I meet a Hyprid
At first all I could see was a bright white light. Then, as the light faded, I started to see my surroundings. Luke was standing beside me, blinking the light out of his eyes. We appeared to be in a forest. I could see a gravel trail to my left. "Whoa." Luke muttered. I glanced at him. He was staring at something behind us. I turned and let out a small gasp. A huge mountain, bare of trees, stood before us. What really caught my attention, though, was the cluster of buildings at the top. Even from that distance, I could see the walls were full of ancient carvings. Luke whistled. "I guess that's our destination, hmm?" I nodded. I didn't see anything suspicious, but with magic, who knew what could be at the top. "Dang." Luke was frowning at the path. "How does anyone navigate this path?" I glanced at the path. It sloped at dangerous angles and at some points was hard to even see the path, it was so eroded. I nodded. "Well, it looks like we're going to have to." Luke groaned. "How did I let you talk me into this?" He muttered. I smiled. "Come on, let's go."
We made our way up to the trail. I went first. Luke was right behind me. At first the trail was plenty wide enough, but the further I walked, the skinnier it got. Up ahead, I could see the trail gave way into the mountain, only to jut out again a few feet later. Luke groaned. "How does anyone navigate this?" He moaned. I glanced back. He appeared to be having trouble keeping his footing. I was too. I stepped forward, only for the trail to give away under my feet. I yelped, pressing my back against the wall. "Collin!" I heard Luke yell. "You ok?!" I glanced back and nodded. He exhaled, looking relieved. "Do you think we should head back?" He asked. I shook my head. "We have to keep going." Luke sighed. We continued to climb. When we reached the top, the first thing I saw was an old arch, like a doorway, over the path. We started to walk through it, but suddenly all I saw was a flash of red, and I was pulled back. "What the..." Luke muttered, eying the entrance. I cautiously raised my hand toward the entrance. About halfway through, red light streaked towards my hand. It felt like I had placed my hand on a wall. I exhaled. "It's a force field." I told Luke, who looked like he wanted to tear me away, drag me down the mountain, and never come back. "It keeps things out, like a magic wall." Luke rolled his eyes. "I know what a force field is Collin. I'm more worried about why it's there." I exhaled. "It's most likely to keep intruders out. Like us, for instance." Luke sighed. "Or to keep something from escaping." He muttered. I sighed. "That too, I suppose. Come on, let's find a way inside." I started to walk along the mountain, looking for a break in the force field. Luke followed, though he didn't look too happy about it. We were about a fourth of the way around when the feeling started. It was dull, like a buzzing in my skull. I froze. Luke frowned. "Collin, what is it?" I frowned. The feeling faded. "Umm....nothing." I muttered. He exhaled. "Uh...ok." We continued to walk along the force field, looking for a weak spot. "Here!" Luke declared, placing his hand on the force field. Were his hand touched the shield, it bent but didn't break, so it was like placing your hand on a plastic bag instead of a wall. I grinned. "Maybe with both of us pushing, it will break." I said, nodding at Luke. He nodded. "On three. One.....two.....three!" We pushed with all our might. For a minute nothing seemed to happen. Then, with a loud pop, we fell in. I found myself staring at the stone walkway. "Ow." Luke muttered. I looked up to see Luke get up and brush himself off. He offered me a hand. I took it and stood up. I turned around. The force field was fading, it's red magic hardly visible. My gaze fell on the ground. Black marks glowed faintly, before disappearing completely. The thing was, I recognized a few. I gulped nervously. Though I couldn't understand all of them, I understood enough to know that we were in serious trouble. "Luke." Luke turned to me. He must have recognized my expression, because his expression turned worried. "Collin, what's wrong?" I turned to him. "Luke, you were right. This force field wasn't to keep people out-it was to keep something in." Luke frowned. "What?" I gulped. "Luke, we're not alone here. I think-I think He's here." Luke stared at me. "Hugh? How do you know?" Luke demanded. He looked very worried. I pointed at the ground. "Didn't you see the marks?" He nodded. I sighed. "Then I'm kinda surprised you don't recognize His magic signature. Also, I recognize a few trapping symbols in the spell." Luke blinked. "Spell?" I nodded. Luke frowned. "So you think He was trapped here, or do you think He trapped someone here?" I frowned. "I... Don't know." I admitted. Luke sighed. "Well, let's be careful-just in case." I nodded. We carefully made our way up to the nearest building. We turned the corner. "Wow." Luke muttered, eyeing the vines. "Those vines are really overgrown." I eyed the vine-choked doorway. "Yup." I agreed. Turning, I eyed the path ahead. We appeared to be in the center of the cluster of buildings. Up close, the stone was even more mysterious. A spire stood in front of us. I could hear water flowing somewhere. Then I felt it. That same feeling I felt earlier came back, crawling up my spine. Call me crazy, but I could have sworn it was stronger up ahead. I hesitantly took a step forward. The feeling got slightly more intense. "Collin, what are you doing?" I turned to Luke. He looked incredibly worried. I exhaled. "I...feel something." Luke's frown increased. "Feel something? What do you mean?" I sighed, knowing he most likely wouldn't understand. He'd say I was getting cold feet or something. I shook my head at him. I turned, following the feeling. I felt Luke grab my arm, but I shook it off. Making my way towards one of the buildings, I could hear Luke running to catch up. Turning the corner, I found myself in a doorway. Inside, I could see shelves stacked with books and other magic things, some chests, even a bed with a dream catcher hanging above it. But what really caught my attention was the man. At least...I think that's what it was. It was a humanoid thing, sitting on the bed, it's back to me. Most of its back was black, along with half the back of its head. It wore a light blue T-shirt and jeans. One of its ears was thin, black, and pointed, peeking out from its brown hair. Looking at it made the feeling grow stronger than ever, and I knew it was the reason. I coughed, and it turned around. Looking into its eyes, all I felt was great shock. It was obvious now what he was-a Hyprid. Half Enderman, half human. And his eyes....whoa. One was an Ender eye-dark purple on light purple, and the other was plain white. His eyes mirrored my shock. He stumbled back, tripped over some loose stone, and slammed into a shelf. It broke, and the Hyprid landed on the ground. I ran up to him. "Hey, you ok?" He blinked at me. "What the..." He muttered to himself. Luke ran up behind me. "Hey, you found somebody." The Hyprid sat up, wincing as he rubbed his head. "That's it." I heard him mumble, "Now I'm seeing things." I frowned. Luke snorted. "Um...no. Your not." I glanced over at him. He appeared to be trying not to laugh, because his face was beat red. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the Hyprid, who was standing by his bed. Wow, he was very tall. I coughed. "I'm Collin," I said, offering him a hand. He stared at it for a second, looked at me, then abruptly turned and walked out of the room, out a side door I didn't notice before. Luke walked up beside me. "What's his problem?" I sighed. "I don't know, but I think we startled him. I'm going after him." I walked out, following the gravel trail. I turned the corner, and saw the Hyprid, on his knees, holding his head in pain. "Whoa!" I yelped, running up to him. I wanted to help, but I wasn't sure how. "Luke!" I yelled frantically, "Bring me a water bottle." I held the Hyprid's head in my lap while I waited for the water. His eyes were squeezed shut and he was whimpering. "It's ok. You'll be ok." I muttered. His entire body shook with pain and....something else. Fear. Looking at him, I suddenly had the strangest feeling, like I knew him. Suddenly I heard a startled Yelp. I turned to see Luke running towards us. He had a water bottle clutched in his left hand. "What happened?" He demanded, handing me the water. I took it and placed it next to the Hyprid. "I don't know." I said, feeling worried, "I just turned the corner and he was on the ground in pain." I glanced up. Luke was frowning. "What do you think is wrong with him?" I sighed. Suddenly Luke gasped. "He's awake!" He is? I looked down and realized Luke was right. His eyes were open. But something was...off. It was only for a second, but his eyes seemed to glow. I felt a presence, one I hadn't felt in years. Then it was gone. The Hyprid's eyes were back to normal. He sat up, and immediately winced. "Stupid headaches." He muttered, rubbing his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder. "A headache? That seemed more than a headache." He blinked at me. "You...your real." Luke snorted. "You just figured that out Endie?" I stared at him. "Endie?" Luke shrugged. "He never said his name." I frowned. "Since when are you a Hyprid racist?" Luke laughed. I returned my attention to the Hyprid, who was watching us with wide eyes. He saw me looking at him and averted his gaze. "So...what's your name?" I asked him. He leaned away from me. Uh... Drake." He said, looking at me with-was that fear in his eyes? Drake? Sounds familiar. Luke snorted. "Drake hmm? I prefer Endie." Drake glared at him. "Don't call me that." He suddenly seemed very...dangerous. Mob-like. Luke leaned away from him. "Sorry?" He sounded nervous. Drake continued to glare. Looking at those fierce eyes, I suddenly realized why he seemed so familiar. I've seen him before. Not in person...but in my dreams. With my brother. Could he really be... The same person. Drake sighed. He didn't look dangerous anymore, just tired. Wary. "So how did you two get in here?" He asked, eying us. He looked suspicious. I frowned. "Um....up the mountain path." Drake blinked. "You mean...you just walked in?" Luke frowned. "Well, no. There was a force field, we broke it to get inside. Hope you don't mind." Drake blinked. Then he started to smile. Then laugh. I blinked. "So, you don't mind?" Drake looked at me. "Don't mind!" He repeated, laughing. "Of course I don't mind! You just... You just freed me!" I blinked. "Freed you?!" Luke echoed, his eyes wide. "That wasn't your force field?" Drake shook his head, grinning as he ran towards the mountain path. "Hey, wait up!" I called, grabbing Luke's arm. We took off after Drake.
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