Better Safe Than Sorry
Keith was sprawled out across his bed, which had already been messed up, even though he'd made it earlier. He had Lance to thank for that, because the alpha just loved cuddling so much. But at least he wasn't a neat freak by any standard, Keith wasn't obsessed with cleanliness at all, and that was convenient.
He was watching anime on the TV adjacent from the bed, mainly because he couldn't sleep. He was too worked up, it didn't matter that it was already 10 at night. Or that Shiro normally wanted him in bed by then.
The steps creaked loudly as Keith crept up the staircase. He was honestly surprised that Shiro hadn't stopped him the moment he got one foot in the door. But he wasn't complaining as he quietly walked down the hallway, and disappeared into his room, shutting the door with a tiny click.
It was dark, but small twinkles from the moonlight were shone on the floor in front of the window. The corner was way darker, so Keith collapsed onto his bed, still blushing over Lance. He was somewhat relaxed until he felt something crunch beneath him.
Keith lifted up his bottom and pulled up something he'd been sitting on. He'd neglected to notice that there was a piece of paper, which was now crinkled. But there was also something he couldn't quite make out in the lowlight. He switched on the bed side lamp, holding a small mysterious package in his palm, it had a texture almost like tin foil. And there were a series of small plastic circles jetting up from the surface, they were lined in four perfect rows. Keith made an irritated face, he knew exactly what these were as soon as the light hit them.
Throwing the pills to the side, he picked up a the wrinkled note, which had been written on the stationary from the fridge door.
I'm sorry things had to go that way at dinner tonight. I realize now that I was being unreasonable, and making the situation into something that it isn't. I just jumped right in, and didn't even let him get a word in at all. I just want you to know that I do not HATE Lance. I only feel strong feelings of apprehension towards him, and I don't want to lie. I do not condone your relationship, but I know that I can't prohibit you from dating him, and that you cannot control the people you like. So as your brother, I am letting you have some freedom with this, and I will loosen the reigns on you two. You're going to be 18 soon, and I know that I have to treat you as an adult, but I do have one thing I need you to do. Please keep up with these pills, and don't be mad that I'm putting you on birth control. I know it might not seem like it, but I'm just trying to keep you safe. Please take these, that way I can feel a little bit better about leaving you and him alone together.
- Shiro
The omega felt his fist tense upon scanning over the words. Did he really think that his brother would get himself knocked up?!
Keith wanted to be angry, he wanted to be furious. But he knew that he couldn't, Shiro was only trying to help. Even if he had a funny way of showing it.
Plus, it wasn't such a horrible idea to put him on the pill. Considering they didn't know when Keith's first heat would take place, and there was a great chance that when and if it did happen, Lance would be the one to 'help out'. So it was better to be safe than sorry. The last thing either of them needed was for Keith to accidentally get pregnant.
And so the small pack of pills sat in his right desk drawer, and the note was balled up in his trash can. Even if he wasn't mad about the birth control, he was still pissed about what Shiro had done earlier. No apology on paper would fix that, especially when it was Lance he should've been saying sorry to.
Keith lazily read the subtitles on the screen, only half paying attention to what they were saying. He'd seen Tokyo Ghoul ten times over, so he knew exactly what was happening anyways.
He wasn't very amused with anything, and frankly was in a bit of a mood. But he still was rather quick to pick up his phone when it buzzed. Of course, it was Lance, but Keith had changed his contact name a couple days ago.
Loverboy 10:04 PM- Hey, look outside your window...
The cheerleader was confused for a second, getting up from his bed. He walked over to the window across from his bedroom, it was locked, so he flicked the bolt sideways. The window being lifted up caused the wind to blow against Keith's face, but it wasn't cold at all, rather refreshing.
He still had no idea what his boyfriend meant, though. Since everything in the yard looked completely normal, and his old swing set was swaying in the breeze like it always did. And the roof below his window was untouched. He texted back quickly, very curious what was happening.
Keith 10:06 PM- Um... okay? I don't see anything?
Loverboy 10:06 PM- Call me then
Keith was beyond puzzled, but he clicked on Lance's contact anyway, listening to the dial tone for a ring or two. Until he heard a phone begin to ring just outside his window, he jumped back startled.
" Lance?!" He exclaimed, seeing a silhouette that blocked the moonlight from entering the room. He picked up on the other end.
" Who were you expecting?" The quarterback's voice was very distinctive.
" Why are you on my roof this late?!" Keith talked into his phone, though the alpha was right there, and crawling in as he spoke. " Why are you on my roof at all?!"
" I missed you." Lance smiled.
" I just saw you two hours ago." The omega blushed, hanging up the phone.
" And?" The taller male shoved the phone down into his jean pocket. " Is it a crime to like you as much as I do?"
" No..." Keith felt Lance's arms wrap around his waist, and he almost shivered. He'd be lying if he were to say that he didn't already miss his alpha's touch, and warm hands running along his torso. " Because I'm happy you're here..." He smiled, and Lance tucked a strand of midnight black hair behind the boy's ear.
" Good..." His sun kissed skin seemed to glimmer in the shadowy bedroom.
Keith felt somewhat exposed, considering he was wearing rather skimpy sleep shorts, and a thin tank top. His room seemed to get really muggy at night, so those were the type of clothes he usually slept in. " I didn't realize you'd look so adorable when I started walking over here." Lance raised a flirtatious eyebrow.
" Sh-shut up... I'm not adorable." The omega felt the urge to cross his arms, but instead, he draped them behind the other's neck.
" Have you looked in a mirror before, Princess?" The alpha laughed to himself quietly. And Keith just made a small pouting face. And Lance poked his cheek, smirking as he did so. " You really are cute." He cupped his omega's face and pressed their lips into a soft kiss, much too light for Keith's liking.
The taller male broke away from the quick little contact, but the cheerleader grabbed him by the V-neck of his shirt.
" I'm not delicate, Lance. Stop treating me like it." He stood on his tip toes while giving an irritated whisper in the alpha's ear. Don't get him wrong, he did love gentle smooches every now and again, but he wasn't in the mood to be babied.
" Well what am I supposed to treat you like?" Lance leered down at Keith, who just used his grip on the shirt to pull him back in close. They both blushed an insane shade of red. And the omega didn't answer as his lips met Lance's again, it was anything but soft this time. And the alpha was surprised to say the very least, but he still kissed back. Keith was in control at first, but Lance fought him for it as their tongues tangled somewhat aggressively. The quarterback eventually won, picking his omega up, as he carried him to the bed. He laid him on the comforter, not bothering to ease him down at all, Lance just sort of let him hit the pillows.
Their contact never broke as Keith felt his hand around for the TV remote, he eventually snatched it and turned the volume way up. Shiro was in the next room after all, and lord knows he was still awake. It wouldn't be good if he found out Lance had crawled through Keith's window, so they had to be very careful.
" Wait... will Shiro hear us if-" Lance stopped for a second, but the omega yanked him onto the bed. He was on top of Keith now, and their bodies were pressed together much like sardines.
" Lance, we're fine." The smaller male assured, wrapping his hands behind Lance's neck.
" But-"
" Shut up and kiss me." Keith whined quietly. And the alpha gulped nervously before kissing him again. He really didn't want Shiro to hate him more than he already did.
His hands traveled under the omega's shirt, feeling and caressing him firmly. And Keith couldn't help but whimper, he knew he'd have to shut up. Lance's hands were giant against his slim waist, and they felt piping hot.
Lance didn't have a problem with using a more muscular hand when touching the boy. He just knew that there was only so much they could do right then. With Shiro so close, he'd know the second either of them got their pants off.
Keith did care that there was only a wall separating them and his brother, but that only added to the excitement as Lance began kissing down his neck. He mewled into the alpha's ear, and it resonated in Lance's chest. Even the small sounds Keith made were enough to get him aroused.
The omega felt his nipple being toyed with, and he immediately could tell that Lance was trying to tease him. So he did the same thing, biting his lip as he ran his hand towards the crotch of the other's jeans. Keith grabbed at Lance and he felt the alpha jump as a result. He grunted, leading his boyfriend's hand away.
" Lance..." The smaller male pleaded.
" We can't." Lance whispered, though he really did crave the attention.
" We'll be quiet." Keith tried to convince him, but there was no way those two idiots would be able to.
" Maybe sometime when your brother isn't-" Lance was cut off by footsteps coming towards the room. He ducked underneath Keith's comforter, which was very thick,and capable of hiding him well. He hid just barely before the door swung open.
" Keith?" Shiro asked, poking his head in. Luckily, the TV had a darker scene on, so the light didn't show off the shape of the covers.
" Yeah?" Keith answered, putting on a very mellow face. He prayed that Lance and him wouldn't get busted.
" Why aren't you in bed? And why is the TV so loud?" The older brother asked, leaning against the doorframe.
" I'm not 10, Shiro. I don't think I have a set bed time... and I don't know?" The omega gave an eye roll and turned the TV down.
" Oh! And before I forget, did you remember to take your birth control?" Shiro asked, he could be quite the nag at times.
" Yes..." Keith answered, and Lance tensed up upon hearing what the other alpha said.
" Okay good... well I'm going to bed. You should, too." He smiled, trying to ignore the tension between them. And then he left, re-closing the door.
Lance emerged from the blankets. And he looked at Keith with a serious expression.
" Does he seriously think I'm going to accidentally knock you up?" He asked, concerned.
" No... well- yes but it's just because I haven't had my first heat yet... it's just a precaution." Keith tried not to make things more awkward.
" I'm not exactly happy he thinks I'd get you pregnant... but," Lance smirked. " at least I can fill you to the brim when your heat happens." He sultrily whispered.
" You can't say things like that and expect me not to get horny..." The omega groaned. And Lance got up, smiling at him.
" Where are you going?"
" Home?" The football player raised an eyebrow, gesturing to the window. Keith just stood up from the bed, which squeaked slightly, and locked his bedroom door.
" Please don't go..." He took hold of Lance's hand. " Can you stay the night with me? I don't want to be alone..." Keith said in a small voice, and the moonlight made his eyes shine. His purple stormy eyes seemed to have stars glimmering deep within them. Lance found himself unable to leave.
" Okay..." He said in a fond voice, almost flattered. " Do have an extra pillow?"
" Why would you need one?" Keith looked at him with a confused expression.
" Uhh cause the floor doesn't have one?" Lance tapped his head to imply 'duh'.
" Don't worry about it. You're sleeping in the bed with me..." Keith was still a rosy pink shade, mostly on his cheeks.
" Are you sure?" The alpha anxiously scratched the back of his neck.
" I asked you to stay. No way in hell I'm making you sleep on the floor." The omega smiled, walking over and sitting on the squishy bed. Lance smiled, backing away from the window, and stripping off his shirt.
Keith felt himself lick his lips upon seeing him shirtless for what seemed like the hundredth time. And Lance slipped off his shoes, along with socks. Then moving onto jeans, he slipped them off, putting everything in the small bathroom attached to Keith's bedroom.
" Like what you see?" Lance teased as he neared the bed, wearing nothing but a pair of navy blue boxers. And the other boy bit his lip, blushing even more.
" How could I n-not..." He stuttered nervously. Just looking at his alpha like that made his mouth water, but he ignored the urges he felt.
Lance climbed into the covers with Keith, getting close to the wall, and the smaller male only snuggled into him. The football player wrapped an arm around him, taking the position of a big spoon.
" Is- Is this ... okay?" Lance asked, making sure that his omega was comfortable.
" Yeah." For some reason, Keith was tired already. He yawned and nuzzled against the other, loving the feeling of his body heat. And the soothing scent that he had, it almost lulled him into a sweet numbness.
Lance lay silently, knowing he'd have to get up early tomorrow and run home. But he was perfectly fine with that, as long as he could stay with Keith tonight. He really was beginning to feel... more than just 'like' for him, and it ran through his thoughts constantly. Maybe his omega was feeling something more as well, or so the alpha hoped, as they both let slumber take hold of them until morning.
(( Hey, Loves! The next chapter should be ... interesting. *wiggles eyebrows* But it won't be full on smut just yet. We will get there eventually, I can promise you that much! Just not quite yet. Things will still be pretty steamy however... I don't know how to explain without spoiling shit so... just read it for yourselves when I decide to finish it I guess.))
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