Chapter 21
(Short but fluffy and the wedding is next. So love meeee)
-Harry's Point of View-
When I came home Wednesday, it was about 1 o'clock, pitch black, and Peanut didn't even wake up. The previous nights, I had spent my nights getting absolutely fucking piss drunk and walking into Hotels without a shirt on after various hours of clubbing. Some girls saw me though. Probably the same age as Louis with sticky lipgloss and tracks of braces on their teeth. So maybe younger than Louis. But when I got in the house, I heard the jingle of Peanuts collar and his shadow was the only thing I saw in the light over the stove. I flicked on the light, and woke him up a bit. However, he remained sleepy.
"Hey." I whispered to him. No return. "What no 'welcome home'?" I joked. He sat up a bit and I strode towards him setting down my duffle and tossing my beanie with it, petting him and making him wake up a bit more. He licked the side of my face. "Well good seeing you too. Where's Louis?" Of course it's not like he told me, he's a dog. But I refilled his water bowl before carrying my stuff upstairs. Nearly tripping over a black overstuffed backpack with 'LT' written in silver sharpie on the strap. I removed my boots sitting on the bed that was occupied by a very spread out Louis in a grey onesie. Which, adorably enough, had 2 triangular flaps on the hood along with a tail on the bum. In other words, a kitten onesie. I had the same except a kangaroo.
I laid beside his sleeping figure, wrapping my arms around his waist and giving it a squeeze. He groaned rolling to face me and opening up one eye. Before giving me a double take and opening both up.
"Hello there." He gave me a smile.
"You home for real or am I dreaming again?" I chuckled.
"I dunno poke me." And he did right in the dimples.
"It is you." I grinned.
"Yeah it is." He curled up into my side and I raked my fingers through his fringe.
"Missed you lots."
"Missed you too baby." He balled himself up a bit more, transferring himself from the bed to my chest.
"You're cold."
"Well, I mean it's November in London so... That's not a shocker." He smiled bringing his thumb to his lips. "Silly boy. You won't even wake up for me will you?"
"Nu uh." I poked his stomach and he let out a small stream of giggles. "Hazzy me sleep! I'm sweepy." He stuffed his head into the pillow, causing my lips to turn up at the corners
"You're taking up my spot in the bed." He was silent.
"Sleep on the floor." I rolled my eyes, stripping down to my boxers and climbing back into the bed a bit. Lifting up the drowsy boy and plopping him back on my chest. "Still cold."
"Go to sleep you lioness." He lifted his head and narrowed his eyes at me.
"I'm a boy."
"Yeah yeah yeah, kiss me and go to sleep." So he pressed a sleepy kiss to my lips and put his head on my chest, and he was out cold. And I followed extremely close behind.
When I woke up again I had a massive case of jet lag considering it was late noon and Louis was in school. However I did awake to a very happy heartsy text message. Filled with about 5 'I love you's and 2 'You look pretty when you sleep but you snore so stop snoring' which you know of course I can't really stop. But after reading the lovely text from my soon-to-be-husband (what a nice ring) I made myself a very very late breakfast and probably lost as many calories as my breakfast was in the basement on a treadmill, elliptical, and then just me having my own body only work out plan. Happily finishing with deep damn breathing and a downward freaking dog and an awkward tree pose and other stuff on a yoga disc (Mock me for it. I don't care) eventually, I made dinner which consisted of a lazy bowl of pre-made raviolis and red sauce and at the stroke of 5:30, the soon-to-be-husband entered the house being barked at by a dog and petting said dog for 5 minutes by the door (then again we both do that) and he came in with his 40 pounds of usual homework and sat himself in my lap and wrapped his arms around my neck. Kissing my nose cause my lips were occupied by food.
"You're awake!" He bounced. I chuckled resting my hands on his thighs.
"Wide awake." He swiped his thumb over the corner of my mouth and brought it to his lips.
"Good sauce."
"Made it and saved it myself." He grinned stealing one of my raviolis.
"My fiancé the chef." I chuckled. He pressed his forehead against mine. "So I can I actually snog you or will I get food in my mouth?" I laughed with my mouth sealed.
"Well you you want to baby bird?"
"No I do not."
"Then I suggest you don't snog me then!" He giggled loudly poking my nose.
"Then swallow."
"Are you implying you want me to give you a blowjob?" He slapped my arm.
"You're so weird."
"You fucking love it though." He rolled his eyes swiping more sauce off my lips and bringing it to his.
"How was New York?" I hummed around my fork.
"Good. Really really good. I got a bit pissed."
"I heard you dressed like Miley Cyrus." He stated sucking red off his thumb. "Wanna tell me about that?"
"Drunk Harry and spandex?"
"I saw your little buns too." I laughed. "I'm gonna cut your hair so you can't do that no more." I gasped over-dramatically. Fortunately, Louis' mind took it serious.
"Not my hair!"
"Yes too your hair and your dumb stubble too!"
"Too rough for your thighs honey?" His cheeks fell a heavy pink
"You are absolutely terrible!" I laughed tipping up his chin and locking lips with him multiple times every few seconds. Ending up with his hand rubbing over my shoulder. He moved from my lips to my neck rather quickly however. Sucking bruises into my skin. But as I took in his sight, I noticed a white plastic bracelet around his wrist.
"Louis... What's that?" He pulled off.
"What's what?"
"Why do you have a Victorian Chapel Hospital bracelet around your wrist?" I asked pointing to it. His face went white. "Louis?"
"It's nothing don't worry." I pulled his wrists quickly making him whimper. Checking for any red lines of any sort on his wrists. "I'm fine! Hazzy Im fine!!" He snapped. I stared at him and he shrunk. "I'm okay I promise I just had a check up."
"Promise. Pinky promise." His face was still white.
"Louis is something wrong?" I mumbled. He bit his lip. "Love please tell me. Please?" He brought his thumb to his lips and started gnawing in it out of nervous habit. "Something did happen didn't it?" He was silent. "Louis. Speak I can't read you mind sweet boy." I pushed his fringe from his eyes.
"You know I don't like to be touched right?" I was quiet for a minute. Gears turning in my head.
"What do you mean 'touched'?" I asked hesitantly.
"I only trust you you know that right?" I thought for another moment before it all clicked.
"Oh... Oh baby boy!" I kissed his forehead. "Doctors don't hurt you they just wanna make sure everything checks out." He whimpered.
"But they touched me in a certain place Hazzy and I hated it so much." I kissed his temple. "And I yelled and kicked at them." I sighed.
"I know it's far from comfortable obviously and it's weird but they wanna make sure you don't have anything... Wrong down there." He turned his head to the side.
"Wrong? What could be wrong?" I gulped.
" can get cancer there." His eyes widened. "And a lot of other diseases." I murmured. All of which he heard clear.
"But if you don't have that stuff, I can't have that stuff right?" I stammered.
"I don't know love sometimes at work and it can get messy."he stared at me. "But I get tested every couple weeks. I got lots of people touching me there." His eyes softened.
"You're very brave." I smiled subtly at the boy.
"And you-" I poked his nose. "Are. Too." He giggled. "But did you get checked eventually babe?"
"Mmhm her name was Bonnie and she let me have 2 lollies." I chortled.
"That is wonderful love. And nothing was wrong?"
"Good! My little knight is what you are." He smiled.
"But I so not have a sword..." He stated confused.
"No I think you do." He stared at me, his head tilted in confusion before he understood.
"Cheeky and naughty." I laughed. "You will finish eating then lay with me in bed?"
"Sure thing cupcake." He kissed my cheek, snagging his bag and rushing up the stairs. And like he told me to, I finished eating followed by returning upstairs. Seeing him in his kitten onesie once more. His head on Peanut and eyes shut. Earbuds connected to his phone snug in his ears. I creeped up to the side of the bed not making a sound. I reached down to his leg poking his foot and his eyes bolted open and laughter fell from his lips.
"I detect a sleepy boy."
"I need a nap."
"And you don't even tell me! I'm shocked!" He yanked on my sleeve.
"Cuddle me."
"Yeah yeah yeah. You only love me for my warmth don't you?" He closed his eyes again as I mingled my way into the sheets. He sighed happily at the warmth my body gave off, bringing his thumb to his lips. "You really need to stop sucking your thumb Lou."
"M'not hurting anyone."
"It'll mess up your teeth."
"Well they're not messed up now. So leave me be." I shook my head at him and let him continue to suck on his thumb. I stroked the side of his cheek until his eyes opened up a bit. "Going to sleep?" He didn't answer, he just pressed a chaste kiss to my neck.
"Nu uh."
"Why's that?"
"Cause I wanna stay up with you." I nodded. "How was New York? What'd you do? Besides dress up like American celebrities because that was all over the Internet." I laughed.
"Well I got drunk-"
"I figured that out before you were even home."
"And I smoked pineapple." He eyed me, confusion written all over his face.
"How do you smoke pineapple?" I grinned, itching the back of my neck awkwardly.
"It was like marijuana-"
"You didn't!" He said loudly and sitting up. "Your asthma would kill you!"
"But! But! It was legal and didn't make you... Hallucinate. It was legal and it was at a bar." His face softened. "It was Hookah I think?"
"What.. What is Hookah?" He asked. I laughed.
"I dunno. I know it was cool though." He nodded laying back down and letting his hand graze over the patch of skin my shirt didn't cover.
"What else did you do?"
"Promos." He nodded once more. Before kissing my fingers and rubbing my knuckles with his thumb. "What was that for love?"
"Just really glad you're home Hazzy."
It was torrential downpour and Louis' hood dripped drops into his eyes as did mine as we brought box after box into an empty dining hall. He placed jars lined with glitter on tables. Filling them with small white candles that smelt of vanilla. Also known as a scent that makes both of us happy. I scuttled behind him, complimenting his jars with various sizes of the same jar, filled with water and glitter that sat at the bottom just waiting to be shaken. My mum, was wrapping bows around chairs and his mum, was finishing off table cloths with Lottie. Fizzy was grazing through boxes with Louis' current littlest set of twins. However Phoebe, came in the sight of about 300 unwrapped bubble wands and squealed.
"Louis!!!" She cried. The 19 year old twisted around at the sound, and she bolted over to him. "Louis can we open these?" Louis bit his lip, turning to me. Of course I just sent him a smile, causing his lips to turn up.
"Yes you can. But please don't use them all okay?" Phoebe's duplicate now stood beside her. Both matching pink fingers and toothy grins with missing teeth. Lottie strode over as well.
"Why do you even have bubbles at an indoor wedding anyways?" Louis grinned up at her as he cut the plastic seal with his car keys.
"Cause bubbles make me happy." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.
"And that's all that matters about tomorrow right?" He nodded placing a giggly kiss on my lips. Lottie groaned.
"You sicken me." I rolled my eyes.
"You know technically, in a few hours, I'll legally be your brother-in-law."
"That makes me feel even worse." I heard my mum laugh from across the room and Louis blushed.
"He's just overprotective Lot." Lottie rolled her eyes.
"I don't see a point in weddings. We all know your gonna be shagging 12 hours later." Louis eyes widened and a darker blush creeped up his neck.
"Mum will hear you..." Louis warned in a whisper.
"I hope she does." I shook my head at the bickering siblings.
"I'm gonna put Louis to good use and get more stuff from the car okay? Okay. Stop embarrassing your brother." I said, pulling Louis hand in mine. He intertwined the fingers by second nature, fixing his hood and stumbling over his van clad feet. I pushed open the door to outside and we pulled more stuff from the back of the car that was parked right near the patio. The rain continued falling, and as Louis' nose got hit with the first drop, he let out a giggle. I lowered the box that was in my hands, staring at him. He stepped out from the covering, allowing rain to boor on him. His mouth twisted up and giggles streamed out his mouth and he held out his little hands catching raindrops in his hands. I shook my head at him, completely setting the box down and stepping towards him, however not in the rain.
"What are you doing?" He stated up at the gray skies, before looking back at me.
"Come in the rain with me!" He called. I shook my head with a smile.
"'Ve only got a hoody. I'll get all wet." A pout fell on his lips, and of course I pulled up my good and stepped into the hard precipitation. I crossed my arms and shivered, only to be attacked by a wet wet wet Louis. He giggled into my chest. "What do you want you goober?" He pulled off his good and stood up on his tip toes, placing a small kiss on my mouth. Thing about Louis kisses, is that they're as addicting as a heroin injection. You always need a bit more. I wrapped my arms around his waist, keeping him up with the slightest. It wasn't until we heard the creak of the door that our lips left. And we nearly bonked heads figuring out the culprit. Of course, It was my sibling. Gemma. She stood smug, my jumper she was borrowing tugged onto her form.
"So would you like a towel or a rubber?" I set Louis down glaring at her. And Louis hid himself as red as a cherry in my chest.
"Eithers fine we'll use it either way." I felt his fist slam against my chest and I laughed at his embarrassment. She rolled her eyes, like everyone else who had seemed to talk to me for more than 5 seconds this week.
"You're disgusting."
"I will hug you." I warned.
"I dare you. I truly do."
"I'll take that dare and raise you a hug." I parted from Louis side taking small steps towards her.
"Shut it little bro."
"Gemma wants a hug? Hmm?" She took a step back as I took one forward, before racing and throwing my arms around her, lifting her a foot off the ground.
"You soggy arse!" She swore. I laughed manically at her.
"You said you wanted a hug." I squished her tighter.
"I was joking and I would like to live until tomorrow not suffocate in your arms little boy!" I placed her on her feet. Towering over her. She shook the drops off her arms. "I will mess you up."
"Bite me." She shoved my shoulder, earning another laugh from me and went into the hall. Louis stood, laughing and shaking his head. "Would you like a hug?" Louis shook his head holding up his phone.
"No but I did like that video I just made. 'Little boy'" and with a giggle and a drop of my jaw, he was gone like my contract on November first for porn.
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