Taming the Children

(( Thank you everyone so much for 11K views and all the votes! I love reading your comments as well, they truly make my day! <3))

" Did you have dinner?" Lance asked Marco, mainly because he always seemed to be assured when he answered questions. Luis was usually more mellow, and could often be found on the sidelines.

" Yeah, we got pizza!" The short, tan boy responded with a shining grin. He had defined freckles that had been sprinkled across his cheeks, and his hair was more chocolatey than Lance's. But there was a clear resemblance between them.

" Oooo..." The older brother spoke, wrapping an arm around Keith. They were all seated on the large sectional in the center of the living room. " Is Veronica in her room?"

" Yeah." Luis said quietly as he sat cross legged near the end of the couch. He was a practical mini version of Lance. His hair was the same beautiful brown color, and his cheeks had small freckles dotting the soft skin. They were faint, but noticeable if he stood in the right light.

" Figures." The alpha chuckled. He got up, and walked to the foot of the stairs, shouting up there so his sister could hear him. " Ronny! You should come down here!"

There was a loud groan that emanated from somewhere on the upper level of the house.

" Whyyyyy?!" The girl whined.

" Because I finally have my boyfriend here, and I want you to meet him!" Lance called, and he could hear the annoyance in her stomps. She peered around the corner a short time later, and a singular earbud was hanging down by her side.

Keith sat quietly on the opposite side of the couch from the twins. He guessed that they had to be fraternal, mainly because they looked somewhat different.

Anxiety was beginning to run rampant across the extent of the cheerleader's mind. It was slightly embarrassing, but he was intimidated in their presence. Teenagers weren't really supposed to be frightened by small creatures that weren't even tall enough to see over the kitchen counter. But Keith was different; he had little to no experience with kids, so he wasn't really sure how he should act around them. He praised his lucky stars when Lance returned to the room. " Keith, this is my sister, Veronica." The alpha spoke, smiling down at the shorter female.

She was disinterested to say the very least, and she was staring at her dimly lit phone screen. Her hair had a stripe of red in the front, where her bangs were swooped down and across part of her face. " Ronny." Lance nudged her, and when he got no response he pulled out her earbud.

" Dude, chill!" She rolled her eyes at her brother. " And how many times have I told you to not call me that when other people are here?" Veronica felt like the little nickname was weird, and that others shouldn't take to calling her by it.

" Don't be so prissy." The quarterback shot Keith an ' I'm so sorry.' look. " And make sure to be nice, Keith is friend, not food." He joked, knowing that his sister could have quite the attitude if left unchecked.

" Right." She said, and took a seat in the loveseat that was adjacent to the sectional. " Hi Keith." She greeted, brushing the colored portion of hair from her eyes. And Lance glared at her with a slightly warning expression. He knew that his boyfriend was probably nervous enough without her being... well... in middle school. Enough said.

" Hi, Veronica." Keith noticed that she had about the same persona he did at that age. The all too familiar rebellious look with ripped skinny jeans and a worn out My Chemical Romance shirt.

" Just call her Ronny." Luis told the omega, trying to help. He was really good at reading situations for his age, and he was practically the sharpest kid in his grade. But he still was ridiculously close with Marco, who spent all his time rough housing with other children and running around. The two went back to playing amongst themselves, and Veronica narrowed her eyes.

Keith hated the tension in the room, but he felt eased when Lance sat next to him, and grabbed his hand. He figured that he should probably try to make at least some conversation.

" So... what's your favorite MCR song?" The cheerleader asked, and Ronny perked up.

" You know MCR?" She questioned, seeming way more eager than before.

" Oh boy here we go again..." Lance teased.

" Of course." Keith smiled, and he felt his boyfriend squeeze his hand reassuringly.

" I really like Welcome to the Black Parade, but I also think Helena is cool." She didn't want to admit it, but it made her happy that she could relate to someone. Nobody else in the house had ever given 'emo' music a chance.

" Those are both really good." The omega was more relaxed than before. It didn't feel like she was staring right through him, or that she didn't like him. Well, she didn't not like him as much.

" Emos..." Lance chuckled and kissed Keith's cheek, and he couldn't help but blush.

" Ewwwwww!" Both of the twins said in unison.

" Cooties!" Marco shouted and ran off to somewhere else in the house, probably to the tiny play area in their family room. Luis was right on his brother's heels.

" Oh he'd have way more than that after Lance was done with him..." Ronny mumbled. How could she forget the week long period where her brother stayed at Keith's?

" What was that?!" Her older brother raised an eyebrow, annoyed.

" Nothing!" She smiled lopsidedly.

" Exactly." Lance said. And Keith was confused because he hadn't heard what she'd said. He was just blushing from how close him and his boyfriend were. Even though he wanted the attention, he wondered how comfortable Veronica was with it. He changed the subject as soon as he found the opportunity to.

Her phone case was very distinctly from Tokyo Ghoul. It was almost unmistakable to those who'd seen the show.

" You like Tokyo Ghoul?" Keith asked, and she looked confused to how he'd figured it out at first. That was before she looked down at her phone.

" Yeah." Veronica actually smiled, and it surprised her brother greatly. He couldn't even snap her out of her music half the time, and then Keith waltzes in and pulls it off easily. Not that he had an issue with it, he just wanted to see Ronny lighten up.

" It's one of my favorites." The cheerleader added. And Lance had no idea what they were talking about, but at least they were interacting.

" Me too."

There was yelling from the next room, and the sound of something -probably legos- spilling all over the hardwood. Lance grimaced, knowing he'd probably be the one picking the mess up. " Can we go somewhere? I'm sick of being cooped up in here." Veronica complained.

" Nope. You know the rules; we aren't allowed to after seven." Her big brother answered. That, luckily, was only the case when he babysat. He only had to watch his siblings when his Grandmother wasn't home to do it.

" Those two gremlins will rip the house apart." She rolled her eyes, crossing her legs.

" We should do something though." Keith leaned against his alpha's shoulder.

" Movie night?" Lance asked, and Ronny just sort of shrugged.

" Yeah." The omega snuggled against his boyfriend, just wanting to be cozy with him.

" Marco, Luis! Come here!" Lance called into the next room, and he could hear the scampering on the floor right away. Those two boys came zipping down the hallway. Marco was especially buzzing with energy. " You two want to watch a movie?" The older brother asked.

" Yeah!" Luis exclaimed.

" FROZEN!!!" Marco yelled loudly, with his eyes glinting slightly.

" Oh hell no. I've sat through that ten times over just this week." Veronica scowled, and Lance facepalmed with his free hand. He should've guessed.

" Frozen!!" Luis said, and Marco started chanting it on repeat.

" Fine..." The alpha groaned. " Ronny, can you put it in?"

" Why me? I'm not willingly subjecting myself to this torture." His sister rolled her eyes for the um-teenth time that day.

" Uh- because I'm busy making popcorn."

" I can do that, actually." Keith offered, reluctantly standing up. " Just tell me where the stuff is..." He said, resting his hand atop the couch as he turned around to leave. Lance smirked without realizing.

" Lance, why are you looking at Keith's butt?" Marco asked bluntly.

" Yeah, do you like his jeans or something?" Luis questioned. It was clear that they were both too young to understand.

Keith blushed, as did his alpha.

" Something like that..." Lance said in a husky voice while looking at his boyfriend. And Ronny clicked her teeth.

" You both spent the past week doing... that... and you're still thinking about his ass?" She huffed while sinking further into the fabric of the loveseat.

" What's an... ass?" Luis was curious.

" Ass! Ass! Ass!" Marco repeated, having found a new word to say.

" Ronny! Don't teach them words like that!" Lance scolded, and Keith felt like he might explode from embarrassment.

" Eh." She said. " Can you put the movie in now?"

" No. You can do that while Keith and I make popcorn." The alpha grit his teeth. He sincerely hoped that the kids wouldn't go around repeating words like that. " And also, tell them both that it's a very bad word and they should never ever say it." He ordered.

" Ugh. Fine." The younger sister sighed, and Lance got up, leading Keith to the kitchen.

He flicked on the light switch, and the smaller boy squinted at the change in brightness. The living room wasn't very illuminated, so it was a little bit of an adjustment.

" So..." Keith said, leaning against the counter.

" So what?" Lance raised a bashful eyebrow. His cheeks were still tinted red.

" Nothing..." The omega chuckled, trailing off.

" Look if it's about-"

" It's fine." Keith smiled. " I'm your boyfriend, I think you're allowed to look at me." He could see Lance ease upon hearing what he said.

" And what about this?" He smirked before pulling the omega into a kiss. The cheerleader welcomed it as he wrapped his arms behind Lance's neck.

When they parted both of them had dopey grins on their faces.

" Yeah..." Keith breathed quietly. " you can definitely do that too."

" Good." The alpha smirked while letting go of his boyfriend's waist. He started rummaging through the cupboard above the counter, and next to the fridge.

After they'd popped a couple bags of popcorn, and divvied them into two bowls, Keith and Lance returned to the living room. The older brother handed the twins their popcorn, and Ronny made grossed out face at the smell of it. She'd always hated the buttery snack for some reason.

Lance settled back into a comfortable spot, and his omega nuzzled into him soon after they retook their seats.

The movie was just starting, but the quarterback was barely paying attention to it. Frozen had become increasingly more annoying with every time he'd had to watch it. " Jesus!" He whispered as Keith's freezing feet brushed up against him.

" What?" The smaller boy asked quietly. Nobody else was paying them any mind, but they still needed to keep things down.

" You're so cold." Lance flinched.

" No I'm not?" Keith said, but it sounded like more of a question. The football player grabbed the throw blanket from the back of the couch and draped it over his omega.

" Let me warm you up." Lance purred in Keith's ear.

" You're so cheesy." He really did appreciate the attention, though. Blush was still staining his cheekbones from earlier, but it darkened when his boyfriend did that.

" You know you love it." Lance chuckled, placing two light kisses on Keith's cheek and jawline. And the smaller boy smiled, throwing the blanket up so it covered his and his alpha's faces. He moved to sit on Lance's lap, meeting their lips together.

The kids couldn't see what was going on with the large fluffy throw blanket over them.

The Cuban male was surprised, but he smiled into the kiss, and his hands found their way to Keith's waist.

The omega cupped both of Lance's cheeks as they locked lips, pulling him in deeper. The contact wasn't steamy, nor was it rough. It was more innocent as they savored the flavor of each other.

" Ahem." Ronny cleared her throat from across the room. Keith froze.

" Yes?" Lance answered casually.

" Do you mind?" The sister pinched the bridge of her nose.

" Nope." The alpha grinned before kissing his boyfriend again. And Veronica gave an eye roll while putting in her earbuds.

And a short while later, Keith came up for air. He threw the blanket off their faces, and Lance readjusted their position. The omega was just going to sit next to him on the couch, but the other had something different in mind. He lifted and turned Keith around to sit on his lap as they both faced the TV screen, which was bright compared to underneath the covers.

The cheerleader was slightly flustered at first, but he got more comfortable when Lance rested his chin on his small shoulder. He didn't want to be apart from his boyfriend at all, and both of them were starting to hate the concept of personal space.

Keith just enjoyed his alpha's scent, it was just so soothing to him. The aroma was sweet, and was fresh like what he imagined coastal air would smell like. He'd never been to the beach before, but snuggling up next to Lance felt like the same thing. The omega could lay and bask in it for hours.

" You still feel cold, Princess?" The taller male whispered, sending chills down Keith's spine.

" No." Not that he ever was in the first place.

" Good~" Lance purred.


When the movie was over, it was a major relief for everyone besides Marco and Luis.

" Thank. God." Veronica leaned her head back against the loveseat.

" Shhh..." Lance told her. Keith was fast asleep against his chest, and he didn't want her to wake him up.

" Sorry." She said sarcastically, putting extra emphasis on the last syllable.

" Can you get the boys into bed?" The older brother whispered.

" Ughhhhhh." Ronny sighed. But she realized that Lance was kind of busy.

" Marco, Luis, can you brush your teeth and get in your pajamas, please?" She asked her little siblings in a soft voice. And the twins nodded before stampeding up the stairs. Lance mouthed a thank you to his sister, but she rolled her eyes in response. She soon walked up the stairs as well, making sure the boys were doing what she'd told them.

It had begun to rain outside, and it sounded against the house harshly. It was pouring out there, and apparently was supposed to start thundering soon.

Lance loved the rain, he always had. Ever since he was kid, he would find a way to play in it, and splash around in puddles. He remembered rushing for his rain boots whenever there was a grey cloud in the sky, and he'd eagerly wait by the window for it to start sprinkling.

The alpha smiled, admiring how adorable Keith looked while he slept. He carefully positioned him bridal style in his arms, standing up slowly.  

The omega didn't stir, but his eyes groggily opened while Lance carried him up the steps. The sound of raindrops hit his ears, and he desperately hoped that it was only that; only rain.

The football player hadn't noticed that his boyfriend had woken up as he placed him onto his bed softly. The blue sheets were ridiculously plush, and there were a variety of different pillows near the headboard. The alpha was about to leave, he still had to do a couple things, after all.

Keith tensed up as soon as lighting flashed outside the window, and he firmly grasped Lance's wrist, startling him.

" Keith?" He asked.

And the omega heard the blaring boom of thunder rip through the atmosphere. It was loud enough to shake the foundation of the house.

He squeezed his eyes shut, and held Lance there. Trembling, he scooted away from the window.

" Stay." Was all Keith could manage to say, his voice shaking.

And the football player gulped, getting into bed with his boyfriend. As he pulled the cheerleader in, the tremors engulfing his body were very noticeable.

" Babe? I thought you told me that you weren't cold?" Lance asked. Keith was shivering pretty bad, and his breathing had gone shallow.

" I'm not..." He whimpered against the other's chest. God, this was embarrassing. Why did it have to thunder right then? Keith felt weak for this, for nearly having a panic attack every time it stormed.

He clung to Lance as more loud noise came in from outside.

" You're... scared of thunder?" The alpha kept his voice soft, as not to make his boyfriend more terrified. He pulled the comforter up and over the both of them, making sure Keith was in close.

" Yeah." The boy begrudgingly admitted it. But he'd been like this ever since he was a little kid. There was no cause, there was no specific reason either. Thunderstorms had always made him cower, and sometimes cry, depending on how severe. Nobody besides Shiro knew about it, and he hated that Lance had to see him in a weak state. " Y-you can't tell anyone... ever."

" Why would I? I-" Lance hesitated, wanting to say three specific words at the end of his sentence. But he was too nervous to, so he improvised. " I don't judge, Babe." He stroked his fingers through Keith's hair to comfort him.

Though the omega was frightened, he was also still drowsy. Lance's scent did that to him sometimes, and the warmness radiating from him felt like a heat blanket. The smaller boy didn't think as he murmured it, he just closed his eyes.

" This is why I love you."

The alpha kissed Keith's forehead, pretending that he wasn't flustered as all hell. He could tell his boyfriend's brain was still foggy from sleep. So Lance didn't say anything as blush stained his cheeks, he only kept a firm arm on Keith.

(( I swear I'm going to give myself a fangirling attack if I write too much fluff. It's bad for my health but... I can't stop. Here's part 23 for you, Loves!))

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