
(( THANK YOU FOR 5K READS!!! Also there will be a little bit of angst this chapter, and WAY WAY more in the one after this so... you have been warned?))

The locker room seemed way colder that afternoon. And as Keith was exceedingly more anxious with every passing second Lance didn't show. He knew that his alpha was probably just running a couple minutes late, but it was nerve wracking. And the fact that Lotor had just arrived, and was now putting his things into a locker, really didn't help things.

The omega felt his heart beginning to race, and there was thumping from it pulsating inside eardrums. He was already terrified, considering the two were alone in there. But he didn't want to show that he was scared, Keith didn't want Lotor to have that satisfaction.

" Where's that little alpha of yours, Sweetheart?" The very tall male asked, as he got out of his t-shirt. Keith tensed up, thankful he'd changed his boxers earlier. But his shorts were still riding up his thighs, and the tank top was low cut, making him feel exposed. And that little nickname ticked him off, made him scowl, but he had to ignore it.

He wasn't scared, he wasn't petrified and he definitely couldn't smell Lotor from where he was standing. Or that's what Keith repeated in his head.

" He'll be here any second..." He responded, trying to keep his voice steady. The longer he stood there, the more he began to panic internally.

" Isn't that unfortunate." Lotor smirked. " You and I could really have quite the good time without him around~" His voice was low, and he had noticed something that Keith clearly hadn't.

" N-no... don't get your hopes up, Creep." Keith reached inside his locker, rummaging through his bag for cheer clothes.

" I don't have to hope. Especially when I can just reach out and take what I want..." The very ominous alpha spoke, his words flowing effortlessly.

" You're lying." Keith said, though the look in Lotor's eyes really did scream that he was serious. " You'd never touch anyone..." He said quietly while finding what he needed. There was something about him, something that really did chill Keith to the bone. And what about the rumors? What if they really were... more than that. He needed them to be wrong, but his gut screamed otherwise. 

" You really think so?" Lotor raised an eyebrow, and Keith started walking on the other side of the bench that separated them. No way in hell he was changing with him right there. " I guess you really don't know me well, then." The alpha's voice dropped, and he planted a strong slap onto the omega's rear end. There was a crisp sound that followed; it practically echoed in the empty locker room. And Keith yelped, jumping forwards.

" D-don't lay your filthy hands on me!" He exclaimed, disgusted, and he'd almost dropped his clothes.

" I don't have to listen to you, omega, especially considering how strong your scent is." Lotor chuckled, condescending to him. " I can barely resist..."

Keith was trembling in fear, and clutching the change of clothes close to his chest. What did he mean by that? Nothing had changed with his scent, right? His mind began thinking of possibilities, maybe he was just still turned on from earlier.

" Touch me one more time and Lance wi-" He found himself saying, although his boyfriend wasn't there.

" Oh? That little chew toy? You really think he can help you?" Lotor started laughing.

" Help m-me?" The omega stuttered, beginning to fear the worst. " From w-what?" He stepped back, nearing the escape route to the stalls.

" Who do you think?" The alpha licked his lips.

" Are- are you threatening me, asshole?" Keith found the courage to swear. He didn't want to portray himself as weak, because he knew that might only make it worse. His right ass cheek was still tingling, and not in a good way like if Lance would've hit it. He was beyond terrified of the male before him.

And Lotor only continued laughing, slapping his knee. Keith couldn't take it anymore, and he finally made a break for the bathroom, nearly tripping over his own feet while running. And he was relieved to see that the jock hadn't followed him as he slammed the door to the biggest stall.

How? How could he let that happen?! Keith had always said that he was strong enough to handle himself, that he knew how to fight back. Yet, the time had come and there he was, cornered in a bathroom stall with tears pooling in his eyes and a very red spot in the shape of Lotor's handprint.

He tried to change, but his hands were just so engulfed by tremors that it was nearly impossible. Keith sniffed, doing his very best to stay silent as water trailed down his cheeks and dripped to the floor. Lotor was probably gone, but he couldn't be heard.

Strong. That's what he wanted to be, even though he was an omega, he knew he couldn't succumb to being meek. All he needed was Lance, and he was not coming out of there until he could know he was safe.

It felt like he was in there for hours, but in reality it was only about five minutes. The locker room door opened, and the footsteps sounded rushed as they neared where Lance's locker would be.

" Keith?" The familiar voice asked to his surroundings, seeing that his locker had been left open. And the omega had never been so relieved to see Lance before. That's why he couldn't tell him.

" Yeah?" He wiped away the tears hastily before emerging from the stall. He was carrying his clothes in one hand as he walked back near the lockers.

" So sorry I'm late... I got kept late after class." Lance shook his head before pulling Keith into an embrace, which startled the smaller male. Before his alpha could press a small kiss to his cheek, he flinched back. He really wasn't as fine as he wanted to be. " Babe?" Lance asked, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. And Keith looked to the side and down, feeling almost... ashamed.

The taller male noticed the redness under the boy's eyes, and that his cheeks were flushed. His face was moist, and his long eyelashes were damp with what were probably tears. " Are you okay???" He was immediately concerned, knowing that Keith was definitely not okay at all.

" Yeah... s-sorry." The omega slumped down. He really was a horrible liar.

" You were crying... you need to tell me what happened." Lance leaned down, trying to get his boyfriend to make eye contact.

" I wasn't crying!" He exclaimed, instantly getting defensive.

" Don't lie to me, Keith!" The alpha sounded hurt. And Keith went to turn away, as much as he needed comfort, he didn't want to be that helpless. There were a fresh army of tears in his eyes, just waiting to fall.

Lance grabbed the boy's wrist, stopping him, and he tried to squirm. But Keith couldn't fight it as his boyfriend pulled him into a hug, he barely struggled for a second, but soon he found himself sobbing into his alpha's chest. He was so afraid.

" I-I'm sorry!" He cried, starting to tremble in Lance's arms.

" Keith..." It hurt the taller boy to see this, he could feel anger boiling in the pit of his stomach. He grit his teeth, trying to stay calm. " please can you tell me what happened??"

The cheerleader could've had a panic attack as he covered the front of his boyfriend's shirt with water. He could barely even speak between shallow breaths and sobs.

" He-" Keith choked. " H-he- touched m-me..." He bawled.

" What?! Who?!" Lance perked up, growling. And his grip around Keith tightened from fury.

" L-Lotor!" As much as the omega tried to stop crying, it was ridiculously difficult. " He- he sl-slapped m-my ass!" He sobbed, clenching fist fulls of Lance's shirt. " And- and he s-said you c-can't h-help me!"

" Keith oh my God!" The alpha snarled, his protective instincts were kicking in. " I- I'm going to-" He cut himself off. " Wait here, I'll be right back." Lance cracked his knuckles behind Keith's back.

" N-no! Don't hurt him!" Keith's eyes widened.

" Why the hell not?! I need to-"

" I-I'm fine now!" The omega whimpered.

" No! No, you're not! Babe, he can't just do that and expect me to sit back and do nothing!" Lance growled.

" J-just please!" Keith wiped away the trails of tears. " P-please take me home! L-Lance, I'm sc-scared..." He whined, shaking. And the football player looked down at him, feeling conflicted. " I-I can't be here a-anymore... b-but I'm-" He stammered. " I'm n-not leaving without you..."

" Okay." Lance took a couple deep breaths, leaning his forehead against Keith's, and caressing his face gently. " Okay, I'll take you home." He said in a softer tone, trying his best not to make the smaller boy feel worse. " But..." Lance smirked. " Which locker is his?"

" Lotor's?" Keith asked, hesitant.

" Yeah." The alpha held back a snicker.

" W-why does it matter?" The omega looked down, and Lance tilted his chin upwards.

" Which one?" His voice was lower, but not like how Lotor's has been earlier. It made Keith feel... safe.

" That one." The cheerleader raised a jittery finger to point at a locker across from them both. It didn't have a lock on it, which made Lance smirk to himself. He kissed Keith's forehead quickly before going over and opening the one his boyfriend had picked.

" Lance, what are you doing?!" Keith's face looked horrified.

Lance wasn't allowed to touch Lotor, but his omega hadn't said anything about that trashcan's stuff. He grabbed out the bag, unzipping it to find clothes, and mousse?

" Oh my God!" He laughed, pulling out the can of L'Oréal product. " He really is Rapunzel!"

" Lance!" Keith whined. " C-can we leave?" The boy really just wanted to get out of there.

" Yeah, sure thing." Lance didn't put the bag back, he only walked to where the stalls were, swinging the door open to one of them. He made an angry, smug expression while beginning to empty the bag's contents into the toilet. Letting the clothes, and everything else get drenched in the filthy, bacteria infested water. He dropped the bag at the bottom of the stall, before finally going back to Keith.

Normally, Lance wasn't that mean of a person, but Lotor had really crossed the line. And he didn't know how else to take out his anger, other than punching him square in the face. It was really just his alpha pheromones, which seemed to be in overdrive for some reason. He thought it might've been from anger, but something told Lance, that wasn't quite the case.

" Did you just-" The omega's eyes were huge.

" Yeah, I did." Lance folded his arms stubbornly. " Now get your stuff together, we're leaving."

Keith was scared, yet excited that his alpha had just done that. He could feel his adrenaline levels spiking as he started getting his bag together, which didn't take long. And the other grabbed his much larger football bag. And they were walking out of the locker room in no time.

" Wh-what if he thinks I did that?!" Keith worried for a second.

" He's not able to get near you again, because you're not going in there without me. Ever." Lance wrapped his arm around Keith, being possessive as he did so. " You hear me?" He looked down at him, and Keith could only nod. Then he noticed something, it was kind of like slamming into a wall.

" Y-your scent..." The omega stuttered, taking a whiff of the air.

" Yeah?" Lance raised an eyebrow.

" It's- It's different..." He almost blushed, noticing that it was stronger, sweeter than usually.

" Is it like... bad?" The alpha's cheeks went rosy red, seeing how the smaller boy paid attention.

" No! No actually it's... nice." He smiled, leaning against Lance as they walked out of the school.


The fan rirred in the background, and the window was open, but it was still muggy in his bedroom. Keith had tried every position, laying every which way on his bed. Yet, he couldn't seem to get comfortable no matter what he did.

Lance had left about an hour ago, after refusing to go until Shiro got home from work. He hadn't really strayed from Keith's side at all until the other alpha got there.

And it was rather unusual, but Keith was already tired. Normally, he was a night owl, and he'd get mad when Lance fell asleep during their midnight conversations. But now his eyelids felt heavy, and his body in general was dense. 

Since he couldn't sleep anyways, and it was ridiculously hot in the room, the omega kicked off the comforter. He grabbed his phone from the charger, and began texting Lance.

Keith 8:12 PM- Hey... can I talk to you about something

Loverboy 8:13 PM- Yeah

Keith 8:13 PM- I'm just feeling weird... I don't really know what's up

Loverboy 8:14 PM- What do you mean? Are you sure you're not just stressed about what happened earlier?

Keith 8:14 PM- It's not like that

Loverboy 8:15 PM- Then what is it like?

Keith 8:16 PM- I don't really know, it's that my body... it feels heavy, and my stomach is weird

Loverboy 8:17 PM- You should go talk to Shiro, maybe he'll know what to do

Keith 8:17 PM- NO WAY

Loverboy 8:18 PM- Seriously? Don't tell me you two aren't talking

Keith 8:18 PM- ... maybe

Loverboy 8:19 PM- It's not worth fighting over, especially when you're feeling this way

Keith felt some sweat dripping from his bangs and he wiped it away rather hastily, maybe the birth control was just messing with him. Or... something else. 

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