Stupid Hormones
(( Smut warning! Also, thank you so much for over 300 follows! It's really cool to have that many people who keep up with my account.))
The fire was crackling, sending embers up into the starry night sky. And Keith was curled on top of Lance, just staying close to him as the alpha roasted a marshmallow over the open flames. He kept whispering things in Lance's ear, occasionally brushing his lips on the boy's tan cheeks.
" You guys exchanging secrets over there?" Pidge asked them.
" Totally." Keith looked over his shoulder. It was like he was getting more anxious, becoming almost restless while shifting on Lance's lap.
" Care to share?" She smirked.
" You wouldn't wanna know." Lance said, and he tried to contain himself as Keith continued practically pleading in his ear. Something was up with him, and Lance wondered if this could possibly be... heat. He remembered that Keith wasn't exactly able to be this close to him before the last heat, so he didn't know how Keith had acted. The omega was too busy trying not to get raped, and by the time he'd gotten there, the heat was nearly in full swing. Lance couldn't be sure, but he figured if this was heat, it would start being obvious fairly soon. He'd need a definitive warning sign before doing anything.
" I wouldn't be so sure." Hunk said from across the campfire.
" Have you forgotten how obsessed she is?" Matt chuckled.
Keith was feeling fiery inside, and there were beads of sweat that were running down his forehead. It could've been from the overwhelming heat of the fire, or something else.
He kissed Lance's cheek a couple times, moving to press his lips at the taller boy's jaw line.
" Please..." He murmured down the back of Lance's neck.
Lance couldn't put up with this much longer. He was unintentionally inhaling the scent Keith was giving off, and it was getting his instincts excited. If he didn't act fast, everyone else would begin to smell it as well.
Lance handed his stick and marshmallow to Pidge, holding Keith in his arms while standing up. That was it. Noticing the sweat had brought up a final red flag for him.
" I gotta go." The alpha said, and Keith was still kissing at his neck.
" Everything okay?" Shiro asked. And Lance was holding back his dominant instincts very well considering the situation.
" Keith is starting a heat." He bluntly said while carrying him. " I have to... take care... of him." Lance explained, and Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose.
Hunk and Shay glanced at each other, then back at Lance.
" Get it, Lance!" Pidge cupped her hands and yelled after him. And Lance flipped her off without looking back.
" Pidge, really?" Allura giggled.
" That could've been bad." Shiro said. " At least he recognized the symptoms this time."
" He's learning." Matt chuckled.
" There go my hopes for a decent night's sleep." Hunk sighed.
Keith's submissive urges were just eating at him, and the heat was suddenly hitting him harder. Heats had a way of going from 10 to 100 really quickly, and Keith was no exception to that generalization. He couldn't help it, but the desperateness he felt was quadrupled as soon as the cramps began tying his abdomen in knots.
" Lance..." He whined, burying his sweaty face into his boyfriend's neck.
" It's okay, Babe... I'm about to help you."
There were noises of pain that were sounding from the back of Keith's throat, and he kept whimpering rather loudly like a neglected puppy. Those sounds were triggering Lance's inner alpha, and drawing out his primal instincts. And, shit, so was the smell.
Any bonded pair were even more affected by the scents. When a random alpha and omega could smell each other's heat/rut, it was more of a ravenous, breed first and ask questions later sort of urge. But now that Keith was claimed, it got more complicated. Sure, Lance was still chopping at the bit to throw him down and completely pound Keith into the mattress. But there was more of a sensualness behind it as well, like the mark brought them closer, voicing the other's duty to comfort their mate.
They hadn't experienced that in the first heat. Keith was just begging Lance to satisfy the urge, and the bonding mark was too new to work the way it otherwise would've.
" I n-need you!" Keith let out a hiss and gripped Lance tighter when a hot flash ripped through him. Lance walked into the cabin with him, making sure to lock the door. He took the omega back to the bedroom as fast as he could without dropping him. Aware that Keith was sensitive at the moment, he carefully laid him back on the bed.
Lance then realized he'd need a condom, and as he dug into his bag, trying to find the box, Keith was pretty much ripping off his own clothes. They were peeling back from the perspiration that had begun to moisten the majority of his skin. He was down to his boxers by the time another clenching sense of pressure spread out in his stomach, causing his back to arch from the bed. Keith let out a yelp, clutching the area that hurt the most.
" Babe, hang on one second." Lance growled, frustrated with himself as he finally fumbled with the box of condoms. He tore it open, grabbed one and tossed the small, shiny packet on the sheets. He got out of his shirt, and struggled to tear off his pants, which were tighter than ever.
" Lance! Please!" Keith whined for him, not able to control it.
" I'm going as fast as I can!" Lance exclaimed, almost snippy in his tone of voice. It was already hard enough to keep his instincts from taking over, but Keith didn't make it any god damn easier. The begging made him want to just skip the condom, and save the time it took to put it on. But at least Lance had enough self control to stay safe, after all, getting Keith pregnant could spell absolute disaster. It was even more risky at this point, considering omegas were most fertile during this time.
Keith was rolling his hips, trying to put up with the pain. He was craving Lance, all he could think about was being knotted by him. It was all he wanted, and he didn't care what he had to do for it.
" Hurry up!" He let out another whimper as Lance slid off the boy's boxers. They weren't completely soaked, but they were still wet. Keith was starting to leak. " Just f-fuck me!" The omega begged.
Lance aggressively spread his legs, becoming more angry with every second he wasn't shoving inside of the other's hole. This would've been so much easier if Keith was on birth control.
Keith had wide, desperate eyes as he watched his boyfriend. He was almost brought to tears from the severity of the cramps.
" Skip the fingers! Just d-do it!" The smaller male was crying out for him, and normally Lance would've told him to be patient. But he wasn't able to hold out this time.
" You'll be okay?" Lance's self control was about gone as he got out of his boxers, throwing them across the room. Keith rapidly nodded.
And the alpha grabbed the condom, haphazardly biting the wrapper open with his teeth. He hastily took the rubber out, and he rushed while rolling it down onto his length. It was already twitching, yelling at him to help Keith.
Lance crawled to Keith, flipping him over to his stomach somewhat roughly.
" Stick your ass in the air for me." He rumbled in a deep voice, and Keith obeyed immediately, doing exactly what he was instructed to. There was a shiver that could be felt across his whole body from the base-like tone Lance was using. It pretty much resonated in his chest, and rattled his bones.
Lance licked his lips, marveling at the wetness of Keith's entrance. He wanted to ditch the condom and plunge in raw, but he yet again reminded himself that pregnant Keith wouldn't be good. Don't get him wrong, Lance planned on seeding his omega and getting him pregnant one day. But that had to wait. They were so young, still in school. It would be a very bad time.
" Lance..." Keith whimpered into the bedsheets, feeling the tip of the alpha's member pressing against the tightness of his entrance. " Your knot... please." He whined, trying his best not to jolt from the extremely intense hot flashes.
Lance ran his hands down Keith's torso, finding a grip there after positioning his cock at the boy's hole. He slowly pushed in, and the omega hissed and clenched the comforter in fistfuls. Keith was biting back a very strained groan at the stinging stretch. It wasn't anything he couldn't handle, and the slick he'd produced in mass quantities helped to soften the burn.
The taller male was mindful of how sensitive Keith was, not just slamming into him like his instincts wanted him to. His primal urge was to fuck Keith until his voice gone, and he was nothing more than a mess filled up with his release.
Tears were pooling in Keith's eyes as he squeezed them shut, eventually a few of them managed to escape and dribble down his face. It felt great. So fucking great. Even though it hurt and everything, Keith could feel the pleasure melding with the sweet tingles of pain on his rim.
" G-go..." He whined into the bedsheets, and it was muffled by the thick layers of fabric. Lance still understood him as he proceeded to move his hips back, and once again ease into the slicked oasis of Keith's inside. Once he saw that his boyfriend wasn't in pain, or telling him to slow down, Lance did it again.
Keith kept his face in the blankets, burying it as he cried out loudly. Lance wasn't for that. He didn't care that everyone else was outside, those moans were too precious to disappear in the sheets.
Lance continued thrusting his hips, yanking Keith up and wrapping an arm across the front of him. The omega was on his knees, being held upward by him, and apparently Keith loved it. The angle must've been just right, because as soon as Lance rammed back in, the smaller boy screamed loudly.
It was satisfactory to Lance, and he barely had to lean forward to press kisses on Keith's upper shoulder and neck. The grunting he did tickled the sensitive area of Keith's skin, making the hair on the back of his neck stand stiff.
" Ahhh-Lance!" Keith cried, letting his voice divert into a broken series of moans that sounded every second Lance hit his g-spot.
" Better?" The alpha cockily asked while slamming his hips. And he planted a firm hand onto one of Keith's ass cheeks, where he squeezed and relished the fact that it belonged to him.
" Mmm! Ah!" Keith couldn't answer with anything other than a moan. His cramps were being mollified with every thrust of Lance's hips.
Lance could feel his cock twitching even as he buried it into Keith's hole. His knot would form soon, and the sparks near the base of his member made that clear to him. Holy shit that was fast.
" K-Keith!" Lance let a groan escape him. And the omega was trembling in his arms, trying to handle the pleasure that was currently running rampant throughout his body.
Keith needed more. His heat made him greedy for everything Lance had, and he couldn't stop wishing for his boyfriend's knot. After all, he could only get it during heats, or if Lance was on a rut.
Lance continued swinging his hips, holding Keith close to himself while doing so. He was watching his omega crumble, and go more limp in his arms from the sensations. The heat already made him more sensitive than usually, but Lance hadn't expected to make him topple from pleasure this early.
" My knot- it's..." Lance let a drawn out moan escape him, feeling the base of his length expanding inside of Keith, working almost like a lock.
" LANCE!" Keith immediately screamed his name, feeling his walls stretch even more. His moans were diminished into overstimulated sobs as Lance let him back down to the mattress. He couldn't keep holding him while trying to manage the feeling of knotting him. It was like a constant orgasm for Lance, and he'd only ever done it once before, so it definitely took him time to adjust.
It was like the condom could barely handle the size of Lance anymore, and it clenched around him tightly as he stayed inside of Keith.
It was a toss up as to who was more in pleasure at that point. Keith was at his limit, whining and whimpering into the sheets again. Then there was Lance, who's mouth was hanging open from the very strong sensation that continued washing over him. He was in a wave pool of pleasure, just swimming in the very tight and hot feeling of Keith being wrapped around his massive cock.
" L-Lance..." Keith mewled, just wanting to have the feeling of hot cum filling him up. But he knew that they couldn't do that.
" I-I want to cum in you so bad..." Lance's voice was strained as he bit back moans.
" I want you to!" The omega moaned.
Lance knew that Keith's heat was messing with him, and he didn't mean that. Keith didn't want to get pregnant. All he wanted was the cum, but Lance wasn't shooting blanks, so there was no way he'd let him have it.
The next morning, there were used condoms littering the bed. They were everywhere, and pretty much the entire box had been used from their endless fuck session the night before.
Keith opened his eyes, and to nobody's surprise, he was being held to Lance's chest. The alpha was very possessively keeping his arms around him, and that was completely normal.
Any omega in his situation would've woken Lance up, continued nagging him until they were mating again. But... Keith... didn't?
There wasn't sweat all over his body, and he wasn't hot like a dog in 100 degree weather. It was like his heat was just gone. How the hell did that make any sense?
" Lance." Keith nudged his boyfriend, feeling confused as he shifted out of Lance's arms somewhat. Before he could get too far, he was being pulled back in. Lance made a small content noise while snuggling with Keith, and the omega made a very peeved face. " Babeeee!" He whined louder, trying to get his attention.
" Hm?" Lance hummed, barely awake. It was too early to be fucking again, plus, they were out of condoms.
" Lance!" Keith beat a fist at his arm somewhat.
" Ouch! What?!" Lance sat up, scowling and looking down at his omega. " Do you really want me that bad?! We can't do anything until I go back to town for-" He sniffed the air. " Wait what the fuck?"
" Lance, I don't know what's going on." Keith said, knowing that this couldn't be normal. " My last heat was a week long..."
" I'm sure you're fine." Lance laid back down, mumbling with his sleepy voice. " It's probably all those hormones they have you on."
Keith stopped internally panicking.
" You're probably right." He said, feeling comforted by that. As long as there was nothing wrong with him he wasn't worried about it. After all, the hormones were going to mess with his heat cycle and mood.
It was about ten in the morning, and Lance had helped Keith get dressed. Obviously the omega would be extra sore after their knotting sessions the night before. He wouldn't be able to walk without falling on his face. So Lance was carrying him on his back.
" What the hell?" Pidge asked as the two boys snuck into the main lake house. Her, Allura, and Shiro were all awake and having coffee. " Aren't you supposed to be-"
" I guess not." Keith interrupted her. " I definitely was last night, but I have no clue what happened. It's gone."
" So you had a miniature heat?" Allura looked perplexed.
" It's the stuff he's on. It's messing with him." Shiro said before taking a sip from his coffee mug.
" Wait what?" Pidge asked.
" He's on hormones." Shiro elaborated.
" Ohhhhh, okay." She said. " Yeah, that makes sense." Pidge drank some of her coffee, thinking about it. That seemed like a perfectly logical explanation. Hormone imbalances were tricky, especially because he was a male omega. The balance was just so complex that tiny differences could tip the scale very drastically.
" It's a good thing too..." Lance chuckled. Now at least he didn't have to go buy more condoms.
" Now you guys get to actually have fun during spring break. That's good." Allura smiled at them.
" I'm sure Keith had plenty of fun last night." Pidge made a face before drinking more. It would've been so much better if it'd been tea instead of coffee.
" Pidge." Shiro said sternly.
" What? We all heard it. I think the bags under my eyes speak for themselves." She laughed, lifting up her glasses momentarily to prove it.
" Shut up. Try being in heat and then tell me just how much fun you have." Keith saltily said.
" Yeah, Pidge." Lance yawned. Heats weren't easy for either of them.
(( I've already started the next chapter, and let me just say, I lost my shit laughing so much. Cards Against Humanity is great. I hope you all like it too, Loves!))
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