Stupid Feelings
" Remember, don't leave the house, and don't have anyone over." Shiro said, while straightening his tie in the mirror.
" I'm not a little kid, you don't have to treat me like I'm six." Keith rolled his eyes while leaning against a wall in the living room. " You're just going out to dinner, I think I'll survive."
" It's not just a dinner, Keith. This is also an important business meeting with my boss. I don't think you understand how beneficial this could be for me; for us." The older brother said, going for the door.
" Right. Well have fun I guess." The omega waved his hand. Shiro only nodded before walking out and getting in his van. It really must've been embarrassing having to drive it all the time considering he looked like a stressed out soccer mom 24/7.
The car's ignition rumbled and soon the sound disappeared slowly down the street. And Keith was left on his own for once.
He headed to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and pulled out a can of soda. When he closed the door, and he noticed a figure had been standing behind it.
" Jesus, fuck!" He swore, dropping the Pepsi onto the hard tile floor. The mysterious person chuckled. " Lance!?" The omega exclaimed, noticing the trademark smirk, and glistening blue eyes.
" Never realized you had such a dirty mouth, Keith." He began, coming forward to stand in front of the other. " I know a better way you can put those pretty little lips to good use..." Lance purred. The couple inch height difference between them had never seemed so tall to Keith. Right then it felt like the alpha was a skyscraper.
" You wish." He said before turning to walk away. But Lance threw a hand against the fridge door, blocking Keith's path.
" I wish? Don't act like you don't want to." He leered down at the cheerleader, who said nothing. " I bet you're just dying to know what I taste like..."
Keith felt himself turn a dark red at that comment, because well, it was true. He looked at Lance with beading eyes, he didn't want to admit it.
" I- no I don't!" The omega denied it, but was obviously being untruthful as he bit his lip. Lance gave him this very demanding, irritated look, and it felt like he was staring right through the boy's clothes. It made Keith squeamish to no end. " Stop looking at me like that..."
" Not until you admit you want me." The alpha growled, and the other felt chills run down his spine.
" Good luck with that." He said, trying to push past Lance's arm, which wouldn't move, it was practically cemented there. The taller male sighed, before taking hold of Keith's wrists, and pinning them flat back against the fridge's cold, metal surface.
" Admit it."
" N-no... let me go." Lance felt the omega squirm and start mumble against him. Keith had accidentally fallen asleep about twenty minutes ago, and was leaning on the alpha's shoulder.
He eyed him suspiciously, not realizing until now that Keith talked in his sleep. But still, he was more than a little curious to know what the boy was dreaming of.
Keith struggled against Lance, but got nowhere. His muscle mass was far too little for Lance to even budge. " Lance!" He wiggled, trying to get away. Though every instinct his body had was screaming at him to do otherwise.
" Now why would I do that? You know that's not what you really want..." The quarterback felt him and Keith getting closer, their lips nearly brushing as he spoke. The omega couldn't utter a word, almost like his body wouldn't let him. Instead, he shook his head slightly as if to say no. " Exactly..." Lance said, picking Keith up, still pressing him up against the fridge. And the omega's arms instinctively found their way behind his shoulders, a maroon blush all over his cheekbones.
The alpha felt his smirk widen as he felt Keith's legs tangle behind his back. And he couldn't help it any longer as he pressed a kiss to the boy's lips.
Keith began whimpering, and his eyebrows furrowed in an uncomfortable way. Lance perked up upon hearing those noises, which sounded very suggestive. The omega's voice was small, and a little higher pitched than normally.
" L-Lance..." Keith mewled. " Not yet." His head twitched side ways against Lance's shoulder, and the alpha felt his face go hot. His jeans seemed to get tighter as he stared at him with wide eyes.
Lance started planting kisses on Keith's jawline, tilting his chin to get better access. And the omega tingled lightly with ticklish sensations.
" Mmh~ we c-cant!" Keith started snuggling into Lance's warm chest, which made the quarterback very flustered.
" Puta madre..." The alpha uttered in Spanish. He knew that if the boy didn't shut up, someone might hear him. And that was one of the last things he wanted to happen, considering a few of the football players on the bus were alphas as well.
He started shaking Keith back and forth, feeling his weight fluctuate. The boy only groaned, un-phased until Lance went a little bit more forcefully. " Keith!" He said, trying to ignore his lower half at the moment. The omega's eyes fluttered open slowly. And he jumped back, noticing that he'd been leaning against the other. " Dude, chill you were sleeping." Lance took a deep breath, thankful that nobody else had heard what just happened.
" Why the hell did you wake me up then?!" He was panicked, remembering the dream he'd just had. Waking up next to Lance after that was definitely unsettling at first. Though part of him wished he could've finished the it, and seen how it truly ended.
The alpha's mind went blank as he tried to think of an excuse. That was before he realized that they were only a couple minutes from the school.
" We're almost back. What, did you expect me to just leave you here?" He chuckled, although he was beyond anxious. Being near Keith in this state was driving him nearly crazy, and he was barely able to control himself. The zipper of his jeans was constricting his very prominent hard on, but the darkness of the bus hid it from their vision.
He wanted to reach out and take a hold of Keith, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. His instincts were very assertively ordering him to do many things at the moment, but he had to ignore them. Instead he just ruffled the omega's hair, gritting his teeth.
The cheerleader flinched at Lance's touch, almost startled. It only reminded him of being stuck between him and that fridge. And though he acted like he didn't want it, he was only lying to himself. No matter how hard he tried, his thoughts always wandered back to Lance, and his desires only burned hotter.
As the bus pulled into the back parking lot of the school, the overhead lights switched on. And everyone groggily stood up from the seats. Lance tried to put on a brave face, and he strategically carried his football bag in front of his crotch to hide the obvious.
Keith was in a daze as he got off the bus, he stumbled while trying to get off the final step. And Lance, who was right in front of him, grabbed hold of his wrist before he could hit the pavement.
" Woah!" The alpha pulled him up, and they were yet again uncomfortably close. Keith stepped back, feeling scorching inside just at Lance's warm hand. " You okay, Princess?" He still found himself joking, despite the strong urge to yank the boy back in close.
" Uh- um..." Keith stammered, still stepping back as he spoke. " I'm fine." He started walking faster towards Shiro's car, which was waiting for him about a hundred feet away. " I have to stop thinking... I have to..." He whispered to himself, trying to shoo away any primal feelings.
Keith got inside Shiro's car hastily, kind of slamming the door. He was breathing heavy, and he had tears in the corners of his eyes. Why did he have to pick the worst alpha ever to be attracted to? Out of all ones he could've fallen for, it had to be Lance.
" Keith, are you okay?" Shiro immediately knew that something wasn't right. His brother looked visibly shaken up. " Did something happen at the game?"
" N-no... nothing happened." Keith tried to blink back the water in his eyes, and it kind of worked. It wasn't because he was sad, more like frustrated with himself.
" You're not being truthful with me." Shiro raised an eyebrow at the omega in the passenger seat.
" I don't want to talk right now." He leaned his head against the window, honestly scared to fall asleep again.
" Keith, you're scaring me."
" Just drop it!" The smaller raised his voice, not really meaning to. " Sorry... can we please just go home? I'm tired." He folded his arms.
There wasn't another word spoken in the car after that. And when they got home, Keith went straight to his room. He was terrified about having another dream, not that he was scared of Lance. It was the feelings for him that frightened Keith more than anything.
(( Hey everyone! Here is part six for you, I'm really happy about all the positive feedback I've been receiving! I hope you enjoy sexual tension, cuz there's a lot of it!))
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