The Bet

(( Smut and secondhand embarrassment warning. This is the last nsfw scene you guys are going to get for a while. *nervous and scared laughter* I figured you guys might want one before things get... heavy... and angsty. There might be one chapter in between this and the chapter I'm warning about... maybe not. I haven't decided yet, but either way, there is some serious sadness down the road of this fan fiction. If it makes you all feel better, this book will eventually have a relatively happy ending... and possibly a sequel...))

Lance was improving everyday, getting happier with every sunset that passed without incident. Things were steadily returning to normal for him and Keith as Halloween approached.

" Come on. You know the deal, we go to the party, I choose the costumes~" Lance smirked at Keith as they lay sprawled out on the omega's bed. They were currently surfing a website for costumes, and Lance was enjoying it way too much.

" I'm not walking out of this house wearing THAT." Keith narrowed his eyes at the other boy, who was looking at a very suggestive one. And by suggestive, it was practically underwear.

" Fine... then I know what we're dressing up as." The larger male had a shit eating grin, and it honestly scared Keith. What was he planning now?

" You're going to be my Playboy Bunny, and I get to be the Playboy~" He whispered, following it with a mischievous chuckle.

" Um... why?" Keith cringed even thinking about it. " Are you a furry or something?"

Lance gasped.

" No. I just think it'd be cute." The alpha seemed almost offended that Keith had asked that. Cause... gross... just gross. " You with bunny ears and a fluffy little tail, then me wearing a suit and everything."

" No way." Keith turned up his nose, folding his arms.

" Why not?" Lance whined, nudging his boyfriend lightly. " Pleeeaassseee?"

" Because I said so." He shook his head. Leave it to Lance to pick the most sexual, suggestive costumes ever. Their friends already thought that they were horndogs as it was.

" What do I have to do to change your mind, Princess?" Lance raised an eyebrow at him. And Keith was surprised to say the least. It had been almost a week since they'd really done anything besides make out.

The omega didn't answer. Keith could only look at Lance, wondering if he was implying something dirty or not. It could be hard to tell with him sometimes.

" Keith..." He slid his hand over to cup Keith's face. " Agree to wear the costume with me."

" No." The smaller boy answered quickly. " Nothing you can do will change my mind."

" Wanna bet?" Lance leered at him while nearing their faces together. Keith gulped.


Shiro was downstairs, flipping through some old photo albums he'd put together. With Halloween in a couple days, he was reminded of the costumes he'd worn with his brother over the many years of their childhood.

As he turned the laminated pages, the pictures brought back so many memories.

The first picture had Keith as a toddler, wearing a hippopotamus onesie. He'd always loved hippos, and Shiro decided to match with him by wearing the same thing. He was nine then, and holding Keith in his arms.

The next one featured the two of them as cowboys, wearing bandannas and hats along with fringed vests. Keith was bigger than he was in the previous picture, like it had skipped a couple years. And Shiro couldn't help but laugh a little. In this picture, Keith's smile was wide even though he only had one front tooth at the time.

The next costume was something Shiro had never understood, but Keith had wanted to be it so badly that he went along with it. Mothman. His little brother wore that costume, and Shiro didn't really have a costume on. As he'd gotten older he had stopped dressing up as much.

And one of the final pictures had Keith as a samurai, wearing long red robes. He also had a play sword that he carried around with him as a part of it.

Just as Shiro was about to flip the page again, there was a thump from upstairs. He raised an eyebrow while scooting his chair out and leaving the dining room table. His feet sounded quietly on the steps while he made his way to the upper level of the house.

Another noise was heard, one that was now distinctly coming from Keith's room.

Shiro was more confused as he stood in front of the bedroom door. He placed two knocks on the wooden surface before cracking open the door, which was left unlocked.

" Keith?" He asked, not aware that Lance was over until then.

" SHIRO! GET OUT!" Keith's eyes were wide as he took his lips off of Lance. Just a second earlier he'd had a mouthful of cock, and his boyfriend was totally red from embarrassment. Keith's hand was wrapped around the base of Lance's member, which was slick with his saliva.

" Sorry! SORRY!" Shiro exclaimed, ducking behind the door.

" WHY EVEN KNOCK IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO WALK IN?!" The omega called loudly, unbelievably flustered.

" I DON'T KNOW! IF YOU'RE DOING THAT LOCK THE DOOR!" The older brother said while going down the stairs. This sort of thing was an eventuality as far as he was concerned, but seeing Keith like that wasn't exactly something he'd prepared himself for.

" Did- did that just happen?" Lance stammered awkwardly. He felt self conscious in knowing that Shiro had just seen some... things. The two weren't fully clothed, being that Lance was only wearing his shirt, and even that was halfway off. Keith was in his underwear, that was it.

" Yeah... but he definitely won't be coming back in." Keith got up and locked the door, and he facepalmed while coming back to the bed.

" Do you think he saw...?" The alpha's voice got progressively quieter the more he spoke.

" What do you think?" Keith sarcastically remarked while climbing back in-between Lance's legs. " Now, where were we?"

The taller boy was shocked that Keith could shake it off as quickly as he did, but at the same time, he was hard now. He was missing the feeling of the omega's lips around his length, and he was throbbing somewhat from the temporary lack of attention.

" You were busy sucking me off." Lance said, beginning to let his alpha instincts take hold of him yet again.

" Mhm~" Keith purred as he picked up where he left off. He was teasingly running his tongue over the slit, and massaging the head with it.

" Keith... how about we play a game..." Lance's voice was wavering from the pleasure he was receiving. " If I make you moan, I get to pick the costumes..." He bit his lip.

The omega pulled off for a second, looking up at his boyfriend.

" And if you don't?" He challenged.

" Then you can decide." The alpha proposed, knowing that he would win this. Keith had a way of not being able to shut his mouth after Lance laid a finger on him.

" Deal. If I win... we're being Deadpool and Spiderman." Keith began sucking again, taking the shaft deeper right away. And Lance chuckled, knowing that his omega was too stubborn to turn the bet down.

" You know what... how about we go in the shower? I don't want Shiro to hear everything after you start screaming~" The larger boy told him. And Keith was beginning to get annoyed with all the distractions.

" Shower sex is fucking complicated." He grumbled.

" Let's go." Lance said more assertively. Even though Shiro was in the house for some of Keith's heat last time, and had heard a great deal of stuff happening, he didn't want him to. Lance was an alpha, and it didn't matter that Shiro was Keith's brother, he was still another alpha. So it was part of his primal instinct to not want other ones to hear them. When it was other omegas or betas he wouldn't have cared less.

Keith was aware of his boyfriend's assertive tone, and listening to it almost forced him to go along with Lance's request.

A couple minutes later, the shower was on and they had stepped in there. Lance couldn't stand the nearly boiling temperature of the water, but Keith loved it.

" How are you not cooking to death right now?" He murmured onto Keith's lips while backing him up against the shower wall.

" Shut up and deal." Keith narrowed his eyes. Even though he was becoming more and more submissive, he couldn't help but push the other boy's buttons a little.

Lance looked at him in an irritated way, feeling the steamy water cascade down his back. He met their lips together while keeping Keith trapped between him and the wet shower wall. And the smaller boy smirked into the contact while wrapping his arms behind Lance's neck. He was being lifted from the floor, barely able to graze it with his toes.

" You're so going to lose." The alpha growled. He began to bite all along Keith's neck harshly, leaving inflamed marks in his wake. Already the other boy was trembling, having difficulty to not make any noise. Omegas were overly sensitive to just about any touch on their necks, especially when bonded to someone.

" You wish." He lowly told Lance, ignoring the urge to gasp. Keith bit his lip, not daring to utter a sound other than retorts to his boyfriend's cockiness.

The alpha wondered just how much longer it would take for Keith to lose. Probably not long. He knew him way too well, and had memorized of all his extra sweet spots.

" I've barely even touched you and you're close to losing already, am I wrong?" Lance purred dominantly while reaching a hand downward. He gripped one of Keith's asscheeks with a very strong hold, and moved further back to feel around his hole. It was already soaked, and Lance could tell just by running a finger over it. Whenever Keith self lubricated, the substance was thick, and sticky. So it was clearly distinguishable from the water that had drenched both of the boys down by that point.

" Yes. You're wrong." Keith murmured, shaking as he felt one of Lance's fingers enter him abruptly, then a second one. There were plenty of sounds in the back of his throat wanting to escape, but he fought them off. His violet eyes squeezed shut as he struggled to maintain his silence.

" Really?" Lance got smug while scissoring Keith's hole open and thrusting his fingers in and out. And the omega could only nod frantically, not able to say anything. If he opened his mouth, he'd definitely be unable to control himself.

The taller male was getting a kick out of this. Watching Keith was satisfying to a major degree, and he almost couldn't get enough of it. He was really trying, giving his maximum effort to win, but Keith would still lose. It filled Lance with pride.

He added a third finger, and witnessed Keith's facial expression contort. It looked as though the omega was about to explode, but he was still going. He wouldn't be losing as quickly as Lance had anticipated apparently.

" Don't hurt yourself, Princess~" Lance teased, seeing how hard his boyfriend was trying. And Keith popped an eye open to catch a glimpse of the smirk he wore. He wanted to say something, throw a witty comeback his way, but if he did he'd lose. And that's what Lance wanted.

The alpha continued driving his digits in at a swift pace, making sure that Keith was stretched enough to take him.

" You ready?" He asked him more seriously while lessening the severity of his fingers' thrusts.

The smaller boy could only nod, not able to say anything without erupting into a mess of moans and cries. And Lance took his fingers out, then moved to lift his boyfriend further up the wall. His member was positioned beneath Keith's entrance, pressing against the rim as he held the boy in place. Slowly, he let Keith drop down onto his length. It didn't take long before he'd been swallowed up into the warm cushiness of the omega's walls.

It didn't matter how much effort Keith was putting in after that. It could've been life or death but he still wouldn't be able to keep straining himself. The strenuous duty of staying quiet had taken a toll on him and he couldn't hold out anymore.

" Ahh! Fuck!" Keith buried his face into the damp surface of Lance's neck, beginning to shake from the sensation of being stretched more. Irregardless of the number of times they'd done this now, it always felt like his insides were being rattled by the alpha's size.

Lance's smirk widened more, if that was even possible. Watching him lose was satisfactory and puffed up his ego which had been bruised by Lotor. Knowing that he was big enough to do that to his omega was a blissful piece of information. Of course he already was aware of this, but it was nice to have the reminder.

" I win." He rumbled.

" Sh-shut up!" Keith gave up after that. Thanks to Lance being that big, he'd be forced into wearing a Playboy Bunny costume in front of all their friends.

" Don't tell me to shut up, hypocrite." Lance growled, beginning to lift him up again, only to let him slide back down onto his member. The pressure was already a lot around his length, and he couldn't help but grunt while repeating the action.

Keith loved this position more than almost any other one him and Lance had tried. The tip of his boyfriend was already pushing on the back of his walls and brushing over his sweet spot. He could feel the sensitive nerve bundles coming alive with sparks of pleasure with every time he dropped down.

" AHH!" The smaller boy pretty much screamed, and it seemed ten times louder while vibrating off of the shower. Their plan to let the water pressure cover up the noise had backfired.

The sounds Keith was making were turning Lance on even more, activating his dominant alpha instincts. If he wasn't in charge before, he definitely was now. Lance sped up, and he began to thrust his hips up more forcefully to hit at an angle. He felt Keith clinging to him even tighter after that, but he was frustrated with not being able to see his face.

" Look at me!" He commanded. " I wanna see how slutty you look while I fuck you~" Lance was panting, and the humid air in there made it even more difficult to breathe right. But he was only focusing on Keith right then, trying to make him feel amazing. Now that he'd won, that was the only thing he cared about. Making him feel amazing, and enjoying himself while doing so.

Keith was trembling as he pulled his face back from Lance's neck. Though he hated admitting it, the omega found it undeniably hot when his boyfriend did this. He could always tell when Lance's instincts took over, because it was like night and day.

Keith kept a firm hold behind the other's neck while looking into his eyes. The steam from the shower made it almost hard to see the profound blue color, but it was definitely there. Clouded, but there.

" Good." Lance praised, feeling their foreheads touch. The only thing he loved more than making Keith cum was the look on the boy's face when he did. Though he hadn't quite orgasmed yet, Lance could always tell when Keith was close.

" B-Babe!" Keith shuddered at the feeling of being pounded. Even though it had only been a week since the last time they'd done it, he'd need time to get used to the sensation again. It was definitely better than he remembered, it seemed better every time if he was being honest. " Nghh!"

There was pressure building up in Keith's stomach, and he knew that he would be climaxing soon. The hot water raining down on them altered almost every sensation he felt, mostly for the better.

Lance could feel his omega's walls clenching more, and that was his warning that Keith was about to cum. The rim always became tighter, and squeezed him more before he did.

" I'm cumming! Lance!" Keith cried before his orgasm hit him. He came dry, which was often the case with omegas, but not for him. It seemed like the shower prevented any release from escaping him, but it didn't diminish the strength of his climax at all. He still shook in Lance's arms, and he still let out blaring moans while basking in the pleasure.

Lance went for a little longer, being that he needed more before he could cum as well. He fucked Keith through the orgasm, which seemed to drive the smaller male crazy. Even Lance was surprised when Keith growled at him somewhat. It drove him to the point of climax, which honestly felt like jumping off a cliff.

The sensation around his length and in his entire lower half morphed into something much more intense.

" K-Keith!" Lance actually moaned, even though he tried to bite it back. He couldn't help it as he came inside of him, thankful that Keith was still on birth control.


It was rather awkward as Keith and Lance descended down the stairs. Their hair was still relatively wet, but at least they actually had clothes on. Shiro was sitting in the living room, watching the news like a responsible person. He just needed something to take his mind off of earlier.

Even though the boys tried to tip toe their way to the kitchen, they weren't quiet enough.

" Keith. Lance." Shiro said while turning down the volume on the TV.

" Fuck!" The omega cursed under his breath. " Yeah, Shiro?" He peered out from behind a wall.

" Sorry about earlier, I didn't even know that Lance was over tonight." The older brother apologized. " I'll knock and wait for permission to come in next time, alright?"

" I'd appreciate that." Lance rolled his eyes, feeling possessive of Keith still. Another alpha had seen them in person. It was different than when the video got out, for two reasons. One, that was mainly audio because the shed was dark. And two, nobody besides Acxa had personally witnessed it. The only way people could watch it was on a screen, which was somehow less embarrassing to Lance than this.

" Sorry, Lance. I know people like us don't like others seeing their partners." Shiro scratched the back of his neck.

" Just don't do it again and it's fine." Lance said, and Keith felt his face flush.

" Did you seriously get jealous because of Shiro?" He asked his boyfriend, following it with a tiny chuckle.

" I get jealous over anyone who sees you like that, Babe." The alpha hugged him from behind, pressing a kiss on Keith's now rosy cheek.

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