Chapter 4
-Chapter 4-
I looked to my right and saw Louis fast asleep. After eating cupcakes and watching another Romance movie, he curled himself up in a blanket and was out like a light. I smiled. I turned to the clock.
11 pm.
It was good enough. I slipped away from the couch, slipping my arms underneath him. A small groan escaping his lips. I didn't move for a second, but when he yawned and was completely asleep, I took him in my arms again. I carried him to our bed, stripping off his socks and his frames. Along with his shirt. His skin was so tan and soft. So innocent just like him. No tattoos like mine. Except for the small quotations marks on his wrist that you literally had to search for under his woven bracelets he wore. I actually am not sure why he got the tattoo. I don't even know when he got it to be honest. He just did.
His long breaths signaling he was in deep sleep and the limp reaction to his limbs made me smile. I pressed my lips to his forehead. A small smile forming on his lips. I pulled away with a grin.
"You little jerk. You're awake!" He giggled and opened his eyes.
"I like being carried." He laughed and laid beside him.
"You weigh as much as a twig." He shrugged and looked at his tummy.
"Not really." He said poking beside his belly button. I took his hands in mine.
"You're fine. You'd still be my Louis if you weighed as much as big Ben. Are you going to sleep now?" He curled up into my side. His eyes such a perfect shade of blue. Pupils seemingly dilated. He shrugged, putting his head right in front of mine. Our foreheads nearly touching. "How's school?" I asked.
"Hard. I have exams soon."
"And you want to spend study time with a porn star? I'm flattered." He brushed his nose against mine.
"I wanna spend it with my boyfriend." He whispered. His hot cupcake scented breath on my face.
"Smell like red velvet baby." He pressed his lips to mine briefly. "No taste though. Must've worn off." He giggled softly. I drapped my arm over his hip. Pulling his body closer to mine.
"You're still dressed."
"Yeah I know! It's different for me!" He showed amusement in my joke.
"If we're going to sleep, you should undress right?" I pondered his point. Sitting up and removing my shirt. As well as my trousers and socks.
"Better?" He nodded staring down at my form. "Are you enjoying this?" His eyes snapped up to mine.
"You've seen my dick Louis, and you're eyeing it like a hawk." His eyes widened.
"N- No I'm not? W-Was I? Now I feel like a pervert." He blushed, shielding his face in his hands. I grinned, pulling his hands down.
"You've seen me naked. It's no big deal." He let out a choked sigh of relief.
"You've never seen my... have you?" I shook my head.
"I've felt it, never seen it. Why am I creating another problem for you?" He shook his head and gulped.
"I always thought you've had. At least once. I thought it was that time when I broken my wrist and fell in the shower." I had an ah ha moment.
"Oh yeah! But no I didn't look cause you were I don't know, crying in the shower and crippled?" He bit his lip. "Speaking of wrists, when and why did you get that tattoo?" He took his wrist in his hand, pulling down the bracelets to reveal the quotations that looked like abnormal freckles.
"I want you to look at your tattoos, then look back at mine." He hinted. I looked at my tattoos. Figuring out nothing after a minute or two. He sighed and took his hand in mine. "Look." I looked at our intertwined hands.
" I can't change "
"Aww Louis!" I cooed. He blushed heavily and I brought his lips to mine. "That's so cute, but I feel bad because I've never noticed." He shrugged.
"It's okay. I always keep then covered anyways." I felt my heart swell up to the boy.
"Damn you. That's the sweetest thing and I didn't even notice." I rambled hugging him. He giggled.
"It was the only way to prove to my mum that we were real and-"
"Wait what? You got... She kicked you out because of this didn't she!" I was freaking out. Louis always told me it was because she didn't exactly like me, so he yelled at her and that's what got him kicked out. I didn't know he got a tattoo for me. "Louis oh my God baby boy I love you so much. Holy shit baby." I hugged him so tight and kissed him so many times he was probably lightheaded.
"It's no big deal."
"It's a huge deal! You did this for me!?" He nodded bashfully. "I can't even comprehend this. And you've had this for a while you've been living with me ever since you were.... You got this when you were 16!" I asked shocked. "You little fucking rebel! Oh my God you aren't so innocent after all you little liar." He was laughing hysterically at my reaction.
"I'm not a rebel." He gushed.
"Louis can we kiss like we did earlier please because I need that right now." He nodded hesitantly.
"But what if it happens again." He asked worried.
"Then it happens again, it's no big deal." He nodded and triple His head towards mine, mouth already open. I couldn't even help it, this was the closest thing we had to sex. Or making love. And I just wanted to this this because, that's how I want to show him how much I love him until he's ready. Also known as when we get married, hopefully. I heard him moan slightly and I could the hard on in his pajama bottoms straining.
"Harry it's happening again." He whimpered as I kissed his jawline.
"It's no big deal Louis if you have to come, just come."
"But Harry-" I shushed him.
"Put your hand over it and rub it." I told him. He whined again. "It'll help." He moved his hand to his lower region, applying pressure to the strain. A moan slipping from his lips and his his brushing up towards my stomach. "Fuck Louis." He palmed himself over and over as we kissed. His breathing pace like he was running a marathon.
"It's okay." His breath halted, back arching off the bed a bit, pants becoming a wet stain yet again. "I love you. Beautiful boy. My beautiful baby Prince Louis." His breathing was still rough. Trying to come from his high.
"What was that called?"
"It's almost like masturbating not really. But kinda." He groaned.
"I need to go change because... yeah." I smiled.
"It was hot though. You're very pretty." He blushed.
"But what I did was gross."
"What you did, was beautiful and normal. It's fine. Go change then come lay with me okay." He nodded. Going into the drawer, grabbing new boxers and new bottoms.
This needs to stop happening because this is turning me on way more than it should.
The semi in my pants seconding that motion. He's so innocent and I don't wanna pressure him and he has his abstinence wishes and Fuck me. This is why I do porn. No doubt in my mind.
Louis returned a few minutes later, red faced and tossing his clothes in the hamper. He curled up under the covers. Sleepy from being spent. His legs tangled with mine comfortably. His hand clasped with mine. My arm supporting my head. His eyes slowly drifting shut.
"I love you baby."
"I love you Hazzy." And with that, he was asleep.
I was lounging at home. Monday, no filming. But I was going over a few statistics. Also known as the next 50 shades book. So far, America has put out the movie on HBO and Starz, so now everyone can watch me fuck girls. The sad part is, is the new cast. Due to the success, it also brought loads of negativity. BDSM and Bondage comes with the protesters. Granted I never want to flog or spank or tie up... okay maybe tie up. But I wouldn't do any of that stuff to anyone. And if Louis were to even ask for it, I'd refuse. It's like the actors for murder shows, it fucks with your head.
As I was going over the film's contract, my phone rang. Lighting up as: Prince Louis. I answered the call with a small smile.
"Hey baby."
"Hi... Are you busy?" He sounded distressed.
"Not necessarily, why babe what's wrong."
"My car won't start. Can you come pick me up from the university?" I let a profanity slip from my lips.
"I'm already going, I'll be there in 20 okay."
"Thank you! I love you bye!"
I drove at a rather fast pace, trying to get to Louis before he got mauled. He was in his car, alone at UNI. He's very shy and antisocial. And it's freezing. He's got no car. It probably wasn't best to take the Audi, but it was the first one I saw. And I was in a rush.
I pulled up at his school. Seeing his old beat up car in the parking lot. I pulled up next to it, noticing the people outside class staring and conversing about my car. I knocked on his window, seeing him shivering in the front seat. He leapt from the car, koala bear hugging me.
"You're freezing." I frowned, wrapping my arms around him. He was in a pair of bright blue pants, toms, and a lightweight t-shirt. I could hear his teeth chattering. "Baby." My height helped me in the advantage of somewhat carrying him. I kissed his hair, slipping off my hoodie and wrapping it around his shoulders. "My Poor Baby." I cooed. Before I could get him settled in the car, I heard something I really wished I didn't.
"Is that Harry Styles?!" Someone shouted. My eyes widened.
Harry you are in fucking public with Louis.
Oh my God.
You fucktard get in the car.
"Shit shit shit shit shit." I repeated, slamming Louis car door and jogging over to my side. Just as I didn't want to predict, fucking paparazzi followed me here from the house.
Harry, you might as well drive this car into a lake because if anyone finds Louis, you're dead. I jammed the keys in the ignition, revving the engine, and burning rubber. Louis stared at me as we bolted from the lot.
"Louis don't look at me like that."
"Did they see us?" I didn't reply. "Harry?" Still didn't reply. "Hazzy!" I whimpered. In all this time, I had done such a good job hiding him now people might find out who he is and harass him and he's my baby I can't let that happen. "Harry you're talking aloud." I groaned. I contemplated slamming my head into the steering wheel, but that wouldn't be good now would it.
We pulled up at home, and I quickly carried Louis inside. He didn't need to be carried per say, but he can be. I dropped Louis bag by the door and took out my phone.
"I'll call a guy to get your car and bring it here so you can take your stuff."
"Why not be it fixed?"
"Louis it's and old car, it was bound to die you can just use one of mine until I get you a new one." His eyes widened and his brows furrowed.
"I can't drive your Audi!" He said, highly stressed. I kissed his forehead, just as jumpy.
"Then don't, take the SUV." He sighed. My affection calming him down slowly.
"I don't want you to buy me a car either." He mumbled. I wrapped my arm around him, phone pressed to my ear.
"Then I'll buy one for myself that you can drive okay? I'll make sure it's Louis-fied for you." He giggled at my terrible joke. "There we go." I pecked his lips as someone finally picked up the phone.
"Hey Derek, I'm gonna need a pick up. The car is at Westford. Gray 4AUI7B. Good? Kay thanks man." With that I hung up. "Louis?" I called out. The boy was no longer beside me.
I went into the living room, seeing Louis practically in tears. His face in a pillow.
"Baby. Hey hey hey, look at me what's wrong?" I asked kneeling in front of the crying boy. He sniffled and pressed the volume button on the remote, 7 times.
"So Harry and Mystery man? Harry Styles already revealed the secret love he had for the past 4 years, but the question is, whom is this?" A picture of me hugging Louis at his university popped up. When he was freezing and I was hugging him. "Styles was seen with a boy. Described as short, with glasses, piercing blue eyes, Brown tosseled hair and kissing Harry? Also being given the actor's jacket and put into his Audi R8, the pair zoomed away where Harry was found carrying the frightened boy into his home. The question we all want to know, is WHO is this man and why, is he snogging Christian Gr-" I slammed my head into the couch cushion. Letting out a frustrated scream. I lift my head, seeing Louis still in tears.
"Do you hate me?"
"No baby I don't hate you."
"Are you mad?"
"Not at you Loubear."
"Is Liam going to yell at us?"
"I think so." He high pitched wail fell from his lips. I shushed him and took him in my arms. Boy curled up in my lap.
"This is my fault! If I just slept in the car none of this would've-"
"Louis don't even finish that sentence. It was a freak accident. I should've taken percussion. I should've put on a beanie and sunglasses. I should've take the SUV, and I shouldn't have freaked you out. I'm sorry baby. I'm so so sorry. If I never let our relationship slip in that interview, we would be fine. Bit now it's like a terrible mob. He sniffled. "How about I go run you a hot bath so you can warm up, and while you are in there, I'll make us dinner, okay?" I kissed away his tears, and he nodded, a small, not so sincere smile on his lips. I brought him to the kitchen, handing him a cupcake and glass of milk. As he ate, I ran his bath. However he eventually made his way into the bathroom with me. I pressed a kiss to his lips, both apologizing to each other. Before I let him have his privacy
I woke up around 4 am with Louis whimpering in the bed. I turned to face him. His eyes scattered with fatigue and worry.
"Have you slept?" I asked, my voice hoarse with sleep.
"I can't I did, but now I can't." I sighed, wrapping my arms around him. Running my warm fingers over his skin. His eyes fluttering just barely.
"Pretty baby boy." I cooed. He smiled sleepily. I tugged at the back of his hair softly. A sleepy moan escaping from his mouth. I grinned, playing with his feathery brown locks until he was in a state of euphoric drowsiness. "Hush little Lou is don't say a word, Harry's gonna buy you a brand new car." He smiled and slightly laughed at my joke. I pressed my lips to his bare shoulder.
"Hazzy." He mumbled. I nodded slowly. "I had a funny dream." I smiled.
"Did you now?"
"Yeah." His speech was drawlled with sleep. "You and I had sex, and I woke up with a problem." I chuckled softly, keeping it quiet for him.
"Need to take care of it?" He shook his head, resting it on my shoulder.
"No. I palmed myself and the same thing happened. Except I didn't wanna wake you up so I did it in the bathroom without clothes on." I couldn't help but smirk. Louis was tired, nearly asleep. And probably has no idea he's telling me about getting himself off. "It squirted all over my hand and my stomach. And it was warm. And my Willy was red. Really red." He muttered.
"Did you clean yourself off." He nodded.
"I did what you did in a video." He confessed.
"What'd you do baby?"
"I licked it off my fingers." And like that, on that final sentence, he had fallen asleep. And I was dumbfounded. I peaked underneath the blankets.
"Fuck me."
I would've put a chapter up on Sunday, but I was over my girlfriend's house for the weekend. And for all the weed smokers, Hope you had a weedtastic 4/20! I didn't smoke but it was a hell of a day ?;) And by that a mean I watched finding nemo with my girly friend. I smile like an idiot. Kay Bye :)
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