Chapter 9

Once again it was Monday morning, start of a new week. It was also Fluttershy's birthday. Applejack sent her wishes and apologised for the lack of a gift and not being able to be there. Sunset placed the drawing she had now completed against the wall. She stood back and admired it. "Yep. Looking good," she thought.
It was 6:30am. Neither Dash, Sunset nor Applejack had got nearly enough sleep to get them through the day, but they were going to have to cope. Sunset undressed and fiddled in her wardrobe to decide what she was going to wear. In the end she just put on some jeans and a blue t-shirt, with her black jacket over the top. She grabbed her bag and Fluttershy's gift. She picked up a breakfast bar to snack on and pulled out her phone to pass time. She texted Applejack first.
SS: Morning 👋 Not sure if you'll want to be up so early, but I just wanted to check to see how you're doing. Hope you're feeling a little better x
       Next she sent a message on the group chat to see how everyone was doing. This was the chat that excluded Fluttershy, because Sunset needed to double check that everyone had remembered.
SS: Hey guys. Remember Flutter's gift today!
     Fifteen minutes had passed since she texted the girls, and it was now 7:15. Sunset was mid-daydreaming when Applejack responded to her text.
AJ: Morning, thanks for checking on me. Haven't had much sleep and still feeling the same, but thanks anyway.
SS: Ah ok. Here if you need!

Rainbow then responded to Sunset's group chat message.
RD: Bloody hell thx for reminding me. Almost left the house without it 😑
SS: 🙄😂
AJ: I feel bad for not getting her anything
SS: You're sick! Don't feel bad. You've sent your wishes right?
AJ: Yep
RD: AJ!!!
AJ: Yes Dash
RD: Do u know what time it is?
AJ: Dash you're texting on a phone... it's 7:19.
RD: Nope
AJ: Sorry, 7:20 🤦‍♀️
RD: Nope
AJ: What then?
RD: 💊 🕑
AJ: Oh god yeah antibiotics
SS: How does Dash know the times?
AJ: She's set alarms on her phone 😂 And thank god she did or I would forget!
RD: Here always 😏😉
AJ: 😅

Sunset placed her phone on the table and ran to get her house keys. She grabbed her phone and walked out the door. On the way, she saw Dash walking as well, so she ran to catch up with her.
"Hey Sunset, what's up?" Dash asked. She had a different tone to her voice today. She sounded more harsh and cold.
       "Nothing much. You ok?"
       Dash nodded. The girls were now standing outside the school. "I'll see you around then," Rainbow ran off, leaving Sunset alone. First period began in five minutes and so she quickly ran to her locker to gather her things for period one.
Sunset's period one class was algebra. She didn't enjoy it, but she was good at it, and normally she would share the class with Twilight and Applejack. She arrived just about on time, just as the professor walked in.
Throughout the lesson, Sunset stared at the empty seat beside her. Once again she was worried about Applejack. After a while of daydreaming about the most random of things, she put her head down on the desk. Only fifteen minutes left until she could leave the classroom, yet she let out a groan of utter disappointment when she remembered that she had double algebra, first and second period.
The six girls met up for lunch, each bringing Fluttershy's gifts with them. She opened each one with delight, and especially loved Sunset's drawing. She thanked the girls individually.
"Applejack would have got you a gift, but..." Sunset began.
"I know. I'd rather she stayed at home and rested than be up trying to find a present for me. Thank you girls, these are lovely," Fluttershy smiled.
Rainbow banged her hands on the table.
"See, now you're doing it Dashie! It's fun!" Pinkie then copied Rainbow Dash, continuously slamming her hands on the table, until somebody told her to shut up.
"Yeah well, I need to text Applejack!" Rainbow panicked, searching through her pockets for her phone.
"I'm sure she can manage," Sunset said, rolling her eyes slyly.
"No, she's stubborn. She won't take the antibiotics if I don't remind her to," Dash smiled whilst rapidly texting on her phone.
Rarity laughed, "Oh Rainbow Dash you really should ask her out!"
Rainbow Dash, now satisfied that her message had been sent and received, lent back and propped her feet up on the chair next to her. She smiled, "I should. But I'm just worried that, well, she's not gay."
"Seriously darling? You'll be fine!"
"Yeah just turn up at her house and tell her you love her. Romantic," Sunset joked, sniggering.
"Hehe. Funny thing is, that is kinda what I was planning to do..." Dash sank in her chair.
"Oh. Sorry," Sunset said, in an obviously unapologetic way.

The day continued uneventfully, and after school as agreed the girls met up to audition for the talent show. After the audition they spoke no more and went home. Not having all seven of the girls there anymore seemed to be doing really badly for them.

Time Skip!
Almost two whole weeks had passed and nothing had happened. Each day was exactly the same. Normal.... (well, to an extent, normal) conversations had been had. It was now Friday. The night of the talent show had come, and the girls were backstage getting ready. They expected the auditions to be a piece of cake, and they were right. Now it was their night to perform and they were more than ready. Even better, Applejack would be in the audience tonight. Her virus was no longer contagious, although she would still be on medication for months, but it meant she was able to go back to school again, and breathe near people without infecting them. It would be the first time the girls would be able to actually make physical contact with her.
The girls stood in the wings. They gave each other one last smile before appearing on the stage. Pinkie Pie counted them down and they began. The song ran smoothly and at the end, everyone, including Applejack, cheered especially loudly.
Once they were done the girls cleared their instruments and met up with Applejack who was standing, waiting in the hallway outside. All the girls treated her, exceptionally happy to see their friend.
        Dash went in for a hug first. "I've literally missed this so much!"
       Applejack hugged her back instantly, and when they pulled away from each other, Rainbow Dash smirked.
       "Now what y'all lookin like that for?" Applejack grinned.
       "I'm stronger than you now," Dash laughed.
       "Now ah don't think so," Applejack smirked and to her immense surprise, almost effortlessly, Rainbow Dash lifted her farm girl friend off the floor.
      "Have you been working out Dash?"
      "More than usual, ah mean?"
      "I guess."
      "It's only because ah've lost weight. You wouldn't be able to pick anybody else up," Applejack raised and eyebrow, and Dash followed in response. Rainbow then turned around and swiftly picked up Pinkie Pie, before holding Sunset in her arms.
      Sunset was blushing a whole other shade of red.
      Applejack made a sly grin and shook her head, "I ain't even gonna try that."
      Both girls laughed, and Sunset brushed down her skirt in the corner of the room. She was flustered and her face was still burning.
      The girls carried on bickering, jokingly.
      Sunset rolled her eyes at their obsessive flirting. Pinkie noticed and giggled quietly.
     "You guys still up for a sleepover?" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, and the girls nodded in response. They had packed in preparation the night before and their bags were in Pinkie's car.
      "Why is it ironic that Pinkie Pie, out of all of us, is the only one able to drive?" Twilight laughed, along with the others. The atmosphere was calm again. It was so much better spending time with everyone, and they were glad to have Applejack back. Some, more than others.

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