Chapter 4 Maybe They Where in Love
Ok sorry for the wait but here it is!!! :) this chapter will be from the kids POV's so prepare yourself, and just in case there was any confusion Bella, Bliss, and Braden are Bubbles kids; Brice, Beatrix, and Brielle are Buttercups kids; and Brylynn, Blaze, and Blake are Blossoms kids.
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot line and the kids, thank you.
Brylynn's POV
We were having so much fun playing with Brick before Aunt Buttercup showed up. She didn't know we hide in the bushes and watched her punch Brick!!! We started running for the meeting place so we could tell mommy. I slowed down as I started to think about what she would say, until a came to a complete stop.
"What is it?" Blaze asked looking at me funny for stopping.
"Well Mama wasn't very happy when she saw Brick right," I said and my brothers nodded, "and he said that he hurt Mama and then Aunt Buttercup punched him. She isn't that violent, most of the time
"You have a point. Maybe we shouldn't tell Mama that Aunt Buttercup hit him and just try to figure out what he did to her. I think that is our best bet, after all they never tell us anything important, so we will just have to figure it out ourselves," Blake said. He was always so smart I swear he must be Albert Einstein's reincarnation!
"Ok bro, but how do we figure out what happened," Blaze asked, and he was right. How are 3, five year olds going to figure this out without getting caught?
"We should talk to the others and go from there. After all 9 brains are better than 3," Blake said. With that we ran to the cherry tree lake, or at least that's what we call it.
Braden's POV
We where heading to the cherry tree lake when Bliss stopped in her tracks and said,
"I forgot me paints," we started running back. Bliss can be so ditzy sometimes, not to mention Bella she is much worse than Bliss. When around them all the time you start to think that what they say about blondes is true. It's not because I'm a blond and I'm not a even 8 quarters as ditzy as they are.
"Oh my," she said as she saw Aunt Blossom talking to Boomer. She was using a tone I had only herd her us one other time, when these bullies where trying to beat up Bella. She is someone you don't want to mess with same goes Aunt Buttercup, they are tough cookies.
"What did he do?" Bella asked in awe.
"I don't know, but if we ask I don't think they will tell us. Maybe we should talk to the others and see of they know anything first," I said. It was unlikely they where going to tell us anything and we knew it.
"Well they aren't going to tell us anything, but way would the others know anything?" Bliss asked.
"I don't know. It never hurts to try though," I said.
"Ok, well I have to get my paints," Bliss slipped past the adults with no trouble. "Hurry let's go," she said and we all started running for the cherry tree lake.
Brice's POV
I was having fun playing soccer with a guy for once, the kind that don't cry when the other team makes a goal. It was super fun until Aunt Bubbles had to ruin it all! She is the fun Aunt, so way did she have to ruin this? I hide in the bushes with my annoying sisters, so I could see what was so important that we had to leave.
"What do you think all this is about?" Beatrix asked as we watched the sene. We couldn't hear any thing though, and non of us can read lip. It was pointless in trying really.
"Aunie Bubbles looks really upset. What do you think happened?" Brielle asked.
"I don't know, but they won't tell us that's for sure. I know we should asks her kids maybe they will know," I said as I started to get up and run to the cherry tree lake.
"Why would they know?" Beatrix asked.
"Because they are her kids, duh," I said
When we hot to the tree our moms really wanted us to get home and fast. It was really weird.
Blake's POV
When we got home I called a training section. Everyone seemed to have something to share. After all the story's where told we where all baffled. We had no idea what it all meant.
"Maybe they where in love," Bella said out of no where.
"What," the other 5 of us said in unison.
"Well, they all seemed really hurt right," we all nodded, "and Mama always said when I asked her about love that it was fun in the beginning, but in the end you always get hurt," she was right.
"Your right, I have never seem my Mom so cool to anyone. I mean Aunt Buttercup punched Brick, and your Mom hit Boomer, and And your mom was trying to hit and kick Butch, too. It all makes sense," I said as I replayed everything in my mind. "It's like a book I read once. The girl who got hurt by a guy and she acted like she hated him so he would go away and stop saying sorry, but all of the time she still loved him," I said as I thought.
"OH MY GOD!" Brielle screamed as she jumped up from our little circle on the floor and ran to get what looked like paper and pencils.
Brielle's POV
"OH MY GOD!" I screamed as I ran for my paper and pencils.
"Woe, calm down," Brice said, but I couldn't. There where stars in my eyes.
"We should set them up! That's what your all exited about!" Bella said as she jumped off the floor and ran to help me with the supplies. She had stars in her eyes now, too.
"YES!" I screamed. We went and sat down in the circle with the supplies.
"How are we going to do they exactly?" Brice asked like the skeptical bitter person he is.
"Of they are sill I'm love than it will be a snap," I said with a wick.
"And if they aren't?" He asked.
"Haven't you ever heard a love story? The girl is alway in love with the guy," Bella said. Brice just rolled his eyes at us.
"Ok so how are we going to do this?" Brylynn asked.
"Well......... I KNOW!" Bella yelled.
Bella's POV
"I KNOW!" I yelled and I ran up to my room and came down with our IPad. I started searching song. Everyone ,but Brielle, was giving mr funny looks. "We just need to remind them that they love each other!" I said still searching.
"That doesn't explain why you got the IPad," Braden said.
"Well what better way to remind them than music! After all that is one of the only things that all of our moms have in common. All we have to do is get them together and play the right songs!" I said. I was sure this would work. It had to.
"How do we do that?" Brice asked.
"You underestimate my power?!" I asked/yelled. I had major stars in my eyes.
"No, no I don't," he said holding his hands up in deface.
"What songs?" Blaze asked.
"I'm trying to figure that our right now," I said.
"I will focus on how to get them together," Brielle said.
"And they call us the trouble makers," Blaze said to Brice who nodded in agreement.
"Are you sure this will work? I mean I'm not 100% sure that they still love each other," Blake said. I looked at him with a smile and said
"Why else would they not go on dates? Why else is there a week or two round the same time each year that they get a little depressed? Why else would Mama have a men's jean jacket in her closet?" They all looked at each other, they knew I was right.
"Your right, it makes sense now," Bliss said. Everyone nodded in agreement.
"All they need is the right push, not to hard, not to soft. If we are going to do this we have to get it right the first time. No second chances," I said. They all nodded, and we got to work. I knew that the nights to come where going to be restless, but it will all be worth it. It will be worth it to have a Dad.
Beatrix's POV
We went to bed, but I could tell Brielle was not going to sleep. We share a room, so I don't get a break from her. I'm girly yes, but not as girly and obsessive as she is. This was going to be a long night.
"Beatrix, what do you think it will be like to have a Dad?" She asked. I hadn't thought of that.
"I don't know, I've never had one," I said and we both laughted.
"I know that Bella has alway wanted a Dad. She would be a perfect Daddy's girl," Brielle said. I laughed.
"Ya I think you both would. I think that Brice would be happy to have someone to play soccer with don't you?" She laughted.
"Ya and Blaze would have someone to pull pranks with," we both laughed. We hearda knock on the door and Bella walked in with a white night gown that went down to just below her knees and it had blue ribbons on it.
"Do you guys mind if I stay in here for a while? Brylynn is really annoyed with me because I can't go to sleep and I'm so exited! I just.... well you know," she kinda drifted off for a second.
"No, not at all," I said.
"Oh thank you," she jumped into my bed.
"We where just talking about what it would be like to have a Dad," Brielle said. Bella looked thoughtful for a second.
"We would have someone to take us to the park, and he would help Mama with work, and he would tuck us in and tell us bed time story's, and when we get older he would make us go change our clothes because we are showing to much skin," we al laughted at her last comment.
"That sounds nice," Brielle said as she drifted of into sleep. Bella followed in suit. I wonder what it's like to have a Dad. I have never really thought about it. I think it would be nice, I think as I drifted into sleep.
Blaze's POV
I woke up and shoot out of bed. This hole Dad thing seemed like it was going to work. I put on a red shirt that said 'Red Alert' on it, a pair of blue jeans, and my black convers. I put on I red cap that said 'Soda' on it in black letters. Blake was already up and dressed in a orange button up shirt tucked in, with dark spotless blue jeans, and black dress shoes.
"What cha' doin'?" I asked sitting next to him looking at his computer screen.
"Nothing much really," he said. I shrugged and got up to go get breakfast. When I got down there I saw Brice and Braden had bet me there. Brice was in plain green t-shirt, blue jean shorts, and his neon-green and black sneakers. Braden was in a blue and white button up shirt unbuttoned with a whit tang top underneath, blue jeans, and black convers.
"Waz up," Brice said, looking up from his lucky charms.
"Nothin' you?" I asked. He shook his no. I got me some lucky charms and sat down when the girls came down the stairs. "Good morn in' ladies," I got some giggles and eye rolls for that comment.
Beatrix was in a dark green and black pocketed shirt with sleeves that go down to her elbows, blue jean shorts, and black no heel boots. Her hair was in a braid with a dark green bow holding a piece of her bangs. Brielle was in a green dress with a black belt that went to her knees, with black flats, her hair was flattened and had a black head band with a bow on it in her hair. Brylynn was in a pink tang top, with a black mini jacket with selves down to her elbows, jean shorts, and twinkle toe shoes. Her hair was up in a high pony tail with a ribbon tied in it. Bliss was in a dark blue t-shirt with white flowers on it, jean shorts and twinkle toe shoes. Her short blond hair was pulled into 2 low pigtails it dar blue ribbon. Bella was in a light blue dress with dark blue hearts on it, with a white shale, and white flats with blue bows on them. Her long curly hair was left down with a blue ribbon serving as a head band on her head.
"Ok so how is the plan," I asked. Then everyone shushed me.
"Tell ya later," Brielle said. We all are breakfast and Aunt Buttercup walked us to school. The school day seemed to just go by so slow. It was almost like time was going slow just to toucher me. Oh well at least we have lunch and reassess.
Bliss' POV
When lunch came we all sat at a table to talk about the plans. We haven't gotten that far. In fact we have gotten no where. The rest of the school day seemed to go by fast. Everything but math. I hate math. Our teacher, Miss. Keane, started the math lesson and everything got super boring. Then finally the bell rang.
"See you all tomorrow," Miss. Keane said in a cheery voice.
"When are they picking us up today?" I asked.
"They should be picking is up in about," Blake said as he looked at his watch, "45 mins. Until then we should play on the play ground and do our homework." He said. Beatrix, Blaze, and Brice all took off, running to the playground. The rest of us found a picnic table to sit at and started doing our homework. About 30 mins later we where all done, of course Blake was done in half the time I was.
"Hey you can cheat!" Blaze yelled from the playground. We all turned to see what happened
"You can't cheat at tag," Beatrix yelled back.
"She right you know," Blake yelled at him.
"Whatever, she so cheated, " Blaze responded.
"How did she do that?" Brylynn asked amused.
"Is no tap backs and she tapped back," he yelled. Everyone laughted.
"You can't play no tap backs with 3 people, that only leaves one person to be tagged and that's not fair," Blake yelled back, then looked down to a book in his hands. I sighed and took out my sketch pad. We still had a good 15 mins before Mama comes to pick us up.
"Hi kids," I look up and see Boomer and 2 other guys with black and red hair.
"Hi Boomer," Bella yelled as she got up and hugged him.
"Hi Butch," Brielle said as she fist bummed the guy with black hair.
"Hello Brick, how has your day been?" Brylynn said to the red haired guy as he sat down next to her.
"Very good and yours?" He said with a smile. I can't understand why our Moms don't like them. They must have done something really bad to them.
"What are you drawing?" Boomer asked looking over my shoulder.
"A house," I was drawing a house with a mom, dad, brother, and 2 sister in front. I guess I really liked the idea of having a dad too.
"Is that your family?" He ask. I nodded.
"Ya kind," I said.
"What do you mean 'kinda'," he asked.
"I don't have a Dad. Just a Mom and 2 Aunts," all the other seemed to hear me because they all looked down too.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. You know me and my brothers never had a Dad. Our Mom didn't care much either. We know how you feel," he winked at me. I felt better.
"Didn't school end like 40 mins ago," Butch said.
"Yes we are waiting for Mommy to pick us up!" Bella said with a smile.
"I see, but why so late," Brick asked.
"Because Mom has a lot of jobs," Braden said.
"Do all of you have the same mom?" Boomer asked. Brick face palmed along with Blake.
"No," Beatrix said with a giggle,"We have different moms."
"Oh I guess that was I silly question," Boomer said and he turned a light shade of pink.
"Oh I'm sorry I'm late, it we can go get ice cream to make up for it," Mama said as she entered the park. She was putting papers in to her bag, and was out of breath so I guess she ran.
"Mama!" Bella yelled as she got up from the table and hugged Mom's leg.
"Hi Auntie Bubbles," Brielle said. Mom picked up Bella and placed her on her hip.
"Bubbles?" I hear Boomer say and all the color was drained from all 3 of their faces. I looked at Mom and the color was drained from her face too. She looked scared. Like she saw someone die in a horror movie. She just strode there silent.
Cliffhanger bum bum bum
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