The Aftermath
The car ride was especially awkward as Allura drove her friends home. After she'd ushered the unanticipated guests out of her house -which was literally as easy as herding cats- she took care of everyone leftover.
" Is Keith still passed out back there?" Matt asked from the middle row. It was his and Hunk's responsibility to babysit Pidge, who sat in-between them.
" Yeah... he's out cold." Lance stroked Keith's hair as he held his boyfriend in his lap. He figured since the drive was short, it'd be fine if he didn't use a seatbelt. " Maybe I fucked him a little too hard." Lance said, and he awkwardly scratched his neck afterwards.
" Or maybe he just drank too much and this is his body's natural response." Hunk's eyebrow twitched in annoyance. He was having a hard time being his sunshiny self.
" Psh, nah." The quarterback responded.
" I'm sorry, Lance... but did I just hear you correctly?" Allura asked from the driver's seat. " You and Keith did it somewhere in my house?!" She frantically exclaimed.
" You bet your ass they did!" Pidge squealed while leaning on her brother. " Lance put his hot dog in Keith's donut hole!" She was so drunk that she didn't even know what she was saying. Leave it to Pidge to have drank the most out of everyone.
" In my defense, he was begging." Lance said, and he lightly caressed Keith's cheek with a fond expression on his face. " He's just so cute that I can't say no."
" Where did you guys fuck?!" Allura used a swear word, which was unusual for her to do.
" Shhhh!" Lance said, obviously trying to change the subject. " You'll wake him up."
" And we're back!" Hunk projected, honestly uncomfortable as Allura pulled up to Matt and Pidge's house. He was spending the night there, but Shay, who was in the passenger seat, wasn't. He placed a chaste kiss on her cheek before getting out of the van.
" You can carry Keith across the street, right?" Matt asked Lance.
" Of course." Lance smiled. Keith was really asleep and it didn't look like he'd be waking up any time soon. He looked so peaceful, even though he was kind of drooling on Lance.
Everyone besides Shay and Allura began stepping out of the van. Pidge was especially a challenge. Matt pretty much had to pick her up and carry her. And Hunk facepalmed while trying to help get her across the lawn.
Lance walked up to Allura's window, which she'd left down. " You might wanna wash your sheets..." He chuckled, holding Keith bridal style. And the cheer captain looked absolutely mortified.
" You two really did it in my bed?!" She screeched. Just thinking about all the fluids that were probably on her comforter made her shudder.
Lance smirked seeing her reaction, but the smile faded once he saw Shiro open the front door to Keith's house. Apparently, he'd waited up for them. It was literally three in the morning.
As Lance started taking Keith over and across the driveway, Allura knew she had to do something. Lance would make an ass out of himself if he had to explain things. That... and she might've been using any excuse she could to talk to Shiro again.
" I'll be right back." She told Shay before getting out of the van.
" Lance? Why are you carrying Keith? Is he okay?" Shiro questioned as soon as Lance got closer. The two boys reeked of alcohol.
" Well- uh... you see..." The football player trailed off. And Allura was just now walking up, hoping she could talk Shiro down. He'd most likely be livid at first.
Once Lance noticed that Allura was coming, and that Shiro had fixated his gaze on her, he took his opportunity to scurry inside the house with Keith.
" What was all that about?" Shiro asked her, and he had a tiny, barely noticeable blush staining his cheeks just by seeing Allura.
" It's- please don't be angry." She nervously fumbled her words. " The afterparty at my house was supposed to be really small, but a bunch of people came and... someone spiked the punch bowl. Keith got pretty drunk... and so did a lot of other people. But by the time we realized, it was too late." Allura scuffed her shoe at the ground. Well... it was more of a slipper, actually. No way in hell was she putting her high heels back on.
Shiro could tell that she was being honest, and that some people weren't trying to get drunk.
" Did Lance keep him safe? I'd imagine there were a lot of other alphas there..." He spoke awkwardly, now face to face with her. She still looked amazing. Even though her makeup was somewhat smudged, and her hair wasn't nearly as curly as before. Shiro then realized that her beauty was unconditional.
Allura blushed, and she had definitely taken notice of Shiro staring at her.
" Lance was pretty tipsy... but yeah. He was adamant about keeping Keith separate from the other alphas." She conveniently left out the part about them fucking in her bed.
" That's good to know..." Shiro tried to stop gazing into her eyes, but he was captivated. " Thanks for driving them back."
" It's not a problem... I needed to know that my friends got home safely." She smiled, not knowing what else to say. And the taller alpha was flustered, knowing that he shouldn't be looking at her the way he was.
" Well..." He cleared his throat. " Have a safe drive home I guess." Shiro had a ridiculously awkward half smile on his face.
" Yeah-yeah." Allura fumbled her words and she began walking backwards slowly. " Uh... will do."
" Keith, buddy..." Lance grumbled while trying to get Keith's pajamas onto him. " you gotta work with me here."
The omega's body was deep in slumber, and Lance struggled while sitting him up. After the ordeal of getting his dress clothes off, Lance was pretty irate. He pulled a t-shirt over Keith's head and had quite the time while attempting to get his arms through the holes. Lance let out a sigh while trying to slide the plaid pajama pants onto the boy's legs. " Oh my God..." He growled under his breath in frustration. " Fuck it." Hopefully Keith would be fine sleeping like this. - He probably would, considering that his usual sleep shorts were about as skimpy as underwear anyways.-
He laid his boyfriend down, making sure that he was on his side. Lance sincerely hoped that Keith wouldn't throw up from all the drinking. He'd need a serious shower as well, being that he smelled like alpha, sweat, and alcohol. But it could wait until the next day.
Keith stirred as soon as Lance pulled the comforter over him and drew his hand back. It was almost like he was reaching for something... or someone. It was obvious that he wanted to be near his alpha; even in his sleep he was clingy. It caused the football player's face to lift into a fond expression.
Even though Lance wasn't quite ready to sleep, he wanted to keep Keith comfortable. So he carefully crept into bed and under the covers with him. Almost immediately, the smaller male was scooting closer. He was resting against Lance's chest in no time, and the alpha could only chuckle. " Sweet dreams, Babe..." Lance gently said, kissing the top of Keith's head.
" Ughhh..." Keith groaned upon waking up. It felt like someone had dropped a bowling ball on his forehead, and his brain seemed to be throbbing. He blinked a couple times, seeing that there was sunlight pouring in through his bedroom window. It took him a second to realize that he was right next to Lance, who was still sleeping apparently.
He shifted around, catching a glance at the clock across the room. 12:34. " Fuck..." He murmured. What had happened last night? He was really drawing a blank. The last thing Keith could remember was playing Never Have I Ever and chugging punch. After that, his mind was stumped.
The omega slowly moved Lance's arm, which had been wrapped around him. He carefully set it on his alpha's chest, and as quietly as possible, got off the bed. He was fine at first, that was until he tried to walk. It was a constant ache emanating from his lower half. The sensation that Keith had become familiar with over the course of being with Lance. That ' I got fucked last night' feeling. So... he knew he had to get in the shower.
Keith shook his head while limping to the bathroom. Damn Lance for being so big... and rough... and doing it exactly how the omega liked it. He couldn't ask for anything better, even though he was always sore afterwards.
He turned on the faucet in the tub, and kept adjusting the temperature until it was prefect. The bathroom mirror was already fogging up with condensation. Keith took his showers hot. Really hot. So sweltering that Shiro called him crazy, but that was how the little brother liked it.
After the shower head had been turned on, Keith stepped in and pulled the curtain back shut. The cascading water raced down the front of his chest, and soaked the front portion of his hair.
And this was finally enough to wake Lance, who now lay in bed alone. He was initially startled upon noticing Keith wasn't by his side; his alpha instincts were always focused on keeping his boyfriend safe. But then he heard the shower running, and Lance could breathe again.
He rolled over, feeling that Keith's side of the bed was still relatively warm. The fact that they'd woken up so late was really odd. Lance did love to sleep in -don't get him wrong- but not until the afternoon hours. There was nothing they could do about it now, so he'd just have to get used to it. Waking up for school the next day was going to be a nightmare.
Lance got out of bed, and he sprawled his arms out into a refreshing stretch. Boy, did he have a headache. The funny thing was, he'd barely drank anything in comparison to Keith and Pidge. He could only imagine just how bad his omega felt right about then.
Lance went over to Keith's dresser. The bottom drawer had been partially reserved for him, being that he spent the night so often. It made his heart flutter just to have a spot in Keith's room. This was about the closest they could get to living together while they both were still in high school, and Lance liked it that way. He hoped that him and Keith would buy a home together eventually, that they could build a unified life together.
The door to the bathroom had been left unlocked, so after Lance laid out some fresh clothes on the bed, he waltzed right in. And even over the heavy water pressure, Keith heard him.
" Lance?" He peeked out from behind the reddish colored shower curtain. The omega's hair was slicked back from how wet it was.
" Who were you expecting?" Lance chuckled, grabbing his toothbrush. He kept a spare one at Keith's so that he could keep up his personal hygiene even when he wasn't at home. It would've been a little weird if he carried it around in his backpack.
" Sorry for waking you up..." Keith looked to the side.
" It's fine, Babe." The alpha answered, tasting a minty flavor after putting the toothbrush- which was armed with icy cold feeling toothpaste- in his mouth. And Keith ducked behind the curtain again, reaching for his lufa. He squirted some Old Spice body wash onto it, and the earthy scent was instantaneously noticeable. " But you didn't invite me in?" He pouted, and his words were muddled with foam.
" You were sleeping." Keith said from inside the echoey walls. Somehow he was able understand what the other male was saying.
Lance spit into the sink, and continued brushing for about a minute. He hoped Keith wouldn't mind if he hopped in the shower with him as he began stripping off his pajamas. They weren't very much, just a faded t-shirt along with his dark blue boxers.
" Well I'm up now~" Lance purred from outside the shower, and the smaller male couldn't help but wonder what type of 'up' he meant. The alpha pulled the curtain aside and quickly hopped in the shower, and Keith narrowed his eyes. Lance was already staring right at him.
" I'm still sore... don't even think about it." He warned while rubbing the sudsy body wash over his body. Lance chuckled to himself.
" Think about what, Princess? I'll keep my hands to myself, pinky promise." The football player reassured, though he bit his lip.
" Right." Keith rolled his eyes, curious how long it would take before Lance touched him. Not long apparently, because he was pressing gentle kisses to his omega's shoulder soon enough. Even with the water raining down on them, he wasn't phased. " Babe." Keith sort of whined as he felt lips on his neck.
" What? You didn't say anything about my lips~" Lance wore a shit eating grin. He wasn't planning on trying anything with Keith, mainly because he had respect. But he enjoyed teasing him.
" Knock it off!" Keith said in a drawn out way.
" But you smell so good, Babe." The alpha whispered in Keith's ear, hugging him from behind. And Keith lovingly looked back at him, somehow melting into Lance's flintiness.
" We're in here to get clean, not dirty." Keith playfully laughed under his breath.
" Pass the shampoo then." Lance smirked at Keith, kissing his upper neck lightly.
" Okay..."
The larger of the two boys took some of the mango scented shampoo, and he began lathering it in his hands. Lance soon began to rub it into Keith's hair, which was enough to make the boy blush.
The mullet was something that Lance had hated at first. He'd thought that it was unfashionable, and that nobody could make it look good. That was... until he got closer to Keith. His omega wouldn't look the same without it. And besides... it had grown on Lance after a while; he'd come to love it.
" Don't stop..." The smaller male said; he really adored the attention. Lance's fingers began massaging his scalp, and his headache seemed to be eased temporarily.
And Lance laughed to himself. Of course he'd taken in a dirty sense. It almost reminded him of the night before, which he still remembered.
" Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked curiously, while at the same time running his fingers through Keith's hair. He was rubbing circles over his scalp.
" Not much... all I know is that I drank punch, and we fucked." The omega shyly said. " The day after we do anything I'm always sore." Keith chose to leave out just how hurting he was. Lance had to have gone really rough with him.
" Babe... you don't know how you were acting, do you?" The alpha stifled a laugh just thinking about how cringey his boyfriend was being.
" Um... no." Keith mumbled, trying to focus on how good the shampoo felt. He was worried that he might've done something really stupid or humiliating.
" Well first of all, you were all over me. Saying weird suggestive stuff and pretty much begging me to fuck you. It was cute, though. You kept giggling and hiccuping." Lance's voice was reassuring, yet also playful. He planned on poking some fun at him. " Oh, Lance! Make me one with the mattress~" He mocked him.
" I said that?!" Keith let out a panicked noise.
" Jokingly, yeah." Lance started letting the water wash the suds from his omega's hair. " You were saying plenty of things. But I took you upstairs before you could embarrass yourself too much."
" We weren't supposed to go upstairs, I thought..." The cheerleader murmured as the shampoo was rinsed from his hair. Lance was putting in the conditioner soon enough.
" We weren't... but wait for it..." Lance chuckled. " we did it in Allura's bed..."
" WHAT?!" Keith exclaimed. " She's going to kill us if she finds out!"
" I already told her..." The alpha mumbled.
" Then how are you still breathing?" Keith gasped. He was holding back the strong urge to facepalm.
" I honestly don't know. But I think she helped talk Shiro down from being mad at us." Lance hugged Keith from behind after he had the conditioner worked into the smaller boy's hair. " You were passed out and everything... I'd say it's a miracle that your brother didn't slaughter me."
" Shiro doesn't want to slaughter you anymore."
" Anymore."
" Whatever, he's been getting better." Keith rolled his eyes. But he was happy that Shiro wasn't home right then. The older brother would've gone to work hours ago.
" That's true... but I guarantee he wouldn't like us showering together." Lance kissed on his boyfriend's neck. His scent was mixed with that of body wash and mangos.
" Well, I do." Keith turned around to face his alpha.
" Me too~" Lance looked him from top to bottom.
After they were both cleaned up, and clothed, the couple decided to stay in Keith's room. Shiro had made them some fruit salad to have for breakfast, so they cuddled with the food in bed.
" I'm really surprised you didn't puke or anything... you really were wasted." Lance had his boyfriend in between his legs, leaning against his chest. The TV next to Keith's bed was on Netflix. Of course they'd decided to binge Orange is the New Black.
" If I was that bad, how bad was Pidge? She drank more than I did." Keith said, and he pulled the blankets more over them.
" She was pretty bad. She wore a lampshade as a hat." Lance answered.
" Why am I not surprised?" Keith chuckled, but then his phone started to ring. That ringtone. It was definitely Allura.
" Hey." The omega picked up, putting her on speaker.
" Oh, hey. I wasn't expecting you to be up." Allura said from the other end. She sounded exhausted as ever.
" Well... I am. What's up."
" Hey, Allura." Lance greeted as well.
" Hello, Lance." She said. " I'm just calling to check on you two. I know Pidge got pretty sick after going home, so I wanted to make sure Keith wasn't the same." Allura sounded really sympathetic when talking about Pidge.
" I haven't puked at all... just have a really bad headache." Keith said. Luckily the pain medicine he'd taken was starting to kick in.
" That's great to hear- I mean not that you have a headache. That you're not throwing up I mean." She corrected herself. " So you'll be fine for practice tomorrow? I don't want to put you in the air if you're not feeling good." Allura was hesitant just knowing they'd have to make Keith fly again.
" I mean... yeah. If you need me to I guess..." Keith tried to ignore how much the idea of stunting again frightened him. And Lance tensed up.
" Um... yeah no. He's not doing that." He had an almost protective growl behind his voice.
" Lance, I get that you want to keep Keith safe. But this is mandatory. He can't get credit for the sport if he doesn't participate." Allura didn't like the idea either, but school policy was forcing her hand.
" He can participate from the ground." Lance retorted right away.
" I'm fine, Lance." Keith sounded irritated. Even though he didn't want to, he didn't need his alpha to speak for him right then.
Lance grit his teeth.
" Anyways... I'm going to go now..." Allura was looking to get out of the awkward conversation.
That's when the line went dead.
" You're not doing that again. Not unless I'm the one throwing you. I can't let you get hurt again..." Lance spoke rapidly, and nervousness weighed on his tone. " They're not touching you."
" I'll be fine. I need credit for this... Haggar won't let me graduate if I don't have it." Keith turned to look at him. He had a serious expression on his features. " We can trust Allura, I'm sure she won't use the same stunt group as last time."
" It doesn't matter, Keith. There's no way I could let you do this." Lance held him in more possessively.
Keith was definitely unsettled by the idea, more than that, he was terrified. But Lance didn't get to call all the shots.
" Lance, I get that you care about me and everything, but I need to get credit for this. You can't stop me from doing that." He scooted around, but Keith wasn't able to move too much with the grip on him. That was just how alphas were.
Lance wasn't trying to be controlling. He didn't even realize that he was. It was just that he loved Keith too much to willingly let him do something this dangerous.
" Babe. They can make an exception. You'll get hurt." He felt his heart palpitate just thinking about his omega being dropped again.
" Lance. I'm doing it. End of story." Keith narrowed his eyes at him. " You can't just tell me what to do all the time."
" Me trying to keep you safe is telling you what to do? Excuse me for caring about you." Lance looked off to the side.
" Lance. I love you, but... you have to work with me. I need to graduate." Keith was slowly starting to get pissed.
" Would you rather graduate or break your neck? I'm sure we can talk to someone about this." The alpha wanted to trust the cheer squad, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Especially now that Acxa was on it as well.
" You need to chill out. Even Shiro would want me to participate." The smaller male huffed. He hated the idea of flying again. Even the thought of it chilled him to the bone. But the season wouldn't last too much longer; Keith knew he could push through it.
Lance didn't want to be that kind of alpha. The ones who treated their omegas like property.
" Sorry..." The quarterback hung his head. " I'm going to be watching... if they even come close to hurting you again..." He trailed off.
" It's okay..." Keith tried to take a couple deep breaths. He realized that Lance was starting to feel guilty. " Come here." He said, hugging him close.
Hopefully stunting would go okay... but... Keith was reluctant. It wasn't over... that was what Lotor and -probably- Acxa had warned him.
(( Hey! I've been trying my best to get faster with my updates. I've literally had four soccer games this week so... fml. But anyways, Loves, the next chapter gets to be a lot. I can hopefully publish it soon.))
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