Chapter 8

-Chapter 8-

Louis slept all night. In my bedroom tucked in my arms. He was shaking, but it wasn't the handjob that set him off. Not fully at least. He was warm that morning, and was sick in the evening. I think it adds up. But I should've stayed with him. Made him soup and watch Peter Pan because ever since he was 10, his mother would let him watch that movie when he was sick. It would stop the phobia of vomiting from becoming an overload. But now he was asleep. And I was in boxers in the kitchen. Making Tea and toast. Determined to Call Liam and tell him bot to send over Niall. Liam didn't want contamination. Porn and sick people don't mix. Which means, Louis and I can have a sick day together. Chances are high I'll be sick tomorrow or Tuesday anyways. Might as well!

I dialed Royal Paynes number and his blond bimbo secretary answered.

"Hello! Payne enterprises this is Holly speaking."

"Harry Styles. I wish to speak to Liam." I sighed.

"I'll transfer you over. Okay?!"

"Great thanks." I replied sarcastically. I don't know how people can be so positive in the morning. Especially in his office. Not saying I hate him, but he's a royal Payne. Pun definitely intended.

"Hey Harry, what can I help you with?"

"Louis is sick. Vomiting sick. He's got a high fever. And we kinda made out so I can't work until I get his bug." Liam sighed over the other line. I could picture him rubbing his temples.

"Alright. I'll tell Niall to stay at home. You boys get better. Call me tomorrow evening. We have a shoot scheduled with Nicholas and a Sugar Scape interview with you in the next week. So we need a run down."

"Alright. I'm gonna go now. Thanks Li." I clicked my phone off, happy that went rather well, just as the kettle hissed as the water boiled inside. I took the pot off the stove, pouring it in two cups with Yorkshire Tea bags already occupying it. I buttered the toasted breads and set off in foot of our room. Carrying everything at once with my so called massive hands.

I set down the light breakfast on the dresser, crawling into bed with the boy. I kissed the nape of his neck and he wiggled around slightly.

"Prince Louis." I sing songed. He groaned. "Baby boy."

"What?" He asked into the pillow.

"I brought tea sweetheart." His eyes fluttered open. "Yorkshire Tea and Toast." He turned his head towards mine, suddenly moving his body into mine and tangling our legs. "Good morning Prince Louis."

"Morning." He smiled sleepily. I kissed his chapped lips, putting a smile on his adorable face.

"Feel better?" He shrugged, closing his eyes once more.

"Tired. Tummy hurts." I frowned, putting my hand underneath the blankets and gently caressing his abdomen. His adorable pudge. So little, but so cute.

"Feel better now?" He put his head into my shoulder and nodded. "Good. Now I think your tea is eligible enough to drink. Shall we have breakfast in bed?"

"The toast will make it fill with crumbs."

"Then I guess we'll have to get closer."

"We're always close."

"Mmm sometimes we aren't. Sometimes I just want an excuse to cuddle you."

"I'll get sick again. And you'll be sick if you keep coming near me."

"I'd rather be sick with you than be healthy without you."

"That didn't make sense Hazzy." He giggled.

"I love you, you're such a goober." I kissed him once more before jumping from the bed, to the bureau and back to the bed. I handed him a mug and he sipped hesitantly afraid to be sick again. I pressed my hand to his forehead. "You've still got a fever." I frowned running my fingers through his bed head. He groaned and I stopped. "What's wrong lovey?"

"Headache." I frowned again, kissing his temple several times.

"Hungry?" He nodded against my shoulder. I held out a piece of toast to him, jerking it back as he went in for a bite.

"You're so mean. I just wanted toast." He pouted. I bit off a piece, and he bit off the remainder hanging from my mouth.

"Daring move. You stole my food." He giggled, suddenly turning pale. "Shit. Come on." I yanked the duvet up, taking his hand and pulling him into the bathroom. He fell to his knees at the toilet, his toast no longer in his stomach. He sniffled after the first gag, rubbing his eyes. "No No No, don't touch your eyes baby."

"I don't like this." I rubbed his back.

"I know. You'll be okay. It happens to everybody." He sniffled again. "Don't cry babe. It's not worth crying over." He agreed with a nod, then gagged again. Ending with tears.

"Hazzy." He whined. I shushed him hugging him lightly and rubbing his tummy.

And somehow. He fell asleep on the bathroom floor. How oddly cute.


After 2 more vomit trips, Louis had passed out yet again in our bed. His fever seemingly getting worse. I hoped it was just the flu or maybe he ate something bad. Unfortunately, he wasn't showing any signs of getting better. A flannel laid on his sweltering forehead. Shirtless under the blankets as his head swung off his next and laid on my shoulder. My arm around his waist as I typed with one hand at the computer. Looking at tabloids.

'"MYSTERY SOLVED?: Styles New Man?

Sources of all different types, say that the millionaire Adult film star and Actor Harry Styles has been seen with his possible boyfriend?

It was said in an interview over a week ago that Styles, age 21 has confessed to having a boyfriend for over 4 years. Being high school sweethearts and going strong until now. But is it truly the case?

Styles was seen with a bubbly blond very clingy and photogenic. However Styles seemed uncomfortable with him, not as boyfriends would be.

Styles was seen also over a week ago helping a friend at his college after his car reportedly broke. The boy Identified as Louis, also seen sneaking in and out of Styles' London home. He's also very shy, petite, and brunette. (Pictures Below)

Styles, has described his partner just like the young boy, not like The blond man he was seen with. Also, if you followed Styles back before his career takeoff, people had seen the couple out at restaurants, movie theaters, and Styles' work. Holding hands, sharing hugs and the occasional brief kiss.

So is this all an act? Is it actually Styles and Louis, or the blond mystery man?'"

I gulped, scrolling down through the comments.

XSupastahX: Definitely not the blond bloke.

Heather423: He seems head over heels for the brunette. It's cute tbh

Lizzzzi: Maybe he broke up with The boy for the blond one?


KaylaBro: @Stephikinz keep telling yourself that. He'll marry Louis. Trust me #HarryandLouis #Cutecouple #Larry.

I went straight to Kayla's Twitter, pressing the blue follow button and typing 'Larry' into the search box. Instantly getting hits.

Pages went on and on of the same story. Claiming I was in love with Louis and not Niall. The occasional non believer as well. Then the annoying 'marry me Harry' comment. But what concerned me, was the teenage attention.

Had people really been watching my porn? 50 Shades of Gray? Or was it my Ads I did? I had done a Pepsi ad a few months back, but besides that I would only do Kelvin Klein.

That's scary. A 14 year old watched me Fuck someone.

That's fucked up...

Another thing that concerned me, were the pictures. Had we really been that obvious? I brought Louis to work once. One time, and kissed him several. I didn't think people would film it! Or turn them into gifs! Or slideshows! But it turns out, the more you looked, the worse it got.

I went into Google. Typing in 'Larry' once more.

Oh. My. God.


'Harry and Blue eyes!'


I almost felt sick. Overwhelmingly sick actually.

My fans, had known about Louis forever! Nobody knew his name so they called us Harry and Blue. Apparently they found everything about us.

Oh wow.


They edited Louis head onto a guy I fucked in a video.

Oh... I think I've had enough.

Wait what's that?

"Oh my God!" I groaned, suddenly feeling how Louis did.

And waking him up in the gagging process

"Wha- Hazzy?" I coughed into the barrel as my stomach emptied. "I made you sick?" I vomited again. He sat up, wrapping his arms around my waist. I spit in the bucket and moaned.

"I'm sorry for waking you." He pressed his clammy hand to my forehead.

"You're hot." He mumbled. I groaned again. "Want me to get you-"

"I'll be fine." My throat was raw. His eyes surged over my expression. He picked up a glass of water off the bedside table.

"Drink." He demanded holding the cup to my lips. I took down the liquid staring at him. He smiled, pulling the cup away. "Up. Come on." He stood up wearily, holding out his hand for mine. I followed, interlocking our hands and hesitantly getting up, for the room was spinning. He lead me into the kitchen, getting me a flannel as well and caressing my flush cheeks. "Should I call Liam?"

"You don't like Liam." I mumbled.

"He's your boss. Should I?" I shook my head.

"Will you sleep on the couch with me?" He nodded.

"Kiss?" I smiled sadly at him, feeling his warm lips press against my sickly ones.

"How come you're suddenly Daddy Lou?" I asked softly.

"Because, you look as bad as I felt." He whispered. He lead me over to the couch. "Now we're both sick. I'm gonna get your bucket." I gripped his arm. "Hazzy." He whined.

"I'd rather puke on the floor." He crinkled his nose at the thought. "Sleep now." He sighed, laying beside me on the L shaped couch. My head in his lap. Positions suddenly switched.



"I need a bucket." His face went white as he bolted to the kitchen's garbage can. His crying suddenly clear. I moaned trying to get up and move over to him. "I hate this." He sniffled.

"I think we should call someone. We can't both be sick."

"Who would we call?" I smirked.

"Nicholas Grimshaw."


Nick sat annoyed in our sickly home.

"You're lucky. You are beyond Lucky we are best mates." He complained.

"Sorry if my immune system isn't responsive today." I moaned. I was wrapped in a blanket. Louis wrapped up with me as well. Once again asleep. He's awful tired today, but I slept too after I called Nick.

"Drink this. It'll taste terrible, but it'll make you feel better." He handed me a cup.

"It looks like a bunch of melted gummy bears." I added. He shrugged.

"Plug and drink mate." I held my nostrils shut, taking the shot of horrendous liquid down my throat. It was truly awful and bitter. Overall just disgusting. "I'll let Lou sleep for now. He'll have it when he wakes up." I ran my fingers through the sick boy's hair. "So he threw up last night?"

"After we nearly dry humped each other. Don't tell him I told you."

"Thanks for the insight... I know I'm gay but I don't wanna hear about your almost handjob your boyfriend rejected because he's a Catholic saint with innocence unlike somebody!" I bit my lip.

"But it wasn't an almost handjob." I confessed. Nick's eyes widened with horror.

"You slutty bastard! You fucked his hand!" He shouted. I pressed my index finger over my lips.

"He's sleeping right next to me."

"No excuses, was it good?"

"It wasn't sex."

"Harold Edward Mother Fucking Styles was it good?!" He asked louder.

"Before or after he puked?"

"Oh shit, he... What a kinky boy Haz." I slapped his arm.

"If I wasn't so ill, I'd kill you. That's disgusting."

"Either or, was it enjoyable In the time being?"

"Oh God yes."

"Tight grip?"

"He's new."

"Any oral?"

"Nah, I don't wanna kill him."

"How modest. Think he's gonna choke on your two inch pinch?"

"More like 7 inch Heaven you arse." He chuckled.

"Once again, how modest! Anyways, has he let you suck him or anything yet?"

"I got him off in his boxers a lot. No big deal." Nick catcalled.

"Big deal? Honey, this is sex. It's a handjob. Next is blow jobs then it's full blown. This is a third away from marriage." I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Louis is abstinence, he's waiting? He let you get him off. And he let himself get you off. It's the three phases. It's like he's expecting a proposal. Am I right?" My eyes bulged.

"You're only a step away from taking his innocence."

"I've already taken most of it. My job has done enough."

"I'm best man. End of story."


"And we can have a small wedding or a big."


"And we can get you like a nice DJ and it would be top of the line after party with friends. And I could take pictures!-"

"NICK!" He went silent. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here."

"You said you wanted to get married!" He explained.

"I do. I love him and... I know he's the one for me. But it takes time for this stuff to brew."

"Harry, the Yorkshire Tea has been a brewing for nearly half a decade! He's gonna be 20 soon you've been together since his 15th birthday! You got the boy a car, let him live with you, he got a tattoo for you for fucks sake! I'm sure you can manage buying a widdle wing for widdle wouis."

"Leave me alone I'm sick. Don't pressure me."

"You can't possibly be seriously avoiding this! It's your love life-!"

"Exactly, my life! If I marry him, I need time. Maybe I don't want to give up myself yet." Nick's mouth dropped to the floor.

"Y-you're joking."

"I not."

"But... He's Louis didn't you just say he was the one?"

"I'm waiting."

"Well, how long are you gonna wait? Until he leaves? He's already torn up over Niall."

"That's not the point-"

"Actually Harry, it is. Think about what you just said. I'm gonna get a blanket for Louis. I can see him shivering." I turned my head to the boy. Sure enough, he was shivering. I placed my chin on his head. "What am I gonna do with you." I whispered. I kissed by his ear. "Why are you so complicated beautiful?" I asked rhetorically.

"Hazzy?" He mumbled. My eyes widened as his blue irises came into view. "You don't love me?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

"Of course I do. Why would you ask such a thing?"

"Is it because I didn't have sex with you yet?" He sniffled.

"What do you mean?" He moved around in the blankets. His hand inching toward my waistband. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Giving you what you want-" I pulled his hands away, kissing the palms.

"Then sleep. All I want is you. All I want is us. And all I want, is you to get better." He nodded. "Stop thinking about sex. I'm not doing anything further with you unless we get married." I promised.

"Not even Palming?" I smiled.

"Go to bed baby."


I give myself feels and sexual frustrations. On chapter 10 I might do a Louis POV. Thoughts?

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