Miranda High as an art teacher during the day. I was wondering if you could come in for a bit and help?"

"I'd love to! What time?"

"Does 12:00 sound good?"

"Sure. See you there. Bye Sal."

"Bye John!"

I hung up and walked to my shared room with Alex to get ready. He was sitting on his phone in my bed when I walked him. I sat on the bed beside him and kissed his head.

"Morning Lexi."

"Morning John."

"I have to run an errand today. You don't mind?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. I have classes anyway."

"Okay. Well, I gotta go get ready. I love you Lex." I kissed him softly on the lips before heading to the bathroom.

"Love you too John!"

I washed my face and put my hair into a low ponytail. I used some hair spray to set it and keep it in place before brushing my teeth.

Once I was finished, I put my shoes on, grabbed my jacket and my car keys, and walked out to my car. Miranda High was the school I went to and let me tell you, I loved it.

Now let me tell you about Sally. She's two years older than me and has already graduated. She has an apartment and a good job but only because she has a child. Her daughter Henrietta is two years old. She didn't tell anyone the father of her child. Not even the father knows it's his. Last time Sally and I talked, before her and Peggy were dating, she said that she was pregnant again.

I pulled up to the high school and was greeted by the principal as I walked in the front office.

"John Laurens? Is that you?" He walked towards me with his mug of coffee and papers.

"Hello to you too Mr.Knox."

"What are you doing back here? You should be in college." His raised eyebrows showed that he was confused.

"Actually Ms.Hemmings asked if I could come in. What room is she in?"

"Well you know where the Arts and Music Hall is. She's in room 7B."

"Thank you Mr.Knox."

"You are ever so welcome John." I told him goodbye and walked down to the Arts and Music Hall. I knocked on the classroom door before I entered. All the students paused their work and looked up at me. Sally smiled and put down her paint brush.

"Guys, I want you to welcome Mr. Laurens. He has agreed to take some time out of his personal life to come here. I want ya'll to be nice and show some respect. Mr.Laurens why don't you tell us about yourself." Sally stepped aside and motioned for me to come to the front of the room

"Well. For starters, please call me John. I'm a Junior at King's College. I'm planning to be a biology teacher but I do art in my free time. That's about it." I finished my short introduced and I heard various whispers. One caught my attention. A girl in the back who was showing way too much cleavage was talking to her friend. "He's hot." I heard her say. I noticed a seat beside her and asked Sally if I could sit there and watch the class. She nodded and I took my seat.

Throughout the class period, the girl whose name I learned was Sienna, tried to advance on me. She would put her hand on my arm and flirt with me. She drew a line when she spilled her rinsing cup of water on my lap.

"I'm so sorry. Here let me help." She took paper towels and began rubbing me. She smirked while doing so and kept rubbing. I mouthed 'help' to Sally and she nodded.

"Miss Rodriguez! Please get off of John. He is obviously uncomfortable as he is taken."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm sure I'd be a much better girl than your current girlfriend." I smirked and looked at Sally.

"I'm actually gay. I have a boyfriend. His name is Alexander and I love him and only him." Most students looked shocked while some had a look of disgust on their face. One students jumped up out of their seat and yelled.

"I fucking knew it! Pay up Jocelyn!" I watched one girl hand a ten dollars bill to the one standing up and sigh. Sally scolded them but shook her head. I then walked towards the girl standing up who had now sat down and crouched next to her.

"Did you and your friend really bet on whether I was gay or not?" She nodded and I laughed. "What's your name?"

"Lisa but I don't go by that. I go by M. Everyone calls me that except Jocelyn over here. She calls me everything and anything." I smiled and simply asked one question.

"Are you queer?" She nodded.

"I'm gender-fluid and pan. Jocelyn is bi. We're actually together."

"My boyfriend is bi. Why don't you and Jocelyn join us for coffee on Saturday? Here's my number. Feel free to use it whenever." I stood up and walked to Sally who was standing at the front of the room.

"Sally thank you for inviting me. I have to go, my boyfriend awaits back at college. I'll see you soon with Peggy I suppose?" She nodded and I hugged her. "Bye Sally. Bye everyone!" They waved and I set off back to the campus.

When I walked into our dorm I found Alex laying in my bed. I walked over and climbed in bed with him. I stroked his hair and smiled. He looked at me and asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing. You're just so beautiful. Also we have some plans Saturday morning."

"What plans?" He questioned as I kissed his neck in various places.

"I met some girls on my errand today and invited them for coffee." He flipped over so we were face to face and his eyes were wide. "Love relax. I'm gay and they're like 15. I'm not cheating."

"Yeah okay."

"I love you, you dork."

"Love you too." I heard light snores and looked down to see Alex sound asleep. I smiled, turned off the lamp, and pulled the comforter over us.

"Good night Peaches."
A who ordered a fluffy chapter? You? No? Too bad. I personally want to thank MtotheKay allowing me to write her in the book. I love you babes! Anyway, until later my beautiful turtles!🐢❤

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