(( THANK YOU!! I can't believe I have 8K reads! Also like half this chapter got deleted for some reason, so sorry if you get two notifications when I republish this? Or if there wasn't anything at first. I'm frustrated asf))
" I'm sorry what? What happened to him, I don't understand what you're telling me?" Shiro held his phone close as he sped out of the parking lot.
" Mr. Shirogane, I'm not exactly sure how to explain this without being blunt." The school's vice president, Haggar, responded in that nasally voice of hers.
" Is Keith okay?!" He found himself interjecting. " You can't tell me to leave work to check on him if I don't know what the situation is." Shiro was already on the road, hoping there were no cops around to pull him over for speeding.
" There was an... incident in the locker room this morning-"
" This morning?! It's noon! Why are you just now letting me know?" The alpha wasn't usually the type to interrupt, but he was getting extremely anxious about his little brother's well being.
" Sir, we had to deal with the injuries and file reports, I'm sorry but there are so only many things that we can do at a time." Haggar tried to stay calm, mainly because her boss had advised her to stop yelling at people. Half the parents hated, or were scared of her as it was.
" Injuries?!" Shiro shrieked. " Is Keith-"
" If you would just give me a second I can explain this..." She felt her eyebrow twitch in annoyance while tapping her too long fingernails on the desk.
" Please do..." Shiro said with a very sassy tone in his voice.
" Your brother, I'm not sure if you're aware, but he is in heat. I can't speak for Keith, but I don't believe he realized it himself. And there was a confrontation that occurred in the locker room, one that led to him being assaulted-"
" WHAT?! SOMEONE RAPED HIM?!" He couldn't stop himself from yelling into the phone, and probably blowing out her eardrum.
" No! No not quite..." Haggar cut in, very irritated with him continuously interrupting her. " The football coach arrived to stop it before things could get... there."
" Who was this alpha?! Was his name Lance?!" Shiro's mind couldn't help but blame the quarterback right away.
" No. It was another student, and I'm not allowed to disclose his name over the phone because of legality reasons."
Shiro was almost relieved to know that it wasn't Lance, but he was unaware that he wasn't receiving the full truth.
" And how did he get home?" He tried to keep his temper in check.
" His boyfriend took him there as far as I've been told."
That's when Shiro started panicking even more. Keith in heat, and Lance, who probably started his rut, were in the house alone. He nearly drove right through the garage door upon getting to the driveway.
" I need a full explanation! You'd best be expecting a call from me, and the police!" He growled.
" No need to contact law enforcement, the student is already in custody." Was all Shiro heard before hanging up the phone, and walking in the front door, which had been left unlocked.
Keith and Lance, luckily, were on a small water break when they heard the minivan pull up. The omega gulped, knowing how Shiro would be livid.
Him and his alpha had been doing... pretty much the same thing all morning; each other. And this was the first time they'd even stopped to rehydrate.
" Lance! That's him!" Keith pulled Lance back into bed, and this caused him to nearly spill the water everywhere.
" Wah!"
The omega shoved his alpha under the covers, while getting up unlocking his bedroom door. -Shiro hated it whenever he locked it.-
Keith got under the red comforter as well, scooting in close, so his and Lance's bodies were pressed together.
There were heavy footsteps ascending up the stairs, and they both prayed that Shiro wouldn't go a-wall.
" Keith?!" He called, stopping himself before he could barge into the room. The combined smells of alpha and omega hit him like a brick wall.
" Y-yeah..." The little brother said, and his voice was hoarse from all the screaming he'd done.
" Are you both decent???" Shiro cringed when asking.
" Mhm..." Keith responded, and the door flew open.
" Thank god! Keith, are you okay?!" Shiro rushed over to the bedside, and he knew exactly what Lance and him had been doing. The aroma was stronger than if three cans of Axe had been sprayed on them.
" I'm fine." The omega said bluntly, and he moved back to be closer to Lance.
" Lance! May I ask where the hell you were?! You're supposed to be there to protect him from things like this, how did you not smell it?!!" The larger alpha snapped, and the quarterback winced.
" Excuse you?! He-" Keith was cut off.
" I'm talking to Lance." Shiro narrowed his eyes.
" I-" Lance was about to say something when a cell phone started ringing in the older brother's pocket. He angrily took it out, and noticed the number.
" This is the school, but let me just say, you both owe me a major explanation." He said before taking the call and going into the hall. " Hello?"
" Hi, um I'm looking to talk to Takashi?" There was a rather goofy voice on the other end. He sounded like a typical Australian uncle. " Is this him?"
" Y-yes. And who am I speaking with?" Shiro stammered.
" Mr. Shirogane, my name is Coran Wimbleton-Smythe, and I work as a football coach at the high school. You are Keith's legal guardian if I'm not mistaken?" Coran's voice flowed, but he was actually somewhat irate.
" That's correct. But I've already spoken with the school." He raised an eyebrow.
" I'm very aware of this, but considering the office has a way of... not telling the whole truth... I would like to let you know first hand what happened." The football coach said and Shiro didn't interrupt him. " First of all, once things were out of my hands, the situation was handled poorly and I'm personally apologizing for that."
" Out of your hands? They said the kid was in custody." Shiro was kind of confused.
" Well, the office didn't even file any reports on Lance, because I told them if they did I would report Lotor to the authorities myself." Coran didn't know that he wasn't allowed to use his name, but it didn't matter.
" Lance?" The older brother was beyond puzzled. " What did he do?"
" Oh, they really didn't tell you?"
" Tell me what? I was told that you broke it up?" Shiro was realizing that the information he'd received had been twisted around.
" Me?! Oh no not exactly, sir, I'm not much of a fighter." Coran said, waving his free hand even though nobody was there to see the gesture. " Lance was the one who stopped it. Lord knows what would've happened if he hadn't gotten there when he did. The boy pretty much sprinted away from practice, and I knew something was up right away because he's usually so helpful."
Shiro felt horrible, he'd blamed Lance when really he was the good guy. He stayed silent, and a wave of guilt washed over him. " And I can comfort you in saying that Lotor has been expelled. Considering he's the principle's son it was hard for me to get that done, but I took care of it." The football coach twiddled his mustache.
" Thank you for letting me know. But can you please tell me more about what Lance did?" Shiro was feeling like the biggest douche nugget ever.
" Well, I didn't see everything. But the other kid was hurt pretty bad. As far as I know, Lotor has a broken nose and he suffered a major blow to the head." Coran said. " But I know that Lance did everything he could to keep Keith safe."
Inside the room, the two boys could only make out muffled sounds of what Shiro was saying. And Lance was tense upon hearing his name come up.
" Don't worry..." Keith felt his alpha shift, and he turned around to face him. " everything is going to be fine." He stroked Lance's cheek to comfort him.
" He hates me..." The taller male buried his face into the pillows.
" No he doesn't." The omega kept his voice low, not wanting Shiro to hear them.
" Yes he does." Lance sadly mumbled. He already had some issues with his self confidence sometimes, and the older brother definitely didn't help with them.
" I promise he doesn't hate you..." Keith leaned his head against the pillows, and their faces were really close together. The smaller boy was about to pull Lance in for kiss, but his bedroom door opened yet again. It was way softer this time. " If you're just coming in here to blame Lance then get out." Keith spoke coldly.
" N-no..." The older alpha said, feeling shameful.
" Then what do you want?" The omega turned around, and his eyes were fiery as he stared right through Shiro.
" I owe you both an apology." He admitted, and Lance unburied his face from the mountain of squishy pillows. And Keith only continued dirty looking his brother. " I was very quick to blame you for this, Lance. And that was wrong of me. I should really be thanking you-"
" Damn right you should be." The cheerleader hissed. Normally he wouldn't be so daring to speak to Shiro that way, but his heat really messed with his head.
" T-Takashi..." Lance began.
" Call me Shiro." Shiro said. " I'm really sorry for being so hard on you. Thank you for protecting my brother..."
The football player was beyond surprised to hear this. He thought Shiro might have to much pride to admit he was wrong, but then again, Lance had never gotten the chance to get to know him.
" I-I... don't know what to say." He stuttered.
" That's a first." Keith rolled his eyes, somewhat smirking.
" Hey!" Lance scolded, although he was smiling in relief.
" But seriously, you two. I am so sorry for doubting everything. Lance, you are a good person. I guess my protective instincts just blinded me to that." Shiro crosses his arms. " I hope someday you both can learn to forgive me."
" What's done is done." The quarterback looked happy for one of the first times that day. " You can make it up to me, though." Lance raised an eyebrow and Keith looked scared for a second.
" Oh no..." The omega facepalmed.
" I'm listening." The older brother spoke.
" I think we should get a redo on dinner. And we can go out so you don't have to cook..." The smaller alpha said. " I do want to get to know you."
" That sounds like a great idea." Shiro smiled, and there was a short silence. " Well I need to go back to work, and to the police station." He said.
" You're leaving us here alone?!" Keith exclaimed, shocked that his brother was fine with them being alone.
" You're in heat, Keith. You need to... do certain things. I just don't want any noise complaints from the neighbors, so keep that in mind." Shiro said before leaving the room, and clicking the lock on his way out.
" Did he just-" Lance was wide eyed, and blushing madly from the comment.
" Ya... I think so..."
The minivan's car door slammed and soon the boys could hear Shiro speed down the road. Keith smirked and Lance blinked slowly a couple times.
" Can't we take more of a break? I'm tired." The alpha sighed, though his pheromones were begging him to do something. And he was still hard under the covers, with his length begging for more attention.
" My heat doesn't stop just because you're lazy." Keith gave him an irritated look, and Lance could only return an aggravated sigh.
Here they went again, for the millionth time that day.
(( This is way shorter than it was earlier, but I am not going to rewrite it fast because it would be bad and half assed. Sorry for any confusion, like wtf Wattpad. Anyways, I'll update soon, Loves. I've had so much to do recently and writers block doesn't help.))
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