Love is Love is Love
Alex's POV
I woke up early this morning and sat on my laptop. It was Valentine's Day and I was going to write John a letter. I had it rough drafted on my laptop and the only thing left to do was to copy it on paper.
I dipped my quill into the ink and made delicate and intricate strokes on the paper. Beautifully crafted letters began forming on the paper. I knew I could write but not like this. I finally finished the letter and sealed it in an envelope with a wax seal. In calligraphy, I wrote John on the front. I tucked the envelope into a drawer and climbed back in bed with John.
"Lex, what time is it?" John sleepily asked.
"8:37. Happy Valentine's Day babe." I cuddled into his chest and he woke up pulling me closer. He kissed the top of my hair and rubbed my side with his thumb.
"Happy Valentine's Day babygirl. I'm taking you out tonight okay?" I nodded and flipped over so I could kiss him. I placed a sweet, gentle kiss on his lips as he held me. "Let's go over the Laf and Herc's dorm. They wanted to have breakfast together." I nodded and parted from him so I could get dressed.
I decided on a maroon sweatshirt with a pair of jeans and some black boots. John was in the bathroom fixing up his hair when I walked in. I stood beside him and brushed me teeth, kissing him afterwards.
"Are you ready?" I nodded and we walked down the hall to Laf and Herc. John was about to knock when I stopped him. We both put our ear to the door and heard the sounds of them making out. I sighed and used the spare key they had given us.
"Laf. Sortez de Herc et mettez une chemise! Et la prochaine fois, verrouillez la foutue porte! Je ne veux pas marcher sur mon frère et les meilleurs amis qui se baisent!" I screamed at Laf and in French.
"Bien, nous allons arrêter. Alex, tu es un cockblock!"
"Love you too Laf!" I rolled my eyes at my brother and sat down on the other couch.
"How'd you guys even get in her?" John held up the spare key and waved it in front of their faces. Herc suddenly remembered that they had a spare key. "Right. The spare key. So. Breakfast?"
"I can cook!" Laf finally had his shirt on, which mind you, was a tank top with the French flag colors.
"Can we go out Laffy? I made us reservations at this one place. Don't get me wrong, I love your cooking but, I paid a lot for breakfast."
"Sure! Alex, John, mes ami's are you ready?" I nodded and we walked out the door to Herc’s car.
We arrived at a small breakfast place called Citrus and was seated after waiting in line for half and hour. I would be lying if I said the food wasn't good. It was amazing. Laf complained saying his cooking was ten times better earning a glare from all of us.
"Well, are y'all ready to go?" For some reason it turns me on whenever John says something with his Southern accent. I crossed my legs hoping to hide my growing boner. We all stood up from the table and left.
It was about 1:30 when we got back and John just about passed out the minute he laid on the couch.
"Babe. Are you tired? If so go to sleep." I slightly laughed at my boyfriend who was now engulfed in a bunch of blankets and pillows.
"Just don't leave me." I inched closer to him and kissed his head.
"I won't. Now get some sleep. I'll be right here." I turned on the TV as John's eyes closed and he breathing became steady. I smiled and picked up my book from the coffee table.
I was currently reading Fahrenheit 451 and was completely baffled by it. A book about books being illegal and firefighters don't fight fires but burn books yet one person somehow hides their books. It's really astonishing how books can take you to another place. That's why I read so much, to escape reality.
It must've been two hours later when John woke up and I finished my book.
"Babygirl, what time is it?" He sat up and rubbed his eyes letting out a yawn in the process.
"4:30." He immediately became alert and practically jumped off of the couch.
"I made a reservation tonight for dinner at 5:15! We need to get dressed!" I put my hands up in a surrender and walked to our bedroom to change.
I walked into our shared closet and went to my side. Pulling out a pair of slacks and a grey button up, I changed. I looked in the mirror and tied my hair into a bun. I stepped out and spun for John who was already dressed. He was wearing his hair in a new style, a half up bun with the remaining hair resting on his shoulders.
"Stop staring Alex, we have to go." I blushed and John grabbed his car keys. We walked out to his BMW and got in. The place we were going to was just around the corner from the college. Once we finally pulled in, they had valet parking. John and I got out of the car and he gave the man his car keys. We walked and were greeted by a woman.
"Hello. Names for the reservations." She seemed really perky and once she saw John, she pushed her breasts up.
"John Laurens." She nodded and turned it me.
"And you?" I shook my head and held John's hand.
"I'm with him." The hostess had a look of disgust on her face as she saw out intertwined hands.
"I'm sorry but we don't serve your kind here. I'm going to have to ask you to leave please." I opened my mouth to start a rant to her but John dragged me away.
"Well talk in the car." The valet dude brought us John’s car and we got in and pulled into a parking lot. We just sat there until John spoke up. "Time for plan B." He put the car in drive and drove to a 7-11? (I know there aren't fucking 7-11s in NYC but this is fanfiction.) He unbuckled his seatbelt and got out. "Are you coming or what?" I got out of the car confused.
"What are we doing here?" We walked in and he walked towards a slurpee? machine. He grabbed two large cups and handed one to me.
"Slurpees duh. I used to come here almost everyday in high school and when we lived in Charleston my dad would buy me one after work during the summer." He filled his cup in a spiral form with a red cherry mixture. "What flavor?" I shrugged and pointed to a blue mix. He filled me cup and handed it me.
Next he took me down an aile and grabbed a bag of Doritos, gummy worms, chocolate bars, a water, and last but not least, a fucking bag of powdered donuts.
"John. We're going to get fat!" He laughed as the cashier rang up out stuff. He handed her his debit card and in return we got our bag of diabetes.
"Relax. I did this a lot and I'm not fat. Plus we'll get these calories off in no time." He took the bag and we left the gas station. "Now to our dorm!"
We drove back to the campus and once we were in the dorm, he emptied the contents of the bag onto the bed. I crawled in beside him as he loaded Netflix on his laptop. He clicked on a playlist and it had Mean Girls, Legally Blonde, Bring It On, Grease, and Rent.
"What do you want to watch first?" I shrugged as I sipped my slurpee and grabbed a gummy worm. He clicked on Mean Girls and I relaxed into his side. "Now this is the best Valentine's day ever." I nodded and we shared a quick kiss. The beginning of the movie played and I turned my attention towards the screen.
I just want to say, first off this chapter is 1388 words not including this AN. Secondly, this is so damn fluffy! Third, I'm snowed in my house because of fucking Winter storm Grayson! Thanks global warming! Also little background info: I'm from SC and now live in VA and I hate the cold therefore expect more chapters from me as I have no school and I'm snowed in. Also I came out to my parents and it didn't go so well. Okay this is getting long. Bye bye my beautiful turtles!🐢❤
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