
Alex's POV
My morning started off with me waking up next to John. His arm was tightly wrapped around my waist as I tried to wiggle out of his grasp. After a couple failed attempts, I managed to get out. I looked at my phone and smiled at my lock screen. I remember when we took this photo.

We had gone on a date to a botanic garden. Needless to say, we ended up making flower crowns by sneaking some flowers.

I noticed on the notification bar of my phone, it said 'Christmas'. I jumped on John and shook him.

"Babe! It's Christmas! Wake up!"

"Alex go back to bed, it's too early for-wait, Christmas!!"

He sat up in bed, pulled me into his lap, and kissed me. It was soft and gentle, but loving. I pulled away and rested my head on his chest.

"Merry Christmas babygirl."

"Merry Christmas babe. Presents?"

He laughed but nodded. We walked downstairs together, holding hands and smiling. We finally reached the living room and I was amazed at the amount of presents under the tree. Henry was sitting at the couch drinking a cup of coffee and enjoying the fire.

John's POV
I pulled Alex onto the couch across from my dad and cuddled him.

"John, Alexander. Merry Christmas boys. Ready to open presents?"

"I'm always ready, dad."

We gathered by the tree and lit the other fireplace. I thought for a moment about which gift to open first when I found one that caught my eye.

It was a small box wrapped in gold and blue paper with a blue bow on top. I carefully tore the paper off and gasped when I saw what was inside. A beautiful envelope with my name in perfect calligraphy was inside. I opened the letter and read it.

I've never felt more loved than when I'm with you. You light up every room you walk into and my heart. Your words never fail to amaze me. When picking your gift, my only thought was 'What do I give some so perfect?' The perfect gift does not exists because I already have you. The closest thing was well, you'll see. We leave on June 19th.
Forever yours,

Underneath the letter was a band with a Disney sign on it.

"Holy, Alex. How?"

"I had some people help pitch in." I broke down in tears and hugged him. He rubbed my back and kissed away my tears.

"I love you."

"I love you too Peaches."

Alex's POV
It warmed my heart when John opened my gift. He handed me mine and I ripped the paper off. Three things were inside it.

A leather notebook with the words 'Non-stop' engraved on it, pens with my monogram on them, and a brand new gold watch.

"John, these are beautiful. Thank you."

"You're welcome. If you think this is a lot, just wait until you see my dad's gift."

I laughed as Henry handed me a pretty heavy box. I carefully opened this one and was shocked to find its parcels.

A brand new MacBook Air, Shakespeare's 'Hamlet', old style parchment paper, a quill and ink, and a car key were neatly placed inside the box.

"Mr.Henry, I can't accept these items."

"You can and you will. You're now like my son, this is what it's like to be my son. John told me about you using an old laptop so I figured it was about time you got a new one. The book is my favorite and I wanted you to experience it too. As for the quill, ink, and paper, I've seen your letters. You need professional tools. The car, you do not have one and John needed an upgrade, so I bought ya'll cars.. It was the least I could do."

I broke down in tears. I quietly sobbed as John pulled me into his lap and kissed me. He wiped away the tears and caressed my cheek. I felt so loved and cared for. Henry came and hugged me and took me into a fatherly brace.

"Alex, you realize your dad and mom still have gifts for you, as do our friends? They're coming over in about five minutes."

"I'm so spoiled." I managed to chuckle through the tears as John kissed me once more.

"Yes you are."
(Time skip)
A few minutes later the Schuyler's, Laf and Herc, Maria, and my parents arrived. Henry greeted them all with warm welcomes and hugs. They all had a bag full of presents.

"Alex! Mon ami!" Laf hugged me which I smiled at the action. We had kind of a sibling bond. I could hear Herc laughing at his fiancé from a distance.

"Welcome everyone. Let's go open these presents shall we?" We all cheered and ran towards the living room.

Third Person POV
Once everyone was in the living room, they began exchanging the presents.

Peggy was first to go. She got a wooden leg from John which she would now call 'Leggy', a necklace from Maria, a bright yellow scarf from Herc(hand made of course), a yellow sundress from Laf from France, an iTunes gift card from Alex, and a yellow Mini Cooper from her sisters.

Eliza was next. Her gifts consisted of a blue hand-knit blanket from Herc, a pair of blue pumps from Peggy and Maria, a stack of chick-flicks from Laf, a dolphin stuffed animal from John and Alex, and a necklace from Angie.

Angelica was the last sister to go. Alex and John got her Thomas Paine's Common Sense hardback, Herc and Laf got her a pink sundress, Peggy and Maria got her a collection of CDs, and Eliza got her a stuffed pig.

Maria was next. A red scarf just like Peggy's was given to her from Herc, Laf got her a red beret, Eliza got her a new lipstick and nail polish, Alex and John gave her a lesbian flag, and Angie gave her a bunch of gift cards.

Herc's turn finally rolled around. Laf got his engagement ring engraved with their date, The sisters and Maria bought him new fabrics, and Alex and John gave him a ton of Disney movies.

Laf went after his fiancé. Herc made him a flag that was 1/3 American, 1/3 France, and 1/3 gay, John got him some new makeup with the help of Alex, and the sisters and Maria bought him an organizer for his makeup and some nail polish(glitter af of course).

John's turn was next. Peggy got him a turtle pillow pet, Laf got him a sweatshirt from France, Herc made him a green sweater, Eliza got him nail polish, Maria helped with Peggy's gift, and Angie bought him new art supplies.

Alex was last. You already know John's gift, Eliza bought him a small stuffed Simba, Angie got him a sweatshirt that said 'Hunty I'm a little Bi-furious', Peggy and Maria got him a Bi flag, and Herc and Laf gave him a massive fuzzy blanket.

Alex's POV
We finally finished exchanging the presents while my parents and Henry watched and drank coffee. My dad stood up and walked towards Laf's side. He pulled out a small box and handed it to me.

"Merry Christmas son."

I opened the box and gasped. A beautiful sliver heart locket with my adoption date in it was delicately placed inside.

"Is there anything inside?" My dad nodded and I carefully pride open the locket. On one side was a picture of my parents and on the other was a picture of Laf and I.

"Why is Laf on here? Wait-" I dropped the necklace and started to cry. Laf rushed towards my side and hugged me.

"Joyeux Noël mon frère!" His words only made me cry more.

"Really? You're really my brother?!"

"Yes mon ami, or should I say mon frère."

Everyone hugged me and I cried a whole lot more. I had a family. One with a brother and parents. My dad came to me, placed a hand on my back and rubbed it.

"Now Alex, since you and Laf are now my son's, Martha and I have decided to make rooms for you at our house. During the summer and breaks, we want you guys to have a place to call home."

"Thank you dad! I love you so much!" I hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder. He began to tear up as I called him dad.

"You're welcome son."

Soon Martha came over and hugged us followed by Laf. Henry took his camera out and began taking pictures. Once I made it out of the hugs, I ran to John who picked me up and spun me around.

"I love you Peaches."

"I love you too John."
(Time skip to Christmas dinner)

John's POV
Everyone ended up staying for dinner, even Martha and George. Laf made pretty much all of the dinner. Pies, eclairs, cookies, the ham, stuffing. Laf made it all.

I sat next to Alex at near my dad who was at the head of the table. Once Laf brought the food out his only words were 'enjoy' before everyone dug into the dishes.

By the end of the night, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we were stuffed. Our friends left and my dad retreated upstairs. I sat down on the couch with Alex and kissed him lightly.



"Can we go visit Usnavi? The Bodega normally holds a Christmas party till like 3 am and I want to go see everyone I know."

"Of course. Just let's go put some real clothes on. We've been wearing our onesies all day long." He laughed but got up from the couch and walked upstairs.

I quickly threw on a pair of black jeans, a red flannel, a grey sweater, and my timberlands. Alex was wearing black ankle boots with three red sweaters and some grey jeans. We both put on coats, scarves, and a hat. We didn't need gloves because we'd be holding hands.

"Ready?" He nodded and I shot my dad a text letting him know where we were going. I took Alex's hand and we walked out the door. "Let's go then."
I'm publishing this chapter early because there will be a part 2 and I want them both to be out by the 26th. Hope you guys have a wonderful and happy holidays. I love you my beautiful turtles!🐢❤

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