Wrong Place. Wrong Time.
(( Wow do I have a list of warnings for you guys! Please please please do not read this if you are triggered by things such as sexual assault, blood, or ANGST because there's a heck ton of it. You have been warned, so read cautiously. Or just read it, which ever option works best. I cried while writing this so just letting you know! Anyways happy reading!))
Morning practices weren't exactly ideal, but they were necessary. Considering homecoming was right around the corner, and Friday's game was bound to be eventful. The cheerleaders' routine had to be nailed down, fine tuned, and most importantly, perfected. Which Keith still had to be present for, even if he wasn't in it.
So that's why he'd rolled out of bed at the ungodly hours of morning, and came down to the school. Just so he'd be able to go to class when it eventually started, and probably end up sleeping through half of it.
He was sitting in the bleachers, still in appropriate practice attire, because that was policy after all. It was kind of dumb, considering he couldn't do anything anyways. The pure white cheer shoes and spandex really served no purpose right then, but he still wore them. Even as he stayed sedentary at the very top of the bleachers, only observing. Mainly because Lance had told Allura not to put him in the routine, it didn't matter that the boy was completely recovered.
He was slightly on edge, considering Lance was outside on the field while they all were in there. It wasn't that much of a distance, but Keith still couldn't get the alpha from his mind. He just wanted to be with him right then, it didn't matter that he was a practical bead of sweat.
In all honesty, the cheerleader was a little bit of a mess. His hair was pulled back into a sloppy, tiny, bun. And he really couldn't understand why he was sweating so much. The gymnasium had AC so it wasn't because of the temperature.
Keith was beginning to worry, maybe he really should've talked to Shiro. Because he was miserable, with cramps stitching into his side like sutures. It was almost like his abdomen was shifting even as he sat still. Could it be...?
He pulled out his phone, instantly going to google.
What are the symptoms of an omega in heat?
He typed in nervously, hoping that he was crazy. But the sweating really was one of the trademark things Shiro had told him to watch out for, pretty much since he was old enough for the sex talk.
The article he'd found started talking about all these random facts, but Keith didn't care about any of that. He only frantically scrolled until he found a list.
Heats affect every omega differently, but these are the most common symptoms-
- Excessive sweating
- Body aches and/or cramps
- Mood swings
- Being more emotional than typically
- Lubrication, but be careful, this step often hits hard and suddenly
- Feelings of clinginess to an alpha or significant other
- Paranoia
- Itchiness of the skin, especially of the groin area
- Jitters and shaking
Remember, sweating and lubrication happen with ALL heats. They are primary warning signs, even if common secondary effects don't present.
Keith could've choked on air while reading over the list. He'd been having issues with the majority of those things, so it wasn't all that crazy to think he might be very close to his heat. His mood was on a never ending roller coaster. One minute he could be crying onto Lance's shoulder and another, he'd be back to normal.
But it was just so random. Keith had been waiting on his heat to present itself ever since he'd hit puberty many years earlier. Why now? He wondered, before finally coming to a conclusion. The pills! Those stupid birth control pills had probably messed with his hormones just enough for this to happen.
" Hey, Keith!" Allura greeted, sitting beside him on the bleachers. He hadn't even heard her coming, so he fumbled with his phone, shutting it off very quickly. Keith might've been slightly startled, and it was rather suspicious when he frenzied to turn off the screen. " So, as much you probably enjoy whatever pictures Lance is sending, can you please stay focused? You're really not supposed to have your phone out during practice." She smiled at him, implying that Lance had probably been sending nudes. That was out of character for Allura, considering she tried to keep vulgarity out of her conversations. She looked at him weirdly, and Keith couldn't help but feel like she was staring.
" W-what?" He was blushing over the comment, but she was acting very strangely. Could she... tell?
Allura's facial expression changed, and she got way more serious out of the blue.
" Keith, why are you at school?!" She whispered, trying to keep her voice at a low volume.
" Why wouldn't I be?" He played dumb, but Allura was an alpha. She also wasn't so easy to fool.
" You don't know? Hon, you're in heat." She put a hand on his shoulder. " Well, almost. But you need to get out of here, go get Lance so he can take you home." Allura, luckily, had very good control of her instincts. " Their practice is almost done, but you don't want to wait for him, other alphas will be in the locker room soon. So get your stuff, and find him as fast as you can."
Keith was beginning to panic. If she could smell him, who else could? The last thing he wanted was a repeat of yesterday, but he figured he could get to Lance if he rushed through the locker room. Lotor wouldn't be there, because he had practice as well, but Keith would have to be careful. He barely had five minutes before the football players would start flooding into the locker room.
He nodded his head before getting down from the bleachers and starting to run to the locker room, which was down the hall. The school's layout had always confused him, since the girl's one was just off the gym. Yet the boy's locker room was further away, which meant he had more distance to sprint. But he scrambled into the room eventually, he was struggling to get off his shoes, which had been laced up tightly. There was more perspiration beginning to moisten his hair; it looked like he'd gotten out of the shower, and was just now starting to dry.
Keith felt his heart drop as the locker room door swung open, and there were cleated footsteps coming towards where he was. Where could he go? What could he do? Obviously he couldn't climb inside the locker, he'd never fit. Maybe it was Lance, or so he hoped. But he wasn't that lucky.
" Oh, Keith." He heard the voice, and his stomach churned from disgust and fear. " You really do make this too easy for me." Lotor could already smell him as he continued walking along the rows of lockers. And the much smaller male felt his breath hitch. It didn't matter that he was only wearing one shoe, or that his legs felt like boulders. Now was his only chance to make a break for it.
He sprung up, making a shaky beeline for the other door. But it was locked from the inside with a deadbolt, his fingers were so trembly that he couldn't get it to turn. " Yeah, no. I don't think so." Lotor said, getting closer.
Why was he even there?! Did practice get out early? Or was he just too good to help put away the equipment?
" Stay the fuck away from me!!" Keith exclaimed, finally getting the door open, he tried to push through but he found himself being yanked back. Lotor's fingers wrapped around the boy's wrist, and the omega tried to slap him away. He thrashed, and smacked him right across the face, but it didn't seem to have any affect on the alpha. And that's when Keith knew how bad this was, and it only got worse as he was shoved to the ground. The cement floor had never bothered him before then, but it was really hard and unforgiving as he hit it.
Lotor clicked the bolt back to keep the door locked. And Keith was crawling on all fours, trying but failing to stand up. His limbs felt dense, like bags of sand as he struggled to get away. " Keith, I knew you were dumb. But I never imagined you'd be stupid enough to come to school during your heat. You're begging for what happens next." The much larger male came closer to Keith, effortlessly pulling him from the floor. He was flailing around, kicking at Lotor's shins desperately. " Aw~ I caught myself a feisty one..."
" F-fuck you!" The omega spat into the other's face. His heart was racing, and fear was heightening in his bones.
Lotor chuckled before harshly slamming Keith against the lockers, and he felt the wind get knocked out of him. He still was able to scream, however.
" LANCE! HELP ME!" He wailed, tears already falling from his cheeks. And Lotor started pulling at the bottom of his tank top, despite Keith bawling and squirming everywhere. He got it off of him, after it got stuck on the omega's arm a couple times.
" Shut up!" He ordered Keith, but he didn't listen, he only yelled louder.
" RAPE!" The cheerleader's voice cracked. And he felt a sharp smack across his cheek, causing the screams to be even louder. " LANCE!"
" Don't defy me!" He growled, wrapping a firm hand around Keith's windpipe, the boy couldn't do much of anything after that.
" L-Lance..." He croaked, feeling his throat caving in on itself.
" I smell him on you... let's get rid of that awful stench!" Lotor cackled, letting his primal instincts run rampant.
Lance couldn't help but feel like something was... off. Call it an intuition, but as he was helping put away the footballs and such, he perked up suddenly. Lotor was nowhere to be found, and he knew something wasn't right. He was beyond paranoid, or so he tried to tell himself. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was about to happen. " Keith..." The alpha said quietly to himself.
He came out from the shed, and he saw Coach Coran about fifty feet away. " Coran!! I need to go!" Lance shouted, beginning to run down and off the field.
And boy, he was definitely fast. He'd never thought his feet could carry him at that speed, but it wasn't on his mind as he fell through the school's back doors.
Lance dusted himself off, nearly slipping on the tile floors due to his cleats. He still sprinted, and thank god for his stamina. He burst into the gym, finding that nobody was there, at first.
" Keith!!!" His face was sinking due to fear. And Allura, along with a couple other cheerleaders were poking their heads out from the locker room.
" Lance?" The captain asked, and the football player spotted them.
" Where is Keith?!" He asked, though his voice was raised into a high pitched panicky tone.
" He's not with you?" Allura was horrified as she looked behind Lance.
" No-" The alpha was cut off as a loud scream erupted from somewhere near there, the two exchanged knowing glances. The voice was calling for Lance. " Stay here!" The alpha couldn't have been going any faster as he scrambled down the hall, and Allura covered her mouth. She'd sent him off, they all should've protected Keith.
" NO!" Keith had gotten Lotor's hand off his neck, and he was still fighting. His spandex had been thrown across the room, and the disgusting jock had pulled out of his football gear.
The omega was shaking as he punched Lotor in the face over and over. His fists colliding with his clammy cheeks didn't do much. And that's when Keith knew, Shiro was right. Shiro was right about him, that he wasn't invincible. He couldn't handle himself, because when it came down to it, alphas were bigger. Alphas were stronger, and they could do whatever they wanted to him. But, he refused to believe that, refused to give up. " I'M NOT YOUR SEX TOY!" He screeched. " YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DEFILE ME YOU PIG!" Keith felt the tears pretty much steaming on his face, which was boiling.
" Wouldn't be the first time I've raped an omega..." Lotor had evil in his eyes, and his hands were freezing as they tried reach into the smaller boy's boxers. Keith's eyes were wide, so the whispers weren't really rumors at all.
" LANCE!! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" He continued crying at the top of his lungs. His voice was beginning to crack more frequently, and go more hoarse. " N-NO! DON'T!" He was begging for mercy, and his boxers were nearly off before it came. " LANCE!" He choked, before someone knocked Lotor to the ground like a linebacker. And Keith hit the cement, losing balance on his ever weaker legs. His vision was cloudy, and the whole thing was just a massive blur as he laid there. It could've been a million years or one second later for all he knew, but he went full mental when another pair of hands touched him. " No!!! No fucking m-more-" He resisted, until smelled it. Lance's scent washed over him as he found himself being pulled against someone's chest.
" It's me! It's me!" Lance repeated a couple times, with his hands trembling. They were stained red, and he could barely live with himself knowing what he'd just done.
Keith started crying harder, sobbing grossly into Lance's jersey. " Why did you come in here?!!!" The Cuban boy felt the tears in his eyes start pouring out in bucket fulls. " YOU TOLD ME YOU WOULDN'T WITHOUT ME!" He cried into Keith's shoulder, which was almost taboo. Since when did alphas cry in front of others?
" What is going on in here!" Coach Coran came running into the locker room, bending over to catch his breath. He couldn't carry Lance's heavy bag anymore, so it hit the floor with a thud. And his face also dropped as he saw Lance clutching Keith in close, but after he took a hesitant step forward, he wished he hadn't.
Lotor was on the ground, and there was a small pool of blood around his head. Lance had slammed him into the lockers so many times that he was bleeding pretty bad.
" You both need to leave!" The coach said, trying to understand what was happening. All he could smell were teenage pheromones, and that was more than enough to tip him off. " Lance get Keith home, I'll take care of this..." Coran said sorrowfully, fully aware that Lotor was back to his old games.
Lance hadn't moved from his spot. He began inspecting his boyfriend's face for bruising, or anything else. There was a very red, inflamed welt mark that had formed on his cheek, and it was obvious he'd been slapped. Hard.
His fingers were drenched in blood as he caressed Keith's face, and the tears just kept coming.
" Lance!" His coach pleaded desperately, not wanting to get after his favorite football player. He grabbed what could only be Keith's backpack, and shoved the shoe down into it. Coran tossed it at their feet. " GO!" He raised his voice, they had to get out of there before everyone else could come back. And Lance picked up the bag, letting Keith cling to him as they walked out. He threw football duffel over his shoulder on the way, and Keith was holding onto him like a baby koala.
Why? Was all anyone could ask themselves.
(( Omg... don't worry, Loves. There will be a silver lining to all of this! I swear!))
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