More Than A Little Tipsy

(( Smut warning!))

" What in God's name is going on in here?!" Allura yelled while swimming through the crowd of people in her house. The music was turned up way too loud, and someone had disconnected Pidge's Bluetooth from the speaker. Now every song on the playlist was dirty, if not completely sexual.

There was the very distinctive smell of beer, and someone might've even smuggled in vodka. Nearly everyone was having trouble balancing on the dance floor, and some people had even toppled over.

Allura was weaving her way to the kitchen, where the punch should've been. The bowl was completely empty.

" And so I pose a philosophical question..." Pidge slurred to her friend group. They'd all taken refuge in the family room to get away from the many alphas. She sat on the back of the couch which she could've easily fallen from. Pidge had also taken a shade from one of the lamps, and was now using it as a hat. " If-If Earth is tilted on its axis, does- pffff!" She laughed. " does that mean the world is always turning up?"

Lance started chuckling while everyone else facepalmed.

And Allura finally found her friends in their little hiding spot.

" Salutations~" Pidge hiccuped upon seeing her.

" Everyone out there is drunk! I think..." The cheer captain told them quickly. And Keith giggled for what seemed like the millionth time that night. " Is that a... lampshade?" She asked, seeing Pidge.

" Why this?" Pidge felt at her 'hat'. " This is my thinking cap." She burst out laughing yet again.

" She's completely inebriated!" Allura exclaimed. " I thought I could trust you all not to-" And then it hit her.

" Someone spiked the punch." Matt said, shaking his head at his sister's antics. " They'd already had a ton of it by the time we figured it out." He was just happy that Shay, Hunk, and him had managed to stay relatively sober.

" This is exactly why I don't throw big parties." Allura was beyond pissed. But at that point, if she asked people to leave they wouldn't listen anyways.

Suddenly there was a loud crash from the other room, big enough to be heard over the music. It sounded like a giant vase had just hit a tile floor. And Allura made the most irritated expression ever before going to figure out what happened.

" Hey-Hey, Lance." Keith whispered quietly to his boyfriend. Lance wasn't nearly as hammered as him, not by a long shot. " Don't you have something to show me upstairs?" He winked in an over exaggerated way.

Keith, apparently, was a horny giggling mess when drunk. This was news to Lance, who was pretty tipsy himself.

" I think what you really want to see is downstairs..." He smirked and lifted a single eyebrow. " If ya catch my drift..."

" Ooo ooo! I know!" Pidge raised her hand excitedly, almost like she was in class. " You guys are gonna fuck! F U ... uhhh- K C! FUCK!"

" I think your 'thinking cap' is malfunctioning." Hunk said, cringing somewhat. He hated being around drunk people, especially his friends. But there was nothing they could do about it now.

Keith couldn't stop his spontaneous fits of laughter even if he tried. He was sitting on Lance's lap, facing and pretty much straddling him.

" Babe..." The omega whispered in Lance's ear. And since everyone else was trying babysit Pidge, nobody heard him. " I want you..." He said in a husky, somewhat slurred voice. Keith's breath smelled like cranberries and something definitely not kid friendly. Whatever flavor the punch was before this was overpowered by the alcohol.

He pressed a few kisses on Lance's jawline, and moved up by his cheek to place another one dangerously close to his lips.

Lance was a blush ridden mess. He really wasn't used to Keith being this all over him in front of people. Even after the whole video nonsense, he was slightly hesitant. But his hands instinctively found their way to his omega's hips.

" Keith..." Lance said in a deep voice.

" Come on." Keith wasn't really concerned with the others sitting there as he cupped Lance's face. His brain was fuzzy, and his eyes were glazed over. " Touch me, I know you want to~" He kissed the taller male, and took note of his sweet flavor. Lance too tasted strong like whatever was in those drinks.

The alpha kissed back almost more passionately than Keith did. The contact between them was sloppy but not even close to being lazy. He was pulling Keith's hips downward against himself without even realizing.

The smaller boy kept laughing against Lance's lips. In his drunken state he couldn't really control it. But the giggles slowly started melting into small gasps as Lance began nibbling down Keith's neck.

" Jeez. Can you two get a room?" Hunk covered Shay's and his own eyes.

" I wouldn't mind watching." Pidge chuckled. " Matt! Get-get the popcorn!" She stammered.

" Creep." Matt moved the lampshade down so his sister's eyes would be covered. " That's something Acxa would say."

" They're my OTP!" Pidge tried but failed to get her 'hat' off.

Keith's face was red, and not just from the drinks. He ignored her comment, which wasn't hard considering how horny he was. There was only one thing on his mind right then.

" Let's go!" He whined in his alpha's ear. And Lance was getting more turned on by him every passing second.

" You know what?" Lance lifted Keith off of his lap while standing up. And his omega was leaning on him for support. Luckily Lance's balance wasn't nearly as bad as his. " We will get a room." He said in a low tone while taking Keith's hand and leading him away. The omega was stumbling so badly, tripping over literally everything, that Lance eventually decided to just carry him.

" Taking me for a ride?" Keith asked, with his voice somewhat slurred. " You could be my cowboy." He giggled.

And people stared at the two of them while they walked into the winding hallways of Allura's house. They thankfully found the staircase, though.

" Are you calling me a bottom?" Lance gasped. " Cowboys ride horses." He began carrying his boyfriend up the steep steps.

" Who needs a horse when I can ride you til kingdom cum?" Keith did a really cringeworthy eyebrow wiggle while hiccuping a couple times. He was absolutely wasted. And that much was to be expected. He'd drank so much so fast, and he really hadn't ever touched a drop before that night. " Come on, Lance... Babe... I want you." He kept on whispering dirty things into Lance's ear.

" Remind me to get you drunk more often." Lance mumbled, and he felt Keith kissing on his neck. It was light until he felt his omega start nibbling and sucking hard enough to leave marks. " Keith..." He growled, knowing that hickeys and love bites were being littered across his neck.

" I'm so wet..." Keith whispered, and Lance was almost embarrassed for him. His boyfriend would never act like this if he were sober. " hurry up and help me out."

Lance's mind was buzzing, and he could already feel a tiny headache behind his eyes. But the lust he felt right then was overpowering any feelings of discomfort.

" Holy shit." He said to himself quietly once they reached the top of the stairs. There were a variety of doors and a long hallway which they'd just walked into. The lights were off, and it was evident that nobody else was up there. Screw the rules. Allura would never know.

Lance blinked a couple times before picking a random door which had been left unlocked. He pushed it open, and Keith kept giggling a little loudly. " Babe, shush." Lance told him while he accidentally slammed the door shut. He was really tipsy now, it seemed like the drinks were finally starting to hit him.

" Not until you shove your big, thick, throbbing cock into me." Keith put emphasis on every word, using a voice that practically dripped intoxication.

Lance locked the door.

" I never thought you could be any more of a slut." He said, and Keith laughed.

" You were wrong." He narrowed his eyes at the taller boy. It was just light enough for them to see each other clearly. The illumination was a blueish white color from the moon, which shone through a very large window on their right. " Come on, Babe. Make me one with the mattress." Keith pleaded sarcastically yet still in a needy way.

" You're so awkward when you're drunk." Lance rolled his eyes at the cringeworthy behavior, though he loved how desperate his omega was.

He tossed him onto the bed, which rippled up and down a couple times upon absorbing his weight. And Keith kicked off his shoes, still giggling.

The sheets on the mattress looked almost... pink. But maybe it was just the moonlight.

" Now is the part where you help take my clothes off." Keith looked up at Lance, who was just now crawling over him. The alpha's instincts were hitting him almost harder than the booze had. He could feel his self control withering away as Keith pressed a knee in between his legs.

The omega was having trouble undoing his suit jacket, his fingers were fumbling with the buttons. And Lance, who was painfully hard in his dress pants growled while pushing Keith's hands away. " Ooo I thought I was the eager one~" He laughed as the football player hastily got the jacket off of him and tossed it to the side.

" Shut up." Lance roughly kissed Keith, not caring that saliva was going everywhere. He was frustrated with the clothes as he finally removed the dress shirt from his boyfriend, which wasn't easy considering the squirming Keith did.

The cheerleader smirked into the kiss while circling his knee against Lance, teasing him with the friction. Even in his drunken state, he loved to mess with him. " Keith, I swear." Lance made a guttural groaning noise.

" I'm sooooooo scared!" Keith laughed. His vision was a little iffy around the edges, but he could still see Lance towering over him. " What're you gonna do?" The omega teased while using a challenging tone of voice. " Spank me? Pffff!" He giggled, and his legs wriggled too.

Lance was beyond irritated at this point. His eyes were dark, and clouded with lust as he took a hold of Keith's hair. He yanked him upward so they could look at each other.

" You really think I won't?" The alpha uttered in an honestly bone chilling way.

Keith gazed up at Lance, and the sensation of his hair being pulled somehow felt better than normally. Even in the state he was in, the cheerleader was still stubborn as all hell. He chuckled in an almost defiant way.

And Lance didn't hesitate. He shoved Keith down against the mattress and planted a very firm slap against one of the smaller boy's asscheeks. A yelp escaped Keith's lips, followed by a couple giggles. Lance could tell that he liked it.

" I should've known you'd be into this." The alpha leered at him as he did it again, and Keith let out a sound that was eerily similar to a moan.

" Shut up!" The omega whined, and he stuck his ass into the air a little higher without realizing.

" Admit you like it." Lance started struggling to get Keith's pants off. He eventually got the button to work, but it was difficult considering that it was under his boyfriend's weight. They were around Keith's ankles soon enough, and Lance was throwing his own suit jacket off to the side.

Keith stayed quiet. But he really did enjoy when Lance took control by asserting his dominance. The hitting was... good. Even so, Keith felt like an actual slut for taking pleasure in it. It made him feel filthy, and he wasn't sure if Lance judged him for it.

As the taller male loosened his bow tie, it draped over his neck lazily. " Admit it." He repeated. " I won't hit you again until you tell me just how much you like it." He unbuttoned the front of his shirt, and he wiggled the rest of the way out of it.

" Yes..." Keith murmured against the sheets of the bed. He wanted more.

" Yes what?" Lance wore a shit eating grin. And he felt more desperate as he got out of his own dress pants that had been practically constricting his length to death.

Keith was blushing a lot as Lance grabbed a hold of his ass, which was only hidden by a thin pair of boxer briefs. He gasped as his alpha's grip clenched him tighter.

" I-I like it!" He was becoming more submissive by the second. And Lance slapped him again, sending a sharp noise reverberating through the room. It could be heard over the distant hum of music from downstairs. " Lance, please..." Keith sounded exasperated. He was hazy from all the punch he'd had, and his insides were churning. " I need you..."

" Sorry, didn't catch that. Could you maybe speak up a little, Babe?" Lance teased him by snaking a hand inside Keith's underwear. He ran his fingers over his boyfriend's hole a couple times, rubbing the rim and letting the moisture slick his digits up.

Keith moved back, trying to signal that he wanted anything Lance was willing to fuck him with.

" Don't make me beg more..." The omega pleaded. And the football player pushed a single finger into Keith. He could take it easily, so after a couple thrusts, Lance added a second one.

The smaller boy groaned into the comforter. He needed more and he needed it fast. " Lance... I-I really don't need that." He said in an ineloquent way.

" I'm not accidentally hurting you." Lance growled while scissoring his fingers. That was one thing he was always careful about, making sure Keith was ready to take him. It would be different if he wasn't so... huge.

Keith was aggravated that Lance wouldn't just get to it, but at the same time, he was touched that his boyfriend took the time. Some alphas didn't do that; some couldn't care less as long as they got off. Then there was Lance, putting his own needs aside temporarily just to make things easier for his omega. It didn't matter that Keith probably wouldn't remember this, or that Lance himself was tipsier than all hell. And that meant something to Keith. It really did. But at that moment, all he could focus on was how horny he was.

Lance finally started making Keith moan when he added a third and final digit.

" Ah-ahh! More!" The omega mewled, he couldn't help but hold his ass higher in the air for Lance. He hiccuped a couple times through the sounds of pleasure. Keith had definitely drank too much.

And the alpha was pretty much drooling at that point. It seemed as though intoxication had also altered his omega's scent. It was more... sweet. Similar to how Lance's normally was, which was unheard of. Normally, omegas were supposed to smell sweet, and it helped attract mates. But Keith never had. He'd always had a much stronger scent. That was part of why Lance could relate to him so much, being that he himself didn't have a typical alpha scent either.

Apparently, getting Keith drunk helped a great deal when it came to making him submit.

" L-Let me ride you!" Keith cried out. His command was slurred from both pleasure and the alcohol in his system.

Lance wasn't in a position to say no, even though his instincts were shoving him into dominating his boyfriend. He wanted to ravish him. But he pulled his fingers out, finally yanking down Keith's boxers hastily.

Lance moved, and he laid on the mountain of pillows right before the headboard.

" Come and take what you want." He rested his arms behind his head in a relaxed gesture. " Show me how badly you need me." The alpha purred.

Drunk or not, Keith was up for it. He was even wetter now that Lance had given him a tiny sample of pleasure.

The smaller male crawled the short distance over to him. He didn't hesitate to grab his boyfriend's member through his restraining boxers. Lance let out a tiny breath he'd apparently been storing.

Keith impatiently yanked on Lance's underwear, and eventually got them down after the taller male lifted his torso slightly. He licked his lips, but now wasn't the time. The omega's instincts were in overdrive as his alpha's member sprang up.

Lance wasn't able to process just how hot Keith was being. He wasn't able to process a lot in general, because thanks alcohol! But it was still beyond him how his boyfriend could look good like this. With messy hair and wide eyes that glimmered in the moonlit bedroom.

Keith wasn't in the mood to hesitate or take his time. He climbed onto Lance's lap, rolling his hips a couple times, causing friction that made the taller male gasp. The football player gripped his own length, holding it as his omega eased himself onto it slowly. Keith was wet enough where Lance could slide in with little resistance, but he still felt the stretch. It began as a dull ache, followed by a few sharper tingles of pain. He stared down, squeezing his eyes shut.

Keith's bangs shaded the top half of his face, so his expression was barely visible. And Lance tried his best not to move, or accidentally buck his hips into the heat. He knew it was difficult at first, and the cheerleader would need a little bit to adjust. But he wanted to make Keith feel good, distract him from the hurt. So Lance reached out, and he gripped Keith's member, which was also hard. Normally, he didn't pay too much attention to that part of his boyfriend. A lot of omegas got self conscious about their cocks, being that they weren't exactly as large as alphas'. That, and they weren't nearly as sensitive as an omega's hole was. So Lance figured, Keith would rather be fucked than blown. But now, they were in a position where he could give the smaller boy more pleasure than usually, and Lance was going to take advantage of that.

The alpha pumped Keith's length slowly, and the omega was trembling severely.

Even though he was drunk out of his mind, he could still feel how large Lance was inside of him. It was pushing the limits of what Keith could take. Any more and he might've burst at the seams.

" Lance..." Keith was having trouble staying upright.

" Come on, Babe." Lance moved his hand faster, and there was a squishing noise as he jerked his omega off. " Look at me." He said in a somewhat more gentle voice, seeing that Keith was taking a while to get used to him. Lance brushed his boyfriend's hair from his face with his free hand. His eyes were squinted, and his nose was scrunched up slightly. Keith's front teeth were digging into his bottom lip, but he opened his eyes soon. It seemed like forever and a half had gone by when the pain started to subside.

There were a couple tears filling the smaller male's eyes as he slowly shifted up and down experimentally.

" Don't rush it." Lance told him, and he wondered if maybe this was too much.

" Ahh!" Keith bounced his hips upward, nearly to the point where he was only being filled by Lance's tip. But he let himself fall back down onto his alpha's base right away, and it felt like the shaft had rammed back inside of him. " Fuck!" The pleasure much exceeded any sense of discomfort he felt after that.

Lance could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Well... it was more of a moan, but still. He was happy that Keith wasn't hurting a lot anymore.

" Shit..." Lance let out a rumbling groan. Somehow, Keith was still as tight as the first time, which didn't seem possible. But he definitely wasn't complaining.

Keith bounced a couple more times, finding that his sweet spot was already being slammed. He let out a ridiculously loud moan of Lance's name. It was somewhat heavy sounding due to all the alcohol, but not quite slurred. " Keep it down, Keith!" Lance was almost commanding him.

" Ahh-hah ah! Lance!" Keith began rolling his hips while continuing to go up and down. And Lance couldn't help but thrust upwards right when Keith was coming down. He wanted to keep hitting the omega's sweet spot, but it was difficult. Keith wasn't going nearly fast enough.

" Babe, faster!" Lance told him, and he let go of Keith's member to grab the omega's waist. He felt tiny in the alpha's hands, which began guiding him up and down more vigorously.

The smaller boy's insides were beginning to feel like mush the harder Lance went. He was going deep, so deep. Keith could barely bounce from how drowning in pleasure he was. His muscles were fatigued, and it was obvious that Lance needed more. " That's it!" The alpha exclaimed, and without pulling out, he flipped their positions. Keith was now on his back, and Lance was over him, now able to drive in at an angle.

" Babeee!" Keith whined.

" If you wanna be a power bottom, you've gotta be way quicker than that." Lance chuckled to himself, thrusting into his boyfriend harshly.

" FUCK!" The omega clung to Lance, digging his fingernails into the skin of his back. He couldn't help it.

It satisfied the taller boy to see Keith this disheveled. He loved reducing him to a puddle of moans, it showed him that he was doing it right. He needed to know Keith was in pleasure, too.

As much as the cheerleader thought he could ride Lance, he was drunk. He didn't realize how slow he was going, and how sloppy he'd been.

Lance rammed Keith's hips back in time with his thrusts, which were directly pointed at the boy's g-spot. He felt his omega bury his face into the crook of his neck.

" Let me see you!" The quarterback growled. And surprisingly, Keith pulled his face back. In his inebriated state he'd almost forgotten what Lance liked. Eye contact.

Lance smirked down at his boyfriend, while at the same time, a bead of sweat dripped from his brown hair.

" Lance! Ahhh- fuck!" One of Keith's eyes was half shut from pleasure.

" That's it, Babe." Lance's voice was strained somewhat as he bit back his own moans. " Look at me while I fuck you."

Keith let out a really loud cry, and his legs tangled behind his alpha's back. He knew he was close to his climax. He wasn't shy about showing it, either. The omega wouldn't shut up, letting moans and gasps out every second or two.

Lance knew that there was music downstairs, and that nobody would hear them, but he was still possessive. He didn't want his boyfriend to attract any other alphas. So he moved to kiss him roughly, with high hopes of keeping Keith's noises at bay. It didn't matter that everyone in school had heard them before. Those sounds were for Lance. Lance, and Lance only. He wasn't about to share them with anyone else.

Keith was really close, as was Lance. The alpha felt the signature coil in his lower abdomen; he knew he was going to cum in a matter of a few seconds. And his lover beat him to it. Keith's orgasm hit him ridiculously hard, he broke the kiss from Lance, and there was saliva all over his lips.

" LANCE!" He shouted, beginning to shake. The intense rush ran rampant through Keith's body, especially his lower half. And he came all over him and Lance, it was a lot for him being an omega.

And seeing Keith's eyes practically roll back inside his head, Lance couldn't hold out anymore. He released inside of him, practically filling his boyfriend to the brim. The hot and sticky sensation only made Keith's orgasm stronger before it inevitably tapered off. He went almost limp as Lance pulled out.

And the alpha panted heavily, rolling on his back to Keith's side.

" You're amazing..." The smaller male breathed heavily. His voice wasn't overly slurred, despite how wasted he was. And Lance chuckled.

" I know you are but what am I?" He flirted, turning to his side to look at Keith.

" Uh-" The omega didn't know what to say at first. " Perfect."

Lance blushed even more than before. But then he noticed something on the back of the bedroom door. They looked like... letters? He squinted, and there was just enough light to read what they spelled out. Allura's name. This was Allura's room. Allura's bed.

Lance laughed suddenly, and Keith was almost startled, not realizing what was so funny.

(( Holy heck this took forever! Sorry, everyone. Soccer has been taking up a lot of my time lately. But I really had a lot of fun writing Pidge and Keith drunk! I laughed so many times. But anyways, thank you so much for over 30K views! And the comments and votes are really appreciated! ))

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