
(( Another steamy smut warning! Gotta love hormone imbalances. I got some inspiration from an amazing rp I'm doing right now, but only a little bit. I put huge spin on it. One more thing, they do see the film Love Simon, but I don't focus on that too much because I don't want to spoil the movie for those of you who may not have seen it. Not a promo or anything, but it's really good.))

" Allura, I really don't think I need-" Keith was cut off.

" I'm picking your outfit! It's settled." She huffed, waltzing around the omega's room like it was her own. Keith rolled his eyes.

" What, are all my clothes too 'emo'?"

" You shouldn't go out on a double date wearing ripped jeans. That's not proper." She held up two different shirts to Keith, swapping them back and forth as they swayed on their hangers.

" This is a movie theater. It's not a hoity toity place." His eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

" It's still a date!" She insisted.

" Yeah... but Lance and I have gotten past the point of giving a fuck about what either of us are wearing." Keith protested. " If you care so much, go plan out an outfit for my brother."

" I trust Shiro knows how to dress himself properly for the occasion." Allura went back to digging in the closet.

" You don't trust me? I'm 18, I think I know what to wear and when it's okay to wear it." Keith really just wanted to shut the closet doors, drag Allura down the hall, and shove her into Shiro's room. He didn't feel like being bothered with this.

" Okay, Keith..." Allura sighed. " This is not just any movie date, okay? In case you haven't noticed, it's Valentine's Day. Lance will be here any minute, and you're not even prepared." She was appalled by some of the wardrobe Keith owned. " What is it with you and skulls?! I don't understand it!"

" Skulls are cool." Keith chuckled. But then he figured he should probably check his phone to see when Lance would be there.

" No, no they're not." Allura facepalmed, and as she continued rummaging through his closet, Keith saw that there was in fact a message from Lance.

Loverboy 7:09 PM- Match with me?

There was a picture of Lance posing in front of the mirror, holding a red rose in his mouth, and wearing his Deadpool onesie. Keith smirked.

Keith 7:13 PM- You know it

" Keith, come over here! I think I finally found a shirt without blood, or-" It was Allura's turn to be interrupted as Keith grabbed his Spiderman pajamas from the back of the closet.

" I got it covered." He smiled. And she looked shocked.

" Please tell me you're not wearing that?" Allura narrowed her eyes.

" Um... yeah. It's sort of Lance's and I's thing. You and Shiro can be fancy or whatever but that's not how we do things." He took the hangers from her and hung them back up before shutting the doors.


" Now the party can start." Lance said while walking in Keith's front door. He was unbelievably confident considering his choice of attire. " Where's Keith at?"

Allura facepalmed. And Keith walked into the entryway in his onesie.

" Hey..." The omega greeted. Lance came in, engulfing his boyfriend in a hug and pretty much lifting him from the ground. But then his eyes went wide, and he felt around Keith's torso and arms.

" Babe, have you been working out?" The taller boy asked, looking almost fascinated. It seemed as though Keith's arms were a tad bit more built, and his abdomen was more toned.

" Maybe..." Keith blushed. " Soccer season won't start for a while, so I'm trying to stay ahead of my hormones." He'd been working out in the spare office room. Shiro had a treadmill in there, as well as a few dumbbells. The last thing Keith wanted was to gain any weight.

" Whatever you're doing is working~" Lance whispered, walking his fingers up Keith's chest. He pinched the zipper of the onesie and pulled it down about an inch. " Makes me wanna see what you're hiding under there..."

" Ahem." Shiro cleared his throat as he descended down the stairs.

" Should we get going?" Allura tried to act as though she wasn't incredibly flustered.

" You act like you're about to do something." Keith quietly responded to Lance. The last time they'd actually done something for real, it'd only been soft. He couldn't even remember the last time Lance went completely alpha on him.

" You really think I wouldn't shove you up against the wall and..." Lance trailed off as a smirk colonized his face.

" No, I don't." He challenged back.

" Okayyyyy, time to go!" Shiro awkwardly smiled at the two boys and shooed them out the door. There was clearly some tension between them.

" If they wouldn't have been standing there, I would've ripped that onesie off you so fast." Lance told Keith as they got in the way back of the minivan.

" You keep saying that. I'm so scared." The omega rolled his eyes, making it his mission to get Lance aggravated and bring out his alpha instincts.

" I think you're forgetting that you're an omega, and I'm your alpha..." Lance narrowed his eyes, whispering so the other couple wouldn't hear as the van's engine rumbled.

" Yeah, and when was the last time you actually got dominant with me, Lance?" Keith scoffed. This was turning into a whole thing. There was a pause. " Exactly."

Lance's eye twitched, because... well... Keith was right. The last time they'd actually catered to each other's instincts was before Halloween. Had he... made his boyfriend sexually frustrated? So much so that him making a reference was enough to get Keith in the mood?

" Do you really want to do this now?" He challenged him, letting his ocean blue eyes cloud somewhat. Keith side eyed him, not saying anything. " Hm?" Lance got extremely peeved when ignored, and Keith knew that all too well as he wore a smug smile.

He still neglected to acknowledge him.

" If you're trying piss me off, it's working..." The alpha growled underneath his breath. And then it hit him. This was probably because of Keith's rickety hormone imbalance.

Keith batted his eyelashes and stared out the window, watching cars pass by as they drove down the road. He could smell Lance's frustration, it was faint, but it was definitely there.

" So, are you guys excited for the movie?" Allura looked over her shoulder to ask the boys.

" Hell yeah. Pidge told us it was really good." Keith answered her, and he made sure to do so right away so Lance would get more angry.

" Love Simon has rave reviews." Shiro added. He was looking forward to getting an inside look at the whole 'coming out' experience. When Keith came out to him at age 14, he'd already known for some time. But Shiro wanted to know if most people had it that easy. He doubted it.

There were probably going to be other gay alphas there... and that was the only thing about this that was concerning to Lance. Especially considering the attitude Keith was taking with him right then. He knew he might have to reassert himself, and the truth was, he missed going alpha on Keith. He'd only been scared that he'd hurt his boyfriend by getting too rough too quickly.

" Keith." Lance poked his omega's cheek a couple times. It was almost like they were having a contest to see who could annoy the other most. " Quit ignoring me."

And that's when Keith pulled out his phone, failing to even respond. If this was what it took to coax Lance's dominance out, he'd keep acting like this. Keith wasn't even sure why he was so worried about their dynamics all of the sudden. There was a tiny little voice in his head telling him to go full omega, and just ask Lance for what he wanted, but he never gave into his instincts that easy.

" Is Instagram really more important than me?" Lance was pretty surprised at the other boy's behavior. If this was a game, fine. He'd play. So far, Keith was winning by irking him in this way. Lance wouldn't have that, he guessed he was supposed to make him go omega. Piece of cake.

Lance scooted over, snaking an arm around Keith's waist, and nearing their faces. " You know... if you want me to get in your pants so bad you could at least ask." He whispered, smirking.

" I'm not even wearing pants right now." Keith said, completely ignoring the hot breath tickling his ear and jawline. It ran down and over his bonding mark, which was definitely hypersensitive to it.

Lance could've exploded. He could tell just by Keith's scent that he wanted something, wanted attention and his touch.

" Listen here you little shit-"

" We're here!" Allura exclaimed. And Keith leered at Lance, stifling a laugh. This was definitely fun, watching his alpha get pissed.

" That car ride took forever." Keith complained, yawning. It took all of Lance's self control not to smack the phone from his hands and yank him into a kiss.

As everyone made their way in, it was clearly obvious something was up. Lance kept Keith glued to his side, making sure that if he smelled another unfamiliar alpha, they were far from them.

Shiro and Allura looked at each other, then back at the couple in front of them. One word. Tension. They could smell it.

" So..." Shiro began after they'd bought their tickets. " What do you normally get for snacks?" He asked Allura.

" Candy, popcorn. The basics." She answered, and Lance and Keith were already on their way to theater room. The movie didn't even start for thirty minutes. " What's up with them?" Allura asked.

" Keith is just being weird because of hormones." Shiro facepalmed. " I think it's rubbing Lance the wrong way."

" No kidding."


Keith was smirking to himself as they walked into one of the many show rooms of the theater. He was getting a kick out of this inside his kinky, hormone driven brain.

" Babe." Lance growled at him. No response. " You want me to get dominant with you? Fine." He paused, shoving the smaller boy to the wall. " Is this what you want?" Lance's lips brushed with Keith's as he used his lowest tone of voice. There was nobody in sight, so he felt like it was safe.

Keith's eyes were a little wider now.

" You have no idea." He murmured. Lance was succeeding in drawing out his submissiveness. Only some of it, though. " Are you mad yet?" Keith raised an eyebrow at him.

" You won't be able to walk for a week after I'm done with you. Does that answer your question?" Lance pressed him back more firmly, and Keith noticed how his eyes were heavy with lust. " Does it?!"

" Sure." The omega said, moving his knee to press it in-between Lance's legs.

" The second we get home, you're mine." Lance lowly said, letting go of his boyfriend as he heard footsteps approaching. That was it. His alpha instincts were in overdrive. If he'd let them take complete control, he'd be busy dragging Keith to the van so he could destroy him right then and there.

" Cool." Keith played it off. He knew his ass was grass.


" The movie was pretty good, huh?" Shiro asked the group as they got back into the minivan about two hours later.

" Says the one who cried." Keith teased him.

" It was sad!" The older brother defended his pride.

" It's okay, Shiro." Allura put a hand on his shoulder. " Showing your emotions isn't something you should be embarrassed about." She giggled slightly.

The ride was completely filled with chatter from Allura and Shiro, but Keith and Lance continued staring at each other hungrily. Even after Allura was dropped off at home and they'd pulled up in Keith's driveway.

" You guys coming?" Shiro asked the boys after they hadn't gotten out when he did.

" Yeah." Lance answered. " I just gotta talk to Keith really quick. In private."

" Lock it when you're done I guess." Shiro closed his car door, and he cringed while walking up to the front door. Not in the van. Please not the van. The couch was starting to look like a way better alternative.

Lance carefully watched, and once he was sure that Shiro was in the house, he turned his attention back to his boyfriend.

Keith narrowed his eyes challengingly.

" You going to do something other than sit there?" The omega scoffed.

" I'd suggest you'd start holding your tongue..." Lance crawled over him, pulling Keith down to lay in the seat by his hips. " Unless you want Shiro to hear you screaming from inside the house."

" Bite me." Keith rolled his eyes.

" Been there, done that..." Lance chuckled mischievously.

It was very dark inside the van. The lights from the street lamps were about the only illumination they had. Keith could still tell that his alpha was wickedly smiling at him, and he couldn't help but wonder what he'd gotten himself into. It had been so long since he'd riled Lance up. He'd almost managed to forget the fear that mounted in his chest, or how fast his heart would beat. His omega instincts always put him on edge the second he knew his alpha was mad. It was primal, deeply rooted inside of him.

" Now take your onesie off." Lance pretty much demanded. Keith's inner omega was causing him to get more submissive by the second. Him. Lance. In the back of the van, finally alone after not doing anything for hours.

He began doing what Lance said, and he unzipped the front of the pajamas, gauging the alpha's reaction. He nodded for Keith to take them completely off, so that's what happened.

" Now... here's what's going to happen..." Lance insidiously loomed over his boyfriend's now exposed body. He started lifting up the waistband on the smaller male's boxers. " Since you love fucking with me... you get to wait for it. Show me how desperate you are."

" Wh-what?" Keith asked. And he felt himself shiver as Lance ripped his underwear down. They were damp from how turned on the boy was.

" Finger yourself... if you want me that badly you're proving it." Lance smirked down at him. " And maybe... if I feel like it... I'll help you."

It was then that Keith realized just how much he'd pissed his boyfriend off.

" You're kidding, right?" The omega asked. Lance said nothing, hoping to give Keith a dose of his own medicine.

He was definitely not joking around. This must've been his way of punishing him, and Keith was coming to that conclusion. It would be degrading, using his fingers when there was something so much better right there.

" If you're good you'll get what you want. It's that simple." Lance had a devilish, menacing look on his face. He'd become fed up with Keith's little game, and he wanted to remind him who was in charge.

Keith gulped.

He'd never done anything like this before. Believe it or not, Keith had never found an occasion to pleasure himself like this. Until now, that is.

The omega slowly spread his legs apart, and he could not have looked more submissive while sliding his hand downward. He couldn't look at Lance while he placed a finger at his rim, massaging for a moment or two. Keith covered his mouth as he slid in.

Lance was getting out of his onesie while keeping an eye on him. He was stiff inside of his ever tighter boxers, and as much as he wanted to relieve the tension, Keith needed to be taught a lesson.

" Doesn't feel the same, does it?" He smugly asked Keith, who was now thrusting the digit.

" N-no..." The shorter boy lowly answered, gasping after adding a second finger. There was still a stretch, and it still felt good. But the sensation wasn't nearly as easy to acquire, and his hand was awkwardly bending just to reach it.

" How does it feel to be ignored? I bet you're sorry..." Lance licked his lips. So much for his sweet, caring, and sensual side. It had been overpowered by his kinky and darker urges.

" Ngh~ y-yes..." Keith murmured, going faster. His fingers were becoming sticky from his own slick, and it was complete torture. He couldn't decide if he liked the teasing or not.

The alpha got out of his boxers, setting them to the side. Watching his boyfriend do that was about the biggest turn on he'd seen since Keith's birthday. Being wanted, being needed by him was something that could light a wildfire inside of Lance.

He slowly stroked his member, having Keith see it. What the omega wanted was right there, right fucking there. But in the lowly lit van, it as only visible by its large silhouette.

" Is this what you want?" Lance not-so-innocently asked. And Keith nodded rapidly, while at the same time adding a third finger into the equation.

" L-Lance!"

" Beg me for it then." Lance growled at him. " Do it or I'll just jack off without rewarding you." He loved having this much power, being in control. Having someone like Keith stoop to pleading with him was about the best sexual satisfaction he could dream of.

Keith moved his fingers faster, moaning quietly from the pleasure it gave him.

" P-please! I-ah! I want you!" He whined.

" You're sorry? And you won't do that again?" Lance asked with squinted eyes. He grabbed a condom from his wallet, which had been sitting in the pocket of his pajamas.

" I'm s-sorry!" Keith desperately insisted.

And Lance was unwrapping it at a painstakingly slow pace, taking his sweet time. He could handle the throbbing ache in his member, but Keith was apparently crumbling to his urges.

" You won't ignore me, and you won't be a little bitch anymore?" Lance rumbled while rolling the slippery rubber over his length. He was enjoying this way more than he should've been.

" N-no!" Keith was whimpering. " I'll be your g-good s-slut! Ah-I p-promise~" He felt absolutely filthy as words just fell from his lips.

Lance was towering over him in a matter of seconds.

" Good boy..." He said in a base-like tone. There was an unreal amount of tension between them as Lance gripped Keith's hips, lifting him up. Soon, he was in his lap, and Lance's member was in front of him. " You wanted this... so ride me." Lance wanted to see him do the work.

Keith was feeling empty after taking his fingers out. He wasn't expecting Lance to make him do that, especially after last time. But he wasn't in any position to pass it up, so he obeyed. And he felt Lance's tip pressing at his rim before he eased himself down onto him.

" Ahhh!" He moaned, burying his face in the alpha's shoulder. The stretch was swift, and sudden. Lance was pretty much all the way in already due to the wetness.

The taller boy exhaled sharply, letting his hands rest on Keith's hips while meeting their lips in a passionate kiss. This was ecstasy, and he couldn't get enough of the heat that had enveloped his cock. Even though the van was beginning to get hot, and the windows were fogged up, Keith was way more sweltering.

As the omega adjusted to the size, he took a mental note. Angry Lance was sexy Lance. Even though he promised he'd stop teasing him like that, Keith knew that he'd probably do it again eventually.

This was better than the Valentine's chocolates they'd exchanged, and it one-upped the movie they'd just watched. Part of Keith wished that they'd just stayed home, and gotten up close and personal all day.

Once Keith felt ready, he slowly rolled his hips, grinding back onto Lance. That earned a groan from the alpha, who dug his hands into his sides in response. Their lips separated, and Keith bounced a little bit.

" L-Lance..." His eyes were watering from being so stuffed. He felt like an overflowing Thanksgiving turkey.

" Holy shit, Keith..." Lance breathed heavily. The feeling of gliding into Keith over and over again was making him lose it. He aided the bouncing by pulling up on the omega's sides, then shoving him back down.

" Fuck!" Keith swore loudly. This was one of his favorite positions, even if he wasn't very good at it. Lance didn't have trouble finding his sweet spot, being that he was at the right angle from the get go.

" Is this what you wanted?" Lance cockily asked, pretty much slamming Keith back down to the base of his length. That action caused the boy to throw his head back and scream from bliss. " Answer me, slut." The alpha demanded.

Keith was shivering from the sensations that showed no mercy. The feeling of Lance fucking him was intense, and rattled his entire lower half. His legs were trembling, and his purplish eyes were glued shut from pleasure overload.

" Ahhh-hnn! Y-yes!" He cemented his hands to Lance's shoulders, letting his nails sink into the skin.

Lance absolutely adored this. Reducing Keith into a desperate, compliant submissive. His inner alpha couldn't have been more happy to hear the broken cries escaping the smaller boy. And just an added bonus, the sting from his shoulders' skin being broken. It would be an understatement to call Lance a masochist, and that was an uncommon kink among his kind. He hissed from the burning sensation, but in his bared teeth, there was a smile.

" Harder!" Keith whined.

Lance almost chuckled to himself. Keith could barely handle what he had right then, yet there he was, pleading for more. He was already taking all that Lance had to offer-more than taking it actually. The omega was being rammed, letting tears race down his cheeks, and he couldn't stop moaning even if it killed him.

The taller male did the only thing he knew how to. He lifted Keith up to the point where his member was pulled out and prodding at his hole, only to harshly pound back into him.

" LANCE!" Keith screamed, and it was even more blaring due to the fact that they were inside the van. The windows could've shattered as the deafeningly high pitched sound waves reverberated off the insides.

It was no secret that they were in there, being that the back of the van kept absorbing the weight of Keith bouncing. The end of it kept shifting, but thankfully the tires kept it in place. The only thing that didn't announce to the whole neighborhood that they were in there was fog on the window. Otherwise anyone could've looked right in and saw the source of the cries.

Lance continued pulling him up, letting him drop, and unraveling Keith's entire being in the process. It was like the boy was turning into some sort of sex starved creature that only knew how to beg Lance for more. And the alpha loved it down to the deepest depth of his core. He was close to his climax, and he couldn't help but wish he didn't have to wear a condom. There was just something so different about cumming inside of Keith, filling him, like it was the only way he would be one hundred percent satisfied. But that wasn't an option right then. The last thing either of them needed was for Keith to get pregnant.

" I-I'M-" Keith choked on his own moans. He couldn't remember the last time sex had felt this great. " CUMMING!"

And before Lance could tell him to wait, both of their abdomens were painted with streaks of white. Keith was still screaming like they were in the middle of nowhere, and he probably wouldn't be able to talk tomorrow because of it.

Hearing that was a major trigger for the taller boy. He had put off his orgasm for a while now just so he could keep on showing Keith who the dominant one of them was. But Lance couldn't hold out anymore. As Keith was still riding out the orgasm, he slammed his hips upward a little faster.

" Keith~" The alpha found himself sultrily gasping as he released into the condom. And Keith was burying his face into his neck by then, completely submissive from what Lance had just done.

It was silent besides the sounds of their shared heavy breathing. But after Lance had the condom off, and they'd been able to restore the oxygen to their lungs, there was some quiet talk between them.

" Was that... what you wanted?" Lance asked, hoping that Keith had wanted him to go full alpha. And the smaller boy, who was snuggled into him and curled up, nodded his head shyly.

His worries that their steamy sessions were over had been completely washed away. Him and Lance still had it.

(( Wow. I feel so bad for Shiro. And Matt, because he probably had to listen to Pidge squealing about it. Hehe. PS... I did a face reveal on my insta -username is in my bio- so for those who requested it... you're welcome? I'm a self conscious potato but I did it. ))

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