your my angel
This is a fluffy chapter or at least as fluffy as this story gets. The song is inner demons nightcore male version.
Virgil sat down at the piano in the corner of his room. He started to sing unknowing that Patton had come to his room to see if he wanted to come down for dinner.
They say don't let them in
Virgil closes his eyes continuing to play the piano
Close your eyes and clear your thoughts again
But when I'm all alone, they show up on their own
'Cause inner demons fight their battles with fire
Inner demons don't play by the rules
They say "Just push them down, just fight them harder
Why would you give up on it so soon?"
Virgils head dropped
So angels, angels please just keep on fighting
Angels don't give up on me today
'Cause the demons they are there, they just keep biting
Virgil let his head nod with the beat of the music
'Cause inner demons just won't go away
So angels please, hear my prayer
Life is pain, life's not fair
So angels please, please stay here
Take the pain, take the fear
They say it won't be hard, they can't see the battles in my heart
But when I turn away
The demons seem to stay
'Cause inner demons don't play well with angels
They cheat and lie and steal and break and bruise
Virgil eyes started tearing up
Angels please protect me from these rebels
This is a battle I don't want to lose
So angels, angels please just keep on fighting
Angels don't give up on me today
'Cause the demons they are there, they just keep biting
'Cause inner demons just won't go away
So angels, angels please keep on fighting
Angels don't give up on me today
'Cause the demons they are there, they just keep biting
'Cause inner demons just won't go away
A tear rolled down his cheek.
So angels please, hear my prayer
Life is pain, life's not fair
So angels please, please stay here
Take the pain, take the fear
Patton saw virgil wipe his eyes after singing the song and he heard a sniffle.
Patton put his hands to his heart saddened that virgil was crying.
Just as Patton was about to enter the room clapping sounded and virgil jumped falling out if his chair.
"That was truly beautiful Virgil, you dark sides feel that way about you." The voice said from the shadows in virgils room.
"Ha thanks depression, (a cocky tone in his voice) but you really scared me." Virgil said starting to get up
"Haha sorry, I didnt think about that, here let me help you." The figure now known as depression said walking out of the shadows over to virgil.
"And I told you to call me either dep or Ein" Depression said pulling him up off the floor.
"And I told you that if you scared me again I would call you whatever I feel like." Virgil said smirking
"Ooh so our little angel is trying to act tuff are ya now." Ein said smirking back
Virgil froze in his spot " Is that what they really call me" Virgil said looking at Ein with a wary look.
"Nah, that's just what me and Veronica call you, after all you are our guardian angel." Ein said smiling fondly
"Ugh why do you even call me that" virgil said looking sideways at Ein.
"Well, I mean you help us no matter what so your like a guardian angel, when ever we need you, you just magically appear and help us. Whether it be with girl troubles or a panic attack...your always there." Ein stated rubbing the back of his neck.
"And I know, you have panic attacks too but you always prioritised us before your self...So thanks" Ein said
That's when a shout was heard from outside the was roman
"Patton Is Virgil being stubborn again and not comming down. Forget about him I'm hungry." Romman yelled grabbing the attention of Patton and the darker traits that were having a heart to heart.
The darker sides turned to the door not expecting Patton to be standing there wide eyed.
Virgil, startled by seeing Patton so unexpectantly jumped back ward and screamed a little tripping over his chair once again and landing in the floor with a thump.
"Oow" Virgil groaned before remembering that Patton was still there. "Ooh um P-pat, what are you doing here" Virgil said trying to get up but tripping again.
Depression sighed and helped Virgil up. "He already saw me Virge, no use in playing it off."
"Your right" Virgil sighed " Any way Pat, what do ya need." Virgil said during to address patton.
"I was comming up here (the mind scape has 2 stories) to get you for dinner, um I didnt know you could sing so well kiddo." He said trying to comfort Virgil
"OHH MY GOD YOU HEARD ME ughhh" Vigil said slumping against his couch.
"Yes, I did and it was beautiful, and um, in case you were wondering, we would never give up in you Virgil, you are our FamILY." Patton said. (Yes, I did that)
Patton ran over to Virgil and hugged him, Virgil tended at first not used to the physical affection, and relaxed into the hug.
Roman walked in and asked "What's happening I'm hungry" before seeing Virgil in pattons arms. "Hey Emo Nightmare, are you alright." He asked worrie laced in his voice.
"Yeah, I'm good princey.... I'm good" Virgil said hugging Patton tighter.
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