
(( I love watching you guys theorize in the comments... it's so fun to lurk. I'm not a creep, I promise lmao.))

There were a series of knocks that had been placed outside on the bedroom door.

" Keith! Lance! I'm supposed to wake you guys up!" A voice called from the other side. And Keith stayed sleeping like a rock, not even stirring. He was out cold on the pillow, deeply sleeping.

Lance, however, hadn't been in slumber as much as his boyfriend was. So the knocking, and what sounded like Pidge, yelling from outside the door were more than enough to wake him up.

He cringed while partially opening his eyes and being blinded by the sunlight that was now pouring in through the window. It had to have been about noon judging from the intensity of the light.

Lance looked down at Keith, seeing that he was peacefully sleeping in his arms, all curled up in an adorable way. It brought a fond expression to his sleepy features.

" Guys!" Pidge yelled more loudly and beat her tiny hand on the door.

" What is it?" Lance grumbled, being very hesitant while sliding back from Keith and unwrapping his arms. As soon as he was off the bed, Keith rolled over, and his eyebrows furrowed uncomfortably. The taller boy moved the blankets over him, slowly caressing his face, and backing off.

Keith hugged himself into the pillows, continuing to sleep, and Lance breathed a sigh of relief while going to answer the door.

" Allura is taking us out on the lake. Apparently she knows how to work their boat." Pidge said, seeing Lance's face peek out from behind the door. " And we're going tubing. You guys should come."

" When are you guys leaving?" Lance asked, yawning and stretching his arms above his head. Even though he hadn't gotten much sleep, he was oddly alert.

" Like, maybe in 10 or 15 minutes." Pidge said.

" I'll get Keith up." Lance sighed, glancing over his shoulder to look at his sleeping omega.

" Meet us by the boat house." The tiny girl said before walking down the hallway, but stopping. " And just for the record, I'm pissed at which ever one of you ate my ice cream last night." She made a sassy face at them before exiting the cabin.

" Wasn't me!" He called after her.

Lance took a little bit to compose himself, and get his mind and body onto the same page. After he'd gotten into his blue and white swim trunks, he decided he should probably wake Keith up. He'd put it off to let the boy sleep as much as possible, but it couldn't be avoided any longer.

Lance leaned down, pressing loving kisses all over Keith's forehead and face as an alternative to just shaking him. He'd decided against that option for whatever reason.

" Keith, Princess, it's time to wake up." The alpha whispered, raking his fingers through Keith's hair and kissing him more. " Babe."

" What?" Keith woke up slowly, letting his eyes flutter open.

" Good morning~" Lance cooed. It was afternoon, but that wasn't important. He smiled at him warmly. " Allura is taking everyone out in the boat."

" When?" Keith groggily asked in his huskier morning voice. It was always a little rougher than his usual, and Lance thought it was precious as he affectionately combed his hand back through Keith's bed head. He let out a happy hum upon feeling Lance stroking his hair. Keith was sort of like a cat in some ways. One, he could be bitchy, but once he gained your trust, he was really lovable. Two, he loved being petted. And three, his most favorite spot to be was atop Lance's lap.

Lance laughed to himself as he thought about it.

" In about ten minutes. I just wanted to let you have your rest." He said, moving to press a tiny kiss on Keith's forehead. " I already found your swim trunks and everything."

" Well, look at you go." Keith sarcastically mumbled while sitting up.


It was a little later, but Lance and Keith had eventually shown up to the boat house. Everyone was already in the boat, waiting for them.

Keith was confused when Pidge dirty looked him.

" What's your deal?" He asked her while stepping into the large motorboat.

" You ate my ice cream when you and Lance had your little midnight snacking adventure last night." She pursed her lips angrily.

" Oh. That." Keith shrugged. " Whoops, sorry."

" He was craving it." Lance said.

" Which one of you spilled the Lucky Charms everywhere?" Shiro asked.

" I don't even remember. I was so tired after last night but we were hungry so..." Keith laughed nervously.

" Whatever." Pidge huffed. " You and Lance are taking me out for ice cream sometime." She said, smirking at them.

" You're just looking for an excuse to third wheel with Klance." Matt laughed. 

" It does seem that way." Shay giggled. And Pidge fiddled with the thick straps of her one piece swimming suit.

" Psh. Nah..." She said.

" Anyways, is everyone ready?" Allura asked.

" You're sure you know how to drive this thing?" Lance asked, taking Keith and sitting down. He felt the need to keep him very very close.

" I'm more than capable." Allura rolled her eyes. " Oh, Shay, give them the sunblock!"

" Right!" Shay said, and it took her a minute of rummaging through a tote bag before she found it. It was just a big bottle of sunscreen, the kind with a pump on it.

" How much sunscreen does one person need?!" Lance exclaimed.

" Quit complaining and put some on. I'm not taking everyone out just so they can get sunburned." Allura impatiently tapped her fingers at the steering wheel of the boat. Lance and Keith were already late, now they'd have to wait even more.

" Keith gets sunburnt really easy, so good call." Shiro said. He remembered one time he'd taken Keith to the zoo when they were younger. Keith had to have been about seven then. It was hot, and the sun was raining down with its wrath that day. Stupidly, Shiro had forgotten to put sunblock on his brother, so in all the time Keith had been watching the hippopotamuses, he got completely fried. He ended up with a farmer's tan that didn't go away until the following winter.

" Do not." Keith made a face.

" Keith, you're pale. You will be cooked alive if you don't put on sunscreen." Matt said.

" Fine." Keith reached out and took the sunscreen from Shay. " But don't wait just for me to finish... I'll put it on as we go."

Allura started up the boat, and she pulled out until they were a few hundred feet from the shore. Then, she shut off the motor.

" So... who wants to get on the tube first?" She turned over her shoulder, and Hunk made sure that the tether was securely attached to the boat. After he was certain, he picked up the inflated tube that had been sitting in the boat, and hurled it from the back. It was sent flying, but as soon as it reached the end of its leash, it landed onto the surface of the water, which splashed all around it loudly.

" Dibs!" Pidge yelled.

" The tube is meant for two people, any other takers?" Shiro asked.

" I volunteer as tribute!" Matt said while picking up a life jacket. Pidge grabbed one as well.

" Is this like... dangerous?" Keith asked, letting a smile colonize his face upon saying the last word.

" It better not be. Allura, you're sure you're good at this whole 'driving' thing?" Lance asked while rubbing the white, creamy sunscreen onto his arms.

" For the last time, I can operate a boat just fine." Allura huffed. " Matt, Pidge, be careful and hold on tight." She said.

" Aye aye, captain." Matt said while jumping off the side of the boat. Pidge went right after him, and they avoided the back of the boat while swimming toward the tube.

" Turn around." Lance told Keith while rubbing some sunscreen together in his palms.

" This is a waste of time." The omega gave an eye roll, but listened to what Lance said anyways.

" I'm not letting you get burnt just because you're stubborn." He began rubbing the sunblock all over Keith's shoulders, working it in with his hands. Lance was making sure massage Keith's back while doing this, just because he could.

" Fuck..." Keith mumbled.

" Hm?" The taller boy hummed.

" You're really good at that." Keith closed his eyes, letting the feeling of Lance's large hands kneading into his muscles relax him.

" Yeah?" Lance raised an eyebrow, doing it more, rubbing precisely on Keith's shoulders, which seemed to be tenser than the rest of his body. It earned him a content sigh.

" Guys. Really?" Shiro asked them, wondering why everything just had to be like that.

" I think as long as Lance doesn't give him a happy ending, we're fine." Allura said. She had been watching Pidge and Matt, making sure that they weren't having trouble getting on the tube.

Keith's eyes shot open. He hadn't even thought about it in a sexual sense until everyone else made a big deal.

" I'm not putting the moves on him." Lance gave them an irritated look.

" I'd hope not." Hunk cringed. " You guys can save that for later. You know... when we're not all sitting here."

Lance wasn't in the mood. He couldn't even think about that sort of thing, and that was unusual. Especially for him. Keith was right there. Shirtless. That should've been enough to make him riled up, but he didn't feel it.

" You ready back there?!" Allura called back to the siblings, and Matt raised a thumbs up.

" Let's do this!" Pidge yelled. And Allura started the boat back up, soon they were zooming through the water. There was a mist coming off from the lake when they rushed over the water, and it was occasionally spraying everyone. And the wake from the boat was making some major waves as they got farther out into the lake.

" That looks so fun." Keith said, and he talked loudly to be heard over the heavy rumble of the boat. Lance only held him closer. He felt hesitant about letting Keith do this. Just watching Matt and Pidge hold on for dear life was something that made him paranoid. They'd eventually fly off the tube, and that was the death defying part. Lance couldn't figure out why he was so nervous about Keith flying off though. Everyone else could do it just fine. So why was Keith different? Lance didn't really feel worried about his friends, who seemed to be having a grand old time. Damn his alpha instincts.

" Y-yeah..." Lance chuckled, keeping a protective arm around his boyfriend.

" We should do it next." Keith said, letting a bright grin spread on his cheeks. The sunlight that shined down on them made the smaller boy's face look even more radiant.

" Sure." Lance smiled back, ignoring the way his stomach was turning from the thought of it.

Allura kept circling the boat back around, driving it over the waves and the wake. Matt and Pidge lasted about five minutes before the older brother finally lost his grip on the wet handle of the tube. He went flying off the back, and Pidge lost her shit laughing. So much so that she fell off as well.

Lance's breath hitched. And Keith didn't seem phased at all, like he was somehow still enjoying himself. Everything felt like a threat, Lance thought everything was dangerous. As he held Keith more firmly, the boy finally noticed.

" Babe, are you nervous?" The omega asked, chuckling somewhat. Keith was a dare devil. Hell yeah he was excited about this, and he found it almost comical that Lance seemed to be scared.

" Nah." Lance lied, making a tiny 'psh' noise.

" Liar." Keith side eyed him with a shit eating grin on his face.

" Are you sure you're not scared?" Lance taunted, trying to distract himself from the many ways that this could go wrong.

" I'm not scared!" Keith exclaimed. " But I know you are..."

" No I'm not." Lance narrowed his eyes at him.

" Prove it then." Keith grabbed another life jacket, shoving it to Lance's chest.

" I'm assuming you two are next?" Hunk sarcastically asked. He wished he had popcorn to watch their conversation, mainly because it was more than a little entertaining.

" You know it." Keith said. He was putting on a life preserver of his own, looking at Lance with a challenging glint in his eyes.

After they'd swung back around to pick up Pidge and Matt, it was Lance and Keith's turn. That was much to Keith's joy.

" Make sure you hold on to that thing." Matt said breathlessly.

" It's a bumpy ride." Pidge said, chuckling.

" If I can ride Lance, I can handle a tube." Keith said before jumping from the side of the boat.

" I can't." Shiro facepalmed. " I just can't with them."

Lance was blushing almost instantly. But he followed after him, plunging into the refreshingly cool lake water. He loved the feeling of it washing over his skin as he caught up with Keith.

When they made it to the tube, Keith almost wondered if he was too small to reach the handles and pull himself up. But Pidge had done it. He shouldn't really have an issue considering he wasn't that short.

It took a minute, and they slipped off a few times, but after the ordeal of getting on, Lance and Keith were settled atop the tube.

" Ready?" Keith asked, raising a teasing eyebrow at Lance.

Lance gulped, hoping that when Keith fell off he'd land somewhat gently.

" For the millionth time, I'm not scared." He had a tiny growl in the back of his throat while giving Allura the thumbs up, and quickly grabbing the handle again.

" Mhm." The other boy skeptically hummed.

" Make sure you hold on tight." Lance told him, gripping the handle harder from his frustration with himself. They'd be fine. He needed to stop letting his instincts run the show in his brain. Keith wasn't helpless. Keith could handle himself. Keith didn't need his permission to do this. Keith wasn't in danger, contrary to the overwhelming fear in Lance's head. Lance was getting under his own skin by worrying so much.

Keith clicked his tongue at him as Allura started going, and it seemed like the tube was accelerating at an unreal rate.

The alpha felt his stomach drop off a cliff as the tube began moving. Now that there were waves, it didn't take long before they were bouncing on them. He felt like he was trying to ride a mechanical bull and failing.

Faster. Way faster.

Keith realized Allura was punching it way more than she had with Matt and Pidge. Water was spraying them in the face, splashing them with every turn that the boat made. It made it exceedingly difficult to hang on.

Lance looked over at Keith, seeing the undeniably happy expression on his face. It helped to ease him somewhat, knowing that his omega wasn't frightened by the speed. But it was then when Lance's train of thought was effectively derailed. He felt a... breeze. Obviously everything was windy, but there was a sudden draft.

" Fuck!" He exclaimed, realizing that his trunks were currently floating in their wake. Keith turned his head, and immediately burst out laughing as Lance let go and flew off.

" Oh my God!" Pidge was cackling as she watched. " I would've figured his ass would be paler." She laughed even more.

Shiro was straight faced as everyone else at least chuckled.

" Shiro, don't you think it's funny?" Matt asked him as Allura slowed down.

" Not really."

" Shiro's probably just numb to seeing this sort of stuff at this point." Pidge wiped a tear from her watery eyes. Her guts were starting to clench from how much she'd been laughing.

" I've seen worse than this." Shiro grimaced somewhat.

" Please keep it to yourself." Hunk said. " I already know way too much about their... sex life... and I don't think I can handle anymore."

Lance was currently bobbing up and down in the water, trying to doggy paddle with the life jacket on. It really impeded his normally strong swimming skills. He could've been on the swim team, but Lance couldn't deal with all the chlorine. It was just so horrible for his skin and he hated that.

He thanked his lucky stars when the swimming trunks were still floating at the surface. Lance grabbed them, shaking his head while slipping his legs into them.

Keith was still on the tube, holding on tightly while Allura tried to circle back around for Lance. Part of Keith felt a little angry that people had gotten a glimpse at his alpha's ass. His submissive instincts also had way of making him territorial, so he was going to make it very clear that he was Lance's. It could've been anyone who saw it. It didn't matter that these were their friends, who would never ever try to get with Lance. Keith felt the need to make sure they knew.

After they had gotten back on the boat a few minutes later, Keith wasn't shy about being clingy.

Pidge was snickering, even though Matt had told her not to say anything, she couldn't help herself.

" Thicc..." She was full out laughing again.

Keith could've hissed, but he held it back, being that these were their friends.

" Back off... he's mine." Keith said, and as soon as Lance found a seat, he was on his dampened lap.

" Easy, Babe." Lance chuckled, shrugging off his embarrassment.

" Nobody's coming for your man, you can chill." Matt said. And everyone nodded. Keith just settled against Lance more, letting his face rest in the taller male's moistened neck.

" Let's just pretend that Lance didn't have a..." Allura cleared her throat. " ... wardrobe malfunction."

" Let's." Lance said, holding Keith close.

(( There will be a few more chapters... but we're nearing the home stretch, Loves.))

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