Making Up Lost Time

(( After all this season six drama I NEEDED SOME GOD DAMN FLUFF! So I decided to write this potentially cavity causing mess of sweetness. This wasn't originally a chapter I planned on writing, but whatever, I like the way it turned out, even though it's all over the board. Also, some people have been asking me some things that I would like to address. One, no I will not stop writing the book if Allurance is canon. Klance is addictive and I ship it too much to just stop. Two, I've gotten requests to do a face reveal. I'm on the fence about it, but I guess if people want me to I can. Idk yet. And three, Keith is still shorter. He will always be the smaller one in my fanfiction because I just can't accept him and Lance being the same height. It's... just... weird. ))

" So... while Shiro is picking up the Chinese food, I want to give you a couple things that I couldn't at Christmas..." Lance said. After an hour or so, everyone had gone back home, wanting to give him and Keith some time together. And the two were left home alone for the time being. Lance pulled out a package from behind his back.

Keith blushed immensely.

" You got me presents when I was in a coma?" He looked at his alpha funny.

" Well... yeah. I was hoping that maybe you'd wake up and we'd be able to open presents together, and sit by the fireplace, and watch Elf or something." He smiled at Keith weakly. Obviously that never happened, but it was still sweet to think about.

" Lance, we can have our own little Christmas right now if you want." Keith said, placing a hand on his cheek as the boy sat down.

" What do you mean?" The taller male asked.

" I mean, we can make hot chocolate, play Christmas music, and watch Elf if you still want to." Keith blushed while curling up by him more.

" Really?" Lance became excited like a riled up puppy. " You'd really do that?" He'd missed out on so much while his omega was gone, and now Keith was trying to find ways to make up for it.

" Of course I would... you seem kind of bummed about not having me there for the real thing." The omega said, and he felt Lance wrap an arm around him.

" Shiro said you're always grumpy around Christmas. Are you sure?" Lance asked. And Keith smiled, pushing back his own feelings. There was a reason he didn't usually like the holiday, but he was willing to ignore it. Lance obviously loved Christmas, and Keith wanted to make an effort for him.

" Well yeah. But that doesn't matter." Keith leaned in and pressed a kiss on his boyfriend's cheek. " I love you... and I want to see you happy."

" Wanna know what would really make me happy?" The alpha blushed and raised an eyebrow at him. And Keith made a face while waiting for an explanation. " If you opened this." Lance grinned and placed the carefully wrapped package into Keith's hands. The wrapping job was nearly flawless, and the paper was patterned with icy blue snowflakes. It wasn't heavy at all, and the box didn't make any noise as he Keith shook it back and forth a little.

" Okay..." He agreed, almost feeling bad as he ripped the paper open. It was just so pretty that he didn't want to destroy it. Lance bit his lip, smiling even brighter, and he reached for his phone, putting on his Spotify list of Christmas music.

" I felt a little bad about Halloween so... I wanted to make up for it." Lance scratched the back of his neck as Keith pulled his gift from the box. A fuzzy, very soft, Spiderman onesie.

" You didn't!" Keith exclaimed, letting a bright expression creep up on his face. His eyes lit up as he hugged it to his chest.

" There's more..." Lance smirked, leaving the room for a couple minutes. He soon said something from the other side of the wall. " You ready?" The taller boy jumped out, and he was dressed in a Deadpool onesie that was very similar to Keith's. " Ta da!" He twirled around.

And Keith chuckled while watching him. Lance was such a thoughtful alpha, and he felt so lucky to have him.

" I'm putting this on right now." The omega said. And he felt dizzy while standing up, but tried to blow off the way the room was spinning. He could get used to this, he'd have to or he'd never get better.

" You want me to help you?" Lance asked.

" No-no I got it." Keith wobbled to the kitchen. He used the edge of the counter to support himself while changing out of his normal clothes and into the pajamas. Surprisingly, he managed it on his own, and was soon zipping up the onesie. Keith eventually made his way back to the living room. The sleeves were a little baggy on him, but Lance thought it was absolutely precious.

" You're so cute!" He blushed.

" You're still cuter." Keith felt Lance's arms wrap around him as he kept standing.

" That's not possible when you're as adorable as you are right now." He put up the hood on Keith's pajama suit and pecked his nose with a very small kiss. And Keith immediately turned completely red, especially his cheeks.

" Thanks for this..." The shorter male said.

" Merry Christmas, Princess." Lance smiled, knowing that he'd save the other gift for a little later. " I'll make us some hot cocoa... and you can start putting in the movie. Sound good?" He had a hand resting on the side of Keith's face in a loving way.

" Yeah." Keith smiled, looking into Lance's blue eyes that he'd missed more than anything. They were finally bright again, showing life and vigor. He could once again pretty much swim and surf through the oceans that were his boyfriend's irises.

" Do you like marshmallows in yours?" The alpha asked.

" Not really." Keith answered. And Lance gasped, clutching his chest.

" You monster!" He joked. " This is such a deal breaker."

" Just make the drinks you drama queen." Keith pressed a kiss to Lance's lips while sluggishly moving past him. He could hear the other boy laughing on his walk to the kitchen. And there was also the sound of sliding, like Lance was using the footies to glide across the hardwood.

Soon enough, Keith had the main menu for Elf pulled up and he was on the couch waiting for Lance to come back. It didn't take long until he returned with a drinks, and his face lifted as he entered the room.

" What?" Keith asked.

" Mariah Carey is a godess." Lance contently said. All I Want For Christmas was playing as he handed his omega the mug. " You know... I only really wanted you for Christmas. I know it's cheesy or whatever but I just hoped you'd wake up."

" Sorry I couldn't be there."

" Why the hell are you apologizing?" Lance's eyes widened momentarily. " It wasn't your fault. At all."

" I know... but I really wanted to spend Christmas with you..." Keith said, and he wasn't daring enough to take a sip of the steamy hot chocolate.

" You're making up for everything right now... you have no idea how much it means to me, Babe." He had an arm around his boyfriend, letting Keith nuzzle into his body's contour. " You're really the best omega ever." Lance rested his head on the other boy's.

" I love you." Keith whispered, loving the fact that he could be close to Lance yet again.

" I love you too." Lance could've cried from joy, but instead he kept a hold on him, just thankful that nobody would ever be able to take him away again. Now that his boyfriend was back, so was his purpose in life. His purpose in living another day, his reason to continue going and breathing. Keith was the most important thing to him.

The movie started, and Lance's face was beginning to hurt from how much he'd been smiling. But despite all the tingling in his cheeks, he just couldn't stop. His happiness was never ending, overflowing from every part of his being. Lance felt invincible, like nothing could hurt them anymore.

Keith was happy to see Lance smiling, even though Christmas was usually a darker time for him. It didn't feel like that right then, and he'd almost completely forgotten about what had happened many years before. 18 years earlier when his mom left on Christmas Eve. Shiro had told him all about the yelling, and how he was too scared to come out of his room. But that was gone now. Lance had found a way to turn his curmudgeonly attitude into a less so scroogey one.

After Keith finished his hot cocoa, he was getting a little bored. Don't get him wrong, that movie was fucking hilarious, but this was the first time he'd been able to be with Lance in months. He wanted to take advantage of it before Shiro could get back.

" Hey, Babe..." He whispered, setting his mug down on the coffee table. Lance had already done so a little while earlier.

" Hm?" Lance turned his head and hummed, and the omega kissed him, an action that took him by surprise. He hadn't been expecting it, but he slowly started returning it, going very very light. Keith pulled him closer, just wanting the feeling that he hadn't been able to get enough of since waking up. He wasn't planning on having sex with him or anything just yet, but he still loved sharing a kiss with Lance.

" Come on... actually kiss me..." Keith whispered.

" I'm supposed to be careful with you." Lance replied quietly.

" I'm not made of glass... Lance... I missed you so much..." Keith pulled him in more as he laid back on the couch. He longed for his alpha's touch, not even in a sexual way necessarily. He just missed the sensation of Lance's hands running along his skin, holding him, caressing him. " Why don't you show me how much you missed me?"

" Because you wouldn't be able to walk for two weeks if I did." Lance said, blushing while staring down at Keith.

" Not what I meant." Keith squeaked in a flustered fashion. And the larger male only smiled while leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips. He cupped his cheek sweetly, and the other boy was happy to finally be getting somewhere.

Lance was doing his best to be gentle with Keith, fearful that he might hurt him. He was probably just being paranoid like the protective alpha he was. But the last thing he wanted was to rush into anything and mess everything up. So he decided he might tease him a little.

He slowly began pulling at the zipper on Keith's onesie, trailing kisses down on his neck. It had been forever and a half since he'd last been able to mark his omega up, so Lance was going to do just that. He was sucking under Keith's jawline, causing red love marks to appear at the surface of his pale skin.

" I missed this..." Keith murmured in a breathy way.

" Join the club." Lance whispered, and he left tiny teeth indentations all along his boyfriend's neck. He could feel Keith shivering from the ticklish sensations, and it brought him satisfaction to know that he could make him feel something again.

Keith smiled, letting his breath hitch as his arms met behind Lance's back. His face was flushed from all the things he felt inside. It was all warm and fuzzy, and he finally was visited by the butterflies that had disappeared from his stomach for a long time.

Lance kissed more downward, using his hands to spread the sides of the onesie apart and expose Keith's chest. He was littering his collarbone with hickeys and bites, and Keith couldn't have loved it more, loved him more. Lance was focusing on making his omega feel the affection, he wanted Keith to know just how much he appreciated him. But he also had an objective of getting him flustered. So he moved to start twisting on one of Keith's nipples playfully.

" L-Lance..." The omega giggled. He shuddered  upon feeling kisses all over his chest. But their little session was interrupted when the front door to the house opened. They both froze. The bags that Shiro was carrying could be heard crinkling as he walked into the living room.

" Hey you two-" The older brother cut himself off. " Really? On the couch?!" Shiro grimaced seeing the way Keith's chest was exposed and entirely marked up.

Lance awkwardly smiled at Shiro, trying his best to look innocent. Then he turned back to Keith.

" He's an angry elf." He whispered in his ear, beginning to snicker at his own joke. Keith was laughing into Lance's shoulder, loving his boyfriend's sense of humor. Add that to the list of things he'd missed.

Shiro would've facepalmed had it not been for his arms being full of Chinese food. Instead he just had a really small, yet annoyed smile as he sighed and went to the kitchen.

" I think he's done with us." Keith said, looking up at Lance.

" Probably." The alpha replied.

" Boys, you should come eat while it's hot!" Shiro called while unpacking the bags on the dining room table.

" Christmas was really short this year." Keith said while raking his fingers through Lance's hair.

" There's always next year." Lance wasn't as disappointed as he was on the actual holiday. " Thank you for watching the movie with me."


The table was covered in an array of foods, almost as though it was a celebratory dinner for Keith's arrival home.

" Wow. You can still eat more than Lance, huh?" Shiro asked while watching Keith fork back more food. He'd already hammered his way through the lo mein, and was onto the sweet and sour chicken.

" Way to rub it in..." Lance pouted.

" What can I say?" Keith asked through a mouthful of chicken.

" Nothing- don't talk with your mouth full." Shiro told Keith, who rolled his eyes.

" Yeah, Babe... mind your manners." Lance smirked at his boyfriend. " You have no idea how many times I've had to tell him that." He wiggled his eyebrows. Keith could've choked. That could be taken one of two ways. One, Lance was always reminding him to be respectful. Or two, Keith was always talking with his mouthful... and Lance definitely wouldn't have meant food.

" Lance." Shiro pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head.

" Can you not?" Keith asked after taking a sip from his water. Fizzy stuff wasn't a good idea for his stomach at first, so he wasn't able to drink soda.

Lance just batted his eyelashes at his omega, loving how flustered he'd become from the dirty remark.

" Well... on that note... Keith, it's good to have you home." Shiro smiled at his brother.

" It's gonna feel nice to sleep in my own bed, that's for sure." Keith said.

" I'm surprised you can think about sleeping at all." Lance chuckled. " You were in a coma for months."

" Yeah, and we both know the second I lay next to you it's lights out." The shortest of the three males said.

" Why is that?" Shiro questioned before eating some shrimp fried rice.

" My scent has a kind of drowsy effect on him I guess." Lance answered. He'd become full after finishing all of the food on his plate, but Keith was still going strong even as Shiro started to slow down.

" It's really subtle... but I've noticed that it helps me sleep better." Keith said. He was looking forward to falling asleep next to his alpha again, and being in Lance's arms, and sharing his body heat.

After Keith finished, he decided to go up to his room. The stairs were definitely a challenge, but he was determined to conquer them.

" Lance, you coming?" He looked over his shoulder.

" Oh-yeah... I'll be right up." Lance said, and as soon as Keith was out of the room, he looked at Shiro seriously. " Shiro, we need to talk..."

" What is it?" The older brother asked, wondering why they were whispering.

" I... I got Keith something- well I guess it's more for both of us... and I figure I should get your blessing first." Lance stammered.

" Blessing?" Shiro raised an eyebrow.

And Lance reached down into the pocket of his onesie. Yes. Pocket. Hell yeah they had pockets because they were awesome. He pulled out a tiny box, and opened it after looking around to make sure the coast was clear.

" They're promise rings..." He was very flustered and blushing as he showed Shiro.

" I don't understand why you're getting my blessing now, especially after you two soul bonded without doing that." Shiro folded his arms. And if he'd had a glass of tea, he'd have sipped it right then.

" You aren't mad about that are you?" Lance nervously asked.

" Well, at the time I was furious... but we'd just made up and I didn't want to ruin my chances of making amends with you." Shiro said.

" Sorry... it was just something that we wanted and it happened so quickly. But I don't regret it."

" Anyways, you were saying about the rings?" Shiro tried to keep this conversation on topic before Keith could get suspicious.

" Well... I was going to give him one on Christmas... but obviously I couldn't. And... I just want him to know that I take our relationship very very seriously and I don't plan on ever leaving." Lance could've exploded from how anxious he was.

" You have my blessing." Shiro sent a smile his way. " Anyone who would stick with him through all that you have definitely has proven themselves to me. I trust it when you tell him that you'll always be there."

" Thank you, Shiro..." Lance was completely red from a mix of many emotions. " I'm going to talk to him about it..."


" What took you so long?" Keith asked as Lance walked into his room.

" I was just talking to Shiro about something important." The alpha blushed, and he took a seat on the bed beside the other boy.

" And...?" Keith inquired.

Lance took the other's hands into his own, and he held them up, intertwining their fingers.

" I know it's only been a few months... but I really love you, Keith. I never thought it was possible to love someone half as much as I love you." He spoke, fondly smiling.

" You're scaring me, please tell me you're not-"

The taller boy placed his thumb over Keith's lips.

" I really can see a future for us, and I don't plan on ever leaving, or loving you any less. I want to have a family with you... I want to get a house together... I want so many things for us." Lance's face was soft as he reached in his pocket. " Keith, will you accept this promise from me?" He pulled out the silver ring, holding it up.

" ARE YOU PROPOSING TO ME?!" Keith screeched. " Lance, we're too young to get married!"

" Keith, this isn't an engagement ring, calm down." Lance chuckled. And the other boy settled down.

" What is it?" He asked, inspecting the ring.

" It's a promise ring, silly." The alpha was tempted to make fun of Keith, but he didn't. " It's basically me acknowledging how I take our relationship seriously, and me promising to stay faithful to you no matter what."

" Oh..." Keith blushed immensely. " Didn't you do that when you did this?" He gestured to the bite on his neck.

" Me claiming you and promising myself to you are two very different things." Lance made a face. " What I'm asking is for you to take our relationship to the next level by wearing this ring. I'll wear one too." Lance was more flustered by then. " So... will you?"

Keith paused for a second. He wasn't really doing anything, but he still ceased from everything for a moment.

" Yes... I will." The omega said, and he was beet red as Lance slid the ring on his finger. The metal was slightly chilly on his skin, but Keith didn't mind.

" Good..." He leaned forward, hugging his boyfriend lovingly. " I love you so much... and I want everyone to know that." Lance put on his own ring. The nervousness he felt was dissolved, and turned into a sense of joy yet again.

(( This made me really happy, and I hope it makes you all happy too. I think we all need some sweet Klance right now.))

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