Chapter 7
-Chapter 7-
The next morning, wasn't the best. Because Louis knew I'd have to go out with Niall again. And that made him a bit of a Debby Downer when he awoke.
I stroked his cheeks with my thumb. His eyes fluttering open. He smiled sleepily, then closed his sense of sight to me.
"Louis." I sang. "Time to get up Baby." He groaned slightly, moving his face into my touch. I chuckled, kissing his lips. He opened one eye as I pulled away.
"No more?" He asked.
"If you get up." He sat up, sliding over into my lap. Our legs tangled, his head on my shoulder, my arms lazily around his. Our hands slightly fiddling with each others.
"Your hands are giant you know." He commented. He held up our hands against one another. It was big. I collapsed my fingers in between his, pulling his body towards me. Eventually ending up laying on top of each other. Our noses and foreheads touching. I cupped the back of his head in my apparent giant hand, sealing our lips in a good morning kiss. His mouth opened just slightly, and I mimicked. Surprisingly, he was straddling me the next moment. Then grinding. He moaned into my mouth. And of course, like always. Before we could do anything, my phone rang. I pulled away, leaving Louis to frown as I grabbed the annoying electronic. I pressed it to my ear, only to hear the Irish accent I really don't want to hear right now.
"Hey Harry!" He greated.
"Hi?" I answered, somewhat of a question for both of us.
"What are you doing?" He asked. I looked at Louis swollen lips, then at his arising groin, then back at Louis. I grazed three fingers over my own lips. Yep, swollen. Thanks Lou.
"Just... Chilling." I lied. Louis sent me a silent plea for help with his eyes.
"That's cool, so when should I pick you up today?" Louis grabbed my hand in his, tugging on it. I shook my head, kissing his knuckles. He silently sighed.
"Um, 12 I guess. 12:30." Louis placed my hand dangerously close on his thigh. "Palm yourself." I mouthed. He shook his head. I squeezed his thigh, and he let out a muffled moan in his hand.
Oh... that wasn't just his thigh wasn't it.
"What was that?" Niall asked. My eyes widened.
"The TV"
"Your TV moans?" I could hear the shit eating grin on his face through the phone.
"Yeah. Sex scene sorry." He laughed loudly. Louis moved his hand over mine so I was basically rubbing his hard on.
Oh my God. No. Not now.
He moaned again.
"Real fun Sex scene huh?" He laughed again. I glanced over at Louis. I pulled him into my lap, putting his hand over his mouth, continuing to get him off. Somewhat.
"Terrific so 12:30 okay?" His moans muffled into my hand once more. I squeezed the fabric of his pants, suddenly turning into a wet spot as he began thrashing and panting.
"It's fine with me. Have fun with Louis." I gulped.
"Sure." The phone call ended with a click, and I wrapped my arms around the panting boy. "You couldn't wait?" He blushed heavily.
"It's sticky again, can I go take a shower?" He asked. I kissed his cheek and sent him off to our bathroom with a pat in the bum. As he awkwardly scurried off to get rid of his mess.
I was in the kitchen, when the boy entered the room. As our eyes met, he blushed like crazy, averting my gaze and grazing the fridge. I set down my bowl of cereal, wrapping my arms around the boy once more. His body relaxing as I held him.
"I liked that." I kissed his neck.
"Mmmhm. But does that count?" I kissed the last bit of open skin on his shoulder.
"Does what count?"
"Did you give me a hand job?" He asked innocently. The corners of my mouth perked up
"No, do you want me to?"
"I don't know. I don't want you to see my you know what yet because I'm a virgin." My face contorted. "I want it to be a surprise." I scoffed.
"Why would you surprise me with your penis?"
"Well maybe I wanna put it in a box on your birthday." I suppressed a laugh.
"Dick in a box." He giggled. I put my hands underneath his bum, lifting him up to my height so our lips could touch with ease. He wrapped his arms around my neck, his legs encasing my torso. I pulled away from the kiss. "Shall we stop before you get to excited?" He pouted.
"You're mean." I smiled.
"You can always put a blind fold over me and let me wank you naked. Then all of it goes in my hand." He shifted uncomfortably.
"Niall's gonna be here at 12:30?" I sighed and nodded. "I don't have school today." He whispered. I frowned and caressed the small of his back.
"I can get you a kitten if you get lonely." He smiled.
"But what would we name it?" I kissed his cheek.
"Don't know baby, what do you want it to be named?" He giggled and jumped off me, however intertwining our hands.
"Leo?" He bit his lip and nodded. "Can I ask why?"
"Cause it's a name for a kitten." I ruffled his hair.
"I think I wanna get you a kitten. I can already picture it sleeping on you." He smiled cutely, leaning in to hug me. I wrapped my arms around his figure. His back still damp as his shirt clung to it. More or less my old Ramones shirt, but either or. What's mine is his. I set my head in his fluffy hair. His arms circling my waist for a while as I mimicked his actions. "Something wrong baby?" I asked running my hands over his torso. "You're a bit cold." He shrugged.
"I'm fine." I placed my hand to his cheek. "I'm okay don't fuss over me."
"But you're a bit warm lovey."
"I'm fine."
"I don't think you are. You aren't smiling like this morning. You seem sad, is it because of school?" He shook his head and took a few steps away from me. "Babe, what's wrong." He shook his head again.
"Nothing. I'm... it's nothing." He started to walk back towards our room, but I grabbed his elbow pulling him back. I towered over him, but I nudged our faces together.
"You know you're my number one." He blushed staring at his bare feet. "The one I come home to, the one I cuddle with, and the one I fall for every time I wake up and see that innocent little boy fast asleep beside me." He pecked my lips softly. "Don't worry about him. You've got one thing he doesn't."
"Me. You have me forever baby. Or at least until you're done with me." He was amused by that comment, cutely poking my side making me squeak. He giggled and ran off into the living room. Plopping himself down onto the couch. I went over and tackled him, pressing kisses upon his face, when the doorbell rang, killing our 'vibe' if you will.
With a sigh, I glanced down at the boy underneath me as his smile fell too. I licked his nose and it twitched at the contact. I hopped from the couch answering the door and having the blond boy enter.
"Have a good morning boys?" He smirked. Louis bit his lip ashamed.
"Yep, watched movies all morning. Except for Lou, my poor baby was still sleeping during the film." Louis' cheeks turned red at the mention of 'baby'. No body had ever witnessed me call him that. He's more of a socially awkward hermit. However that term is rather blunt, so I call him my shy baby boy. Still fits the category, but sugar coated if you will.
"So I suppose you were wanking on the phone then?" The younger boy shifted uncomfortably at the words.
"Nope. If I needed a wank, I'd do it on camera." Louis winced for some reason, sparking Niall's attention.
"Hey Louis, was your boyfriend jerking off this morning?" Louis shook his head violently. "You sure?" Now he was nodding. "Hmm, I don't believe that. Maybe I should see if the bed is sticky."
"Alright I think it's time to go, it's getting weird." I marched over to Louis, cupping his cheek and giving him an open mouthed kiss for a few seconds. "I'll bring home dinner. And maybe a kitten."
"Leo baby."
"Gray stripes?"
"Stripes just for you baby." He kissed me once more as I exited the house with Niall. Almost catching Loubear's eyes well up with tears, as I shut the door.
Niall and I walked around town. Lazily talking. Almost like friends, but I wouldn't quite qualify him for that category just yet. Although he was quite interested in Louis. So that bumped him up a bit in the 'acknowledged' category.
He was also quite good at getting food orders right, something some people have been known to mess up for me. Aka my assistant on set. Oh Ava... You're cute, but you are oh so forgetful.
"So, what was with this morning?" Niall teased. I bit my lip as I could feel heat crawling up my neck and coloring my cheeks a red shade. "Oh you're blushing, now I have to know. I'm getting the hint you didn't have sex, but at the same time I do." I laughed.
"Just a friendly fondle. Nothing to big." Niall wolf whistled, making me blush and laugh again. However less uncomfortable.
"Harry Harry Harry, how much are we talking? Hand job fondling." I hid my face in my palms.
"I'm not going to soil him, I'm just getting him going."
"Got him off didn't you?"
"Kinda yeah."
"That's all I wanted to know. I knew it was something more than a movie, but besides that. What do you even do for him?"
"He never had anyone to explain it. Not even as a kid, so it started with kissing and rubbing now it's gotten close to hand jobs, but I've yet to see him undressed, so that's as far as we'll go." Niall nodded with a grin. "What about you? Any hot and heavy moments you'd like to share?" Niall paused for a second. Blue eyes growing larger.
"Ever had sex in an office?"
"It's liberating, that's all that needs to be said." I tried to resist a laugh at his casual response, but I couldn't help some. "Yeah yeah, go on and tease. You got off your boyfriend talking to me. Hush up." I stopped my laughing gradually.
"So, are you gay or is this an act for both you and I. As well as you and Liam?"
"No I'm gay. Not Bisexual at all. Just liked blokes from the start of primary school. Parents always knew though. It's funny how your mum can know you better than yourself sometimes." I nodded in agreement.
"As soon as I bought home Lou, she was in on my plan if you will."
"You brought him home?"
"Yeah... I was a high school whore. But Lou and I were just... Different. I mean, 15 and 19. I stayed back. It's embarrassing to have your boyfriend's GPA better than yours and he's 15. He was a cutie though."
"Tell me more, enlighten me." Niall grinned. I itched the back of my neck.
"He used to have really short hair. Then it grew really long. And he really liked scarves and toms. He slept in his contacts once and started freaking out because he'd thought he'd go blind. So I took him to the doctors, which calmed him down. Then we ate a carton of ice cream in the park."
"That's cute."
"He is cute."
"You're lucky. If I had a relationship like that..." Niall whistled. "Heaven." I smiled at the praise.
"He's also a fruit freak."
"A fruit freak?"
"He once ate 4 oranges in an hour."
"I can't even eat one a day."
"Did he puke his guts out? Gosh!"
"He's actually afraid of throwing up as weird as that sounds."
"He's afraid of... Why?"
"He just cries, and he just wants his mummy. Or me. I was at work once and I had to leave because he was sick and it was just a mess."
"That's so... cute and sad." I shrugged.
"I'm an love with an emetophobic, What can I say? But back to you, I'm sure you're afraid of something."
"Birds? Really?"
"When I was in the bathroom, a bird attacked me." Niall shivered. "Never again." I laughed loudly, earning a shove from the blond boy. "Fuck off mate!" He laughed.
"M'sorry sorry I just... Birds? Okay I'm done. I swear."
"Shall we return to Louis? Maybe pick him up some food. M'sure he'd love a little down time with Italian or something." I smiled sincerely at him.
"Since when did fake boyfriend's become nice?"
"I'm not a dick. It's obvious you love the lad, I'm not gonna come between that."
"Thanks, I seriously owe you." He moved behind me as he caught sight of a man with a camera, wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek. Ugh. Fucking Press.
"Just smile and act like you enjoy it, and that's all I ask. That's all Liam wants." And with a sigh, I followed the leader.
As Niall suggested, I got Louis Italian. Large Meatball sub and a side of caesar salad. For me not Louis. I'm not a healthy person. If I could, I'd eat 10 bags of chips a day, unfortunately, if I get anywhere near 150... Liam will have my head. Not fatties at work.
Bitch Please.
The only time anyone should worry about their weight, is if they are in danger for being on their death bed for their weight. 50 pounds or 200. I don't see a big problem. Unless you're anorexic. Then you deserve a hug.
So, Lou and I logged out on sharing food. Me feeding him. Him having to wipe red sauce off my face. Which somehow ended up in play fighting. Which then ended up in a brief open mouthed kissing session, then we finished our food. And that kissing progressed on into a 10 minute make out. Which was rather odd because you wouldn't expect for Lou to be up to it after eating. Maybe he was looking for something, who knows. But now, we were cuddling. Somewhat.
I was naked.
Louis was shirtless.
One Duvet.
You know I haven't gotten of in a good 4 days...
Let's make this interesting.
I locked Louis in my grip, not a tight one, but like a hug from behind. Suddenly grinding into his hip.
"What are you-" I interrupted him with a kiss. "Hazzy." I shook my head.
"Nu uh. Too pretty. Please baby. Please." He gasped as I sucked on his neck, moving my hands all over His body. He let out a faint moan. "I wanna show you something. Can I show you it?" He nodded quickly. I pulled the duvet off us, my manhood exposed to him. I moved out in front of him and his gaze shifted down to my semi. I wrapped my hand around it. Slowly stroking. His eyes widened.
"Why are you-"
"Are you uncomfortable?"
"Do you want to touch me?"
"It's okay baby. Come here." He crawled over to me. "Give me your hand." He placed his palm in mine. I brought it over to my erection. "Do you trust me?"
"Are you uncomfortable?"
"Spit in your hand." He spit in his hand slowly. "Fuck." He blushed. "Make a fist." He made said fist. I brought his fist to my cock. "Are you sure?"
"I'm sure."
"Lower your fist on it okay." He bit his lip and wrapped his fist around my cock. From tip to base. I moaned in pleasure and he froze.
"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry-"
"No baby. It feels good. Trust me. Just move it up and down." He gulped, moving it up and down the shaft over and over again slowly. "Oh God Louis that feels so good. So good baby." I looped my arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me. He continued going at it at a slow pace. A slow, torturous pace. "Can you go faster for me?" He obeyed, stepping it up times three. I bit the fabric of his shirt.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine babe. Yeah I'm-shit!" My hips bucked off the bed. I ripped at the duvet.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked panicking.
"Nope. N-Oh! Squeeze your fist." He obeyed. "Oh my God baby I'm gonna..." I wrapped my fist around his, guiding him through my release. And with a jolt and a bite to his shoulder. It hit me like a ton of bricks.
I laid on the bed panting. Louis looking like he killed someone.
"What did... did I do bad I did bad I don't... Harry I'm confused what did we I don't-"
"Shh." I grabbed his face in my trembling hands. His eyes glossed over with tears. "You just gave me the best thing I could ask for. Okay? You're alright. I'm alright. No bruises. No tears. No crying. You and I are fine. Okay baby?"
"Did... am I still a virgin? Did I give you my- I'm not I wasn't ready to I feel like I'm gonna throw up Harry I don't-"
"Come on baby. It's okay." I quickly bought him to the bathroom and sat with him at the toilet. "You need to breathe. You are very much still a virgin. I wouldn't do that. Do you want me to call your mum? Do you wanna throw up?" He started crying.
"I don't. She doesn't like me!"
"Louis shh. I'm right here. She loves you. Calm down baby-" Before I could soothe him, he vomited in the porcelain bowl. He started balling and shaking.
"I want my mum." He sobbed. I went up to get his phone before he sobbed harder and grabbed my ankle. "Don't leave me I don't like-" He threw up again.
"You're alright." I felt guilt wash through my veins.
Not doing that again.
Never doing that again.
"I want my mum don't go Hazzy I don't feel good." I rubbed his back.
"Shh. Is it what we did baby?"
"I feel guilty I wasn't ready and now-"
"Shh. It's okay." I wrapped my arms around him.
"No! Don't touch me you'll get sick too!" He cried. I turned him towards me.
"Louis. Louis listen to me, you did nothing wrong. It's okay. I know you feel sick when you think you did something wrong, but you need to breathe. I'm right here. You made me feel good. And I love you. I'm not mad. You aren't dirty. You did nothing wrong sweetheart." His breathing slowed down.
"I don't like throwing up I feel icky." I petted his head.
"I'm right here, but I'm gonna get you a flannel okay? I'm gonna wet it right now. I'm still right here." He nodded and let me get up. I dug under the sink for a rag, running it under the cold tap water and wringing it out. I moved back over and set the flannel on his forehead.
"Can you call Lottie? I want my sister."
"Are you sure?"
"I just want Lottie." I nodded and picked up the crying boy as he koala bear'd himself to me. I brought him to the bed and retrieved his phone. Scrolling down to his eldest, younger sister. I passed off the phone to him, putting on boxers as he spoke. Speakerphone.
"Louis! Why are you calling so late?"
"I don't feel well." He sniffled.
"Awe Lou. I'm sorry big brother. Is Harry taking care of you?"
"Wanna talk to mummy?"
"Is she still mad at me?"
"You know you settled that months ago big bro, yes or no."
"I guess yes?"
I went into the bathroom as Louis talked to his mum. Making a vow never to get Louis to wank me ever again. Gosh I'm stupid.
I swear I'm gonna kill this boy on accident with my destroying of his innocence.
I don't know where I'm going with this. it's go as we go man. Dude how do you deal with your girlfriend telling you she's straight... I don't know pal. Fun weekend. Oops? Hi!
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