First Game of The Season
(( Hello, Loves!! This is kind of my first Klance fanfiction so... here? This is only the beginning! I love omegaverses so much! Also, I am a cheerleader myself, so sorry if I ever use terminology that you guys don't understand! ))
The sound of the crowd drowned into a dull, but constant roar. This was it. Keith was finally going to do this in front of everyone, despite the feelings of embarrassment, and fear pounding in his chest. And the tight-ish, way too short uniform that clung to his thighs as he felt himself being lifted into the air. His pristine white tennis shoes being clutched by a pair of hands on either side, and another set gripping his ankles. His feet were about the level of the others' chests. Keith squeezed every muscle his body had, going stiff as a board.
" Keith, stay tight!" Allura, a fellow cheerleader, and also one of the people holding him, shouted. The other stunt groups to their right and left had people up in the air as well. Keith was the only one pushed up higher, though. The girls below him extended their arms completely above their heads, leaving him higher up in the air. The foundation was solid, the stunt didn't wobble at all.
After they got down, the stands cheered and gave an applaud. Somehow, Keith found himself thinking about how this even happened. What got him into this situation, to where he was now. He'd spent his summer training with the cheer squad, learning how to fly just because he was small enough to. He wasn't exactly tall, and he didn't have much muscle mass, so it made sense. But he still found it embarrassing. It was his fault, though, all of it.
The classroom door was locked, as most were when a teacher left for lunch. Keith peered into the dark rectangular window on the door before reaching into his pocket for a bobby pin. He stuck it inside the key hole, and wiggled it around the slot for a second before hearing a distinctive 'click.' Keith slowly pushed the door open, glancing over his shoulder. As soon as the coast was clear, he stepped inside and started rifling through the papers across the desk and in the drawers. Most of them were just scribbled math homework that had been done last minute by various students. Until he found it. A small packet titled: Chapter 11 Algebra 2 Test. The problems were all answered with complete work shown as he looked through the different numbers.
Keith chuckled to himself, though he did feel somewhat guilty. He couldn't fail math again or Shiro would throw a fit and give him that really disappointed look that Keith already knew all too well.
He went to leave, before finding Mr. Kolivan standing in the doorway. His features angled up into an angry expression.
" Keith!" He scolded, finally fed up with the teenager. Keith held the paper behind his back, but it was too late... he'd already seen everything. And that's how he ended up in the vice principle's office a few minutes later.
" Vice Principle Haggar, I can explain." Keith said as he sat down in one of the uncomfortable chairs. Mr. Kolivan, his algebra 2 teacher, sat in the other.
" Oh I'm sure you could come up with a very convincing story." She said, her voice sounding nasally. " Your brother would be ashamed to see this; why can't you be like him? Shiro must be so embarrassed to call you his sibling." Haggar made a menacing sound by tapping the desk with her inch too long fingernails.
" Shiro was an amazing student, and unlike you, he actually payed attention in my classes." Mr. Kolivan looked at Keith, who broke out in a nervous sweat. He didn't say anything, considering he tried to stay under the radar most times. He himself was surprised he even went through with trying to get the test in the first place; Keith was usually quiet and almost timid. He'd been trying to be less shy, but really couldn't help it, he was an omega after all.
" You're lucky I'm not expelling you for this..." Haggar said. Considering that Shiro was on her good side, she begrudgingly wouldn't kick Keith out of the school. No, she would give him a punishment a little bit more creative than that. " Since the cheer squad here is struggling to get members, and I really wouldn't want to have to cut the program, you're going to join them when the season starts in a few days." She said, an evil, witch like grin on her face.
Though Keith wanted to scream a huge word of disapproval, his mouth just wouldn't open that wide. It was less than a week until summer vacation, now he'd gone and blown it for himself.
" Oh yes. That would be a great alternative! By fall I bet you'll fit right in! And you definitely will have some friends to study with... maybe then you won't have to cheat." The math teacher spoke, passive aggressively.
Keith found himself snapping back into the present, with the huge football field lights blinding him. The cheerleaders all stood on the school's jet black, tar track, facing the grassy playing area. The sun was just starting to set, and it painted the sky an array of blues and pinks. Halftime was nearly over, and it would be dark by the time the game ended. It was still early enough in September where the days seemed everlasting, and the nights short lived.
The game went by in the blink of an eye, and of course, their home team had emerged on top. The Lions were already a very effective unit. They worked well together, and communicated properly to move the ball efficiently.
But the team's real advantage was their quarterback, Lance McClain. He had rather tan, sun kissed skin that complimented his deep blue eye color. His hair was a combination of chocolate and caramel brown, and he had faint freckles that dusted his cheekbones. Lance had one hell of a throw, and almost never failed to pass the ball for a touchdown.
Him and Keith had a somewhat... complex relationship. Not frenemies, not rivals, there was just a... heavy sense of tension.
As the team walked off the grass, their cleats tapped loudly against the cement. The majority of the crowd had gathered by the end of the field, ready to socialize and congratulate. The cheerleaders were no exception, they shook their multicolored pompoms enthusiastically, an action that Keith did half heartedly.
Allura, their captain, had to sneak off to the bathroom. She left the cheerleaders' second in command, Shay, in charge. But as soon as the players were off the field, they spread out through the ranks of fans. She wasn't very good at keeping people in line.
Shay's boyfriend, Hunk, began having a smiley conversation with her after the game ended and he was off the field. He was a literal ray of sunshine, just like her. They both were way too nice for this world, and it was adorable.
Keith was leaning against the gate, arms folded over his chest as Allura cut past him. And that's when he noticed Lance in her wake. His helmet was off and his hair was dripping, either with sweat or the left over liquid from his water bottle. Keith couldn't tell. Lance smirked as soon as he saw him.
" Excuse me, Sweetie." He said sarcastically, trying to get through the gate. Keith felt his heart beat quicken, but he didn't budge. Lance narrowed his eyes at him, instinctively scanning Keith's body without a clue he was doing it. Allura continued on forward, escaping into the women's restroom before he could catch her. " Nice going. Now it's your fault I don't get to talk to her!" He didn't raise his voice, but he was obviously irate. Keith found the courage to chuckle, really Lance's presence was making his stomach do backflips.
" Not my fault you're always after a new piece of ass..." He scoffed. Usually, Keith would've just looked down and stepped aside. But this was Lance.
The quarterback was a little taken back by what Keith had said, normally an omega would do whatever he said without question. Lance wondered... how much would it take for the boy to drop the act and submit?
Some of the chatter around them decreased into whispers, like many were waiting for their star quarterback to respond.
" Speaking of ass, I can see half of yours hanging out of that uniform." He was confident, but still... Keith's uniform was rather revealing. He had tight black spandex that rode up on his thighs, and his top was just as form fitting, exposing his pale mid-drift. It clung to his upper waist and showed off Keith's nearly feminine amount of curve.
The cheerleader felt his inner voice telling him to step back. To let alpha say what he pleased and be done with it. And although Keith's attitude was still there, his volume of voice was decreasing.
" I thought alphas liked that sort of thing?" He rose an eyebrow, suddenly feeling self conscious knowing Lance was staring at his ass.
The quarterback stepped closer, grabbing a hold of Keith's tensed bi-cep. The heat between them was more than that of the summer temperatures. Lance was right next to Keith's ear, nearly breathing down his neck. It had a funny way of making the cheerleader's mind race, but he was too stubborn to stand down now. Despite his heart beating out of his chest, and Lance's scent filling the air.
" Be careful what you say before I start chasing your ass, too..." Lance's voice was above a whisper, but deep and rumbling in the other's ear. " I always get what I want you know."
Keith felt his breathing go shallow. Almost every fiber of his mind and body were begging him to step away and let the alpha through, but he didn't move. He only found himself stuttering out a final attempt at challenging Lance.
" I-Is that why you're st-still a virgin?" He asked, somewhat cocky. The stammering ruined it, but they could hear the crowd around them inaudibly gasp.
Lance froze, and Keith felt his face warm up. Especially his cheekbones. The quarterback leaned back, taking a small step in reverse. Everyone waited for his response. Right about then, Keith could've ran away asking himself why the hell he'd picked a fight with an alpha.
Lance looked the cheerleader from top to bottom, examining the way too tight material. And the small pony tail that held back the majority of Keith's raven colored hair.
" Not for long~" He purred, with a dark blush covering his face along with a large smirk as well. And that's when Lance turned back the way he came, and started walking towards the parking lot.
Keith was finally able to breathe again after that. The cheerleaders squealed, some of the football players just burst out laughing about their teammate. And Allura got back, wondering what the hell she'd missed that got Keith so flustered.
Lance and Keith's relationship indeed was... complex.
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