Decision Making
(( I've never been to a prison before, so if I did any part of this wrong, oops.))
" You're absolutely crazy for this, and I still don't understand why you would intentionally see him after all he's done to us." Lance said as they got off of Keith's motorcycle. He'd already lost the fight and allowed himself to be dragged here. Keith had made up his mind, and there was nothing he could say to change that. So there was no way that he was going to let him come here alone.
" I don't know if you get it." Keith sighed while slipping off his helmet. " I need closure, and I want to see him in that ugly orange jumpsuit."
" Can we please just go? I don't feel comfortable with you being here." Lance grabbed Keith's hand, making a last ditch effort to convince him to leave. " I love you... walking in there is just putting you in danger."
Keith rolled his eyes.
" He's behind glass. And there are guards everywhere." The omega insisted. After he had his bike parked and everything, he started dragging Lance towards the entrance of the prison.
" This is a horrible idea." Lance reiterated. They'd literally snuck off, and nobody knew that they were here. Shiro would've put a stop to it immediately, and Pidge would've slapped Keith to knock some sense into him
" I need closure, Lance. I didn't get to testify like you did, and I never got to tell my side of the story. I at least want to see him behind bars and know that he's there for good." Keith knew that Shiro would murder him for this, and probably Lance too for letting him go. But this would help him sleep better at night. Lotor was gone for good. And no matter how many times he tried to reassure himself with that fact, he needed to see it with his own two eyes.
Once they got past all the security-which took forever- they were walking down the rows until they found Lotor. The glass seemed thick enough, but Lance was completely on edge as him and Keith took a seat. The phone was hanging there, and Keith was shaking as he reached out for it.
Lotor only looked amused. Even though he'd been caught, and was confined for the rest of his life, he was not yet remorseful, nor did he feel a smidgeon of guilt.
" Never thought I'd have the pleasure of seeing you again~" Lotor purred into the phone, and Keith felt sick to his stomach. Lance growled in his throat, holding Keith very protectively. " No hard feelings, right? You weren't the one who was supposed to drink it." He chuckled.
" I hate you. Of course there's hard feelings you bottom feeding, low life, Rapunzel looking cockroach." Keith narrowed his eyes while speaking into the phone.
" You wound me, I'm so hurt that you would come all this way just to insult me." Lotor held a pity party for himself on the other side of the glass.
" Cut the shit, chode-nugget." Keith said. He was able to be more aggressive and less timid due to the barrier between them. " We came to make sure that you're here to stay. This is still better than you deserve."
" You're so much more feisty when you have that glass protecting you... and Lance being your attack dog. What... you afraid I might break through and-"
" Enough."
" I keep you up at night, don't I?" Lotor smirked, observing Keith's reaction. " I totally do. I bet you're bummed that I'm in here, and not able to show you what breeding actually looks like."
Keith's eyes were wide as Lance took the phone from him.
" If you sexually harass him anymore I will rip your throat out, okay?" The alpha snarled into the phone. " Keith just needed proof that you were behind bars. Otherwise we wouldn't even be here, and you wouldn't be able to admire how beautiful my boyfriend is."
Lotor noticed the rings on their fingers.
" Boyfriend? What are those rings, Lance?" He nosily asked.
" Oh, these? They're called promise rings, and you wouldn't know about them because you're a thirsty ass rapist." Lance looked at him challengingly.
" It's not rape if they like it." Lotor scoffed.
" But I didn't like it..." Keith said, having taken the phone back so him and Lance could share it. " Nobody else you've tried that on has liked it either."
" You would've... I could make you scream way more than Lance can. If you think he's big then you need a reality check." The inmate laughed.
" The only thing big about you is your ego." Keith huffed.
" So did you come here just to argue with me? I could do this all day~" Lotor smugly smiled.
" I guess this is me standing up for myself and showing you that you don't scare me." Keith leaned forward a little, and his grip on the phone was causing it to quake in his clenched hand.
" And you're conveniently doing that now that there's a wall of protection between us." Lotor chuckled, clearing his throat.
" I was in a coma thanks to you, so I came as soon as I could. You don't keep me up at night, I'm not afraid to turn a corner, and I'm not looking over my shoulder after every step I take. You don't scare me." Keith was lying for half of that. He did get nightmares. And he was cautious when he was by himself, for fear that Lotor could jump out of nowhere and get him. It was completely irrational, and he knew that. But there was always just the itchy feeling of 'what if.'
" Yeah. My boyfriend is strong and guys like you can't cut him down." Lance supported him one hundred percent, though he knew Keith was only saying that to piss Lotor off. His omega was completely terrified of him, and Lance knew that much. That's why he was shocked when Keith had told him they were doing this.
" Right." Lotor said in a snarky way. " You'll never escape me. You'll always dream about me at night, wake up and just wish I was the one laying next to you." He insidiously cackled, and was obviously not sane by any regard. Keith did not, nor would he ever want to be with him.
" You're locked up. You can't hurt us anymore." Keith said, ignoring the look that Lotor gave him.
" You really believe that? I don't think you give me enough credit." The prisoner crossed his legs, just thinking about everything he could do from the inside. The boys were crazy to think that Lotor was powerless.
" Is that a threat?" Lance barked at him.
" Down, boy." Lotor made a gesture, treating Lance like a dog. " And it's whatever you make it. But I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you."
That's when Lotor stood up, and Keith could only say a final 'fuck you' and flip him off before the inmate was escorted from the room.
" I hope he drops the soap." Lance growled in the back of his throat. He knew it was wrong, but part of him wished that Lotor would finally experience sexual assault from a different point of view.
Keith just looked down. What could Lotor do? What did that mean?
" Hey." Lance said, turning his omega to face him as they both got up from their seats. " Don't let him get to you, okay? He's full of shit. Lotor can't hurt you or me or any of us anymore." He hugged him, stroking his hair and soon planting a kiss to the top of Keith's head.
" I thought this would make me feel better..." Keith murmured, burying his face in Lance's letterman jacket. " He keeps getting in my head."
" He does that to everyone... just please try to remember that he can't get out of here." Lance whispered.
" Let's just go... I'm sure everyone is already wondering where we are anyways." Keith sighed.
" Wait why?"
" The treehouse? Remember Pidge and Matt invited everyone over and we were supposed to be there a while ago." The smaller boy pulled his face back, looking up at Lance. And the alpha could only notice that his stormy purple eyes were beading nervously, and that Keith was ever so slightly shaking in his arms.
It made him want to punch Lotor's teeth in. Keith was still scared half to death and there was nothing Lance could do about it. No matter how much comfort and consoling he did there were still nightmares, and Keith jumped almost every time he hugged him from behind or tapped his shoulder.
Only time would fix it. But until then, Lance could hold Keith close, and keep him comfortable.
By the time Keith and Lance were climbing up to the treehouse, it was dark. They'd definitely managed to make themselves more than fashionably late.
" Hey! What are you doing?!" Pidge exclaimed, dirty looking Matt. They were both on the PS4, playing Minecraft. The small TV they'd mounted above the desk was just large enough for split screen to work.
" You're not building a giant dick that close to my house!" The big brother exclaimed, destroying the creamy colored blocks that Pidge was laying.
" Did someone say dick?" Lance wiggled his eyebrows as he popped his head in the room, and Keith facepalmed.
Hunk, Shay, Allura, and Shiro were all up there already. Hunk and Shay-because they were innocent cinnamon rolls- were playing a game of Jenga. Then the other couple were only watching the siblings play Minecraft in fascination.
" Lance." Shiro gave him a look that a disappointed parent would.
" What took you so long?! Were you two busy fucking in Shiro's van again?" Pidge asked smugly.
" We would've heard them if they were." Matt snorted in an attempt to stifle his laughter.
" Yeah yeah you've told us. Not my fault that Keith is so loud." Lance rolled his eyes while finding a seat on the vacant blue bean bag. Keith was completely red faced as he was pulled to sit atop his boyfriend's lap.
" Wait... nobody told me about that." Allura cringed.
" Remember Valentine's Day? Yeah, a few weeks ago they fucked in Shiro's van. And we could hear it from over here." Pidge chuckled, laying more blocks for her brother to smash in her wake. " I was just trying to type something and then all I could hear was Keith-"
" We get it." Keith's eyebrow twitched.
" Who's up for a subject change?" Hunk raised his hand, as did Shay, along with Shiro as well.
" I could talk about this forever." Lance smirked at Keith, who punched his arm in response.
" So! Lance! Are you excited for soccer season?" Hunk exclaimed.
" Keith is." The alpha answered. Truth be told, he was still steamed that his omega would be participating.
" I get to manage it!" Pidge grinned. And Matt kept destroying the cubical cock she was trying to build.
" Wait who all is playing?" Shiro asked.
" Lance, apparently Keith, and I." Matt answered. He'd decided he was tired of sitting on the sidelines, so he was going to try his leg at soccer.
" I'm happy that he's playing and whatever but now I won't have a buddy to fill up the water coolers with." Pidge pursed her lips. And Allura's eyebrows furrowed.
" Pidge, I'd be willing to manage with you." She smiled.
" Really?" The tiny girl beamed. But then Matt started getting ahead of her, smashing the blocks before she could lay more. " Matt, HOP OFF MY DICK!"
" Of course." Allura said, ignoring the siblings' argument.
" She talks about Klance a lot, just warning you." The brother told Allura.
" That's nice." Keith smiled, embarrassed.
" Pidge, whose dick is that supposed to be?" Lance raised an eyebrow.
" I don't even know. But I'm trying to make a house out of it." She dirty looked Matt.
" If it's supposed to be Lance's it needs to be bigger. And tanner." Keith said, and Lance immediately went cherry red from how bashful that made him.
" Keith!" Shiro scolded.
" TMI, dude." Hunk accidentally knocked over the Jenga blocks.
" Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." Pidge cackled. That's when the doorbell rang.
" Uh- since when does this place have a doorbell?" Lance was eager to change the subject. For once, being the center of attention wasn't something he wanted.
" Oh, that's the pizza." Pidge said. " Matt, you should get it." She smirked, knowing she could build more once he was gone.
" Fine." He sighed, getting up and grabbing the money from where it'd been set aside.
" So... anything I should know about soccer before the first practice?" Keith asked Lance, who was still a beet red mess.
" You know the rules, right?"
" No." The omega mocked. " Of course not."
" Keith, what position are you going to play?" Hunk asked from across the room.
" Coran is having you train him as a goalie." Lance said. And Keith stiffened.
" What?!" This was complete news to him. " I'm too short to be a goalie! I won't get enough exercise either..."
" Lance, did Coran say this or did you suggest it?" Shiro questioned, wondering if it was a measure to keep Keith out of the center.
Lance looked to the side.
" Do you seriously think I can't handle it?" Keith scowled.
" I just don't want you to get hurt." Lance was hesitant to even let Keith on the field at all.
" Is being goalie supposed to keep him safe, Lance?" Hunk folded his arms. " I've been goalie for years and I can't tell you how many times I've been plowed over; it's just as dangerous as any other position." He added, almost shuddering.
" Plus, Keith is fast. He should be a forward." Allura said. And Keith just gave Lance a look with his nose pointed up.
" Putting Keith as a striker means that he would be going into the defense, which is always crawling with alphas by the way." Lance exhaled sharply in a frustrated manner.
" You need to give me a chance. Just assuming that I'll get taken down because I'm an omega is bullshit." Keith let his expression angle downwards into an angry one.
" Keith, in his defense, you two are bonded. Lance has a primal instinct to protect you, and if he thinks you're in danger, he gets paranoid." Allura tried to ease Keith back so he wouldn't have a big fight with his boyfriend over it. " Alphas are just like that. He at least cares about you enough to let you try this."
" That's true. Some alphas wouldn't even let you go through with this, Keith. Lance is not that bad compared to some people." Shiro said, and Keith clicked his tongue.
" Babe. You know I don't want to be like that..." Lance was starting to feel guilty. " You can play whatever position you want..."
" Thanks. Because apparently I need your permission." The omega crossed his legs sassily.
" Does somebody wanna help me get the pizzas up?!" Matt called up the ladder. Hunk and Shay were quick to volunteer and escape the newly formed awkward atmosphere.
" Keith. Lance just loves you. After everything that's happened he isn't wrong for being scared." Pidge set down her controller. Lance hugged Keith closer, just wanting to make up with him. His scent was telling that he was pissed, and Lance knew it as soon as he smelled it.
" Let's go for a little walk, okay? We can talk about it." The alpha asked, and Keith let his eyes roll to hell and back before he stood up.
" Fine."
" Sorry... I shouldn't have tried to make that decision for you..." Lance lowly said after him and Keith were in the yard, walking towards the sidewalk. " You can be mad at me if you want..."
Keith angrily huffed, but then sighed and took Lance's hand as they walked.
" I just... I just feel like damaged goods. Or at least you treat me like it sometimes." The smaller boy kept his eyes pointed at the upcoming cement.
" I can't help being protective of you sometimes. It's reflex, and it- in the moment I just act on it." Lance knew he'd have to get better at managing his instincts. Apparently they were hurting Keith, and that was the exact opposite of what he wanted. " You're agile enough to get past some defense, and I know that... I'm just scared for you."
" I can't tell you to not be scared, because I know you will be. I need to speak for myself. If you want to be my big, scary shadow to get others to back off, fine. But I can handle the decision making." Keith said, and him and Lance stopped.
" Sorry..." Lance said yet again. " I love you..." He leaned his head down, and the omega didn't pull away as he felt Lance's warm face bury in his neck.
" Sorry for snapping at you..." Keith hugged him.
" I deserved it." The taller boy mumbled.
" They need their own TV drama I swear." Pidge said while watching from the treehouse's only window. She smirked seeing them hug, and felt relieved to know that her ship hadn't sunk.
" I honestly see them as more of a romcom." Allura shrugged.
" Whatever they are, it's just a lot to handle." Shiro sighed. " Babysitting them is way harder than it looks." He facepalmed. He loved the boys and everything, and after some time he'd come to consider Lance family, but he needed a break.
" You realize they can take care of themselves, right?" Matt asked him after setting down the final pizza.
" Yeah... I just feel like they do things when I'm not around. I feel paranoid, but I can't help but suspect they're irresponsible when I'm not watching them." Shiro was thinking out loud.
" Well, at least Lance hasn't gotten Keith pregnant." Pidge chuckled. " That's about the worst thing they could keep from you."
" I don't even wanna think about that." Hunk nearly spit out his pizza when the image of his best friend and Keith doing the do popped in his head.
" Awwww did you two kiss and make up?" Pidge teased the couple as they climbed back up to the treehouse.
" I didn't hear the van shaking again so that's a good sign." Matt grabbed a slice of pizza and chuckled.
" Oh ha ha." Shiro grimaced.
" We're fine, guys." Lance smiled.
" Yeah." Keith looked at Lance, and soon he felt the alpha grasp his hand.
(( Thank you for all votes and wonderful comments recently, Loves. I am finally happy to announce that this book will have a sequel after I finish it. This story has been a journey so far and I've developed so much along the way. I'd love to see where a second book could take me as a writer. And as for this book, it's not quite over. We'll have more chapters, but we're looking at maybe 8-10 more. That number is subject to change so don't quote me on that.))
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