New Beginnings
The sound of plates clinking together sounded from the kitchen as they all sat in the last booth; Lance's favorite. Since he got to choose where they went, he'd picked La Cocina Grandioso. And Keith was content with his choice as him and his boyfriend sat in one side, with Shiro staring at them from the other.
The omega sipped on his lemonade loudly, and there was a very awkward silence in spite of the noise he made.
" What?" Keith raised an eyebrow.
" What have I told you about manners?" Shiro facepalmed, laying his menu flat on the table. And the little brother just rolled his eyes. " So are you guys going to talk? I've been waiting over a week for this..." Keith said, and he leaned on Lance's shoulder.
Since his heat ended two days earlier, they were finally able leave the house to do this, but there wasn't a point if nobody talked.
The football player cleared his throat.
" So... Shiro... what do you do for a living?" Lance asked, trying to lighten the atmosphere. Despite Shiro apologizing, things were still awkward.
" I work in the biochemical sector of an aerospace operations company." The older alpha was very wordy for some reason.
" Basically, he works at the local Garrison branch." Keith swirled the ice cubes around his glass while explaining better.
" Oh, well that's really cool. I've always thought going to space would be so awesome." Lance smiled, and he almost jumped when the omega gripped his hand under the table. But he settled in, and their fingers intertwined in a supportive, comforting motion.
" Me too..." Keith fondly smiled. He sincerely hoped that this dinner would go better; it couldn't exactly go worse than last time right?
" Lance, you should tell me more about yourself. What is your family life like?" Shiro questioned, and Lance's face lit up at the mention of his family.
" It's great, they're all so amazing." He grinned. " My Mamá, Camila is really sweet and she does such a good job handling all of us."
" All of us?" The older alpha asked.
" My siblings, I mean. I'm the oldest of four, so when my parents are at work, I'm in charge." Lance shook his head, but he was smiling as he thought about how much fun his little brothers and sister could be. " Veronica is the second oldest, she's a little sassy sometimes, but then again she is thirteen so." He laughed, and he saw that Shiro was attentively listening, and waiting for him to talk more. " And Marco and Luis are my little brothers, they're twins and can be quite the handful. They're both seven years old, and really the sweetest kids I've ever met."
Keith was beyond overjoyed at how well this was going so far. Lance seemed to be really having a decent time, and he didn't look as uncomfortable as he had earlier.
" That's awesome." Shiro smiled and folded up his menu. " I really mean that, sorry if I sounded sarcastic just then." He frantically corrected himself, not wanting to mess anything up.
" N-no... you're completely fine." Lance said, still calm and collected.
It was a couple minutes later, and after they had ordered, the conversation continued. Keith didn't want to interrupt too much, mainly because his brother and Lance were getting along splendidly.
" What do you want to do for a job?" Shiro asked.
" Well... I'm not quite sure yet." The football player pursed his lips, thinking for a second. " I just know that I want to be close to the ocean. Marine biology would be something cool to go into, but I'm not the best at science so..." He trailed off. " But either way, I want to do something with the ocean."
" Which coastline would you want to live on?"
" Probably near the Caribbean, so I would be in southern Florida." Lance smiled. " I have family down there as well, so it would be nice to be near them."
Keith tensed up slightly. He wondered where Lance was going to college, and how far they'd be from each other. But he chose not to bring it up right then, he knew that it would be a conversation for him and his boyfriend to have alone. " That's a lot about me. But what about you, Shiro?"
" What about me?" The eldest brother raised an eyebrow.
" He's kind of boring." Keith whispered in Lance's ear, causing them both to snicker.
" Ahem." Shiro cleared his throat, but he knew that the omega was kind of correct. He didn't get out much, and if he did it was for work. " Lance, you were saying?" He still smiled slightly.
" Well, I don't know. Do you have a significant other?" Lance raised an eyebrow. And Keith burst out laughing, but he quickly slammed a hand over his mouth.
" Not quite." Shiro looked off to the side. " I'm not much of a flirt." He said awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck.
" That's bullshit." The cheerleader leaned over the table. " He can flirt like nobody's business, but the girls at his workplace aren't his type." He said, and he leaned in to whisper something else in Lance's ear. " Shiro likes powerful women."
" Oh." The Cuban male smirked without realizing. " So you have a type?"
" Keith." Shiro narrowed his eyes at his little brother. " But, yes, I guess you could say that I have a 'type'." It had been a long time since anyone had gotten him flustered, but he found himself blushing.
Keith was relieved that things could be so laid back between everyone. Lance seemed to be perfectly casual around Shiro, which was a major step in the right direction.
Their food arrived only a short time later, and it was delicious like the time before. Shiro was beyond satisfied with it, that was an added bonus on top of everything.
It was still early in the evening when they finished, and Keith had yet again scarfed down way more than Lance had. He never ceased in going against stereotypes.
" Do you mind if we walk back, Shiro?" Keith asked as they all walked out of the restaurant.
" I mean... no? What, does the minivan bother you?" The older brother teased, and Lance wondered why his boyfriend didn't want a ride.
" Yes." Keith said. " I'll meet you back at home."
" Actually, I won't be there. I have to run errands." Shiro called as the couple continued walking in the parking lot.
" Okay, fine!" Keith replied as him and Lance got up to the side walk.
The alpha took a hold of the smaller male's hand.
" Is there a reason why you want to walk?" He asked, genuinely curious.
" I don't know." Keith was unsure, but he wanted to ask about the college thing. It scared him, considering that where he wanted to go was in Seattle. He couldn't brace himself for Lance's potential answer, so he changed the subject. " How do you think dinner went?"
" It was really good." Lance smiled, but he noticed something was off. " Things are already getting so much better."
" I'm happy that he isn't at your throat anymore." Keith had a convincing twinkle in his facial expression, but his alpha could tell that something was picking at him.
" Babe, are you okay?" He asked, and their walking paces slowed down somewhat.
" Yeah... its just that..." The omega trailed off.
" It's just what?" Lance persisted. And Keith knew he should just come right out and say it.
" We're both seniors... and if you're in Florida for college, and I'm in Seattle... I'll miss you so much." He looked down, not even wanting to think about being apart from his alpha.
Lance stopped entirely, and his omega was confused at first. He pulled the smaller boy in against his chest, and the familiar scent was almost numbing to Keith.
" It doesn't matter how far away we are," The quarterback spoke gently. " distance won't change the way I feel about you. And we can talk all the time." Lance leaned down to comfort him.
" You promise?" Keith mumbled against the sweet smelling fabric of his boyfriend's t-shirt.
" I promise." He replied, softly kissing the cheerleader's forehead.
" Can't you stay?" Keith had a light grip on Lance's wrist as they both stood at the end of the driveway. He was especially clingy, like most omegas after their heat.
" I have to babysit my siblings." The football player said, though he really didn't want to be apart from his boyfriend right then. And the smaller boy had that look, that stupid puppy dog expression that he never he knew he had. " You could come with me?" Lance offered, and he smiled awkwardly.
Keith wasn't especially good with kids, but he was definitely curious what his alpha's family were like.
" Really?" He raised an eyebrow.
" Only if you want to! You definitely shouldn't feel pressured or anything!" Lance started stammering, wondering if he'd said the wrong thing.
" Calm down." Keith smiled. " I'll come with you." He moved his hand to hold the taller male's once again.
" Okay..." The alpha chuckled, scratching the back of his neck. " My parents shouldn't be home until late, like 2 A.M."
" Oh." The omega smirked, though he was completely kidding. He was not in the mood for that after being bred for pretty much a week straight. Then there was also the fact that there were going to be three kids in the house.
" Not a chance if that's what you're thinking." Lance narrowed his eyes at him as they began walking. Keith had practically squeezed every last drop from him anyways.
" I'm totally messing with you... I'm actually still kind of sore." The smaller boy leaned on him while they made their way down the sidewalk.
" I'm sorry?" Lance blushed, slightly flustered. " Was I too rough for you?" He teased.
" I literally couldn't walk to use the bathroom." Keith felt his cheeks heating up. " Do you not remember me falling on my face?"
" I remember I laughed for way too long before helping you up..." He smiled while thinking about the memory.
" Asshole." The shorter male cursed under his breath.
" Oh you know you love me." Lance cooed. And Keith couldn't help but read into what his boyfriend was saying. Did he feel that level of affection towards his alpha?
" Right." He rolled his eyes, playing it off. But the omega really was deep in thought. Was love the right word to use? It was something a lot of people could say without truly meaning their words. But not Keith. He would never ever tell someone that unless he was absolutely dead-set on his feelings.
Lance's house was tan on the outside, with an almost sandy colored paint on the siding. And his driveway was longer, about twice the length of Keith's.
The smaller male was getting somewhat nervous as they approached the front door. " Your parents are gone, right?" He asked hesitantly.
" Yeah, they should have just left." Lance said while walking inside the entryway. " They both work nights."
" Your siblings aren't going to be-" Keith was cut off by the sound of two boys yelling from the top of a tall staircase they both stood by.
There were two sets of thumping, rambunctious footsteps that flew down the steps.
" Lance!" One of the little boys excitedly exclaimed, wrapping his hands around his big brother's waist. The other was quick to engulf Lance into a hug as well, the two had nearly tackled him like worked up puppies.
" Hey... Marco, Luis." Lance smiled, lifting them both up with either arm. Being an alpha, he was more than strong enough to support their weight. " This is Keith." He gestured to his very anxious boyfriend, and the children seemed to get somewhat shy.
" Hi." Keith greeted awkwardly. This would definitely be quite the night. The omega would have to learn how to act around kids, so it could be a real learning experience for him.
(( Jesus. My Wattpad has been so weird lately, but the support staff hopefully got it figured out. Fingers crossed! But anyways here's the chapter that I literally redid four times. Thank you for being patient, Loves! And a huge thank you for 10K reads!))
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