The Date 2.0
(( WARNINGS; jus a little steamy session between them but it's not exactly NSFW... yet at least. Also, there is a suicide mentioned, so if that triggers anyone in any way, please do not read.))
The Starbucks was rather close to Keith's house, so he ventured there quite often. Only when Shiro was willing to drive him, though. Because of course he'd never approve of the omega roaming the streets alone.
As him and Lance walked up to the entrance, hand in hand, their fingers lightly laced together. Until the alpha stepped forward opening the door and stepping out of the way to let Keith through.
" Oh aren't you such a gentleman..." The smaller male felt his face heat up. Lance only smiled at him as they both made their way into the entryway. A blast of frigid AC slammed against them, but it was pleasant considering the warmer temperatures outside.
" So what do you usually get here?" The quarterback shoved his hands down into his pockets, not really sure what to do with them at the moment.
" Just a frappechino." Keith shrugged.
" How basic of you." Lance chuckled, ruffling the omega's hair.
" If you're a such a coffee aficionado then what would you suggest?" He felt himself standing very close to the alpha, and his instincts couldn't have been happier about it.
" I don't know, I've always liked their macchiatos but I guess that's just me."
" I've never had one... but now I'm curious..." Keith rose an eyebrow at Lance.
They stepped up to order, and not so coincidentally they both decided to try each other's favorites. It was a little awkward when they ordered, mainly because they were both blushing, and laughing like lovestruck idiots the whole time.
Keith noticed that there was a new barista working behind the counter, but he couldn't really get a good look at him because of the bakery case, which was filled with cookies and other assorted goods. He did catch a glimpse of the long, almost snowy white hair the person had. It seemed out of the ordinary to him, mainly because he had only ever seen one young person with hair naturally that color. Keith just brushed it off, trying to focus on Lance.
The omega couldn't help but admire the way the dim-ish lighting shone on the other's skin, how it only made him seem tanner. It also exposed some very faint, practically invisible freckles that dotted Lance's cheeks. " Since when do you have freckles?" He asked, hesitating to pull the alpha's face closer.
" Since always." Lance smiled. " Most people don't notice them, though." He smirked at Keith, who wouldn't admit that he'd been staring.
Their drinks were put up at the other counter, where the straws and other essentials were kept. They sat upon small, printed receipts.
Lance grabbed the frappechino, then Keith picked up his macchiato, and the paper slip stuck to the bottom of the cup due to condensation. He peeled it off and couldn't help but go wide eyed at a small note that had been added. It was written in a purple-colored ink, and a little bit smeared at the edges.
In case you ever realize that you deserve better~ 555-8923
" Um..." Keith breathed out, looking up to see that someone was rather ominously watching him from behind the counter. The white hair was starting to give him chills, as he wondered how it could be normal. Even though Allura had hair of that pigment, she made it look amazing. Rather, this guy, he made it seem strange and almost scary.
Lance noticed the omega's facial expression was... off. He plucked the receipt from his hand and scanned over the little flirtatious and insulting note.
" Yeah, no, I don't think so." His eyebrow twitched as he crumpled up the paper. He too had noticed they were been being gazed upon by some very unfamiliar eyes.
Lance threw the note back up and over the counter, and hit the other male's chest, soon bouncing off and landing on the floor. " He's taken." He growled, wrapping his arm around Keith's waist protectively as they begin walking out.
The alpha was breathing a little heavier as they continued down the sidewalk towards the park. Keith could pretty much smell the jealousy emanating off of him.
" You didn't have to do that back there, you know..." The omega said quietly, still a little bit submissive considering that Lance hadn't yet let go of him. Not that he minded, in fact, he felt way safer that way.
" Yes I did. He was flirting with you and I was right there. What, were you embarrassed?" He was worked up, but that was to be expected considering his alpha behavioral tendencies. The quarterback just hoped that he hadn't made the other too uncomfortable with his display.
" N-no... it was actually kind of..." He trailed off.
" Kind of what?" Lance was anxious.
" ... hot." Keith said, his volume and tone of voice were soggy. Just knowing that the other could get that jealous that easy was a turn on of sorts.
They were at the park not but five minutes later. There was a lone bench that sat beneath a large, bulky structured oak tree, and that's where they chose to take a seat. They had a light grip on each other's hands, with Lance squeezing a little firmer than Keith.
" So... can I ask you something?" The alpha looked towards the omega, who was a maroon red shade all over.
" Yeah?"
" Why does Shiro hate me so much?" He looked down. " Was it something I did?"
" No!" Keith exclaimed, kind of louder than he'd meant to. " No... he is just really really protective over me. You could be perfect and I still don't know if he'd like you." He felt sorry that Lance had to deal with this.
" But why is he so protective? I get that he's your brother and all, but he's pretty excessive."
" Well..." The smaller male knew exactly why. But it wasn't like he could just go around and talk about it openly, it was just so discouraging to people if he went into detail. " it's really something that people don't like to know about our family."
" Like what?" Lance asked, expecting it would just be that Keith's parents had left them. Of course he'd noticed that Shiro doubled as a brother and as a primary caregiver.
" My mother left us shortly after I was born, so my dad was forced to raise us on his own." He began, knowing he couldn't say everything. The gruesome details were always too much for people to handle. " But it wasn't easy at all, considering I got in trouble a lot as a kid."
" Okay..." The alpha listened.
" And he turned to drinking to forget about mom, but it didn't work well enough and..." Keith's irises dipped down into the corners of his eyes as he spoke. " He killed himself..."
Lance shifted around, not expecting that at all. And the omega was purposely not telling the important details. Like how he was the one to find him hanging in the garage. Or how he was too young, and couldn't understand why his father's skin was turned blue. Or why dad wouldn't answer him when he asked what was wrong.
" Oh my God..."
" And that's mainly why Shiro is so protective. He doesn't want to see me hurt, he doesn't want to be the apathetic father I had as a kid." Keith really didn't want the other to treat him differently like most people did upon finding this out.
" I'm sorry I pushed you to talk about that..." Lance felt horrible, until the cheerleader smiled at him.
" You didn't know. But anyways, I'm past it and it doesn't really affect me anymore." It was very true that Keith didn't remember much of his father, because he had made the conscious choice not to. He was not a good man by any measure, so there was no use being sad about his death as far as Keith was concerned.
" Well... just know that this doesn't change the way I see you." The football gave the omega's hand a reassuring squeeze.
" Thank you... other people just give me this... look. You know, that I feel bad for him look?" Keith said, he didn't realize it but him and Lance had scooted closer together. He was pretty much leaning against the other's chest.
" I won't do that."
" Sorry for ruining the mood with ... that." The smaller male said, noticing the entire atmosphere had changed.
" Who says it has to? We can talk about anything you want." Lance flashed a grin at him, having a sunshine in his smile that compared even to Hunk's.
" I-"
" Wait a second, Babe." The alpha growled all of the sudden, and Keith was startled, until he noticed what he was looking at. There was a middle aged couple strolling by, but their faces were slanted into glares at the two. They cupped their hands and whispered incessantly. " If you have something to say just say it!" Lance projected, rather combative in a matter of seconds.
The couple looked almost startled, and Keith hadn't even taken note of a boy walking alongside with them until then. He rather little, only five or six years old at most.
" That's not right!" The woman yelled from where her and her - probably- husband were standing. And the guy who was next to her picked up the child- who could only be assumed to be theirs- and covered his eyes.
" Don't look, son. People like that are just confused, and don't know what they're doing. They should just stop ruining this public place with their sickness." He turned around and dirty looked at Keith and Lance.
The cheerleader had never really been in a situation like this before, but he could tell that the male sitting next to him had. His lips curled up into a mischievous smile.
" Oh? You mean by doing this?" Lance narrowed his eyes and pulled Keith up by gripping his wrist. And the omega just felt himself land on top of the other, straddling his lap on reflex. Next thing either of them knew, their lips were pressed together. Lance pulled the smaller male in deeper by tangling his fingers in the boy's hair.
Keith was blushing fifty shades of red as he kissed back slowly. It had all happened so suddenly, he was just getting used to the feeling of the alpha's lips. He found his hands traveling on either side of Lance's face, lightly guiding him closer by his cheeks.
" Ugh." The woman made a disgusted noise as her and her little family started walking away. They were a hundred yards away before either of the boys even stopped to breathe. But after a couple respirations, Keith was diving right back in for more.
" We can stop now, we made the point." Lance panted. And the omega only smirked, feeling embarrassed, yet overcome with urges.
" Well what if- what if I don't wanna stop..." He stammered, looking to the side. The quarterback couldn't help but let a blush creep up on his face.
" Then come closer~" Lance purred as he placed his hands on Keith's hips, lifting and placing him so their bodies were packed together. The omega caressed the other's flushed cheek before leaning back in and kissing him again.
Yeah, Shiro would be pissed. But Keith was past the point of caring about that. He just knew that he wanted as much of Lance as he could get his hands on.
The alpha was beyond surprised at the boy's eagerness, and he knew if they did too much, Shiro might just have to murder him. He could enjoy this moment without worry, though. The sound of Keith whimpering against his lips was getting louder with every move he made. It was high pitched, and almost like a small kitten mewling against Lance. He could already feel himself growing hard inside his ever tighter blue jeans.
Keith cursed the little noises he made, but he couldn't help it as him and the alpha continued to lock lips. He was slowly rolling his hips back and forth without a clue what he was even doing. It caused a whole new amount of friction for Lance, who broke away from the contact to plant tiny butterfly kisses down the omega's jawline. Keith shivered and whimpered out more.
" Mark me up..." He leaned into the alpha's ear. " I- I want Shiro to see..."
Lance felt his heart race as he began kissing along Keith's neck, he was extremely careful not to bite. If the two soul-bonded Shiro would actually hunt the quarterback down and... things would not be pretty.
So instead, he licked and sucked roughly, hickeys and red bruise marks were already appearing on the surface of Keith's skin.
The omega was shuttering but trying to keep his voice at a minimum. If other people listened in too much they'd start judging, and who knows what could happen if another alpha heard?
Lance felt himself thrusting upward onto Keith ever so slightly, as he became more and more hungry for friction.
" K-Keith... if we don't stop soon... I'm not going to be able to control myself..." Lance loosened his grip around the other's hips.
Keith felt like a little bit of a hoe for not wanting to stop, but he knew that their instincts would take control if they went any further.
" Fine..." He said breathlessly, rolling so that he was next to Lance yet again.
It was nearly dark by the time Lance and Keith were walking up to the omega's door step. And there were tiny, distant stars that poked through the navy blue sky, almost like holes in the atmosphere.
" So... I had a good time tonight." The cheerleader smiled, being as cliché as ever.
" Me too..." Lance scratched the back of his neck nervously, adding a small chuckle while doing so.
The doorstep light was shining right on them, almost like a spotlight. And Keith couldn't help but place a small kiss on the other's cheek before escaping inside the house. Leaving a bright red, flustered Lance strolling down the driveway.
" And just where have you been?" Shiro emerged from the living room before the other could get upstairs unseen. " It's 7:30!"
" I wasn't even gone that long." The younger brother gave an obvious eye roll.
" And why are you wearing that?! I said not to!" He had just noticed that Keith had ditched the cargo pants for skinny jeans, and that his shoulders, as well as his mid drift, were exposed. " I told you to change and then you go off with an alpha wearing THAT?! He could've hurt you! Did he hurt you?!"
" Because you can't tell me what I can and can't wear." Keith knelt down and started untying his converse. " And no he didn't because FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME, he's not like that!"
"Unless he's just gaining your trust so he can use you!! He's so young he won't be able to control his instincts when they kick in because if he's around you while you're wearing those clothes, they DEFINITELY WILL and you'll get hurt! Or worse!!" The older brother exclaimed eyeing the smaller male suspiciously, and that's when he noticed the marks running along the side of Keith's neck.
" He did a fine job controlling himself today." The omega gave yet another eye roll while taking off one shoe.
" I didn't say NOTHING happened but-" He felt himself blush. " but we stopped before things could get too... um ... heated." Keith chucked his shoes at the closet and they kind of landed the right way.
" I TOUCHED HIM! THERE'S A FUCKING DIFFERENCE!" The omega was really hoping that he wouldn't have to argue too much about this, but he did feel really cocky about the love marks all over his neck. He loved flaunting them just to get under Shiro's skin.
" THAT'S EVEN WORSE, KEITH! THEN YOU CAN'T SAY NO WHEN YOU GET MORE THAN YOU ASKED FOR!" The older brother was almost shocked at his little brother's attitude about this.
" Right. Maybe next time I'll actually get him to touch me back?" Keith took a couple deep breaths, trying to calm down. He started walking up the stairs, and Shiro just had his mouth hanging open. Why did things have to be this way?
(( Hello, Loves! My update is a tiny bit later than usual, but it's also longer so I guess it's worth it? I hope everyone knows how much I appreciate the votes and comments! It warms my heart just to see people enjoying my stories! Also, Lotor will be a big part of the next chapters, so... just warning you all.))
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