Chapter 21: Dreams Do Come True and Christmas

Jude, Vivien, Pepper and Jane were going through their inventory of books as the phone began to ring as Jane answered it.

"Walker's Delight Bookstore, this is Jane."

"Hello Ms. Jane, this is Judy Walker's doctor to confirm her test results." Jane dropped the phone for a moment.

"Jude, come here." Jane waved her over to the main front desk.

"Yes darling?" Jude asked her.

"Your doctor is on the phone with your test results." Jane said as Jude reached for the phone.

"Okay darling, go help Pepper and Vivien." Jude told her as she put the phone to her ear and the girls got worried.

"Hello Mrs. Walker, I just wanted to call you and tell you that your test result came back." Her doctor said as Jude's heart fluttered with anticipation.

"I have been ready for two weeks and I just want good news, it's almost Christmas tomorrow and I want to give my husband a present he'll never forget." Jude said as she hoped that this was a good call.

"Mrs. Walker, this is my Christmas present to you and your husband both. Your test results came back positive and congratulations Mr. Walker, you're pregnant." The doctor said as Jude started crying tear of joy.

"Thank you so much!" Jude said as she smiled and touched her stomach.

"You're welcome and I will see you next week for your next appointment and bring your husband with you." Her doctor said

"Oh I will. Thank you again and see you next week doctor." Jude said

"You're welcome Mrs. Walker and congratulations again. Have a great day." Her doctor said

"You too." Jude said as she smiled.

Pepper, Jane, Violet and Vivien were standing there watching her wipe her eyes as she put her phone down.

"What did they say?" Vivien asked her.

"I'm pregnant." Jude said as she hugged Vivien as she was happy to see her friend finally get the one thing she always wanted.

"Oh honey, I'm so happy for you." Vivien said as Jude was over the moon.

"Should I just tell Kit or surprise him?" Jude asked her.

"Surprise him, he would love it." Vivien said

"I'm SO happy for you Jude, I hope you have a girl because I'm going to shower her in all kinds of clothes, like a mini fashionista." Jane said as Jude smiled.

"I can't wait to have my girls helping me, they'll be your babies too and I love all of you." Jude said as they all hugged.

"I'm excited about having two new additions added to our lives and we love you too boss." Pepper said as she touched her stomach, which was a lot rounder.

"I think Kit has something like "magical sperm", because your baby bump has grown so much since last month." Vivien said as she touched her stomach.

"I know, Kit loves feeling my stomach." Jude said

"Well, this calls for a belly picture." Vivien said

"Is this where you take a picture of my belly every month until I have them?" Jude asked her.

"Yes, but right now I get to be the photographer since you usually take our pictures." Vivien said as Jude giggled.

"Alright darling, where do you want me?" Jude asked her.

"Over here beside the Christmas tree." Vivien pointed

"Okay, ready?" Jude asked

"Yep." Vivien said as Jude placed her hands on her stomach.

"How in the world did you not think you were pregnant, look at your stomach." Jane said as Jude laughed.

"You know what they say about married women gaining a whole lot weight when they get married. Kit and I thought it was just all the food we ate on our honeymoon and after." Jude said

"Well now, it's two little miracles.'' Jude seen Mary Eunice between Pepper and Violet.

"Looking good pretty mama." Jane said as they laughed.

"Have you felt them move yet?" Violet asked her.

"Oh yes, yesterday when me and Kit were decorating the dining room, they got really eager or that might have been gas, I never know." Jude said

"So, what are you craving right now?" Vivien asked

"Avocado, bananas, crackers and really any kind of fruit." Jude said as she walked over to the desk and sat down.

"We can't wait to find out what the sex of the babies are. Do you and Kit have any ideas?" Vivien asked her.

"We both want a little boy and a little girl, but we'll find out when we go to the doctor next week." Jude said as she smiled.

It was now night time and the girls called it a day as they locked up and said their goodbyes.

"I wonder what Kit has fixed for dinner?" Jane questioned

"If its snails again, I'm out." Pepper said as she got up front with Jude and Jane sat in the back.

"That was Roy, his mom wanted them and he expected us to eat the rest of them." Jane said

"Who eats that sort of thing?" Jude asked her.

"His mom's side of the family is Italian and they eat the oddest combinations of things." Jane said

"So do you." Pepper said back.

"Not all the time." Jane said as she smiled.

They arrived home as Jane and Pepper hurried into the house because it was cold enough to turn you into a popsicle.

Kit came and helped Jude with the rest of the presents and decorations.

They got back inside and she seen that the house was now ready for their guests tomorrow.

"Kit, I told you I wanted to help you honey." Jude said as Kit wrapped his arms around her.

"I was not about to let my wife do that and I loved doing it for you, because these babies and this baby needs some time to rest." Kit said as Jude kissed him.

"Aww baby, thank you." Jude said as she thought about the call she got earlier and his Christmas presents she got him.

"You're welcome baby, now let's sit down and relax." Kit said as he put her feet in his lap.

They relaxed for awhile, ate dinner, showered and went to bed. Jude was really tired and she knew that they would be busy tomorrow.

Next morning

Today was Christmas and everyone would be there, so Kit and Jude woke up to someone knocking on the door.

''Who could that be?" Kit asked

"I don't know, let's go see." Jude said as they pulled themselves out of bed.

"Stay behind me." Kit said as he feared for her.

"Alright." Jude said

They got downstairs as they got close to the door.

"Who is it?" Kit asked really loud.

"It's me, Roy. Open the door, please?" Roy pleaded.

"And you're here at seven o'clock in the morning?" Kit asked

"Jane said to be here at this time." Roy said

"Okay, well just lay down on the couch." Kit said as he knew that he would not be able to go back to sleep as Pepper came downstairs.

"Never fails." Pepper whispered to herself.

"Good morning Pepper." Roy said to her.

"Good morning pip squeak." Pepper said

"Coffee, anyone?" Kit asked

"Yes, please." Roy said

"What about you boss?" Pepper asked Jude.

"Decaf, unfortunately." Jude said

"Decaf tastes awful." Roy said

"Well, I have my reason to why I have to drink it." Jude said irritated.

"The doctor said you could drink some caffeinated beverages babe, just not too many." Kit said as Jude shot him a look that could kill.

"Well, my dear, when I'm bitching and complaining because I don't have any, then you'll understand." Jude said as felt herself wanting to sleep again.

Kit prepared breakfast as Jude looked at him and she felt sorry for the way her hormones were abruptly going insane.

"Honey, these hormones are getting to me and sorry for what I said." Jude apologized

"I know sweetheart, but I made you something better than coffee." Kit said as he set down a mug of hot chocolate.

"Thank you!" Jude said as she kissed him as the door rang again.

"You're welcome and I guess more people are here." Kit said as Jude laughed.

He opened the door to see Vivien, Violet and Mother Claudia standing behind it.

"Come on in lovely ladies, Jude." Kit said as Jude came to greet them.

"There she is." Mother Claudia said

"Oh Mother Claudia, I have some wonderful news to tell you, but I want to surprise y'all." Jude said as Mother Claudia looked at her.

"Okay dear." Mother Claudia said as she went to join the girls on the couch.

"We decided that y'all should stay here for Christmas, because we heard that it's supposed to snow tonight and the guests bedrooms are all set up for you." Kit said as Jude smiled.

"Good idea. Dad and his mistress might be together for Christmas, since she was there last night." Violet said as Kit spit out his drink.

"Excuse me for a moment." Kit said as he went into the kitchen.

"Vivien, may I have a moment with you, please?" Jude asked as she slowly moved from the sofa and over to her.

"I know what you're going to say and I just don't want to talk about it right now." Vivien said

"I thought y'all were in marriage counseling, getting it all worked out." Jude said

"It was going great, then I walked in on them again like the first time and I just felt everything crumbling down." Vivien said as she felt herself starting to sweat.

"Where did you go and stay last night?" Jude asked worried.

"We stayed with Jane and her parents. We did not want to disturb you last night." Vivien said

"You know we would let you stay here and you had a crisis and for goodness sake, what does this say for Violet?" Jude asked her.

"I don't know, but I don't want to get divorced." Vivien said as tears started running down her cheeks as Jude wrapped her in a hug.

"I know sweetheart, but I believe that he should pay for the consequences of his actions." Jude said

"No, I will not put that on Violet. Divorce is just not an option for me right now." Vivien said as she felt her world breaking down at this moment.

"And putting that poor girl through hell with a lying bastard as a father and a young girl who can't keep her legs shut is the best thing? Vivien, please it will be easier once it's all said and done." Jude said as Violet listened.

"I can't put her through that. I was a child who went through a painful divorce with my parents and I don't want that for my daughter." Vivien said

"Okay." Jude said as she let it go and went back in the living room to sit with Kit and Mother Claudia.

"Alright, who's ready to play a game?" Violet asked them.

"Me!" Jane said as she sat up against Roy.

"I am.'' Pepper said

"I'm going to prepare breakfast." Kit said

"I'll help." Jude said as she went into the kitchen with Kit.

"What was all the commotion about earlier?" Kit asked her.

"Ben is cheating on Vivien again." Jude spoke real low.

"You don't need this stress baby." Kit said

"She needs someone Kit and I don't want want him to keep adding this stress to Vivien and Violet." Jude said as Kit rubbed his forehead.

Kit and Jude prepared breakfast as Vivien looked out the window and expected some sort of miracle, but all she seen was snow flurries and felt like life was just doomed enough.

"Here honey, eat this." Jude sat the plate down in front of her.

"I'm not hungry." Vivien said as Jude sat down.

"Shall we say something?" Mother Claudia spoke.

"Prayer?" Jane asked

"Can someone please say something?" Pepper said

"Let's say prayer, so please join hands and bow your heads." Jude said as she worried about Vivien.

"Dear Heavenly Father, we ask you to bless this food and to the nourishment of our bodies. We are here today Lord to celebrate the day of your birth and to share what gift of your love with each other. I ask you to bless each one of us and Jesus' name and I pray, amen." Kit prayed

"Amen." Everyone said as Jude felt Kit's hand stroke hers.

"Who's hungry?" Roy asked

"I believe everyone." Jane said

Everyone ate, even if Vivien didn't say she wasn't, she ate and Jude still worried, but she wanted to stay positive.

Kit washed dishes as Jude dried them and put them away.

They sat in the living room, Kit was rubbing her feet and legs as she felt herself getting sleepy.

"Do you want to rest darling?" Kit asked her.

"Maybe for an hour or so." Jude said as he covered her up and kissed her head.

The girls were upstairs, trying out different clothing styles and makeup on.

"So Violet, do you have any guys falling over you?" Jane asked her.

"Who me?" Violet pointed at herself and laughed.

"Yes you." Pepper said

"No way!" Violet said

"Why not?" Jane asked her.

"Because I'm not every guy's dream girl, plus I like the single life." Violet said

"So, if a guy came up to you out of nowhere and asked you out on a real date, you would decline?" Jane asked her.

"I've never had a guy ask me out before, so yes or no, depends on how I feel in that moment." Violet said

"Okay." Pepper said as someone knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Jane asked as Kit walked in.

"Listen girls, Jude is downstairs sleeping, can y' all watch her for a little while. I need to go shopping for our dinner tomorrow." Kit said

"Of course." Jane said

"Don't worry Kit, she's always in good hands." Pepper said

"Okay and nice hairdo Jane." Kit said as they laughed.

"Thanks!" Jane said

Kit kissed Jude's head as he walked out the door and looked over the shopping list.

An hour later

Jude woke up to hear the laughter of girls in the kitchen as she slowly prepared to walk in there. She seen the girls making cookies and talking to each other.

"Girls, where's Kit?" Jude asked as the girls all turned around.

"He went grocery shopping for tomorrow and said he would be back later." Pepper said as Jude worried as she felt a little nauseous again.

"Did he tell y' all to come down here and watch me?" Jude asked them.

"Yes." They all said.

"Alright, well I'm going to go shower and after, I will fix lunch." Jude said as she walked off.

"Should we let her do that?" Violet asked them.

"I guess." Jane said

"C'mon, let's clean the kitchen and get ready for the picture show tonight." Pepper said as they cleaned the kitchen spotless and went upstairs to get ready.

Jude showered and got ready as she did her hair and makeup to look good for Kit as she felt better than she did earlier.

"I guess daddy is right about caffeine, huh?" Jude talked to her stomach.

"Maybe mommy should let daddy take over the errands and cooking." Kit said scaring Jude.

"I hate when you do that." Jude said as Kit kissed her.

"I know, but I heard you talking and the girls just left to go see the new picture, so we have the house to ourselves." Kit said as Jude sighed.

"Where's Roy, Vivien and Mother Claudia?" Jude asked in a panic.

"Same place. They wanted us to have the whole house to ourselves for the evening." Kit said as he kissed her again, but with more passion this time as she moaned.

"Okay, well what are we supposed to do for a whole evening?" Jude asked him as Kit started kissing her neck.

"I could think of something." Kit said

"Of course you could, but I have a surprise for you." Jude said

"Okay, but we open them tomorrow. We just got too busy today and we had to take care of other important matters." Kit said

"I know, but this can't wait." Jude said as she guided them to there bed.

"Okay.'' Kit said

"I got a call yesterday from our doctor." Jude said

"Well honey, you're pregnant as you can tell by now." Kit said as he laid his hand on her stomach.

"He just called to tell us we're pregnant and..." Jude left off.

"And?" Kit questioned as Jude presented a box to him.

"Open." Jude said as he did.

"So we are having twins?" Kit asked as he kissed her stomach.

"Oh yes." Jude said

"We done good baby." Kit said as he kissed her cheek.

"Now, here's your other surprise." Jude said

"Triplets?" Kit teased her.

"No, no way!" Jude said loudly.

"Then what?" Kit asked her.

"Lay back and find out." Jude said as he did.

"God is so good to us." Kit said as Jude smiled.

"Shh... Be quiet." Jude said as she stroked him through his pants.

"Well, I can't. Not when I have a good looking woman on top of me and two babies on the way." Kit said as he started kissing her neck.

"This is how I got pregnant." Jude said as Kit lifted up her blouse and chunked it to the floor.

"Admit it baby, it was a great surprise." Kit said

"Oh yeah and morning sickness was even more glorious.'' Jude sarcastically said.

They made love and laid there in each other's arms, basking in their afterglow.

"I heard sex was wonderful for women that carried twins." Kit said as Jude looked at him.

"I told you this." Jude said as she got up.

"I'm going to go eat something." Jude said as she slipped into her nightgown and went downstairs.

"I hope the girls don't get back too late." Kit said

"Me neither, but Roy and Jane do like to stay out pretty late and Pepper, she does not like that." Jude said

"Well, being at a hell hole for half of someone's existence, does not help." Kit said

"I know." Jude said

"I ran into someone today." Kit said

"Who dear?'' Jude asked

"Lana." Kit said

"Lana Winters?'' Jude asked

"The one and only." Kit said

"She said she wanted to thank you for getting her out of Briarcliff." Kit said as Jude started tearing up.

"I was the reason why she was there." Jude said

"Yes, but you also were the one who got her out, you and Mother Claudia." Kit said

"She'll never forgive me." Jude said

"She did forgive you." Kit said as Jude looked at him.

"She did?" Jude asked

"She was the one who tried to find you, but he told her you were dead." Kit said as Jude looked at him.

"Who told Lana I was dead?" Jude asked curious.

"Dr. Thredson and that bastard who locked you up." Kit said

"Thredson also knocked Lana up and held her in his house. Some man he is." Jude said

"She asked to see you." Kit said

"Really?" Jude kind of perked up.

"She asked to see you in Briarcliff as well. Do you remember that?" Kit asked her.

"No, I was so out of it from those horse tranquilizers and that holding cell. All I remember is you." Jude said

"Would you like to see her?" Kit asked her.

"Yes." Jude said

"Okay, well I have her number." Kit said

"Let's wait until I get further along. I just want to focus on being your wife and being a mother to our children." Jude said as Kit kissed her.

"She said to call her whenever we wanted to and she knows about the babies." Kit said as Jude smiled.

"Okay." Jude said

A couple of hours later, the girls and Roy were back while Kit and Jude were checking the ham for tomorrow.

"Alright, this lady is going to sit down." Jude said as her stomach started moving a little.

"Does the babies want a snack?" Jane asked

"Avocado on crackers with apple and banana slices." Jude said

"Sounds delicious!" Jane exclaimed

"Are you pregnant too?" Violet asked

"No." Jane said

"We've had this conversation about this." Roy said

"You two have had this conversation of waiting until you get married?" Jude asked

"Yes, because we're still virgins." Roy said

"Wow! A man that does not pig around.'' Jude said

"I just want to have a clean conscious when I leave this world and no regrets." Roy said

"I'm glad that y'all are waiting." Jude said

"Me too." Jane said as she rubbed Roy's shoulders.

Vivien came in with Chinese takeout and they ate and talked.

"Remember everyone, tomorrow is when we open presents and have our Christmas meal. We were going to do it today, but it was changed at the last minute, so I will see you all in the morning. Goodnight everyone and Merry Christmas Eve. I love you." Jude said as her and Kit walked upstairs to their bedroom.

"Good night." Everyone said

Jude was brushing her teeth as she felt two arms around her.

"I think someone needs a good night's sleep." Kit said as she smiled.

"I do, but our children are thinking of something else." Jude said as Kit kissed her stomach.

"Settle down babies, mommy and I have something planned for you tomorrow, so go to sleep my little ones." Kit talked to her stomach as Jude kissed him.

"Mommy is very happy right now." Jude said

"Yeah? What would mommy like?" Kit asked her.

"For daddy to make her feel better." Jude said as Kit picked her up and carried her over to their bed as he kissed her intimate places.

"Eager darling?" Kit asked her.

"Yes baby." Jude said as he rolled him underneath her.

"We have to be very quiet." Kit said as Jude stroked him.

"I know, but tell me what you want baby." Jude said

"What's on the menu tonight Mrs. Walker?" Kit asked

"Lots of sweet peppermint kisses for daddy and milk for mommy." Jude whispered in his ear.

"That's different." Kit said as he sat up to face her.

"I need you baby." Jude said as Kit kissed her neck.

"Where?" Kit whispered in her ear.

"Here." Jude said as she rubbed his bare length against her opening.

"You're perfect baby." Kit said as Jude smiled.

"I know." Jude admitted.

"Your mommy is perfect." Kit said as he rubbed her stomach.

"Don't tell them that while we do this, that will scar them." Jude said

"They won't remember." Kit said

"And you know that how?" Jude asked him.

"They're little now and they won't remember mommy and daddy having passionate sex when they get older." Kit said

"Okay, now roll me on my back." Jude said as he did.

"Better?" Kit asked her.

"Definitely! Now, make love to me darling." Jude said as Kit pushed himself in and out of her.

Jude silently moaned as Kit loved the way she wanted to moan out loud but it was too quiet in the house and that would be not the best idea.

They reached their climaxes as Jude laid in Kit's arms and basked in their afterglow as Jude smiled.

"You were great baby." Jude said to him.

"You were too darling." Kit said

"Now, we have a long day tomorrow." Jude said

"I know." Kit said

"Good night darling. " Jude said

"Good night baby." Kit said as they turned out their lamps as laid face to face.

"I love you baby." Kit said as he caressed her cheek.

"I love you too baby." Jude said as she kissed him.

They went onto sleep as they were happy to be together for their first Christmas as husband and wife.

The next morning

Kit woke up before anyone as he showered and got dressed.

He made waffles, pancakes, eggs, sausage links, bacon and fruit for breakfast as he put on the coffee as everyone woke up to see the frosted window panes and snow on the ground.

Jude slowly walked downstairs to see Kit dancing and singing to the radio as she smiled.

"Aww... Isn't he adorable?" Mary Eunice asked

"Yes he is and he makes me very happy." Jude said as her cheeks crept with rosy shades of red.

"I can tell by your smile, your cheeks and most of all, these two beautiful creations." Mary Eunice said as she laid her hand on her stomach.

"Maybe you should go help him with Christmas breakfast before you have no breakfast at all." Mary Eunice said as Jude laughed.

"Good morning baby. I was just kind of excited about making breakfast and the radio was a nice gesture to help lift the spirit." Kit said as Jude smiled.

"You were so adorable singing and dancing, plus the girls probably video taped you." Jude pointed as she ate a strawberry.

"Great! Now, I will be everyone's laugh of the video club at Violet's school." Kit said as Jude laughed.

"You have improved since our wedding my dear." Jude said

"I'm glad, because I did not do that well at first." Kit said

"I thought you were quite the dancer my dear, plus I loved telling you women are always right." Jude said as Kit kissed her.

Vivien was the next person to walk downstairs and into the kitchen as she grabbed a coffee cup out of the cupboard and chose her choice of creamer and sugar.

"I'm putting Violet in with Jane and Pepper tonight, that girl was just like she was in the womb, nothing's changed." Vivien talked to herself as she went into the living room as Kit and Jude giggled.

"I guess she is the reason Vivien's hair looks like a bird's nest?" Kit asked

"I guess so." Jude said

Breakfast was done and prepared as everyone sat around the table, already showered, dressed and made up perfectly.

"Everyone looks sensational this morning." Jude said

"Thanks to Violet, my back is killing me." Vivien said

"I told you, I like to cuddle with my pillow." Violet said

"I feel like I was a tree being climbed up on." Vivien said

"Sorry mom." Violet said

"It's okay honey." Vivien said

"Mother Claudia, is your breakfast okay?" Kit asked her.

"Of course dear." Mother Claudia said as Jude smiled.

"Anything is better than Briarcliff, this is edible. That food tasted like watery, bland mashed up food that a dog would not eat." Pepper said

"I agree." Jude said

"So do I, but let's not talk about that god awful place, okay?" Kit asked them.

"Okay." Jude and Pepper said

Breakfast dishes were cleaned and put away as it was now present time.

"Alright, present time!" Kit said as they sat around.

"First one is for Violet." Kit said as she smiled.

"Thank you." Violet said

An hour later, everyone opened their gifts, except Kit as Jude gave him his last Christmas present.

"Open it, it's from everyone of us." Jude said as he did.

"I love them baby." Kit said as he kissed her cheek.

"I'm happy." Jude said as he kissed her.

"I am too." Kit said

"I can't wait to find out their genders." Jude said

"Me too baby." Kit said as Jude smiled.


It was now evening time as Kit and Jude helped set the table as they sat down.

Jude looked over at Vivien as she could sense something was wrong.

"Is everything okay dear?" Jude asked her.

"You were right Jude." Vivien told her.

"About what dear?" Jude asked her.

"I'm going to leave and divorce Ben, I have called him over and over again and he's done the same thing to Violet. I'm done Jude, I can't take this anymore." Vivien said as Jude could tell there was a little hurt in her voice.

"I'm sorry darling, but what does she have that you don't?" Jude bluntly asked.

"Absolutely nothing." Vivien said as Jude felt her pain.

"You and Violet are moving back in here with me and Kit until you can find a place of your own. I'm sorry, but this is not going to be happening anymore." Jude said

"I know." Vivien said

"And whenever you want to go and draw up divorce papers, I will go with you." Jude said

"Thank you." Vivien said as she was happy to have someone there with her.

"You're welcome darling." Jude said as she felt Kit's hand brush up against her stomach.

"Jude, when I move out on my own. Will you be interior designer?" Jane asked her.

"Of course darling." Jude told her.

"Merry Christmas everyone." Kit toasted.

"Merry Christmas." Everyone toasted their glasses.

After dinner, Kit and Jude washed dishes while Vivien and Mother Claudia helped clean the kitchen.

The girls cleaned up the living room as there came a knock at the door as Vivien answered it as it was Ben as she tried to close the door in his face but he caught it.

"How did I guess you'd be here?" Ben questioned as she seen his mistress behind him.

"Since I live here now." Vivien said as Ben laughed.

"Very funny baby, get Violet and get your ass in the car." Ben said as Jude appeared in front her.

"Excuse me?" Jude questioned him.

"This is not funny Jude, you're holding my wife and daughter hostage." Ben said as Jude looked over at Hayden.

"Well, looks like you ain't any better. Your little whore is playing peek-a-boo." Jude said as she laughed.

"Ben, she has helped me a lot and I'm a grown woman who can make her own decisions." Vivien said

"Vivien, we need to talk now." Ben said

"You need to get the hell off my property." Kit appeared in front of Jude.

"By the way, Vivien and Violet are perfectly fine here with us, now get off my porch before I call the law on you and your whore for disturbing the peace." Kit said as Jude massaged his lower back as they walked off the porch.

"And by the way, I'm having my lawyer draw up divorce papers Monday." Vivien screamed back as she shut the door as they drove away.

"The nerve of that man coming here and bringing that whore with no titties or ass to fuck." Jane said as everyone looked at her and laughed.

"Damn baby, nice one." Roy said as he kissed her.

"Am I the only innocent one here?" Pepper asked as Jude hugged and kissed her cheek.

"Yes and stay that way." Jude said

"Now, let's get some rest." Kit said as they all agreed.

"Jude, Kit." Vivien said as she waited till everyone went upstairs.

"Yes?" Kit and Jude said

"Thank you for everything and I promise to give you something in return." Vivien said

"You don't have to do that, plus I look forward to having you and Violet here again." Jude said as they all walked upstairs.

"Good night you two." Vivien said

"Good night Vivien." Jude said as they closed their doors.

Kit and Jude got ready for bed as they laid together, talking.

"I can't believe he showed up here." Kit said as Jude held her side.

"Me either, but let's just go to sleep." Jude said

"You know something?" Kit asked her.

"What?" Jude asked as she had closed her eyes.

"Maybe we can have Vivien present at the babies birth." Kit said as Jude opened her eyes.

"We'll ask her, but later." Jude said as Kit kissed her head.

"Alright, goodnight baby." Kit said as he turned out their lights.

"Goodnight baby." Jude said as Kit had her in his arms.

"I love you baby." Kit said as he kissed her lips and felt her stomach.

"I love you too baby." Jude said as Kit kissed her stomach.

"Daddy loves his babies too. Goodnight Josiah and Kennedy." Kit said as Jude smiled.

"Go to bed honey." Jude said as she drifted off to sleep.

They drifted off to a peaceful sleep and loved their life.

Author's Note: Author's Note: Yay!! Another chapter written for my lovelies!!

A very BIG and special thank you to my lovely and talented writing gals NxnsxgnorsDxmon, Yararebird, jlangster_, JessicaLangeLove, miss_jessica_lange_

I love you all!!

Happy Reading!! ❤❤❤

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