An Invitation

John's POV (also tiny time skip)
It had been two days since Alex had gotten out of the hospital. Currently he was working on an essay for Mr.Washington's class, and I was reading my emails. I kept scrolling through them until I saw one that caught my eye. It was from my dad.

It has been so long since we've talked. Quite frankly, the house has been quiet without you. Anyways, I'm sending this email to inform you that our annual ball will held in a week. I'm sorry for the short notice but I hope to see you there son. You also have one plus one pass.
With regards,
Henry Laurens

The ball! How could I forget? I emailed my dad back quickly

I will gladly expect your invitation. It has been too long since I've seen you. You should be delighted to hear that my plus one will be my boyfriend, Alexander Hamilton. I hope to see you in a week.
John Laurens

I walked up to Alex who was sitting at the kitchen table typing away.

"Baby, you've written enough. Come sit with me."

He didn't budge so I went to plan B. I started kissing his neck and left kisses trailing up to his jaw. Finally, I kissed his lips. I watched him bring his hand up to my jaw to cup my cheek. I pulled away ever so slowly leaving him pouting.

"Baby, come sit down with me. I need to tell you something."
He finally budged and sat down next me on the couch.

"So, my dad has asked my to attend the annual ball we hold every year. And I would like you to be my plus one."

"Of course baby girl! Anything for you!"

He kissed my nose and we decided to sit on the couch and watch movies for while. I felt my phone buzz. I unlocked it and saw that I had an email from my dad again.

I do hope you will allow me to meet this Alexander. I shall see you in a week. One another note, I need you to wear a black suit. I love you Jacky and will see you soon.
Henry Laurens

"Hey Alex?"

"Yes love?"

"Can you hold something for me?"

"Sure. What is it?" I gave him my hand and smiled. "I love you John." He kissed my nose and laughed.

"Do you want to go to the park for a walk?"


Alex got up and grabbed his jacket. He went to the bathroom and I followed suit. I grabbed the hair brush and pulled his hair up into a ponytail.

"Thanks hun." He kissed my cheek.

"No problem. Let's go."

As we were walking out the dorm we ran into a crying James Madison. He wasn't looking where he was going and ran into us.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see you guys." He sniffled and wiped his eyes before going into a coughing fit. Alex helped him up and talked to him.

"It's okay. Can you tell us why you're crying?"

"I-I just conf-fessed to T-thomas J-jefferson that I-I love h-him."

"Then why are you sad. Did he hurt you?"

"N-no. I just s-said, "Thomas I love you" a-and then ran out."

"Well let's go back to your dorm and see him."

Alex and I walked James down to dorm and opened the door to find a crying Thomas. He heard the door open and ran towards us.

"Jemmy! I thought I did something wrong. Please don't leave me like that again. I love you." He hugged James who hugged back.

"You love me Tommy?" He had a faint smile on his face and was no longer crying.

"Yes. Yes of course I do. What's not to love about you."

Then Thomas did something we had no clue he was capable of doing.

"I've had this for a while now, but-" He got down on one knee and pulled out a black box. Hesitantly he opened it. "I've loved you since you walked through that door. Now don't freak out, it's only a promise ring. A promise that you'll be my loyal boyfriend and love me forever and always. Will you James Madison, be my boyfriend?"

James ran to Thomas and hugged him.

"Yes Tommy! I'll be your boyfriend!" Then Thomas kissed James. Alex and I just stood watching the scene unravel. That's when Thomas approached us.

"Alex, I'm sorry for ever being mean to you. I was just jealous because you had a loving boyfriend. Can you forgive me?"

"Yes. I'm glad you're happy. Here's my number if you ever need anything. John and I must go but we shall meet again soon."

Alex was actually becoming friends with Thomas. I was happy. We walked out of their dorm and down to the park to spend our day together. I told him stories from the previous balls we held at my house.

My dad was in the Congress as a representative for New York so we had money. Unlike most rich people, we weren't stuck up and snotty. We acted just like normal and we spent our money sparingly. I told him stories of my childhood and from when I lived in South Carolina. As we were walking near a lake, Alex stopped me.

"I love you John."

"I love you too."

Angelica's POV (Earlier that day)
My sisters and I had been downtown for the day when we ran into Aaron Burr. Ugh, I swear he follows us around even though he has his own girl. Oh God here he comes.

"There's nothing autumn in the city, someone in a rush meets someone looking pretty. Excuse me miss I know it's not funny but your perfume smells like you daddy's got money. Why you slummin' in city with your fancy heels? You're searching for an urchin who can give you ideals?"

Great time to be the mom. I stepped in front of Eliza and Peggy.

"Burr you disgust me!" He smiled.

"Ah, so you've discussed me? I'm a trust fund baby you can trust me."
I rolled my eyes and shoved a small thin book into his hands.

"I've been reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine. So men say that I'm intense or I'm insane. You want a revolution? I want a revelation! So listen to my declaration."

My sisters joined me in saying this next part.

"We hold the truths to be self evident that all men are created equal! And one Imma change that to include women in the sequel! WORK!"

My sisters and I all flipped our hair before flipping Burr off. God he's such an arrogant man. My sisters wanted to go roam around town so I let them. They had phones and I can trust Eliza with Peggy. When they left I watched then strut away. I was taken back to reality by someone tapping my shoulder.

"Hi. I couldn't help but watch you diss Burr. Thomas Paine. Nice to meet you." He held his hand out for me to shake it.

"Wow. Um hi, you're Thomas Paine. I just read your book. It's so good. I'm Angelica Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's nice to see that another fellow student enjoys my work. Would you like to accompany me to the library?" He put his arm out ready to lock ours together. I gladly accepted that offer.

"Yes please." I locked our arms together and we started walking. We talked the whole way there. I think I'm falling in love.

Wow okay it's been a while! So this chapter was 1274 words. Like what? Yeah I know. It took me about a week to write this chapter. Just a small and quick A/N. So I may not be publishing chapters as quickly as normal because I have started my cheerleading season for school and I have practice Mon-Thurs from 2:50-5:00. Also, I have a lot going on in my life such as a school club, cheer, a club outside of school, and a relationship. I love you guys and will try to post as often as I can. Another thing, I want to do a Q and A, so if you guys could ask questions that'd be great. Au revoir mi chérie!❤🐢

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